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Can being overweight cause this?

It seems like little activity causes my heart rate to go up. I'm 17, and I weight 310.6. When I try to sleep at night, if I roll over, my heart rate goes up and it's hard to breath. I often have to sleep on my side all night to avoid this. I constantly feel weighed down when I walk, out of breath, and just plan bloated. I think I may have sleep apnea because one of my nostrils expels no air whatsoever most of the time and I have loud snoring problems that my folks have noticed. It scares me that this stuff happens because I'm only 17, but it seems like I can't even hold true to a diet. I started weight watchers, but never went through with it. I started walking, but never went through with it. Even though I want to lose weight (about 84.8 pounds is how much I'm overweight and I need to lose) and I'm afraid to die because of my weight, the motivation somehow just isn't there.

Can being overweight cause these kind of problems, and if so, is there anything I can do to bring up my drive or motivation to finally start exercising more and eating better? Thank you!
23 Responses
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758161 tn?1234168016
Hi fellow name bearer
A belated welcome, i have been unable over the last few weeks, to other than plot my progress on this site. But i have read all the trials, support and great efforts you are putting in. There is not much more i can add to the great advise that you have been given, i like most of us in our internet community, wish we could be by your side to help you along. But remember the next best thing to being with you in person, is being with you in our thoughts. As it was expressed in a previous post, you have some great people on this site that really care about each other and who are, or have been going through similar trials that you are, so can offer sound advise. I will add that, you know what weight you want to come down to, so set you goals to reach it, in manageable targets, you will get a great uplift when you reach each one and it will give you confidence to carry on.

WELCOME once again, from previous posts i see that you want to win, and i know you WILL do it. Go for it my friend !!!!!
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649848 tn?1534633700
Hi and welcome back - wondered where you went.  

Normal heart rate is 60-100, so you don't WANT to go much below 60.  *I* am hypothyroid and before I was diagnosed, I had to wear a holter monitor - my heart rate dropped into the low 30's while I was sleeping - NOT good..

All of this leads me to ask the question - is your heart REALLY beating as fast as you think it is or is it just beating really hard and SEEMS like it's racing?  I would suggest that check with your doctor about that.  You could have a thyroid issue - maybe hypOthyroid causing your body to slow down, alternating with hypERthyroid, causing it speed up.  Maybe something else.

You don't mention if you've changed any of your eating/drinking habits.  

Let us know how you do.  
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I have an update. The past few weeks have been terrible. My anxiety has gone back up, my heart races all the time, and I can't ever get to sleep before at least 5AM in the morning which I am sure is adding to my irregular and fast heartbeat and absolute tired and weak feeling all the time.

Even nights when I get to sleep if I just ignore my heart beat I don't feel rested even after 9 hours of sleep. As far as weight, because of my trips to the ER with anxiety and tacycardia and everything else I've been unable to walk or exercise. I feel like I've gained a few pounds,  but I'm not sure yet. I need to buy a scale.

My Psychiatrist recommended I buy a heart rate watch, so I get one, it also has 12 features and a pedometer/calories burned meter. My heart rate seems to never go below 60, and often, little activity and it skyrockets to over 120 and will stay there for long periods of time. My resting heart rate was not abnormal at about 67, but I'm assuming I either have a thyroid issue or it's just my weight.

My folks plan to call my family doctor tomorrow to see if the numerous blood tests I've had done (about 5 at the ER visits alone) will show anything. I hope to be better soon and back to losing weight.
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284738 tn?1283106819
since you love juice.. i just wanted to give you a tip.. tropicana makes this 15 calorie juice.. and its surprisingly good.. and they also make tropicana 50 .. its orange juice that has 50% less sugar...  and i love crystal light its tastes soo good.. i was a soda holic and is been 45 days since i had a regular soda ( i sound like im in aa .. lol)

since you have a lot of extra weight .. riding a stationary bike might be your ticket to loose some weight.. its very low impact so therefore better for your feet and ankles than walking.. and its awesome cardio..
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649848 tn?1534633700
Good to see you back.  Hope your Easter was good too.  Yep, we're still here pluggin' away.  

