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Anyone else use Seasonique (Birth Control)?

I just started using Seasonique (used to be called Seasonal) Dec 19,2006 and I'm hoping there will be some ladies on here that can provide me with some feed back. I was hoping I would be able to read the insert that was supposed to come with the filled prescription, but the pharmacy didn't include it in the bag. Anywho, can anyone tell me if they had swollen, sore breast and sore nipples when they first started taking this type of bc? My stomach is also a little tender to the touch. I'm just wanting to see if anyone else experienced these side effects when first starting this type of bc. I used to use the Nuva Ring prior to the switch. Also, for those of you who have been using this type of bc for awhile, how do you like it? I'm still trying to get used to taking a pill daily, I've only had to double up twice so far. Thanks in advance for your feed back.
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I have been on Seasonique for now 8 weeks. I've had break through bleeding for 3 of the 8 weeks and it isn't showing any signs of stopping. I've had period like symptons during the 8th week. I called the doctor and they keep telling me that it's just my body getting used to the pill. Has anyone else experience these type of symptoms?
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How was it when you first started? that's what I'm afraid of. No one ever says they're just like oh yea and after the first pack this happened. Can anyone give me the run down on the first couple weeks what to expect?
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My first few days I experienced spotting, slight nausea, and I was constantly freezing. The second week the spotting stopped, but I now have a white discharge which my dr says is normal. The nausea has stopped and I'm not as cold as much. My boyfriend says I have been moody but I'm sure that will subside too. I haven't taken birth control in 5 yrs. I got my tubes tied after my last child.  I am only on this because of all the negative effects getting my tubes tied has caused. Acne, mood swings, irregular periods, ovarian cysts.  I have noticed my appetite has increased alot. I usually ate a banana for breakfast n then dinner now I am starving all day. Hope this helps.
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Mine didn't get better with time.  I stopped birth control completely and went to period tracking.   It works for me cause I have always had clockwork periods.  I was only using bc for preventing pregnancy. So I have a tracker and avoid having sex during fertile time frames and has proven the best method for me since 2011 when I stopped seasonique and made my last post.    Some it seems like it got better but I didnt want to risk being a bleeding crazy person for anther 6-7 months after being on it already 6-7 months.  Cause I went from lo  to regular dose it only amplified my systems more.   And after 2-3 months on reg dose the crazy got worse so it wasn't worth it.  Not saying that it couldn't level out.  But how much are you willing to put up with till it does and the effects it could have on others around you.  
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Been on Seasonique (generic: Daysee) for 4 days and it's a mixed bag.  My mood has been better than ever, but my anxiety is off the charts.  I've had 2 migraines since starting this pill, which I've never had in my entire life.  Nausea and heartburn have been bad despite using the pill vaginally instead of orally (which always worked wonders for nausea with other pills).  

I feel very tense like I'm going to have a stroke.  I keep telling myself that's not likely since I'm only 30, don't smoke/drink and am not overweight.  Maybe it's the anxiety talking but I'm a tad worried.  

People always say to give new birth control time so your body can adjust, but how accurate is that?  Has anyone ridden out bad side effects and had them improve with time?  I can stand a few weeks of this but if it's permanent I'm tapping out.  
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Jerk. A real man stands by his "woman" no matter what she's going through. And he doesn't make the relationship all about him. What if the lowered sex drive were due to cancer or miscarriage-- would you dump her then? Probably. She's better off without you.
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Amen! I am an RN and this person is a complete moron! Unless they work in the medical field like I do they have no business assaulting any of the women on here seeking advice from other women about a birth control method. Every woman's body is different and has different levels of hormones - some low some high. What works well for one may not be best for others I always assumed that was common sense but the joke is on me clearly showing that this person lacks intelligence. As someone who actually works in the medical field I do apologize for someone's ignorance and I will tell you that you need to consult your physician about the issue. Ask them to run tests just to make sure everything is ok even if they tell you it is it's better to be safe than sorry.
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Ok... I can tell you have no idea what your actually talking about I on the other hand actually work in the medical field so I'll educate you. That's great that your side effects weren't bad these women come on here for advice not to battle ignorance so now let me educate you NO FEMALES body is the same! Every body is different. Every body has different hormone levels, estrogen levels, etc. It shows your lack of intelligence when you dare to say that side effects only happen to people who are angry and want to post comments on them. Before you open your mouth regarding anything medical information preferably on the human body and how it works you should probably do your research so an RN doesn't go up against you, call you out for your lack of knowledge about the human body and look like a moron.
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i was on seasonique for 4-5 yers. I got a blood clot in my L calf. DVT..It traveled to my Right lung.PE.. I was hospitalized for a week. 36 years old no health problems ever. Exercised regularly! Very scary
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there is a generic..amethia
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Seasonique is the only BC that work for me use it for 5 yr due to endometriosis. I stop for like two yrs and cramping starting back so am on the generic seasonique and am not liking it.  
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I think you have endometriosis, have you dr do the procedure to see
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ive been taking seasonique for over a year,its the 3 month then period one.so i came on period on the 3rd month like normal.it was july 22,2012. i had to stop taking the pills bc of no money to buy them.so i was able to get the pills and started on aug 19.no period.was wondering would i be back on tract for the every three month period.could i be pregnant
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Well, we're alll really happy that YOU don't have any problems, but not everyone is just like you. It's rude of you to  belittle other poeple's problems just because this pill doesn't cause any for you. Maybe if the pill caused your period to continue for over 30 DAYS or you to gain 20 pounds you might feel differently. I hope you're not a nurse; I doubt you would be able to express any sympathy to your patients when they are in pain.
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I was taking sesoniquie and then a doctor took me off so I went to anther doctor & he put me back in I've been bleeding for 7 days now & it's only im only in the 2 nd month of the pack how long will this bleeding last?
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I had to stop taking seasonique because it only made my periods worse. I have a natural 21 day cycle (2 weeks no period 1 week period) and the first three months on seasonique I had my period like usual. Then the next 3 months I had bleeding and spotting everyday so I had to get off of it. I take Ocella now which actually successfully changed my cycle to 28 days. I have endometriosis and the  worst thing for it is periods. Since the Ocella was able to curb my period my gyno suggested I skipped the placebo pills and just start my next pack. I did and ended up having a 3 week period. WHAT THE HECK!?!?! Anybody else have this? That if they try to stop their period it just stays longer?
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seriously dude--- maybe its not the pills that has redueced her sex drive for you---hint hint--- thanks for divorcing her so God can send her a man that truly loves and care for her...
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I have been on the this BC for about 7 months now, I have not experience weight gain, headaches, crazy hormnes or many of the other effects. I have been very pleased with the overall result of the product. Having my period once every 3 months has been fantastic. My only complaint is that ever since I've been on the pill, even at the very start my sex drive has dropped to 0%. When I am off the pill for a week to complete my period cycle, my sex drive goes back into over time. But as soon as I'm back on it, even for a day it's that same thing. It's driving my boyfriend crazy! I'm going to have to switch off. Though I'm not to excited about it.
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I've been on this birth controll for almost a month and I've been bleeding, not even really lightly, the entire time and I've had cramps the last 2 weeks horribly bad. I'm getting the hell off this ASAP and going back to low ostregel, which I have absolutely no side affects with.  I switched because I didn't have a refill on my script left and I needed to be on something.
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I recently was put on seasonique. I am only on the 10th day. But I am having breast pain and tenderness. Also, my nipples hurt. This is accompanied by cramping that just started yesterday. Has anyone else experienced this? Prior to this pill I was on Lo Estrin 24 fe.
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I'm almost done with my 2nd month of the generic Seasonique pill. I love not having a period monthly but I feel like I shouted it from the rooftop too soon. For the past 9-12 days I've been spotting. Its like the last day of my cycle every day now. What gives? I spoke to my pharmacist about it and she said that it's most likely my body adjusting to the hormone levels. I spoke to the nurse at my gyno's office and the Dr. told her that I needed to stop taking my pill for 4 days to let my body flush out what it feels it needs to and restart the pill where I left off. Sooooo whose advice should I follow? Has anyone else gone through this? Will this dreadful spotting ever stop? I hate that I started taking the pill to be safe and I'm now being told to stop for 4 days which basically means my 2 months of pill taking is now null & void.

