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Fat loss and toxin release, is there a correlation?

I have read that many toxins are stored in the fat cells in the body, and when one loses weight, or burns fat so to speak, these toxins are released.  If this is true, then where exactly are these toxins going?  Through which organ are these toxins filtered if at all?  I am assumming it would be through the liver.  I know that many specific toxins like THC, are stored in the fat cell, and when one loses weight, this can be released in to the blood stream.  Is this true? I have heard of people becoming very ill, even more ill than if they did not lose weight, when these toxins are overloaded in the system. What other toxins that we are exposed to, are we releasing when we start burning fat? I am wondering if there is a correlation between significant weight loss, (not by Gastric bypass), toxin release, and the development of disease.  We are always told how unhealthy it is to be obese, but rarely hear about people getting very sick, after a significant weight loss.  Is it possible, that this "shock" to a system, could spark off an underlying problem? I just know that personally, when I have lost a good amount of weight, I sometimes feel terrible, worse than before, and wonder if this is some type of toxin overload into the system. Could someone tackle this question please, Thank you.
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Toxins are filtered thru your liver. People who are overweight are usually very toxic, but then so are most people who live and eat in the Western world. All the processed foods and refined sugars as well as overuse of prescription drugs and birth control pills. When doing a detox, you MUST drink pure distilled water constantly so that the toxins release thru your urine. You must rest and get plenty of sleep and you may need to supplement with certain vitamins and minerals. Detoxing your body is the only way to maintain good health especially in todays world. The key is to start slow and detox one thing at a time. You should constantly work on your colon if you have digestive issues. Chiropractic adjustments and massage also release toxins into your body. That is why you must drink plenty of water directly after. Hope that answers some of your questions.
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Hello.  Interesting comments.  I however, am looking for info on the correlation between toxin release via fat loss/weight loss.  If there is anyway to bypass, or avoid "re-releasing" these toxins into the body.  Also, could you elaborate on the colon aspects of detoxification.  What foods/liquids should one consume in order to "clease" their colon of toxins?  You seem to be knowledgable in that area.
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Losing weight is a detox of sorts. When you lose fat, you are hopefully putting into your body good, nutritious whole foods, preferably organic. A toxic body screams when encountering such good things, hence the detoxification process. One will definitely not feel good during a detox. Your body is actually going thru a "healing crisis". When I do a colon detox, I choose one thing i need to work on. I am very yeasty so every 6 months or so, I do Garden of Life Fungal Defense for 2 weeks. After that, I get a series of 3 colonics.Many herb shops and health stores have a wide variety of colon cleanses available, however my faves are Garden of Life and Nature's Sunshine. I stay on digestive food enzymes and probiotics all the time. I do not have a gallbladder so I work on my liver constantly. I'm not sure I understand what you mean about toxins re releasing into the body. Once you have eliminated toxins from your body, they are gone. However it is impossible to completely eliminate toxins from the body simply because it's a toxic world we live in. That's why cleansing is so important in todays world. hope I am being helpful and not just rambling!
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No Gallbladder?  Did you need to have it taken out?
Were you an unhealthy person, prior to your detoxification?
I mean, what prompted you to de-tox yourself in the first
place? When I say re-releasing, I mean, for example, someone smoked marijuana, and some of the THC goes thru your system some of it is stored in your fat cell.  You lose wieght and bam, as you burn the fat that THC is RE-released into your bloodstream, rendering much of the same effects...ie, feeling high? I am only wondering because, I found detoxing to be
very much how you put it, "uncomfortable"  I have tried to
detox, even though I eat pretty healthy, I do not buy organic.
I am on such a budget, that most things I want that are organic are twice the price.  I suppose that shouldn't matter, because healthcare is expensive too, and so is getting sick.  I had a kidney stone once, it was the worst pain I have every  had, I had been detoxing so to say, and was getting combinations of detox body wraps, and deep tissue massage to move out the toxins.  I had a deep rolfing done the night before my stone.  I believe having this massage, moved the stone, out of my kidney/body because it was a form of detox.  Although I want to be healthy, I do not want to be hospitalized, again, for starting this process, or beginning a regimen, of detoxification.  I suppose it is fear, that keeps me from it. Fear that the detox is worse than being unhealthy/status quo.
I have even put off having kids, because I am afraid of the pain, being so similar to the kidney stone, my husband says, to stop worrying about it. Also, I would like to cleanse my colon as I fear it is "back logged" I would love to have a great bowel movement, these days it is usually not great.  I only remember have great ones a few times, once was after eating a tremendous green salad, and then, believe it or not once after having sex. We do not eliminate the way we should do we? I think it moved everything around down there.  Anyway, now look who is babbling.  Thanks.
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i could write a book for all i have been thru! i can remember as a child vomiting bile and never being able to go to the bathroom. i had gallstones so they took my gallbladder out. worse decision i ever made. i was constantly on antibiotics as a child and an adult. my poor gut was so toxic and i never knew what was wrong with me. i was on 6 different medications and thought i was dying, just nobody had the guts to tell me i was! I believe, with all my heart that God sent me help in the form of a car accident. i began to go to a chiropractor who also teaches detoxification and that's where my journey began. the key to detoxing is not to do too much at once. the colon always needs work. you should have a bowel movement at least 2 times per day but preferably more. once you start with the colon, move on to the liver. if you are/were a drug user or drinker, your liver definitely needs work. again, you must drink pure distilled water constantly to flush out toxins, and this is whether you are doing a detox or not. it sounds like your kidneys could use some support as well. just do one thing at a time and rest and take it easy. for the future, hydrangea will soften a kidney stone and make passing it easier. don't put off taking care of yourself, especially if you are considering children. i have 4 wonderful children and you will survive the pain of childbirth. the results are worth it!!
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I am amazed you made it thru all your ordeals.
I heard though, that drinking distilled water can actually,
DE hydrate the body, by leaching out all the minerals.
Anyway, I smoked, both ciggarettes and pot, for quite a few years on and off, and of course drank.  I do not, and have not smoked or done pot for at least 7 years.  I drink only socially, and actually do not tolerate alcohol well, I think my liver actually twinges when I drink too much. I do go to the bathroom a couple times a day, but in the morning, (after coffee) I am running to the pot every 10 mins before I shower for work.  It is annoying, but I do love my morning coffee...I am sure that is the problem.  As far as children go I know I will be trying now to start, I am 37, so I better get on the stick-HAHA.
I will keep it short and sweet tonight.
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"All the processed foods and refined sugars as well as overuse of prescription drugs and birth control pills."