Have you talked with your doctor about whether or not you may have other medical issues causing you to gain weight?  Sounds like you might need to be checked for thyroid issues, insulin resistance, etc.  Those are things that will cause you to gain weight and/or make if almost impossible to lose if your levels aren't balanced.  

I would strongly recommend that you get some simple blood tests done to check for these things and maybe some others as well.  
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657315 tn?1319491387
So GOOD to see you back, Steve!

We're still here, plugging along.  

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Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been out of it due to the lack of sleep. Doctor said my heart was fine, put me on prevacid for the GERD. I think I may have a hernia or something because it's very hard to breath sometimes. Then again, it could just be the weight issues. I registered in at 312, so I have gained weight unfortunately. But I'm really gonna start hitting this thing hard. I can't take this potato sack of a stomach anymore.

Hope you all had a great Easter!
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657315 tn?1319491387
Yay, Steve!  I would NEVER say you should give up ALL burgers!  I was just waiting to hear you say what you HAVE specifically done.  "Less of the high calorie stuff for now" is good!  

I'm also thrilled you drink plenty of water.  The less juice, the better.  

I'm happy about your walking and that you have a built-in goal there.  THAT'S THE WAY TO DO IT!  

You are off to the greatest start.  You are going to do it!  GOOD FOR YOU!
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797340 tn?1240507697
You are doing great so far!! I actually drink about 7 bottles of water, I go through the stuff like crazy! I get ALOT of fluids a day probably too much, but I also lose alot when I work out.

Be careful and Keep up the amazing job! Your doing it!

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I do plan to cut the fatty foods out. I mean a burger every now and then, but less of the high calorie stuff for now. As for the juice, since I drink about 5 regular water bottles a day, I think I get plenty of water out of that. Someday's I drink so much water I nearly over-hydrate. We walked 2 days so far, tomorrow is the last day for this week. We are up to 30 minutes. Next week I will add 5 more. Hopefully get up to 45-50 soon.
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579258 tn?1250649343

Hi Steve ~ Aren't your teammates wonderful?  They truly will be with you throughout your journey so .. always come to the board whenever you have questions, you're having difficulty, you're celebrating or feeling down .. we're all in this together.

Don't know how I could add much more to what has been shared, but I am going to try as well.  Besides .. I'm kind wordy now and then ... (like most of the time .. ha haa ha).

The juice debate .. if it is something you feel you must have, then please try to hold it to one 8 oz glass.  You can begin by learning about the calorie content in juice.  It is a lot higher than eating the fruit.  I found it helpful to not "deprive" myself, but to slowly start making better choices .. like a smaller glass .. or eating the fruit.

SMALL changes are the key.  If you tell us some of the things you LIKE to eat, we can help you find some alternatives that may give you the same flavors for fewer calories .. and a healthier option.  For instance .. in regards to the burger and shake .. how about a grilled 1/2 beef - 1/2 turkey burger (medium size) and a whole wheat bun and a fruit and yogurt smoothie?

Looking forward to your response from Twehner's last message .. she is known as one of our "drill sergeants" .. LOLLL   She helps hold our feet to our dreams ..

YOU MOST DEFINITELY CAN DO THIS .. and this community is HERE TO HELP.  Be sure to use your weight and exercise trackers .. they are most helpful.  Also .. may want to take a picture now and then take one every month ... eventually you will see great changes and this WILL help motivate you .. it did/does me!

Best wishes .. and warm supportive (((Hugs)))
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657315 tn?1319491387
Hey Steve,  This is a "tough love message"  ;)   Did you walk today?  I hope so.  You sounded determined to do so.  I like your attitude!

And, what SMALL dietary change are you willing to make?   I have NOT heard you say you are willing to give up anything yet.  (See, I told you I would be a little tough tonight.  That's what you get for keeping me up past my bedtime  lol!)

What if you add just a little water to that berry juice.  Have you looked at the calories in a serving of juice?  AND have you measured how much you are actually drinking?  I bet you'd be shocked at the difference between a serving and what you might be drinking.  It's easy to pour a 20 oz glass, when a serving might be 8 oz (and easily 140 calories for just the 8 oz).  So, a 20 oz glass might have 350 calories!!!  And...how many times a day are you drinking juice?  Like I said, there is almost 0 nutritional value in it.  100% juice means nothing, except sugar usually.

