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Bleeding black blood

For the past two months, a week before I started my period, I started bleeding a light brown color.  When my period did start, I was bleeding black blood. I've also been having real bad abdomal pain upper and lower even when I'm not having my period.  I've been taking Ortho Novum for a year and my period has never been like this.  Could you please tell me the reason or what I have done that would cause this to happen?
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Do you think 'black blood' could be related to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome? I have many of the symptoms you describe, and i know POS creates or is a symptom of a hormone imbalance. However, i am in my 20's - I'm worried about being menopausal....

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Hi, Lee here in Orlando.

Yep, I’ve got all the symptoms you described C.  I have been very regular with my periods all my life, marking them on my calendar – you could set a clock by them.  But guess what?  I’ve been bleeding black blood since December 27, 2007 and am still bleeding and it’s January 14, 2008.  I am in my 40’s and know with what I’ve studied thus far, it’s because I have too much Estrogen in my body.  Got to balance it all out.  

Will give you an update in near future on research and results.

You're not alone.
Bye for now Lee.
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my bad....   started to write something, got side tracked, and the bottom part didnt get deleted...

I started to say that the book tells about our Society being Estrogen Dominant.  Since I know that i have experienced over 3/4 of the symptoms of Estrogen Dominance, including all of the above symtoms and more... yeast problems, short term memory problems--which started around the pregnancy's, and everyone told me was just stress.... etc...
Almost all my symptoms at one time or another has been written off as in my head, or stress related...  and I am tired of hearing that...
I am convinced from my own experiences, and experimentation with the Progesterone Cream, that I am onto something, that Dr. Lee is On to something...  That women are all too often encouraged to get hysterectomy's to relieve their symptoms.

I failed to mention earlier, My Mom had a hysterectomy in her 30's because she had a grapefruit sized non-cancerous tumor removed.  At which time they did a hysterectomy on her.  After that she experienced symptoms that I can recall---Facial Hair being one of them, I remember the most.  Wiry Chin Hairs, and her pulling them...  out regularly.

My Mom, eventually was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and had to have a Mysectomy.  She then sucummed to the Cancer, as it masticised (spread all over, because they cut the tissue and cancer was introduced into the blood stream) ...  This was in the late 70's early 80's... and she has now been gone 20 years....  She is not here for me to question about the other symptoms, but I recall that she had weight gain, and became depressed, and moody---which she never had been before they did the hysterectomy... So I assume it was probably related to Hormonal Imbalance created by the hysterectomy.

My Point is this..... Dont settle for its Normal, or its in your head.... Listen to your body, get answers, get solutions....  press on.....   not worth living like I did miserably for 7+ years....
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oops, sorry hit the button...   let me continue

LADIES:  I got the shock of my life.... MY FIRST NORMAL BRIGHT RED/PINK PERIOD IN OVER 6-7 years...   No NASTY BLACK BLOOD....  NO CLOTS (which i forgot to mention earlier---that were frequent, and large, and painful)

MY TEENAGE---ACNE Problem  No longer Existed.....   after Suffering terribly all these years, I didn't have ANY ACNE....  :)

MY FACIAL HAIR--- was Back to Normal,....  I watched it daily get better, and better, till it was back to what I know is normal for me, and almost non-existant.  

My Abs, are No Longer TENDER,
I No Longer Pee My pants, when I laugh, or Cough....
I No Longer have the Urge to need to pee every second of the day.
I am not as moody, (and thats an understatement)... (My temper was uncontrollable at times... Like walking on Broken glass/egg shells dont even come close to describing my moods... I was always ready to tear someone's head off--and hated myself because I acted that way)

Now let me tell you women, I am a skeptic by nature.  
So I have experimented over the since I started taking the Progesterone in May.  After 2 months of BLISS (May and June) and taking the full amount of Progesterone Cream...   I thought I would see if my body had balanced itself enough for me to reduce the amount of cream.  
So the next month (July) I skipped every other day..., and I only took half of the recommend amount of cream suggested.  To My dismay:  

ALL THE SYMPTOMS RETURNED... Every single one.  Black Periods, Facial Hair, Wiry Hair, Acne (which to me is like a ball and chain sentence--i hate this one the most)...  Spotting, Clotting, extended period.  

