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Bumps and yeast infection

Hey ya'll . Ok, here's my question, I am 18 years old and I am not a sexually active person. I am somewhat prone to yeast infections but i normally have a lot of discharge anyway. I'd say about the end of October I started itching a lot down there, and thought the usual, it may just be normal and i would wait until it went away. To make a long story short, i kept thinking the uncomfortable feeling would go away but it would always come back. I had lots of discharge and itching until one day i'd say about the beginning of january I noticed a few bumps near like where it opens. I know this sounds gross but i am just completely dumbfounded as to what they are from. I thought maybe at first they were like ingrown hairs or something but they never went away. Like they haven't gotten worse or better in the past like 2 months. You can't really notice them unless you feel them, but it just worries me. I was looking up some things online and saw that if a yeast infection is untreated, it can lead to bumps and rashes of the skin that it infects also. I used some 3 day monistat about 2 weeks ago and the discharge is cleared but the bumps stayed the same?? I'm so embarrassed and I just want to know if anyone can relate, or has any advice?? thanks yall
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hi chammy, i can totally relate to your situation!!! I went for 3 months thinking that I had an STD and that i was never gonna have a normal sex life again. I went through the same thing with the bumps and irritation. I was going crazy!I finally was able to go to the doctor and he said it was chronic yeast infection, which means that its been untreated. Now i want to ask you... when you used the cream, did you just apply some on the outside or did you actually insert the tube filling, and maybe like me, you need somethign a bit stronger (something prescribed). Mya dvise is to not worry too much because that actually makes it a lot worse than what it is and go to a doctor a.s.a.p. Mine went away in 3 days and i just thought..." why didnt i f...... go earlier to the doctor?" Hope this hekps and write back if you need any more help. Peace
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I found some suggestion after reading your status that how it start and how to control it
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do u had some discharge also?
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hie, i  dont know if i have yeast infection or not but according to my research online looks like it,  i have bumps in the opening of my vagina and am really worried could it be something serious or its just yeast infection, oh i haven't seen a doctor as yet, only got meds from the pharmacy but the bumps don't seem to be going away
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I suffer from re-current candidiasis (yeast infection). I used to have it only time to time and without treatment it would go easily after the menstruation, which is common in most women (some dont even know they got a yeast infection because theres no symptoms sometimes).
After having a cyst operation from one of my ovaries I had to take antibiotics because I also presented pneumonia. After that I started having some heavier discharge which was white. It went away. Then I went to the dentist to remove my wisdoms molars and one of them presented an infection so I had to take more antibiotics (this and the other antibiotics was a short period span). Then I started having heavy discharge again, only that this time there was a lot of itchines, it felt incredibly uncomfortable to have sex until it became painful, then it wasnt a creamy-like discharge anymore, it was flaky, heavily flaky. It ended up reaching my urethra and somehow it went beyond. I ended up having a kidney infection, not a serious one but it could become serious. My lower back hurt a lot, it was a terrible pain, sometimes I couldnt stand straight and I hardly slept at nights at all. I went back to the doctor and he said that what I had was a yeast infection that it spread in my body. So he gave prescribed me an ovule to put inside my vagina, a cream to put around my labia so the itchness wouldnt bother me and then he gave me antibiotics for the infection.
While everything went away nicely, the candidiasis came back time later, and it went and it came and so on for a year, then I became pregnant and it became WORST. When you become pregnant theres a high chance of having a yeast infection (it is very normal) but since I already suffered from it, was really bad. The itchiness was unbereable, and the color turned from white to yellowish-light green. I went to the doctor and told me to buy Canasten (which is not needed prescription for it) and that solved the problem easily.
Since then, if my yeast has not gone with my menstruation I use it. I tend to use the cream when is little or is starting to appear.
Its a horrible situation because... it doesnt really seem to have a cure.
In order to have sex with my husband, he always has to have an impecable hygiene, because the least (those casual sex) give me yeast infection, also the diet. Have to avoid soya, anything with yeast (such as some breads, pastries, etc.), cheese with fungus (like roquefort or gorgonzola or any other blue cheese), have to eat enough meals with garlics (as they are anti-fungids).
Now its been about 6 years since the yeast drama (due mostly to the antibiotics, they ruined my life, saved it yes... but ruined it at the same time) and now I have tiny little bumpies inside the back wall of my vagina, like a patchy zone.
I hate this condition, mostly cause I cant have normal sex. Lucky my husband loves me very much and understand my situation and doesnt care that I even have it, like, I dont have to feel ashamed or anything, he makes me feel very comfortable. But it still does affect in a way and is awful!.
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Im having this same problem. I have a lot of itching amd havent gone to see a doctor. But i did some research online and i seem to have all the symptoms of a yeast infection. Except for the fact that the entrance of my vagina feels bumpy and numb to the touch. Is that a part of a yeast infection too?