You have me curious, Astros, as you mentioned birth control pills specifically.  What about birth control pills is so much worse than prescription drugs by themselves?  I recognize that they change one's hormonal state, essentially 'tricking' the reproductive system, but I wonder why you singled them out.  Would you mind sharing?
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Your morning coffee is not going to hurt you and if it gets your bowels moving that's all the better! You definitely need to get a move on in the baby department!! Soror, I only singled out birth control pills so women who were reading can know that the pill and the hormonal havoc it reeks in your body are one of the causes of systemic yeast problems which correlates with the yeast detox I was posting to hmo5 about.
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Hi THere...Ya know, its funny, but we grind our coffee each day, and just the smell/aroma of the ground coffee even before it is brewing can have me running to the john!!! Ha..lol.
Anyway, I just hate the "coffee shits" pardon the profanity, but I think you know what I mean.  The nervous stomach thing, or nervous bowel thing.  I know I need to start the baby stuff, but my mother is in stage IV lung cancer as I mentioned and I feel I can not be there for her and worrying about me getting prego at the same time.  My stress levels are sky high right now.  I got a facial today, just to calm myself a bit.  When I got up from the bed, I was soooo dizzy.  I think my b.p. is up too.  I am just a mess@@@!!!!!  Okay, oh also, I was never on b.c. because i was afraid of a blood clot with my weight and v.v.'s
See you here.
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You seem to be very knowledgable about cleansing so I was wondering about your opinion of Isagenix take on internal whole body cleansing, not just colon cleansing to detox.
Have you ever tried it?
A freind of mine swears by it and suggests that I try it, but I want to do my research first.
My friend lost 25 lbs. the first month.

