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1386082 tn?1280363431


24 Responses
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1386082 tn?1280363431
That sounds like a great idea reeree43!!!:D
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I am happy to hear your success story because I started a weight loss program two weeks ago and I lost 15 pounds. I weight in every monday, I walk 1 mile a day except Sunday , and I am own a strict diet.  Let keep in touch to monitor each other progress.  I am motivated.  That is the key.  You have to keep a positive mind and if know one exercise you go for your self.
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1386082 tn?1280363431
Yes I am dancing for exercise. I usually dance for like 30mins with high heels on. The dance I do is call Merengue. I don't know if you have heard of it, its a latin dance. This really helps me a lot, a lot. I love dancing so its the easiest thing for me to do and I have already lost 15 lbs.

If you have any more questions just let me know and good luck! :D
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1393136 tn?1280335388
new member in forum... You said that you are dancing for exercise. Please can you tell me more about this? for examble how much time per day and what kind of music are you using? You feel that is helping you?
Sorry for all these questions but i believe that dancing is one of the greatest exercises and i want to follow this daily  to support my diet  (but many friends of mine disagree...)

thank you very much!!
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719902 tn?1334165183
Hello!  I've been on this forum off and on, lol.  I keep losing and gaining back the same 10 pounds.  I am currently 35 (!) pounds heavier than I was before I had my kids.  That is how much my 4 y/o weighs; I keep reminding myself that I'm like carrying  a whole extra person around! :(
I don't have a specific plan; I am mainly trying to make better food choices; eat reasonable portions; drink ONLY water; and exercise a few times a week.  I bought a bike a few weeks ago, and I've rode 3x, and I also play Just Dance with my kids-- great cardio!  
That's about it.  I've used the Food Tracker on here, and it does help, but I find it hard to keep up with sometimes.  
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1386082 tn?1280363431
What should I put on the vegetables to make them taste good? Any suggestions?

Omg I feel so bad, I had pizza yesterday and today, and I gained 2lbs.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Please feel free to ask whatever questions you have about eating healthy foods, we will be happy to answer your questions.  
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1386082 tn?1280363431
I actually like peas now, lol. I really need to start eating a lot of vegetables though. I basically don't know how to eat healthy and thats something I need to learn how to do as soon as possible.

Thanx so much for the pic comment!:D
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649848 tn?1534633700
Very well said, yallolorry.  There are veggies that I never used to eat, but I do now.  

You are right that there are a lot of different ways to prepare them, including ways to cook them, season them, etc.

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1097839 tn?1344579942
I used to hate vegetables but now I love them, lol! they are so good for you and it's so important to have a healthy diet, not just for weight for to feel and look good generally, seriously, try and get into them!

there are so many different vegetables out there and they can be cooked so many different ways, its worth experimenting and trying different things till you find what you like!

I just had a mid morning snack of gazpacho (I'm in the UK, it's mid morning here) - cold tomato soup, delicious! I wouldn't have eaten that a few years ago but now I love it!

Later I'll snack on strawberries and a bit later on I'll munch some sugar snap peas! all yummy, our taste buds adapt to like different things over time. the less processed stuff you eat the more you will start to like healthy stuff!

good luck, welcome new friend. btw, your profile pic is great, you look like a pop star!


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649848 tn?1534633700
Be careful of diet versions of drinks, etc.  They contain artificial sweeteners, which can actually cause you to crave sugar.  A lot of "diet" foods also contain extra fat, to add taste because of the lack of sugar.

You are much better off to use a sweetener like Stevia or agave nectar.  Stevia is made from an actual sweet leafed plant, is twice as sweet as refined sugar and has not calories.  It used to be sold only in health food stores, but now is coming out in grocery stores as well under other names - Truvia is one that I see in my grocery store.  

Agave nectar is another natural sweetener.  It comes from the agave plant and has a bit stronger flavor.  

maktub95 - my diet is nothing special.  I eat bread; I just go for the whole grain versions rather than those made with refined flour.  I also eat pasta - whole grain of course, which actually tastes better to me, than regular pasta; brown rice, rather than white.  I eat lean meats, low/no fat dairy, including milk, yogurt, cheese, etc. I don't eat as many veggies as I should, but I do eat a lot of fruit.  The problem with eating too much fruit is the amount of sugar; yes, it's natural, but will still raise you blood sugar levels quickly.  