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I went to the doctor had like some raised bumps in my vagina area he said it's coming from the bacterial vaginitis is this so
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Please help I have small painless white bumps around the opening. Doesn't hurt at all. Had anal sex for the first time then 1 week later started getting white painless bumps around my pravite opening. I'm worried and scared. What can this be the bumbs are flat. Not big but I'm still worried
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I have small painless white bumps around the opening. After me and my boyfriend tried oral sex a week later I got these bumps. They don't hurt . They itch sometimes. I've had it for 2 weeks what could this be. Please help.
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5973125 tn?1378575863
Idk what the bumps are I'd go to the gyno to get those checked out. As for the yeast infection try washing and douching with lemon juice. Put 1/4 lemon juice and fill the rest up with water. Kinda sounds like you have .bv do you have an foul smelling odor?
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Hi I'm not sure if I have herpes, ingrown hair or yeast infection ...I'm a female and I'm sexually active my partnee said he did not have herpes I only have one swollen bump on my vagina I do have discharge but not a lot and it dosent smell
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I was really sick one day with body aches and a fever of 101 and I had to pee a lot and it burned. I went to the doctor and he gave me medicine for a uti the next day I noticed it was worse I could barely walk and it only felt okay to just sit. I noticed small bumps on the lips of my vagina and a white discharge. I've been reading a ton of things on herpes and yeast infections but I think it's a yeast infection due to the medication Im on and it is really painful to wipe and shower can a yeast infection come up that fast???!?
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That's how I am. What did you end up having?
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I had a pimple like bump the size of a tiny dot. It wasnt big at all. Its on the right lip of my vaginal. A day went by and it began to itch. I looked down to see it and the bump turned into little tiny bumps with clear liquid. Being the person that i am i popped them. Now it has turned into a soar that's leaking puss. I do have a yeast infection. Could it be from the yeast infection. I've been sexually active with the same guy for ywo years. He hasn't been with anyone else as well. And he's fine. Did I just irritate it?
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Hey I totally understand the problem was that you popped them when popping them It irritates it even more and could make soars of you have any kind of soar or rash you should contact your doctor.
By the way your explaining that it seems like herpes to me but you should def contact a doctor!
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Hey my name is kyara I am sexually active and I have theses small skin colored bumps on the walls if my vagina. I knw they are not herpes.but I recently had a yeast infection before the bumps came. I was using the cream but it wasn't working then I started scratching n that's Wen the bumps came they been here ever since. I'm embarrassed n scared but I made a doctors app. Anyways. I'm 18.
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ive currently got a yeast infection and have grown bumps around the hole! ive been worrying myself to death thinking i have genital warts but is this sort of normal for having a yeast infection? i did scratch a lot.
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ive currently got a yeast infection and have grown bumps around the hole! ive been worrying myself to death thinking i have genital warts but is this sort of normal for having a yeast infection? i did scratch a lot.
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I have the same problem I'm really scared and not sure whats going on I've heard if you have any sort of wart or rash that you should contact your doctor.
hope this helped you and it gets cured
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I lost my virginity about 8 months ago and ever since then I have been getting yeast infections. They flare up then go away but I have also gone to the doctor atleast 7 times. I have been having unprotected sex. About 5 days ago little white bumps popped up in the area where I am getting itchy. This is the first time I have seen bumps and I am worried because I am having sex with another guy. My doctor did a test when I had a yeast infection but the report did not find any abnormal yeast. Wierd right? So its something completely different. Could I be getting these bumps because I really have never been treated because my doctor was treating the wrong thing?
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Hi everyone ive been reading ur posts and well about a year ago i had a yeast infection and i had 2 small bumps and when i went to the doctor they gave me a pill and by the next 2 days all my symptoms went away including the bumps..but i havent stopped wondering if it was ever an std so im going to get tested tomorrow and i just wanted to kno if u all think it sounds like an std...i kno a friend who has herpes she found out when she got a yeast infection and well what i saw was NOTHING compared to thebumps i had and hers went away with pills treated for herpes...also the bumps i had werent uncomfortable the only reason i knew was bcuz i had touched myself down there when i had my yeast infection..i was just curious...well i would like u alls opinion??plz someone let me kno wut u think im just freaking out!!
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What was your end results?
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I don't know if you're aware or not but your body has natural yeast and when you take antibiotics, it can throw them out of wack.