You could try Crystal Light...0 calories...

I'm already going to bed...but I'll look tomorrow!
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649848 tn?1534633700
You go Guy!!  
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Will do, and again, I really appreciate you all's help. I'll going to walk for 3 days a week starting tomorrow. I walk at this really nice air conditioned track inside a local Church and Community Center, though I still sweat, so it's still working. I'm gonna start at 30 minutes, see if I can add about 3-5 every week. I'm already changing some things. Love you all!
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649848 tn?1534633700
How about a compromise??  Since you LOVE the berry juice, why not just cut out SOME of it, rather than ALL??  The berries are so much better for you.  That could your one small change for a week and see if you really miss all that juice as much as you think you will.  Also you could try smoothies with fresh (or frozen) fruit - yummy.  But if you MUST have all that juice, at least make sure that you get ones that are pure juice with no added sugars (watch out there because "sugar" has a ton of different names).  

No one expects you to become a vegetarian or anything.  Man if I had to give up my steaks and pork chops, I'd die!!  Just limit your portions to reasonable sizes and eat plenty of veggies with it.  And try to get in plenty of chicken, turkey and fish along with it.  Limit the white breads, rice, etc.  

I'm not a big one for skim milk either and I'm on thyroid med and not supposed to use soy products, so what I did was go to 2%, then on down from there.  I also found a milk called "skim plus" - it's fat free milk, but has a creamy taste like regular milk.  It's a bit more expensive, but I've found it's worth it.  

If you watch your portion sizes and get plenty of exercise, you should be just fine.  You need to make sure that whatever changes you make toward healthy eating are changes that you can maintain for a life time.  

Do make sure you talk to your doctor about any supplements because certain things don't mix with certain meds.  You would generally be safe with a good daily "multi".  

And of course, hang with us - we'll help get you there.  
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797340 tn?1240507697
I use to have manic depression and was on prozac for it, once I started exercising and eating right, I noticed that when I took the medication it made me depressed! Keep watching for this as your depression may just be due to health issues not mental ones. If you notice that you seem more depressed ON the medication tell your doctor and see what he thinks. I have been off prozac for 2 years directed by my doctor that I no longer needed it. :) Keep an eye not only on your physical health, but due to having depression, your mental health as well. Listen to your body, it knows whats best for you!
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I'm not gonna stop listening. I appreciate all the advice, I'll definitely start using it. I'm a big framed tall young man, so I won't ever be tiny, but I do look forward to being healthier.

I'm the type of the person who will always love a good burger or shake, but if I can just add some healthier choices in addition, and take out highly unhealthy choices, and start exercising, I think I can do it.

I'll be honest with you all right now, I'm not looking to go vegan or start eating all organic. I'm looking to change my diet though, and with your help I'm already getting some good ideas next time I go with my folks to the market.

Since I love Berry Juice, and I have to drink low acid orange juice due to my GERD issues, I'm not sure I can change that. But I can change the frequency of eating highly fatty foods. And the amount.

As for milk, I tend to drink normal milk with vitamin A. I don't like skin milk or soy milk. When I eat cereal, I usually eat Kashi. The oat kind, kind of like Cheerio's but with tons of fiber. It helps regulate my digestive system.

And I've been told I needed to start a vitamin regimen. Some signs of deficiencies are showing like a cut like crease in my tongue and my skin is sometimes discolored. Fish Oil tends to mess with my stomach, so I'll have to see a doc about that. Plus I'm already on anti-depressants so I have to be careful about what I eat and the things in it.

At the end of the day I just want to feel like a normal teenager would. I'm tired of lugging around this mammoth sack of fat.

And I very much appreciate again, you all's help. It really does help me.
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657315 tn?1319491387
Thanks for getting back to us!  It's always good to know someone actually read what we wrote - so many times, we write to "AIR".  

You CAN do this, do YOU KNOW THAT?

The other two above me touched on this, BUT I have to, too!  My youngest daughter's pediatrician HATES fruit juices and says he wishes it JUST WASN'T SOLD. PERIOD!  There is almost NO nutritional value in it, EXCEPT the exception of orange juice with calcium in it, BUT BARB IS RIGHT!!!  A whole orange is so much better for you, because you'll get so much fiber.

