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How to watch food intake while on vacation?

This weekend I am going to Mohegan Sun. My boyfriend is going with, along with my Grandma and my Aunt. I'm trying really hard this time around to not over eat...but It's so hard when nobody eles has to watch their food intake. I know I'm going to bring some healthy snacks to take for the trip, but my question is how do I continue to eat healthy when I'm away? Let's be honest when I'm in a restaurant I go for what I've been wanting...maybe a cheeseburger and fries? But, for me self control has always been my issue. I started the year off weighing in at 294, up by 24lbs last year. I'm currently at 282.5, and I really don't want to gain any of that back.

What are some ways I can try to make the healthy choices? I mean I like healthy food, I love grilled chicken...but let's be honest, we don't know how the diner is preparing it. It can be cooked in a high fat content oil or butter. I love outside food, but would much rather cook my own because I know how I'm cooking it and what's going into it. So I ask you all for some tips. How can we make smart choices when we are away from home...especialy during a Holiday weekend? When we all know that Memorial Day weekend is known for BBQ (and by the way there is a BBQ place in Mohegan Sun)...and I adore anything BBQ!

Thanks everybody!!

And I do know it is OK to have what you want sometimes, I mean we can't all give up on everything that we love...but honestly we can't eat it all day and everyday either.
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I completely understand about the cravings and the restaurant temptations, but just for future reference, almost any restaurant will prepare something healthy for you if you ask for it.  For example, just the other day I ordered a trout dish that was, according to the menu, to be cooked in butter wine sauce and served.  I asked the waiter to saute it in just a little bit of olive oil instead and steam the veggies instead of saute them.  He was more than happy to do it, and it was delicious.

Obviously, there are burger joints and places like that that don't really have the resources to accommodate this type of request, but you can, at least, get a grilled chicken sandwich.  But sit-down restaurants can usually cook whatever you need.
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Oh I enjoyed it alright...just wish I could gain more self control while out. I have no problem like at work and home...but once I'm out it's like a need to eat whatever I crave. Lets hope I didn't do much damage this week!

Thanks allot!
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649848 tn?1534633700
What's done is done, so think of your vacation with fond memories and let it go.  Get back to "normal" and you should catch back up in no time.

At any rate, hopefully, you enjoyed your vacation and that's what counts.
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Ugh...it didn't work. Cravings were to bad, and meals were all messed up. But, I guess that's way they call it vacation...your suppose to do different things then when your at home. My meals are ok...I mean, I rarely lick the plate clean because I fill up on water before I eat...HOWEVER, it was snack time that got me. In Mohegan Sun there is 3 krispy kreme donut locations and ben & jerrys ice cream...plus starbucks and other snacking areas. The other issues I had were not sticking to guidelines, like not eating lunch at normal times (one day had lunch at 3 and dinner @ 10pm). So that's what kills me.

But hey, now I got the rest of the week to behave and work on losing the pound I gained last week. Hopefully snacks wont get the best of me again.
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649848 tn?1534633700
I've done that at Olive Garden -- since you get all the salad and bread sticks you can eat, I ask for a "go box" as soon as they bring the entree'; then I continue to load up on the salad and pack away the entree' for later.

So there are ways to get around it -- we just have to look for them and be willing to change our habits.
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1279364 tn?1280682588
I read that if you go a restaurant, ask to havehalf of it put into a to go container ahead of time (so you don't lick the plate clean like Barb said). If the servings are small then get a side order of steamed/grilled veggies to help fill you up or eat a small salad first.

Good luck & enjoy yourself!
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Thanks Barb!
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649848 tn?1534633700
A lot of food cooked in restaurants, are cooked in fats, etc.  I'd suggest that you look for things that are grilled or baked; yes, they might have more fat than they would if you cook them at home, but they won't be as bad a fried.  

If you have a taste for a cheeseburger, why not order it, then take away the bun (or at least 1/2 of it) and eat the meat and cheese?  By eliminating the bun, you are probably eliminating at least 150-200 calories for that meal.  And of course, go for salads with the low fat dressings; any kind of veggies you can get, etc.  

I will be going out to breakfast in the morning -- while my favorite thing is eggs over easy, pancakes, bacon.  I'm going to go for fruit, eggs, oatmeal and an English muffin.  Still more than I should have, but if I only eat 1/2 of everything except the fruit, I will have done relatively well.  

One thing we forget very easily when we eat out -- or at least *I* do -- is that we don't have to lick the plate clean.  I always figure that since we've gone out to eat, I need to clean my plate in order not to waste food/$.......in theory, that's right, but in looking at my waist line;, I know I don't need to eat all that food; in fact, if I leave 1/2 of everything, I will still be full and satisfied; I just have to stop eating.........

Don't forget that BBQ can be okay -- it's all the "trimmings" (chips, potato salad, cole slaw, etc) you eat that add the calories.  

No, you can't give up everything you like -- just eat it in smaller amounts........have a safe happy weekend.
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