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Can i still be pregnant even though test negative

I am 8 days late for my period so decided to take a home pregnancy test today which turned out negative.  Is there still a chance i could be pregnant.  How accurate are these test? Has anyone else been in a similar situation and found that they were in fact pregnant even though test negative?
252 Responses
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A family friend had a 20lb tumor in her ovaries it ended up being ovarian cancer, she was around 13-15 at the time. Never had sex. Everyone thought she was pregnant. So if I was you I'd have her checked for some type of ovarian cancer.
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Wow, I have all the symptoms  of being pregnant and took two home pregnancy test they came back negative . I got my period probably 5 days after  the second pregnancy  test it lasted 2 days then ended . What should I do ?
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I'm going through the same thing...I took 2 test they where both negative ....and um eager to no...I had spotting for 4 days and my period was 1 week late...I get cramps every 'm ow and then where the same age
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hi there she has unprotected sex everyday, so she says, but i will get her checked at the doctors to see whats going on i think ultrasound is the next best thing.
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973741 tn?1342342773
Hi there.  Well, I'm not sure jess.  There could be other reasons for a bloated belly.  I think it is reasonable to take her back to the doctor and ask for an ultrasound.  What if she has a cyst or tumor?  

Young girls often don't get much of a belly early on in pregnancy during the first trimester.  I know that when I had my first child (in my 30's even), I didn't show until I was 16 weeks (MISS those tight stomach muscles!).  So, she could even be farther along than two months and that would explain why she'd have lower HCG levels.  

But that is really rare.  You hear of an occasional false negative urine home test but not too often that a pregnancy is missed when someone sees an actual doctor.  But never say never.   So, I'd want to know why she is so bloated.  And I'd go back to the doctor to determine this.  May turn out that she is indeed pregnant or you may find out there is something else going on.

By the way, does she have any recollection of when she was having unprotected sex?  That helps for gathering information about whether she is pregnant or not and how far along she'd be.  