AND, a great post-exercise snack is a glass of skim OR 1% milk.  BE CAREFUL!  A glass is 8oz!  But, three 8 oz glasses a day is good for you (or 3 servings of low-fat dairy per day).

Since soda isn't one of your vices (I just used that as an example), you could either give up your fruit juices OR something else.  Just pick 1 thing and do it for a week.  That PLUS getting more active for ONE WEEK, might help you out.

I sure hope so!  WE want YOU to succeed!  GOOD LUCK!
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649848 tn?1534633700
Welcome aboard.  You've been given some very sound advice and there really isn't a whole lot I can add. BUT leave it me - I've got to try!!  lol

I personally, can't tell a difference in the taste between "organic" food and others, but they are aImost always more expensive and I rarely spend the extra $ for them.  Don't forget too that you frozen fruits and veggies are just as good as fresh and can often be found on sale.  

You said you drink a lot of fruit juices.  Fruit juice is good for you, but often has extra sugar added in.  Why not replace that orange juice with a whole orange, or the berry juice for whole strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc?  You will not only get the juice, but also the fiber, etc from the whole fruit.  

LeniuXenobia is correct about eating breakfast.  It really IS the most important meal of the day.  It's also usually a good idea to eat several small meals and snacks throughout the day than to try to stick with just 3 meals/day.  By eating several small meals through the day, you will keep your blood sugar levels steadier, which will help cut cravings.  Be sure to get plenty of protein and fiber with each meal/snack you eat.  

It would also be a good idea to start a food journal to go along with your exercise tracker.  You can do that either by starting a journal here on med help or try some other web sites that have actual food journals and will help keep up with calories and nutritional value of the foods you eat, but will also suggest possible menus for you to try - complete with recipes. Two good ones are "s park p eople" (no spaces) or "l ive s trong" (no spaces).

Keep posting so we can see how you are doing.  There's a lot of help and support here.  Don't go away.  
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797340 tn?1240507697
Organic foods taste just about the same as other foods, but without the pesticides, growth hormones, and bad preservatives! Organic foods just mean that there are no growth hormones, pesticides or any other harmful things used in the product. I have switched to Organic food after being feed stuff you buy at Wal-mart, Kroger, Safeway and I honestly can't tell a difference at all! I've been eating all Organic for 2 and a half years. If you still want to shop at Wal-mart ect, look for food with the name "Nature's Promise" It is often made much healther then the other foods. Also if you drink milk get skim milk.

You say you drink alot of juices, while juice is good for you some juice contains ALOT of sugar which is not. If you drink juice do it earlier in the day and work out shortly afterwards so that it doesn't get stored into your fat.

Also stay away from anything with Sodium Benzoite, Aspertaime, and MSG. These are preservatives put in both drinks and food and are very unhealthy for your body. High Fructose Corn Syrup is also bad, it is extremely high in calories and has very very little nutrional value to you.
Mono Sodium Gludamate is also very bad for you, it's extremely addictive and there for you keep eating even after you should stop. It is also referred to as a nuerotoxin and anything with the word toxic in it is bad! Prolonged consumption of MSG kills off nuero recepters which let you know when you've eaten too much.

Prolonged Consumption of Sodium Benzoite and Aspertaime may give you symptoms of MS, Possible Seizures,  fatigue, hearing loss, headaches, muscles locking up, back ache, excessive weight gain, and extreme depression. What happens is Aspertaime and SB turn into formeldahyde which can be a deadly gas outside the body. However inside the body we produce a very small amount of this, but consuming these ingrediants increases that amount, especially if you are consuming alot of it and it will make you VERY ill as I have mentioned above!

I do not eat all that many Veggies either, but I try to squeeze them in when I can. I'm more of a fruit person and absolutely love apples and kiwis! If I had to choose a vegetable it would likely have to be califlower. Just find a veggie you enjoy eating and keep it around as a snack. Carrots are good too!

Be sure to eat breakfast, even if it's very small. Special K Cereal or a Slimfast shake in the morning is usually about all I have time for.

Research what you are currently eating and see what you are missing, you may need dietary suppliments such as Fish Oil, a Daily Vitamin ect.

