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How to lose weight fast

I am going on vacation in 36 days. i want to lose at least 15 pounds, but more importantly belly fat. I am not that big now, only 127 pounds, but I would really like motivation and tips to how I can lose fat in these 36 days. thank you!
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What's your diet like?  And how much do you exercise and what do you do?  How tall are you?  And know that losing weight quickly can be done, but not in a healthful fashion and not in a permanent way.
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my diet is really good since i started it, 6 days ago. i do ab workouts every day, plus hockey usually 3 times a week. i am 5'2 and 122.5 pounds
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That still doesn't tell us what you eat.  Also, a low carb diet has not been shown to be a good long-term way to eat, but it can help in the short term if you're also doing resistance training.  
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For breakfast i usually eat eggs, multi grain cheerios, oatmeal, or a smoothie. i have snacks throughout the day such as fruits veggies and almonds. lunch and dinner are usually fish, chicken, healthy pasta, eggs, or salad. All i drink is water, and this is my seventh day eating healthy and doing a stomach workout every day. i have lost 6.5 pounds so far
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I wouldn't say that's how I'd eat, but it sounds like you're doing great!
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Do you have any tips?
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If you've lost that much weight, you don't need any.  You're eating well.  I guess the only thing I'd say is, if stomach workout is the only thing you're doing exercise wise, variety will help and get some cardio in there.

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