If you make sure you eat plenty of fiber from whole grains, veggies, etc and lots of high quality protein, you will stay fuller longer.  

I've never tried the Zumba workout and I'm too clumsy to belly dance........but it does always look like fun.  I love my yoga; it centers on breathing, relaxing, stretching and is wonderful for toning and weight loss.

Welcome shii - hope you'll join our discussions, challenges, etc.
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1386082 tn?1280363431
Welcome shii, hope to see you around too!
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1386082 tn?1280363431
Yeah that's a really great idea. I'll have to tried that thanx!
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I'm a new member too - hope to see you around!
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362249 tn?1441315018
im not a veggie eater either gosh just the smell nauseates me! but you should look for low sugar or sugar free! i think it taste just as good like sweet tea man love that stuff well walmarts brand has a sugar free version its just as good and you dont have to worry about diabetes which i dont want either its running in my fam!
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1386082 tn?1280363431
Wow I don't think I can ever do that kind of diet that ur doing, the whole no sugar thing and no white bread is really hard for me. Plus I don't really like vegetables. I ate them for like a month cuz I had Anemia Iron Defficiency and now that I'm all better I really don't want to eat them. Its really hard for me to eat vegetables. I wish I could do the whone no sugar thing cuz I don't wanna get diabetes but its so hard.

I've never tried Yoga, but I have tried Pilates. I love working out to Zumba and sometimes do some belly dancing as well.

I think I might join the challenge, maybe that'll motivate me even more. Thanx so much for you help!
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649848 tn?1534633700
Wow, 15 pounds in a month -- that's something to be proud of, but I hope you are doing it in a healthy manner - changing lifestyles (both food and exercise) works best because those are things you can sustain over long periods of time.  

I've had a real struggle with my weight loss because I was diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid disease a couple of years ago.  Now that I know more about that, I've realized that I've had thyroid issues for almost 20 yrs, but when my thyroid finally stopped working, I totally "ballooned"  --- I gained approximately 30 lbs in about 3 months and nothing I did would stop it.  I've struggled every since.

Currently, my main "weight attack" is through diet (no sugar or white bread; lots of protein, whole grains, veggies, low/no fat dairy, etc) because I have a grueling work schedule (10 hour days), plus an elderly aunt who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer; I am responsible for her care......  that leaves me with next to no time for exercise; AND I must say that my husband doesn't like my kind of music, so we always have the TV on rather than radio, cd, etc............

My work schedule will go back to 8 hr days, next month, then I will get back to either walking outside daily, the treadmill and/or my Wii Fit.  I also have a dvd that I dearly love -- it's called The Biggest Loser, Yoga for Weight Loss............it will kick your butt, but makes you feel so good afterward....

Don't know if you've ever tried yoga, but it's awesome exercise.  

Did you know that we currently have a "challenge" in progress to see who can lose the most weight (safely) in a week?  We recommend that you try to lose 1-2 lbs/week if you are doing it safely - some lose more, some of us aren't so lucky............You are welcome to join it, if you like.  

We have some wonderful people in our community, some who have lost a lot of weight, some who struggle like I do; some who have lost a lot of weight, but now struggle to lose more.............  we all stick together, because when it's all said and done, we're in the same boat.................

Keep up the good work and please feel free to join in any of the "discussions" that take place on the forum; particularly, the challenge............

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1386082 tn?1280363431
Yeah I already lost 15lbs in about a month and I'm trying to lose like around 60lbs.

I love dancing but no, I'm not a professional dancer, I wish!
What about you, what are you doing to lose weight?
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649848 tn?1534633700
Have you lost weight with your current program?  If so, how much?  How much more are you trying to lose?  

I used to dance, also - only in the privacy of my home, though, since I have the grace and rhythm of an elephant.  Are you a professional dancer?  
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this is nice but i cant dance what i can do o i missed dance............
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1386082 tn?1280363431
I dance, thats my exercise. No I don't count calories. I eat what I want when I'm hungry and stop when the hunger is gone.
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649848 tn?1534633700
What type of exercises are you doing?  Do you go to a gym?  

What types of food do you eat?  Do you count calories?  

We have a great food diary here on Med Help that can help you keep your calorie intake in check.  We also have the weight and exercise trackers that are very useful.  
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1386082 tn?1280363431
Well I just started exercising today for about 30mins and I'm just eating less.
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649848 tn?1534633700
That's what we are all here for, how can we help you?  What are you doing to lose weight, so far?
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