Hope this helps and Let me know what you think. :)

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate the encouraging. I don't like organic food, but I do like some vegetables. The main problem I can see right now is I rarely eat vegetables. I get tons of protein in meat, but not enough vegetables. I know I have to change that, and re-balance it out. I love meat, so balancing it out rather than going totally to vegetables is probably better.

And about the soda's, it's actually strange, but I only drink water right now. I have a soda rarely. The other drinks I consume are Orange Juice, Tropicana Berry Juice, and sometimes Sunny D. I don't get out much, so I definitely agree I need to start exercising more.

I like the idea of increasing the minutes every day. I can do that. I also have heard getting the weight off is motivation in itself, so that just reinforced my view on that. I also like the tracker idea.

I really appreciate the encouragement! :)
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657315 tn?1319491387
LeniuXenobia has given you some good advice, and she's much closer to your age than I am.  She has mentioned not only the health risks involved with being overweight, but also the personal ones (your self esteem).

I really don't need to repeat what she said...read it again, she's so right and YOU ARE SO WORTH IT!!!

You mentioned not being able to stick with a diet or walking program.  How about if you just make ONE SMALL CHANGE FOR ONE WEEK.  The change can be SMALL and it can be whatever YOU are READY and WILLING to give up NOW (I'm talking about food first).

I'm trying to think:  Okay, here's one that worked for me in the past.  I didn't even like soda very much, but I would drink it because it was HERE.  So, that was "EASY" to give up!  I didn't even have to replace it with a diet soda - I just gave it up.

So, think about something you eat that you KNOW isn't good, but you'd be willing to give up (DON'T pick your favorite thing, you won't stick with it!!!).  Start with that, but you might have to replace it with something.  If you eat a regular breakfast and "top it off with a donut", skip the donut, or have half an English muffin, etc.  THINK!  You can do this!!!  For one week!  Tell me some ideas, just remember, start with something you're willing to give up!

EXERCISE:  Since we can't come and walk with you, there are a couple of things you can do.  One, you "should" (I'm going into Mom-mode!) set up an "Exercise Tracker".  You will feel so good "writing" in it EACH DAY.  Two, you "should" set a goal of walking for 10 minutes each day.  It doesn't have to be fast.  Stroll!  Walk around your house, JUST MOVE FOR 10 MINUTES EVERY DAY!  Track your efforts in your tracker!  That will be your "partner".  PLUS, you can set up trackers to be seen by us (OR NOT!).  You can ask someone to look at it and "give you a hard time" if you aren't doing AT LEAST 5 DAYS PER WEEK.

Sound like a plan?  Then you can increase your time, even if it's just 11 minutes/day!

You CAN do it, but please BELIEVE in yourself!!!  I'll be anxious to hear from you!
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797340 tn?1240507697
Yes being obese will definately cause all of the mentioned problems above plus others! Being overweight makes you high risk for heart attacks and diabeties! These are very serious health issues and you really need to address your weight, especially since you are having such difficulty just breathing!

As for motivation being overweight is unhealthy!! Period. It will cause you to have a shorter life. Other motivation is just gaining your own self esteem, being able to go to a theme park and actually being able to get on every ride (personal goal there). Also this site has a lot of people who will give you support with your goals.

The more you exercise the more energy you will gain and this will help motivate you. Do something everyday, work it into your daily routine and eventually your body will crave the exercise and doing it will not be a problem at all!

As for diets. I am not on a diet, but I can still lose weight because I exercise regularly and not necessarly watch what I eat, but make sure that I know what I'm eating. I only eat organic foods, which can be hard on a budget for someone your age, but I'm sure your parents will be very supportive of you if you talk to them! Also replace everything you drink with water. Absolutely NO soda, not only is that alot of empty calories, but it's actually more calories then the bottle says because the high content of sugar! Energy drinks are very bad too!

Also be sure you are getting enough fiber in your diet, eat fruit and veggies, but don't forget your protien! Don't eat after 6p.m if possible and exercise 30-mins to an hour before eating.

Also you may want to get your thyriod checked if you've always been overweight. You may have an under active thyriod, they did not catch mine till I was 18.

If you have anymore questions about my post feel free to note me!

Hope this helps

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