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ABSOLUTELY, like you can't even imagine if you were poisoned like me.

I can validate the truth of this subject, because I have a very closely documented experience of acute toxin exposure from an organic solvent (lipophilic) stored in my body fat throughout my whole body.

A specialist said the only way to get it out of the body was to metabolize it along with the fat.  However, that can be a very dangerous treatment and I can confirm that.  The only way I could proceed with that approach was that I was and am in very excellent health prior to the exposure.  He also said there is no chelating agent that can retrieve it from the fat cells.  But, keep in mind a healthy diet with a lot of fiber will help bind the metabolites release into the GI tract with your bile from your liver.

During the process, patterns of symptoms were identified and correlated with medical issues/symptoms prior to the recent poisoning.  My nearly 1000 page symptom log validates this.  It was discovered from these patterns there are even toxins created from the break down of Aspartame stored in the body fat, as well.  I highly suspect this is what is the cause of symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia.

Aerobic fitness activity would guarantee a release of the toxin into the blood stream in what I call an episode.  They can very from occurrence to occurrence based on the area of fat tissue from which they are released.  Reduced caloric intake will also create an episode as the body taps into fat stores for energy.  Unfortunately, medicine and the medical profession is not advanced enough to realize this as nearly all of them have been educated to see only the tip of the iceberg or ignore it.

I have come to realize this by consulting with my father (a physician) and many other doctors.  In some cases there has been a lack of cooperation in all areas of medicine.  What I experienced is fact as I have over a thousand episodes duplicating the results just as many times.  Duplicated results are a definition of fact.  I have spent over 3 years aggressively burning the toxin out of my body and still defining the behavior of this toxin as I head down into the lower percentages of body fat.

But, my view of medicine's approach to this is my perspective.  I am a big cynical, only because I have been left to suffer and recover on my own.

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Sorry, HM05.  I thought I was replying to MedHelp.  My reply directly addresses and answers your question.  Sorry, it took over three years to reply.  At the time of your post, I had not yet discovered the poisoning responsible for my multi-system symptoms.

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I am not having a proper bowel movement for which I feel uneasy for the whole day. I dont get the pressure in the morning. If at all I get, its very scanty and semisolid. Its also very sticky. Please advise on this as I feel you have a better suggestion for this.
Is there any chance that if I dont pass my stool regularly I'll gain weight???
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I saw this thread and it caught my attention.  I've gone through a "de-toxing" stage when losing weight.  I thought I was crazy, but whenever I'd have a good inch loss or even weight loss (scale wise) there would be times when I could have sworn I could smell Morphine, goofy gas, or Demerol.. all which I had during several surgeries in my life.  I asked around and others experienced the same thing.  I guess (I'm no expert) than when the toxins are initially released into the body, then go to protected places such as fat pockets.  When that pocket is disrupted by weightloss and water intake, the toxins are released into the body... BUT if your water intake is good and your colon functions properly... they move on out within 24 hours.  I've had it happen and the "high" you asked about isn't anywhere near the same as the initial drug reaction from the surgeries (I never was an illegal drug user... hate the stuff).
I make sure my colon functions properly by taking extra Magnesium each day, which was recommended by my colon doctor.
Just thought I'd chime in.
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Have you ever tried a total body cleansing system with the side benefits of weight loss?  I've just started using a system and so far so good.  I really like it.  I'm on the 30 day program, so I cleanse one day a week - this is my first week.  I feel sooo much better after the cleanse.

There is a website in my profile...look at it if you want to - watch the videos too.  I'll let you know how I do on the program - just give me a few more weeks.  I just started last Thursday but I've lost 5 lbs already.  The day after my cleanse day...I feel sooo good.

