797971 tn?1238008431

Losing weight is hard

Hello All. I'm Samantha and a friend had been telling me about this place but she's part of another forum. She speaks highly of this place. So while googling things, I came across medhelp.org. I decided hey what do I have to lose? OTHER THAN WEIGHT! HAHA.

Well here's a little about why I'm here. As time goes on, eventually we will gain weight. I am a 21 year old female. I currently weigh 187 pounds. It's hard to lose weight in general for women. But the weight needs to come off. I have no support group or anything to help. I've came across this place in hopes of help. I don't want to have to see a doctor just to get a list of foods I can't eat or anything else. I don't need a doctor to tell me that. I'd rather have support from people just like me. My question is.....

Where do I begin? What foods do I start eating more of, and what do I drink less of?
so on and so forth... What are YOU doing to lose weight? And is it working?
I've given myself a timeline to lose at least 57 pounds. I know it will take hard work, but I know I can do it if I try. From 3/18/09 to 8/18/09 I hope to reach 130 pounds. My actual goal is 125. I'm trying to get close first. I don't know if I'm correct or not, but I believe that is 22 weeks right? or 5 months? you can calculate if that's not right. I've noticed the weight tracker and will be adding that as well.
15 Responses
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797971 tn?1238008431
also, I'm curious about eating healthy on a BUDGET.
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748902 tn?1286034758
Just a quick note to say hi! I havent followed a diet as such, i just cut down on the junk and started to  and started eating 3 meals a day instead of one large one late at night. I eat more fruit and veg, the main thing was i started eating Breakfast which i had never done, just a piece if fruit and a bowl of cerial, a sandwich for lunch with side salad then a cooked evening meal, when ever i felt hungry i ate fruit or carrot an cucumber sticks. once the eating was under control i enrolled in the gym, they set me a program that i could do i spent an hour 4 days a week in the gym and 2 days a week doing aqua arobics. I think the main thing is to eat right and just to do a little movement each day and increase it steadily, i set my first goal to only lose 10lbs, a pound at a time, i have now lost 105lbs,but still have a long way to go,i cant exercise to much at the moment because of the heart attack a couple of weeks ago, but i still walk around my house every hour i go up and down stairs a couple of times, so im not just sitting at the computer all day.You can reach your goals if you want it bad enough, good luck i hope this helps
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797340 tn?1240507697
I am curious as to what your height is, because I would be completely happy at 187lbs! I am 23 years old 5'8 and weight 267lbs. If you are close to my height and have some muscle 187 is not a bad weight for you however if you are around 5'4 then your right about your goal weight. I unfortunately have alot of muscle mass as well as fat, so I doubt I will be able to make it to my 168 goal. However the important thing for me is not my weight, but how I look to myself and feel about myself. If I weight 200lbs and am fit (With alot of muscle) then I could be perfectly happy.
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657315 tn?1319491387
Hi, and welcome.  Both of the above posters have spoken well!  It's not so much WHAT you weigh as HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT WHAT YOU WEIGH.  Two people could be the exact same weight and height and yet one of them might be MUCH smaller.  The one who has more muscle will LOOK better at the same weight and height.

I am 5' 7" and my goal is 140lbs.  When I was first married, I could easily weight 125 and look similar - but I didn't work out!  I actually LOOK BETTER NOW, at 44, than I did at 25!

So, as elaine1961 said, you don't have to "diet".  I lost 70+ pounds without dieting.  But, I exercised *faithfully* 5-6 days/week AND I made good food choices (read elaines's comments carefully - cut out JUNK!).  Now, if I want dessert occasionally, I CAN.  It better NOT be all the time AND my exercise better be FAITHFUL.  

Hopefully, what you are getting out of this is that this form of eating, if it works for you, is VERY ECONOMICAL!  It's probably what you already buy - just maybe LESS OF IT!

