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579258 tn?1250649343

DAY 8 - WEEK 2 - YOU ROCK!!!

Welcome to Week 2, Day 8, and Ohhh Myyy ... what Amazing and Wonderfully kind and healthful things you are doing!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!

Here is the links for Day 8 - http://tinyurl.com/4h8t74
6 Responses
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579258 tn?1250649343
C ~

WoWWW C~  There are verses in here that were so moving and very much spoke of the enlightenment that came with my journey.  Seems we can related on many levels and I can't thank you enough for sharing.  

Now, I'm learning to fly
And this freedom is like
Nothing that I've ever known

Funny how life offers us the chance to meet such wonderful people and to participate in experiences we never dreamed of before ... and it was in our hands all the time.  

Thank you for taking the time to share such a lovely post with all of us!  

((Big ... can't let go huggg ... ))
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579258 tn?1250649343
Mary ~ How Awesome are YOU????  .5 lbs is Most Admirable and you should be very proud of your efforts!!!  I am soooo thrilled for you!!!  Your expectations of some weight fluctuations and your extreme ability to make a goal and then implement the plan to execute it shows the inner strength and resolve you have to bring your dream to reality.  Love your "Can Do" attitude and very much look forward to seeing anniversary pictures ((hint, hint, hint))!  Are you planning anything special?

You are eating amazingly well!  Just need to BELIEVE and Claim Your Success!!!  Not "if" I do .. but "when" I do  ... not "hope" .. but "will" ...  try changing those words as it truly changes our spirits and fortifies our resolve.

Thank you so very much for sharing all your wonderful tips with all of us ... it is spectacular the knowledge we gain and how much it can affect the success of others.  You're a gem!

(((Supportive and Believing Huggss)))
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579258 tn?1250649343
2 lbs ... you must be elated!!!  Varying your food is such a wonderful and successful way to change your eating habits; wonderfully done!!!  I've found that no matter what I want to eat or what flavor I am craving, there is a healthy option!  Think we should start a discussion on that topic ...

Congratulations on your new puppy!  Allowing your puppy to bounce along and go for walks not only strengthens your bonds, but is such a healthy choice for all of you!  

You, my dear, are the Amazing one!  What Awesome treats for you and I'm so incredibly proud of you in the progress you are making in being kind to yourself.  Know exactly what you are referring to and traveled that path as well.  It is an incredible journey and one that I promise will lead you to achieve better self-esteem and self-confidence.  I am no longer the same person I was and it is all for the better.  

Keep up the Great work YOU are doing!!!  You're providing such motivation to me and your teammates and it is a blessing to read your post.
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624274 tn?1262709753
I feel pretty good about my weight loss so far. It did go up and down over the weekend but I expect some fluctuation. When I weighed this morning I was .5 lighter. YEAH!! 164.5. I only have 9.5 lbs to go. My diet includes 2 Lean Cuisine meals a day. I eat cereal or oatmeal for breakfast, have an Activia and fruit for snack, and then have a Lean Cuisine meal for lunch and dinner. I drink diet soda, water, 2% milk, or coffee. If I really crave something sweet to drink, I eat a banana. It stops the craving for soda. If I want something sweet to eat, I have angel food cake. You can find many ways to spruce up a healthy angel food cake online. I take alli with my Lean Cuisine meals. I have never had "treatment effects" because I stay within the allowed fat grams by eating Lean Cuisine meals. They are so delicious too. If I feel hunger coming on, I'll eat a piece of fruit or even a piece of hard peppermint candy. The taste of peppermint candy stops my cravings for potato chips or chocolate. The gum works too. I get more motivated every time I see the scales go down. I want to get down to a size 8 or 155 lbs by my anniversary. I will be so proud of myself if I do. My husband says he loves me just the way I am and I believe him. It's all about being happy and healthy with him. It's just that I want to prove to myself that I can do it. Plus, I want to look good too! I just had my second son one year ago and everyone says it's harder to get your body back after the second one. 155 is my pre-baby weight. I am almost there now so I haven't done too badly. I was at 135 when we got married nearly 5 years ago. I would someday like to be that thin again but right now I am being more realistic at 155. I can't wait to see the results. I hope I can stay this motivated.

Hope all is doing well.  –Mary
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408291 tn?1238233011
Brilliant motivation Ranae, you're an inspiration to everyone and I love reading your personal motivation tips.  I have had a successful first week on the challenge.  I have been to my slimming world class today and I've lost 2lbs.  I am really delighted with that.  I have now lost 11lbs in 5 weeks, considering that I'm not very mobile I am pleased with my progress.  

Tips that have helped me are, to vary my diet - I have a tendency to go mad on one or two food groups and have them so often that I get sick of them!  So this time around I'm making sure that there is a variety of foods to eat.  

I have upped my activity and exercise levels - having our gorgeous puppy has been great as my husband and I have been able to take her out walking.  I have also used my home gym equipment more often.

I have tried to treat myself with each week.  Just a little treat like reading a new book, a nice bubble bath, new bit of make-up or a new item of clothing (in one or two sizes smaller than I am now).  

I have also tried to be kind to myself - that may sound odd but I think I wasn't thinking 'highly' enough of myself (not sure thats the right word really) But I wasn't thinking that I could do anything about it, that I wasn't worth the effort really.  But now my mind set is such that I am motivated to do it, a little at a time.  That way please God I'll get to my goal and have improved my self esteem and self confidence.

I hope everyone else is also have a positive week, and here's to the second week of the challenge!

Good luck and God bless x
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579258 tn?1250649343
Time to shout out where you are, what you're feeling, what you're going through, any special needs/concerns.  We're a team ... and we're here for each other.

If you're having difficulty, then please tell us what is happening and how you're feeling and then keep an open mind and be prepared to act on the advice of your teammates!  It is how we help each other and move forward to success .. one baby step at a time.

If you're having success, then please share what you're doing to obtain that success in order to support your teammates with postive motivation and tips on what is working.

Remember ... this is a concerted effort to change our habits, they do not change overnight but one at a time.  Just like you can't break a bundle of sticks at once ... but you can break a single stick from the bundle and then take another and break it.  Eventually, steadily, the work is done and you have achieved your goal.

Have a wonderful day ... and here's a little article I wrote on regrouping ...

To be successful in our weight loss journey, there comes a time when we must regroup and reestablish the reasons we began this path that leads us to health. It is an important part of the process that inevitably comes our way and how we deal with this step is the true measure of our success!

At these crossroads, we are faced with a choice. Do we take the path that continues or do we give up and turn around? Crossroads test our resolve, however, it is in passing this test that we build inner strength and character and learn we are stronger than we thought possible. The resulting benefit is increased self-esteem, growth in our spirit and a body that is leaner and healthier.

You can read more here .. http://www.ranaesheart.com/2008/10/talk-about-regrouping.html

Big (((Hugs))) .. I BELIEVE in YOUUUU!!!!
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