I do have a few health issues that I was worried about - I take meds for IC and Hypthyroidism.  So, I wasn't sure about taking vitamins/supplements/minerals, etc.  However, I have to admit, I now feel better, have more energy, am finally sleeping better at night and my hot flashes (I had a partial hyster back in Sept) are less often and not as intense!  So, for me, the cleansing system is a wonderful gift!
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You seem to be very knowledgable about the body's detox process. If a heavy marijuana user is trying to detox, will working out or exercising cause an increase of THC in the body and urine? Can the toxins that the fat cells release be detected directly through urine tests or would a hair test or blood test have to be performed?
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The questions above are for any general public who has some insight or information on the topic.
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Hello HM05,

Sorry, it has taken so long to respond to this post.  My condition and the recession has taken a toll on me and prevented me from following up on this post for nearly a year and a half.

Since my original post and the presentation of my theory on the release of toxins during a period where adipose tissue is tap for energy stores, I have finally obtained significant results of investigation.

In December of 2008, I manage to locate a physician with laboratory resources that could test fat biopsies for the a specific toxin along with a few other common ones.  Several areas were selected based on the characteristics of adipose tissue.  Also, blood was drawn within an hour after a significant onset of an episode.  Blood was drawn specifically after aggressive physical fitness activity and under very specific symptom criteria.  Otherwise, the blood would not be drawn.

To the surprise of most professionals, the toxins found were not the one to which I was exposed.  The laboratory did identify the presents of two highly unusual toxins in both fat biopsies from taken from the two different areas of the body with nearly the same quantities present

The blood did test positive for one of the two unusual toxins, which happen to be the one with the highest concentration in the adipose tissue.  That toxin happens to completely lack an explanation as to how it entered the body and accumulated in the fat tissue.  The source of both toxins has yet to be determined by additional product testing and a very, very good toxicologist.  It is known that the human body can metabolize one toxin into another toxin or several other toxins before leaving the body.  Additional testing is planned to determine the trend of decrease in the quantities in the tissue over time.

So, there you have it, HM05.  After tremendous persistence and $1,000, there is your proof that toxins are released into the blood stream from where they accumulate in fat tissue around the body.  Even after 4 years has past since the exposure was discovered and stopped.  It is amazing what you can discover through true scientific method and good testing equipment.  Real science, real results, real facts.

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thanks for all the great info...I've recently gone of anti depressants after 10 yrs. Med's caused slow/no metabolism in turn causing weight gain of 30lbs. Happy to say metab has kicked back in. Have been doing alot of cardio and now having break outs and itching. Felt it must be from the release of toxins...what do you think?
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I am an active 57-year-old who couldn't lose weight even though we eat very health and I exercise.  I decided to try a detox process which has included colon, parasite, liver, lymph and kidney cleanse.  I'm losing weight, but not without consequences.  Very shortly my neck, along wrinkle lines and around the tear duct of one of my eyes, broke out in something that looks like psoriasis.  If I stop cleansing it gets somewhat better.  I'm guessing something is coming through my skin at night with sweats that is causing this issue.  Has anyone else had a similar problem?  If so, what did you do about it?
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alot of that "toxin" stuff is bs.

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Chia seeds attach to toxins and take them out of the body.  If you soak the chia seeds in water they go all gelatinous and slimy, this slimy effect takes the toxins out of the body.  You can add the Chia seeds to smoothies or juices.
Aloe Vera also works very well as it too is slimy and works well at releasing toxins also.  Toxins are fat loving not water loving - that's why the gelatinous, slimy stuff get them out of the body.
Hope this helps.
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I am wondering if I am having the same symptoms of this from FAT loss.
Extreme weight loss in the past 2 years but recently started getting a painful
itching rash all over my body. what were your symptoms? Can you share?

Thanks DEE
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Hi Blondo,

Yes I have a rash as I continue to lose weight, sweat, exercise immensely after being very heavy for 2 years I am melting it off. The past 2 months have
been difficult it seems I break out after a heavy work out, I eat much healthier
and drink alot of detox natural foods. I believe this has brought some chemical from my fat loss my skin and body is reacting too but I am not sure.
What are your symptoms?
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