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362249 tn?1441315018

When To Exercise

Just wondering how often are you guys exercising? I guess i still feel i need to do especially as time goes on!!
8 Responses
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703362 tn?1427766328
Well...I have been bad in this department for the past week and a half...but I will be right back up on the exercise horse come Monday morning.....promise and will also track it, so if you catch me slipping...feel free to call me on it!  ; )  

I ordinarily go to the rec center for my workout on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, although I put into it all that I physically have on those days.  I go around lunchtime myself as that is the time that best fits into my schedule.  I lift some weights for the upper body (although not much yet...pretty new to me) and do no less than a 5K on the treadmill at no less than 3.5 mph, always at some sort of incline.  Usually actually go much closer to 4 miles now though...trying to lengthen it out to the 10K mark by summer so that I can run a 10K by my birthday at the end of July.  (Did several 5Ks last year and want to advance.)  

I really need to also add in at least some video workouts on the days in between when I cannot get to the rec center as well.  Going to do that.  Could be interesting in that I home school my youngest son, high school junior, he thinks those workouts to be quite funny....ah well, he needs some entertainment I suppose.  
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362249 tn?1441315018
I agree Barb!! We are ALL trying our best!! Every1 keep up the good work!!
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649848 tn?1534633700
I think you are right that it doesn't matter whether it's morning or evening when you exercise - just that you do it as often as possible.  

I think we all have good intentions and we all know that good intentions won't take off the pounds, but no matter how hard we try, things do get in the way - I think that's called LIFE (lol), so let's be kind to ourselves when the work out has to be postponed for some reason.  So we stumble once in a while - the key is to not fall down.  

So let's all just keep doing our best and not beat ourselves up for exercise missed.  

Have a great evening!!  
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428506 tn?1296557399
I didn't vote, I guess I wasn't sure which was the best fit.  I try to exercise everyday, but sometimes my intentions aren't enough to make it possible.  So I hit some lulls, but am really trying.  Of course, I know that best intentions won't take the pounds off.    But I promise, I am trying!

I did read in a recent Health magazine blurb about how it doesn't matter what time of day, AM or PM, you chose to work out, it's more important to do it!

But I always feel like I get more out of it if I workout in the mornings.  When I frist started on my "journey," I often worked out both in the mornings and evenings, but at that point I was less fit so my workouts were shorter.
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362249 tn?1441315018
TY Guys!
Red-I hope your appt goes well and no cast for you!!
Khendrick-I am the same trying to do every day but sunday, i am just too lazy to exercise on weekend i usually want a break by friday but if i exercise 6 days a week that keeps a good routine going!!
Barb-you been doing good keep it up!! You cant help it if something medical comes up! Just keep moving forward and keep at your goal!!
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649848 tn?1534633700
I was trying to exercise daily, along with the 3-5 miles I walk daily at work, in addition to the other physical work I do, plus housework, gardening, mowing lawn, etc.  Haven't been doing too well in the exercise dept lately because I've been feeling so rotten with this silly thryoid thing, as well as spending so much time in doctor offices and getting tons of tests done, etc.  

Today is the last day of work before a 2 week Christmas break, so I'm hoping to be able to get back into the swing of things over the break and maybe instead of 30 min/day, I can get in an hour.  

In spite of not working out like I should, I have managed to hold my weight steady and nothing seems to work for losing anyway right now, so I'm thankful for small favors.  Finally getting some answers regarding the thyroid thing and am hoping thyroid levels get stabilized soon and I can once again lose weight like I should!!  
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684175 tn?1295477838
I exercise everyday except on Sunday.  That is my one day of rest.  Plus it is usually the hardest for me sleep wise since I work Sat, Sun,  Mon nights.  I try to go to  the gym MOnday, Wednesday, and Friday for at least 30 minutes and then exercise with the TV the rest of the days.

Red2008 - I tore a ligament in my right knee about 4 years ago.  Major Pain!!!  I had to wear a knee brace for 6 weeks which I didn't do cause it impeded my work and the darn thing wouldn't stay on.  Anyways they said if it didn't get better with the brace I would have to wear a cast for 6 weeks.  I lied and said it felt fine lol.  I still have some pain every now and then to this day.  I imagine that I will need that cast or surgery in the future.  Maybe I can put it off if I lose some weight and take the stress off.  
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566103 tn?1228385767
I have not been able to do as much as I liked. I have had a lot of R ankle pain for about two months now. So I decided to see my FMD and have a MRI - It shows that I have partially tore my post tibial tendon and possibly have a small stress fracture  I go to the orhtopedist monday : (  I really am hoping not to have a green and red cast for christmas BOOOOOOOO,
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