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OK I REALLY wanna lose weight!

Hi Everyone,
I just started reading on this forum and think it could help me out. I really want to lose about 20 lbs and tone up. I'm 38, mom of 2, 5'2" and 139 lbs. Just 4 years ago I was a toned size 2, weighing only 113-118 lbs. I got on a medication that causes weight gain in many, started eating way too much and stopped working out. I can't stand the way my body looks anymore! I feel good about myself in every other way, I've come so far as a person in these past few years- but I want to feel fit again. My cellulite has spread all the way down to my knees- yuck!!!
  So- I know I must start watching my portions and stop binging on sweets. I thought if I just checked in here and told "my story", and reported on how I'm doing, maybe I could inspire myself to try harder and perhaps even help someone else out too. Tomorrow is gonna be my first day REALLY trying, so I'll let you all know how I do!
  Thanks for being here :) !
17 Responses
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172023 tn?1334672284
Make small changes at first.  Move more, eat a bit less, and eat smarter.  The weight will come off!

Nice to meet you.  We have a good little community here.
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I agree with peek. Also and I know Peek would most likely agree. Start exercising slowly. Build up to 30 mins every other day or even everyday if you wish.
Good Luck and welcome to our community.

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443376 tn?1204940603
1st thing people do when it comes to loseing is "pills"......... 1- stay away from pills / 2- dont eat at night / 3- when you eat  chew your food into a shake / 4- stay away from deep fried food / 5-  start walking......  try it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! works for me
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441092 tn?1204897466
Hi  dlr2007,

I am a 36 year old mom of one.  I am 5'5 and 150 pounds right now.  One month ago I was 170 pounds!!!  My goal is to get back to my normal weight, which is between 125-130 pounds.  I gained all my weight about 2 years ago from stress related eating!!! Plus my metabolism slowed down drastically after I turned 30!!! :-)

I have always been an active person and I love to exercise.  Before I gained all that weight I never had a problem.  Since the weight gain, I finally stopped eating a bad diet and began to eat healthy again.  For the past two years I have been eating really healthy and working out practically everyday, but the weight would not come off.  I then started trying all kind of weight loss programs, like nutrisytem and weight watchers, but I still got no results.  Then I started taking all kind of over the counter so called fat burners, but that didn't work either!

Finally, a few months ago I found this forum and I heard about a prescription weight loss pill, phentermine 37.5 mg.  I read so many comments from people that had such great results that I decided to do some research on it myself.  After I did my research, I decided to give it a try.

Im soooo glad I did!  I started taking phentermine 37.5 mg in the first week of February 2008 and I have already lost 20 pounds!!!!

Yeah people will tell you that you shouldn't take pills because it's dangerous.  My response to that is, I agree!!!  I think that people shouldn't just take any old pills or substances carelessly and recklessly.  But, if you take medication under the care and guidance of a physician, then you’re being responsible and you're not putting your health at risk.

First of all, I foolishly tried ordering phentermine online like others have advised they did, but when I did it it was a complete rip off and fake pills!!!  I got scammed by two different websites.  Thank goodness my credit card company reimbursed by credit card for the charges. I will NEVER EVER order phentermine, or any other meds online ever again! I don't care if someone else had success with it.  It's just way too dangerous and risky to rely on some unknown source when you're consuming something into your body!!

So, I went to a local weight loss clinic and got my phentermine 37.5 mg from a real board certified physician with excellent credentials.  This weight loss clinic is great because they have a complete program that not only helps you with losing the weight with the meds, but it also includes a healthy diet program, exercise program and weight maintenance program for when you reach your goal.

All I can say is that I have had nothing but great results with phentermine 37.5 mg!!!  In one month I have lost 20 pounds under the care of this physician.  My doctor said that I should reach my goal by mid to late April and I can't wait!!!

Whatever you decide to do to lose the weight, I wish you nothing but the best of luck in your weight loss journer!!!

Take care and God bless!!!
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172023 tn?1334672284
Losing 20 pounds in one month is not only dangerous, it won't be sustained.  Its great that you are following a healthy diet and exercising, though.  Those two things will give you the best chance at keeping the weight off.
The pills are just a boost, and any extra weight that comes off due to the pills will come right back when you stop taking them.  