Good luck and keep up informed - not only of how this helped, but if you need more help.
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797971 tn?1238008431
I am actually 5'2''. It shows on my body. My hips and waist line are really flabby and huge, my thighs touch and I always have a heat rash there. I had cellulite that never bothered me until I looked in the mirror one day.  I'm concerned because my weight is just out of hand. I've gotten huge long purple stretch marks all over my body, the back of my knees, and it's just not very attractive. Mainly, I'd like to lose weight so I'm not stuck with diabetes and heart disease, or anything else. I used to weigh 120-125 in high school. Suddenly, it just popped up and I'm ready to lose it. I know it's not muscle.

It's just time for a change. Thanks to all of you :)
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797971 tn?1238008431
I've checked online and my weight should be between 109-122 I believe.
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797340 tn?1240507697
You should be approx 125 for your height. 108 is in the lower range, but can still be healthy as long as you are eating. I can completely understand with the heat rash situation on your thighs. If you wear close fitting biking shorts, or exercise shorts it will cut down on your heat rash between them. I do it and it helps alot. If you don't want to do that, putting a light layer of baby powder between your thighs will help. For the stretch marks use a skin renewal or skin smoothing lotion to help control them (This has been said to make them not appear so red/purple). Other then that do you have a gym membership? Some form of exercise equipment at home?

Tell us a little about what you do daily and the community will try to help you as much as we can. If you'd like to speak to me personally you can send me a note or private message here. :)
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362249 tn?1441315018
Welcome to the group!! You sound alot like me i started here cus i needed online support too i dont have any1 i can count on for things except my DH of course! I think your goal is very reasonable im 5'3 and i was pushing 140 when i started and at my height i was starting to bubble out i made my goal for 120 and im pretty much there just bouncing around my slider rule now. The biggest thing i did to lose the weight was exercise i was getting ZERO since i wasn't working that and im not drinking regular cokes every day i do when i go out but not at home! I also quit eating fried foods (at home) when i moved from my in laws i ditched the fryer, I also starting eating yogurt and drinking slim fast both will help lose weight!!
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797971 tn?1238008431
I have a ifit treadmill at home. A few weights for your hands, and that's about it.
Dh & I came up with a schedule for exercise last night. I wanted to run them by you so you could see what you all thought. Push ups will be a lower amount because I can't really hold my weight up good yet. I just have to pace myself. Eventually the push ups will be every other week because I don't want too much muscle on my arms. My Dh bought me some perfect pushups to help me with them at first.

Warm up- 10 min
Treadmill- 25 min
Sit ups- 10
push ups-5

Warm up- 10 min
Treadmill- 25 min
sit ups- 10

Warm up 10 min
push ups- 10
Treadmill- 20 min

Warm up- 10 min
sit up- 25
push ups -15 min
Treadmill- 25 min

Warm up- 10 min
Treadmill - 30 min
push ups- 15

Warm up- 10 min
sit ups- 20
push ups- 10
Treadmill- 25 min

Warm up- 10 min
Sit ups- 10
Treadmill- 35 min

Is this reasonable for me to do for a while? I've done what Thursday says and I feel good actually. Do I need to change it up a bit or what?
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797340 tn?1240507697
I notice that the maximum you have yourself on the treadmill is 35 minutes. Fat starts to burn 15-20 minutes into your work out. I also am curious as to on the days you are only on the treadmill for 20 minutes are you going to go at the same pace or will it be a higher intensity speed. You shouldn't really under go your limit. You should start out at a small minute amount 10-15 and increase your minutes over time. Say Monday you go for 10 minutes. Tuesday you should do 15, Wednesday 20. ect ect. Until you get up to an hour. Once at an hour you change your speed/incline to something more then what you have been. And go back to 20-25 minutes, work back up to an hour. Each time you hit an hour you should increase your speed and incline for maximum weight loss success.

However you say you are worried about muscle mass, as much as I lift weights, and I can lift quite a lot for a woman. My muscles aren't really all that big in my arms, womens muscles are naturally leaner then mens and won't get big unless you are seriously working them out and taking a muscle gain suppliment.

Your question about changing it up, yes you should as you need to surprise your body constantly otherwise once you hit a certain point of doing the same thing over and over, your body will no longer see it as a challenge and you will hit a brick wall with your weight loss.