good luck and come back and tell us what happened!
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hi there i have a daughter that looked really pregnant and i took her to get a test done but was negative than i took her to get a blood test done its still negative. she is a size 8 with a huge tummy shape size like a two month pregnant lady. anyone have this problem, or know what maybe happening please thanks.
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7696375 tn?1393425088
I am having the same thing you are. I am 18, and I am on the depo shot. I am always tired, I am eating more, and my belly is growing, and it is harder then normal. I don't have a period, but I do have some cramps in my stomach here and there, and my feet constantly hurt. I have took 3 tests, and they all came back negative.
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7675577 tn?1393269163
I'm 16 years old... i had sex on February 6th so its been 18 days... im on the depo shot but Ive been having headaches and been peeing way more then usually Ive also been eating way more then usually and my uterus has been tight and ive had cramps and lot of sharp pains down my sides and a tender stomach but i havent had the tender boobs im so confused ive took 2 home pregnancy tests and went to pregnancy center and got a pregnancy tests all 3 came back negative could i be pregnant? someone please help me out  
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My period was supposed to start on Monday February 3rd. Yesterday morning at around 6 am I started but it was brown with no clotting and around 9pm I noticed it was barely anything and now I have a few brown spots on my pad. I have taken 5 hpts and all negative and a blood test came back negative. I have had pregnancy syptoms for about a week and a half. I called my doctors office on thursday and told them my symptoms and they said since blood test is negative then im not and i must have an infection so now i am on antibiotics (day 2) and I still have all my symptoms and period has not restarted or the flow has not picked up. half my family says Im pregnant and others say im not idk what to do I will be 21 in 2 months. I need advice.
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I am 31 overweight and have not had my period for 52 days I have took three pregnancy test all negative and I have no idea what to do I am scared because I'm afraid there is something else wrong if anyone could help ease my mind on what I should do I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you
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I am 6 days late including the day my period was due I have taken 3 hpt, 2 have faint pink lines I the result windows... I'm worried that it should be darker by now. I had a miscarraige in sept and I'm putting off going to the dr as I am scared of any bad news.... Want to know for sure before I go and get blood test....
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hi my names dache i would like to kno wat happen did u have a baby ..cuz im in the same boat
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6929803 tn?1386179317
Hi i'm Lucy and I have the exact problem same day same everything!!! did you ever find out???? please tell me, thank you!!
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Yes. I'm 2 months late on my cycle and took a pregnancy test about 2 or 3 weeks ago and they were negative. I'm not sleeping regularly, my breasts are slightly tender but not much, and I'm always hungry, I also have weird cramping randomly but not regular cramps or come at the same times. I have no idea what to do! Should I go get a blood test?
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I had unprotected sex in early September we both did.not finish. I have slight symptoms since sore breast, nausea, lower abdominal is harder then usual. I've taken over 15 prego test and been to the gyno they did a urine came back negative they said don't worry your not pre go. But I'm still.scared should I be? Or just stop worrying BC its negative?
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Well ladies i had an abnormal period Oct 10-13it was brown and Nov 6th i came on that morning and the 7th i had a period that whole day i was off on the 8th came back on on the 9th and went back off the same day then a week in a half later witch is today Nov 30 later on tonight im back on what does that possibly mean?
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Well ladies i had an abnormal period Oct 10-13 and Nov 6th i came on that morning and the 7th i had a period that whole day i was off on the 8th came back on on the 9th and went back off the same day then a week in a half later witch is today Nov 30 later on tonight im back on what does that possibly mean?
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Ive missed my period for 17 days. And i thought i was pregnant. But lastnight my boyfriend & i had sex and this morning i woke up bleeding. What should i do?
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I know this is old, but I am a 15 year old girl soon to be 16. My ex and I had unprotected sex on the 1 of November, he kept saying he had to *** and asked if he could inside me. He says he didn't but exactly a week later on the 8 of november I started to spot which lastest about 4 days then my fifth day it was an extremely light period, and it stopped. I went to my school nurse and took two tests which both came out negative. But my stomach has gotten harder I'm constantly tired, feel sick but I can't throw up, I never feel as if I'm hungry but when I do eat it feels like I can keep.on eating (for the most) and I'm having a think milky white discharge and its sticky. I would be 3W3D today if I could have any help that would be extremely helpful thankyou
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Ok so I need help...so 4 days ago I was spotting well there wasn't much and my boyfriend and I wanted to do it so we did it and ever since we did it there's no more spotting and I still haven't go my period but my period isn't due until around the 28th what should I do or what do you think it means? Please help
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Ok i have been haven unprotected sex oneday after having sex had pain just on left side almost like cramps. But then it permanently went away after 2 days. Now its light brown discharge no smell to it. My period suppose have came this month still kind of waiting for it i took a test it said negative. I have not had breast tenderness but dizzyness tiered n feeling hot i called a pregnancty hotline n the lady told me i could have took it to early i should have waited until 17 days after sex and i didnt i was so curious to know. N she said i could just wait until this month is over to see if my period will come or not. I already have a one year old daughter but i have never had brown discharge even before a regular period i dont know i wish it didnt take so long to know what yall think
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Im a week and a day late on my period im usually regular when it comes to my period i been really nauseous lately im tired all the time one of my breast is getting bigger i tested today and it came back negative.  HELP i would really love to give my husband the baby he wants
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Hi i had my last period in Sep 10 .. and had dark brown spotting on Oct 15 lasting for 3 days. and i checked for home pregnancy test... but i was negative for two times... this nov 8 i had pink or red spottings for 3 days with a metallic smell.. but very light flow . I got confused whether it is implantation bleeding or mensus... i had vomiting , nauseating, in these days.. just please clarify me whether im pregnant or it is irregular mensus ... pls... pls
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Hi can anyone help!  After reading all of the recent messages on here i feel a little overwhelmed.

I came off the pill in August after my initial bleed I then went on to have my normal period 25 days later on the 7 th October which lasted a full 6 days.  If i keep to the same 25 days this would make me 10 days late with no sign of a period.

I have a horrible metallic taste in my mouth, nauseated, lower minor stomach cramps, sever dislike of once loved foods and sore nipples.

I feel pregnant but i took a test at 4 days and a test at 9 days both negative.  My partner says I'm crazy and to look at the scientific evidence which tells me I'm not pregnant, but i just feel like i am.  Any advice gratefully received.

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