And look at the older weight loss drugs.  Years later, people are dying from pulmonary hypertension caused by those drugs.  Yet at the time, they thought they were harmless.  The same could happen with phentermine in the future.  

I've lost over 40 pounds since September, with diet and exercise alone.  It can be done safely, and without drugs.  Sure, its slower...but the slower the better when it comes to weight loss.  The safest rate to lose is 1 to 2 pounds a week.  
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441092 tn?1204897466
I'm sorry, but I totally beg to differ with the previous comment made of the weight not being sustained and coming back when you stop using medication.  I personally know two people who had success with phentermine and have not gained back a single pound!  One lost 80 pounds with phentermine and has kept it off for over 3 years.  The other lost about 50 pounds and has kept it off for almost 2 years.

I have a cousin who lost about 60 pounds for her wedding.  She did not use phentermine or any other meds or supplements.  She did it by diet and exercise alone.  It took her nearly one year to lose the weight.  However, when the honeymoon was over she gained it all back plus an extra 10 pounds.

The fact is, is that when people lose weight with what ever method they choose, anyone will for surely gain it right back and probably more if they're not committed to maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine once they've lost the weight.

If you're getting good results with what you're doing, then do what works for you.  What works for one may not work for the other.  That's why we have options.  Unfortunately, sometimes others may require a little extra boost to get started and shouldn't be judged.

My weight loss success thus far has been done under the care and guidance of a physician.  I'm completely healthy and very happy.

Good luck to all in your weight loss journey.
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I am 41, 5'1" and 138 pounds, so I HEAR YA!  
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172023 tn?1334672284
The sad fact is that whatever method you choose, often the weight is regained.  You  have a better chance of keeping the weight off if you do it slowly, carefully, and with emphasis on a healthy diet and exercise program.  

I'm sorry you feel that knowing 2 people who have used phentermine and kept the weight off negates decades of research and facts regarding weight loss.

There are many people who smoke who never get lung cancer.  Yet its a proven fact that smoking causes cancer.  Does the fact that these people never got cancer mean that its safe to smoke?  
You can go your whole life not buckling your seat belt and never become injured in a car accident.  You can drink heavily and never get cirrhosis.  Some people can eat a diet of high fat foods and never have a cholesterol problem.

Yet these anomalies do not negate the fact that the majority of people experience a different outcome.  

You do what you want.  Whatever floats your boat for you is fine.  But don't imply that these drugs, which have not been in use all that long, are perfectly safe.  Fen-Fen was judged "perfectly safe" for many years, until people started dying from it.   Who knows what will happen with all these newer drugs?

I prefer not to take the chance.  Others are more willing to take risks.  
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198506 tn?1251156915
I have to agree with Peek.  The problem with any drug used for weight loss is there are side effects known and possibly not known.  Plus these drugs are only effective if used in combination with a proper diet, exercise and behavior modification.  Heck, you can lose weight without these drugs if you just follow the proper diet, exercise and behavior modification recommendation.  I joined WW on 1/17/08 and have lost 13 pounds to date.  Granted, this is slow progress but it IS progress.  I did not wake up one morning 35 pounds overweight so I am okay with the fact that I am not going to lose it all overnight either.  Am I hungry, yes, sometimes I am very hungry but I am not starving, I am eating a healthier, more balanced diet and I get extreme satisfaction every time I step on the scale to see a loss.  I have discovered the willpower and discipline that I always said I lacked and I feel stronger for it.  I think that we live in a world of instant gratification and folks give up too easily on themselves in search of a quick fix.  Weight loss should take time and as Peek said I too wish you all luck on this journey.  
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172023 tn?1334672284
Awesome progress!  Thats only a month, girl!  You're doing great.

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172023 tn?1334672284
LOL!  2 months!  But still, you're losing at the recommended rate.  Congrats on sticking to the program.  
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198506 tn?1251156915
Thanks Peek!  WW is definitely the fit for me.  13 down....22 to go.  
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441092 tn?1204897466
Regardless of all the decades of research and facts regarding weight loss, sadly the fact remains clear that weight loss isn't as simple as, "just eat a healthy diet and exercise and you'll lose weight".  Each person is different and have different circumstances that make weight loss easier or difficult.  That's why we have alternatives and those who specialize in weight loss and nutritional guidance.

