764523 tn?1234542500

Weght not moving

I am so frustrated.......I have been faithfull to my points, for 2 weeks soild I have walked 2-3 miles @ 4.0 mph stayed at points and have not lost at all.  It makes me just want to run (actually drive) to McDonalds or something stupid......I started my program 12/26/08 I have lost 8 lbs....Im glad for that but I just dont get it.....I cant belive Im walking enough for fat to turn to muscle?????   I almost wonder if I should quit walking and just do the points for a week and see what happens but I have been walking all a long I just didnt start walking so why did I lose weight then     WHO KNOWS   and ideas ?
8 Responses
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Good for you, Laura! I have to remember to mix things up, too. Sometimes it is just so much easier to stick with what is comfortable. But when you challenge your body you see change. Add weight training to your regimen. Just cardio won't burn enough calories or tone your body. I got some 3-lb dumbells from Walmart and use online workout videos to challenge myself.
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764523 tn?1234542500
Thank you to all of you this is great to hear.....And really everyone is telling me basically the same thing "MIX THINGS UP"   So thats my mission for this week, I think I am also going to start running a little git outside.  Not sure how long I will be able to make it but I guess we all start some where....  I  am going to enjoy this group, I have never really done much comunication on line like this but looks like might be kind of fun.  Thanks to all.  
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657315 tn?1319491387
The lady at the WW meeting was incorrect!!!!!  Walking IS an aerobic activity and IT IS ONE OF THE BEST!  Plus, Laura50313  said she's walking at 4mph, which isn't a carefree stroll.  

You might want to carefully correct this misunderstanding at the next WW meeting so that anyone who heard it won't forego this wonderful weight-loss and health-friendly exercise.
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649848 tn?1534633700
I certainly understand your frustration.  I was going through the same thing for quite a while.  Mine was caused by hypothyroidism so I also suggest that you make sure you don't have unknown medical issues that could make you gain/retain weight.  

That said - all the other advice given about just about says it.  

Good luck and make you become a regular with us.  
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637356 tn?1301924822
I am on weight watchers and have found it to be successful however at my last meeting one of the other ladies told me she was going through a plateau and was very frustrated. While we were talking another lady pipped in and told her to stop walking and start doing areobic exercise instead. Or walk one day and areobic exercise the next.

Eat different types of food. That is the good thing with weight watchers cause you can eat whatever you want and not have to worry as long as you count the points. Plus you do have flex points and it won't hurt you to go over one day and under the next. Just to keep your body guessing along the way.
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579258 tn?1250649343
Sometimes it is easier said than done, but persistence is the key.  

Miss Lucinda is correct when she says to change your exercise up a little.  Increasing the time or intensity is the best way to see results if you continue doing the same exercise.  However, I would like to encourage you to do a completely different exercise from day to day .. like walking, swimming, aerotibs, bicycling, stretching, dancing, strength training, calisthenics .. keep your body guessing what comes next.  Using your exercise tracker will help you keep track of what you are doing and truly helps in keeping us changing our program.

Next, you mentioned changing your food intake.  That is just a crucial as changing your exercise.  There's a little trick I like to do regarding the calories that I've put in the post below.  

How to Survive a Plateau .. http://www.medhelp.org/user_journals/show/40803

Having others who are or have been on a similar weight loss journey is one of the things that make this support community so special .. they have been there and done that and KNOW what it is like.  

Very glad to have you here!  Hang in there and let us know how it goes!  ((Hugs))
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764523 tn?1234542500
thank you for relpying I think I just need someone (other than my husband that has never been heavy LOL ) to say It will be O.K.   I think I will try and walk a bit longer.  I do eat alot of the same things every day so maybe I should change that up also. Thanks again
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703362 tn?1427766328
I am not familiar with the WW points system, or their program at all to be entirely honest.  But what I can tell you is that I am Very familiar with plateaus in weight loss.  Mine stem from medications and they can be very hard to push past and through.  I can feel your sense of frustration and I just wanted to offer my support and let you know that you can do this.  You can definitely do this!  

If it were me....I would not quit walking.  Maybe try to change up and vary your walking routine a bit if possible.  Maybe add a bit of an incline for all or part of your routine, maybe add a little speed, anything to change things up a bit.  But I would definitely not quit.  You have to keep in mind that even though the scale is not cooperating with you at this time....you are burning calories with the walking.  To stop walking would be fewer calories burned.  Burning calories is a good thing!  

Maybe try adjusting your calories taken in a bit.  Again, I am not familiar with the points system of WW, but sometimes I adjust my daily calories.  One day it might be 1700, one day it might be 1800, one day it might be 1650, anything at all to keep my body guessing and get it to release some of the fat.  

Above all....you hang in there!  Take it from this person who seems to be the ultimate serial plateau weight loss person......it can be done, it's just not always easy!  Lots of love and support to you on this journey.  ; )  
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