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4 years ago i used seasonique for 6 months and then got myself off cuz i never stopped cramping. I t took me a little over a year to even get a period after that and now i have been trying for almost 2 years to have another baby and nothing. i have had test run on me and the doctors say im fine along with my husband so they have no clue why we are having such a hard time. I been doing some research becuase this was the only birth control i have ever used and found some stories that were familiar to mine. So i am just curious as to how much in a 6 month time frame did this birth control damage me. Is there anyone else who has had this problem?
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I am on my 5th month of Seasonique. At first, I thought that this pill was great. I didn't really have a lot of the other problems that other people are listing. However, in the past few weeks I have had terrible stomach pain and cramps. I also have difficulty going to the bathroom recently, which I think may very well be due to this medication. After reading this forum I wanted to stop taking this BC immediately, but last time I stopped taking my BC  cold turkey I spent the next week in bed with terrible cramps that left me unable to walk. I'd also like to mention that I started taking this medication because I have terrible cramping during my periods, along with hot flashes, blacking out, and nausea. I also have been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst that has been there for a little over a year now. The only reason I switched to Seasonique was because my periods were still extremely painful on other birth controls and I was missing way too much school and work. So, now instead of missing a week of work and school once a month I only have to do it once every three. However, the cramps that I experience halfway through my packs are really making me wonder if this prescription is worth it. Any alternative advice would greatlyyy be appreciated. I've tried several things and I'm up to try anything that is going to help.
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I been on the pill for 9 months and a week before i will start my period i will get really bad pms. even if i am not bleeding. I would get really bad for no reason. also cry over nothing.
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I am 33 years old and I am hypothyroid. I am on Armour thyroid medication (120mg). I was taking Tilia FE, but I was having strange symptoms. The week before my period I was getting bad headaches and cramps. I was falling asleep in the daytime and waking up in the middle of the night and I had hot flashes. My doctor wanted me to try Lo Seasonique thinking that those symptoms would subside.

After a week of taking it, my breasts were swollen. They were a whole size larger than usual and if I touched them, it was painful. That has never happened to me on any other birth control.

After two weeks, I had breakthrough bleeding. This lasted for two weeks straight. I read online that I needed to take the pill at the exact same time every day. I did and the bleeding subsided.

A month into taking the pill I was having serious pains on the left side of my stomach under my breast. I didn’t know what it was. It was so painful that it was waking me up in the middle of the night. I found myself rocking back and forth trying to make the pain go away. After 5 days, it went away. I went to my internal medicine doctor to get it checked out just in case. After some tests and an ultra sound they found that I developed an ovarian cyst.

I didn’t stop taking the pill then because I was close to finishing out the pill pack and I know how horrible it is to stop taking the pill in the middle of the pack. The last week when I was supposed to get my period, it didn't come.

During the three months I was on Lo Seasonique, I gained a total of 16 lbs. During that time my eating did not change (I track what I eat) nor has my exercise routine. As a result, I have stopped taking Lo Seasonique and I went back to Tilia Fe.

What I want to know is, how long will it take my body to go back to the way it was before I started taking Lo Seasonique?

This has been a nightmare.      
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