Knowing 2 people who have used phentermine and kept the weight off is a testimonial and a fact.  Has nothing to do with the decades of research and facts regarding weight loss.

As you have so indicated, I have made no statements or claims implying that any medication or drug is perfectly safe!  There is a risk factors with ALL medications under certain circumstances!  Anomalies can be quoted all day long about the wonders of life.

This forum is designed for people to share their own experience, whether it be a positive or negative experience.  I
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441092 tn?1204897466
Comment continues:

Not to criticize or pass judgement.  We all have the right to make or own choices regardless what others may think.

I only wish the best to all!!!  
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198506 tn?1251156915
"Regardless of all the decades of research and facts regarding weight loss, sadly the fact remains clear that weight loss isn't as simple as, "just eat a healthy diet and exercise and you'll lose weight".

Fact: Weight loss IS as simple as taking in less calories than you burn.  That does not mean it is EASY.  Everyone has a right to their own life and choices but you have to be honest also.  Phentermine is an appetite suppressant so any failed prior attempts were due to your inability to control your appetite.  So, what happens when you go off Phentermine?  If you don't change your behaviors then you still have to deal with a heightened appetite.  My point is that you don't need this pill to change your behaviors.  Visit the Phentemine website and see the long list of possible side effects, it's hard for me to understand why anyone, with the exception of morbidly obese folks with life threatening conditions, would choose to go the route of the "magic" pill.  Just my opinion of course.  
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198506 tn?1251156915
Dee---It sounds like you have an exceptionally good attitude.  Please keep us posted on your efforts and welcome aboard.  
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Wow, thank you all so much for the warm welcome. I feel so bad- I posted with the intention of coming on the next night, then got busy with 2 new jobs and here I am about a week later. The responses you all gave me really help motivate me and let me know I'm not alone.
  Peekawho, Barb, Svt- Thank you for the welcome and the good advice. I really appreciate it- this does seem like a great community- very friendly and helpful.
  SuziQ- How far away do you live- we could share clothes! Except I tend to buy all mine on sale at Walmart- lol. Seriously, it's good to hear from you- we're in the same boat. What's your weight loss goal? I'd like to get down to 125 and see how I look and feel. Then maybe lose 5 more- maybe not.
  Happy2girls- Thank you- I hope I maintain my attitude with no chocolate! It really does help so much though, being on this forum.
   Yoliana- I appreciate the welcome and wish you the best. I'm gonna go the natural route, just diet and exercise. I would be too afraid to take pills- I'm one of those people who gets weird side effects from everything.
  I have lost weight FAST before- basically from stress, just chainsmoking and not eating. Very unhealthy, and the body goes into starvation mode so whatever is eaten is stored as fat. Therefore once I calmed down and started eating again, I gained weight really rapidly. I quit smoking almost 4 years ago, and food has become much more of a problem. An obsession actually- I use food as a reward, stress reliever, way to pass the time... but of course, I'm very grateful to be smokefree and much healthier than I've ever been. This past week I've been getting on my treadmill for at least an hour every day, buning about 500 calories  think (the monitor on the treadmill is messed up). I'm eating about 2 cups of Post Selects Great Grains cereal- I'm addicted to the stuff!- every morning. Then I have a VERY small dinner with my family (I still have to cook every night so I can't resist eating some). And, my downfall, I have a graham cracker with frosting and chocolate chips on it every night.I can't seem to help myself so far- every day I say, "I will NOT have that disgusting dessert tonight!" And every night I'm diving into the cabinets for my fix- lol. I have managed to lose about 5 pounds though, amazingly. I weigh 134 today!!! I really think it's the exercise that's the key. I have to keep it up- it's just so difficult doing everything, what with work, kids and all that. But I suppose, if something REALLY matters, there's always a way.
  Well thanks for listening to my extremely long post. I hope everyone is doing well and getting closer to their goals every minute!
  Best wishes,
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