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A few questions

Okay just a few simple questions:

What are the best workouts for....

..... reducing bust size?
..... reducing your derriere (behind, bum, butt, what-have-you)?

I ask because these are my main problem areas. I know walking drastically can help tone your bottom but I can't always get outside to walk because of the weather (I have two babies I can't take out with me in tempermental weather). So I definitely want to know what I can do, without equipment, at home for my butt. And my chest is large and in charge--- and not in a good way.

Oh, speaking of chests (sorry guys, click out of this one! I mean it!) I have noticed a little weight loss in them. But they're starting to sag now. It seriously hurts me to even type that out because I'm only 23. I'm assuming they got so big that when I lose in that region they will not be perky anymore, huh? I guess that is a question no one would really have an answer to but experiences welcome.

So--- workouts for chest and butt that I can do at home?
5 Responses
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Oh and what is a chest press?
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Yes, I have some 3-lb and 5-lb dumbells. 5-lbs is probably a little much at this point so I'll use the others one first! My husband will be so sad to see shrinkage in the chest area but... a woman has to do what a woman has to do! He just doesn't understand how cumbersome it can be and I can't see my toes (because of my chest, NOT my belly). Yuck, yuck.

I'll do a ton of squats and lunges tomorrow (Monday) since it is my weight day. I'm trying to do weight-type training every other day. Right? To give them rest? But I do crunches everyday because abs can be worked everyday.
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756140 tn?1294767094
I'm really glad I came across this post.. I have the same problem areas.. My tummy, hips, butt, and thigh areas. Basically my entire mid-section. LoL! and I am only 22 so I know how you feel. But I will certainly try out some of these work outs as well! =]
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419964 tn?1333301906
Ms. joy joy nice to see you over here :) you have come to the right place dont be a a stranger now :) LOL

First off... you want a smaller bust area. i know how you feel im 23 and have the saggage thing going on too!! very disappointing. i do not know of any exersises that would tone them and lose the weight in them soo cant really help you there. when you find somethiing that works let me know plz...

2nd ur butt. as twehner5 said lunges and sqauts work really great for that area.

add jumping jacks for the fun of it :)

i have an exersise for you that i learned in the army which u will not have too leave the house for which is great for you plus as a bonus you can get your girls involved as well not sure if they would be able to do them but it would be a great work out for you as well as involving the girls in to it make it fun :) ohk im going to try and explain it the best way i can

its called FRONT BACK GO'S

FRONT- is push ups and yes girl push ups are welcomed lol

BACK- flutter kicks.. lay on your back with ur hands under your bum, raise your legs at a 90degree angle then move your legs the opposite way.

GO- Running in place

now you have to do this at a fast pace there timed well they actually do not have to be timed thats just how i did them. do this for at least 5 minutes aday and see what happens good luck joy joy

i know you will succeed in this you can do it let me know how you like it:)
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657315 tn?1319491387
Okay, chest presses are good for your pecks.  Some women mistakenly think this will enhance breast size - I am pathetic proof...let's NOT go there.  No, your pecks are the muscles behind your breasts!!!  Perk up your girls, GIRL!   (Do you have dumb-bells?)

Your buttinski???  Squats and lunges!  Oh, yeah, that's what I'm talkin about!  I had to fill in (teach) a body sculpt class Fri. at the Y and I called it "National Squat and Lunge Day"!  What was I thinking???  I'm so sore.  Go for it.  I dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (watch your form, or you will/can hurt your knees!)

You are so right about walking, whittles the hips like there's no tomorrow!  I can't wait till the snow/ice is gone and I can get in some walking.  I'm the same weight I was a few years ago, but my hips are about 2 inches bigger!!!  I was walking then!
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