Hope this helps.
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797971 tn?1238008431
The treadmill is a breeze for me. I can go months and months not doing anything but take one step on the treadmill and I'm good. I mean of course I know I need to switch it up. But, for now as a beginning I choose to do that. Just to get started. Then later on, I'll try something else. =)

I also seen something like what you said on an infomercial for P90X. But, I don't have the time for that. What I'm doing up there is what I have time for at this moment. My treadmill will start burning fat depending on the speed and incline. Part of my warm up will be on the treadmill just walking and a slight jog, then stretching, breathing exercises, then some sort of floor exercise.

As of right now, I'm stuck with this. In about 2-3 weeks I'll have more time for something else. I have about 5 months to change up things. Hopefully I'll see some effort and change. :)

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579258 tn?1250649343
Welcome ~ Welcome ~ Welcome and so very glad you have joined us!  This is a wonderful forum full of caring, knowledgeable people who will help you along your journey.

As for some ideas as to what to eat, you may wish to try oatmeal, cereal & milk, eggs & toast (spray butter or dry) & bacon (3-4 slices of precooked), yogurt with granola as breakfast ideas.

For a mid-morning snack, perhaps some fruit or some veggies or a boiled egg.

Lunch is full of possibilities with grilled chicken and veggies, vegetable beef or chicken barley type soup, a salad with low calorie dressing, low-fat cottage cheese with fruit and vegetable medley, or many of a number of frozen entrees.

For a mid-afternoon snack, perhaps 6 triscuit wheat crackers with 1 wedge of laughing cow cheese, celery with 1 TBSP of peanut butter, or a few nuts and/or dried fruit.

Supper can range from turkey and wild rice, to barbecued chicken and rosemary baked potatoes, to a small serving of roast beef with carrots and boiled potatoes, to wheat spaghetti (small serving) and grilled chicken .. the possibilities are endless.

As a night-time snack, a 100-calorie bag of popcorn, a fudgesickle or two (35 calories each - Wells Blue Bunny), a low calorie pudding, some pineapple or strawberries, or a SF popsickle.  

If you let us know what you like to eat, we can help you come up with some friendly lower calorie options with the same type of flavors.  No need to make it be so hard.

Now, as for the exercise, definitely mix it up.  Try walking, treadmill, stretching, swimming, biking, aerobics, weight, dance, jogging, yoga, pilates, but always change it up.  It keeps your body guessing and makes the most use of your exercise time.  

When I started, I could barely go five minutes.  Each day I chose to go just a little further than the time before ... I had to work up to being able to do more.  

You've gotten some great advice and we're thrilled you are here.  Please keep in touch in the community and post where you are, your questions and how we can help.  

We're all in this together and YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!   :)
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269786 tn?1243793707
Here's my two cents..........

don't forget to cool down after you work out and stretch. I am guilty of this and I can really tell the difference when I cool down properly. And yoga after a workout if you have time is so wonderful and relaxing and keeps you in tune with your body.

Good luck - let us know how you are doing.
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797971 tn?1238008431
Well so far I actually did lose 2 1/2 pounds. I have to eat what I have now which is just normal bleh food until I get paid next week. (get paid 2x a month) But, I work my butt off.  I was sore a little bit at first but it's a breeze now. I decided to weigh myself every Sunday to see if there is a change. Most people say stay off the scale. But, I for one like to see where I'm going.
Muscle weighs more than fat, but doesn't change it for me, i'll be weighing every Sunday.
I feel so much better =) And today I noticed for the first time in a LONGG time EWCM!
Too bad I'm not trying to get preggo! LOL

That's not even on my mind right now though. :)
How are you all doing?
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797340 tn?1240507697
Glad to see you are already making progress! Also glad that you are well and feeling better! I love working out.

About being sore for a little bit, personally I LOVE the sore feeling, it lets me know that I am doing something right!

Staying off the scale? Never! I weight in every morning before I eat, sometimes I forget to though and skip that day, I too like to see my progress.

Something else you may consider doing to view progress is measuring yourself with a tailoring tape. I have been measuring myself daily with one, when I remember to weigh in that morning. If not I skip all recorded progress for that day.

Indeed muscle does weigh more then fat, and sometimes your weight will go up instead of down, I often have this problem.

Keep us updated and good luck to us all!

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