To help with the yeast infections, try eating yogurt. It will help regulate it. If you are prone to getting yeast infections, this may help cut down the amount you get, if not completely stop them.

There are many reasons that you can get bumps/rash in your pubic area and the only true way to find out what they are is to see a doctor. It's even more important if you are sexually active, as it adds another demention to what the causes can be. It's very scary to speak with a doctor about such things but find someone that you are comfortable with and it will get easier as you go.
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Ive been struggling with antibiotics after more antibiotics..every time i  take antibiotics i always get a yeast infection. I was trying to get over a yeast infection and kept getting put on more antibiotics i just finished another round of antibiotics and now my vagina is just out of control. i didnt ever think a yeast infection came with bumps. it only hurts when i wipe. but is it possible that this could be something serious?? Im so scared and so embarrassed... someone help
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I just recently found out that i am pregnant. Unfortunately i have been a little too sexually active in my days. Well I was with ONE guy recently and was planning on him being the last. He got me pregnant and that caused me to end up with a yeast infection. I have some bumps around the opening of my vagina as well...they sting pretty bad when I urinate and when i touch them. They aren't very visible...I honestly can't see them, but i can feel them. The feel like an open tiny scratch or something when i urinate. Do  you think it's from the yeast infection? Or could it be Herpes? I'm scared of it being herpes because i'm 11 weeks pregnant and i dont want to have to have a C-section. There's no pus, or scabs or anything the sores really aren't even visible at all. Any ideas? I'm only 18 and my mom thinks that the guy who got me pregnant is the only one i've been with. I've just been used for sex alot in my days...and i had a low self-esteem and thought that having sex was the only way anyone would ever want me. I honestly dont think it's herpes....but i'm scared that it could be. Do you think it is?
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I have like 4 bumps on the labia I do have sex but Always protected though I'm scared to tell my mom the only hurt when I wipe .???
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1357269 tn?1277309637
I've been having the same issues.  It started about a little over a month ago with a bacterial & yeast infection.  The yeast infection came back and the bumps are still there and red - they almost look like taste buds on your tongue - am I correct???  That's how mine look anyway.

I called the dr again this morning and I go on monday for a biopsy and was told I probably need a stronger steroid to cure this.  I'm going on vacation in about a month and I'd be alot happier to go without this issue.

I know stress does ADD to this and I've had a lot of that in my life right now.  I'm trying to cut the stress out and possibly cure this once and for all.... *fingers crossed*
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So I have a yeast infection now, Its been 4 days and it hasnt goin better. I have bumps down there now to and thank god for this web site, Because my doctor was saying that it could be Herpes but for the last 9 months iv been with the same guy, who has high morals, and is religios. I do not think we would sleep with anyone else. And i was wondering if the bumps were common or not
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You could be allergic to the condoms or the lubricant. I got some hives right around the opening, and they came for a day and then disappeared. The doctor said you can get hives down there, and to switch to non latex condoms.
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