So I resumed the suggested amount again (I wasnt totally faithful--I missed a few days here and there) (in August/September) But To My DELIGHT:  Even though I re-experienced the initial bloating symptoms...  I Found RELIEF Again from the Symptoms I have had since my youngest one was about 2 years old.  (about 7 years)
Well in my Saga---LAST month I went out of town, and have misplaced my cream---and because of a busy schedule, I have not taken the time to replace it.... so I can only imagine what my period will be like this month... which is due any day now... and yes, I have been extremely GROUCHY, even to the point, some of the adults I know have noticed the difference and made comments this last week, not to mention my children, whom I Home School and live with 24/7...  Everyone knows its time to walk on glass...again, and Yes, MY ACNE is back too.... (grr, really hate that)..  and In addition to all of the symptoms returning, as if that wasn't enough... I have gained weight, this month, and have been going to the bathroom 20-30 times a day...

So I can tell ya this, I will be at the Health Food Store tomorrow to replace my mis-placed Creme.
I am a believer, and know that it is a Relief... Not totally a Cure for my symptoms...  I do know that it is more to it then just one or two hormones, and intend to seek alternative solutions to my hormonal imbalance, as the Normal Medical Procedures, and Doctors have offered me no Solution, or Explaination..... and this one, has made a difference, which leads me to believe that there is a Permanent Solution to an Enlarged Uterus, and Hormone Imbalance, and it is my recommendation to each of you ....   Keep Trying, dont settle for its in your head, or there's nothing wrong with you....

It is a symptom that something is out of balance... Listen to your body, and be pushy, get answers...
and please contact me, if you find out anything... there seems to be very little on the subject available....
Cobblett     ***@****

am convinced at this point that my situation, and many other womens' that are experiencing the same thing,....is related to Hormones... one In particular that we are exposed to excessively.... IS

WE LIVE IN AN Estrogen Dominant Society.  AND
The Pill has ESTROGEN, and they have been giving it to women, as a cure, when in reality it is probably the problem.  WITHOUT Progesterone,

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I also have the same problem, ab pains every day, frequent urination--including dribbles.
My cycles ranged from 8-18 days with a day or so break in the middle.  SOLID BLACK/NASTY to say the least.  
Was told it was normal, or never heard of, or all in my head.
Thought I had colon problems, because bowels were effected, and lower abs were unbearably tender.  Sex was uncomfortable, and painful.

Last year, a younger sibling was diagnosed with colon cancer so I got checked out... No problems there... So testing continued.  Which lead to my finding out that my Uterus is 3 times the normal size.  Was told they did not find any fibroids, and had a uterine biopsy done, and that also came back as normal.  
Was then told my options:  The Pill (because it was likely hormonal) OR I could have a Hysterectomy (since I am in my 40's and am done having children)  
Speaking of which -- I'm sure Most of my problems began around my first pregnancy at the age of 30.  Hormonally, I became a wreck, and had back to back pregnancy's and then another one 4 years after the second one.  Ending childbirth at almost age 35.  
Ever Since, last one was a C-Section:  I have had trouble with my cycle.  BLACK Foul Smelling turning Red before the end of the cycle.  Have been told its old blood, have been told its nothing to worry about, have been told its in my head, have been told its my age.....

I know it is not in my head: (I have found something that has offered RELIEF to Most of my Symptoms)

I personally suffered not only with irregular periods, but have many other symptoms that have ran the gammut durring those same 4-6 years.  AND Last year 2006-Early 2007 everything was getting dramatically worse.  Daily...   Including:

FACIAL HAIR (over an inch thick)  
Wiry CHIN Hairs (like my mother use to have) needing pulled frequently
Daily ACNE (that I have had since I was a teenager) and never went away not even for a few days...and would always be guaranteed to worsen days before my period would begin was even worse then before.
Periods lasting 8-18 days with a day and a half break in the middle.
Frequent Urination, and problems with inconstance.
Abs so tender I couldn't be touched
PERIODS BLACK/Foul and Nasty  would turn red, and brown throughout the cycle.
Bowel Movements (wierd shapes, and sizes, and forms)

What brought relief from these symptoms:  a Natural Progesterone Cream (not synthetic/man-made)  

I was given a book titled:  " What your Doctor's dont want you to know about Pre-Menapause "  after reading it, and reading the symptoms of the pages and seeing that I had OVER 3/4's of the symptoms I figured what did I have too lose.   I would try it...

LADIES:    After trying it this is what has happened for me:  Initially I bloated, badly, to the point I thought I would explode.... but I stuck it out, as that was what it told me might happen....  
Then I got the shock of my life....  
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I have a rare blood disease called acute intermitten porpheria..its a rare blood disease,and as one of the attacks from the disease my periods are black..You may want to have blood work done to see if there is anything abnormal....
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