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Canker Sore on Inner Labia, doesn't look like online pics of STD, HELP!?

-Haven't had sex of any kind with anyone in a year and a half
-3 Year monogamous relationship before that
-clean bill of health including STD check (including herpes bloodtest) in 2014
-had mono end of 2014-no outbreak
-had bipolar crisis for all of 2015-no outbreak

So Easter sunday, I got really sick out of nowhere. I've never had a sickness hit me so hard and immediately. I had vomitting, fever, intense chills, aches, muscle pains, and my ears hurt
Now that I've recovered which took 4 days, the next day I notice my inner labia itches right near my vaginal opening and urethra. I have been fighting a UTI for a couple of weeks but it was never really bad, I just felt like I had to pee all the time. Since it itches, I noticed 2 small bumps. Looking at it with a mirror, it looked like two very tiny bumps with no head, no blister, just irritation. The next day, these turned into two bigger canker sore ulcer looking things. Less than 24 hours. Labia swollen, red rim, white covered craters that were painful. I'm looking online at herpes pics and it doesn't match, looked at chanchroid and other ulcers looking things and none of the pics match. I plan to see a doc on monday. But the white stuff shed a bit and it looks kind of black/grey underneath. That was this morning, now the white stuff is covering again but I have 2 more under those 2 on tops that I didn't see due to swelling I guess. They are not in a cluster, more of a line. SO, here's my query, if I've had no sexual contact of any kind, a clean bill of sexual health prior, what could be going on?? Please try to think outside of herpes. I'm prepared if it is even though I've spent about 3 days now scouring the internet and I don't think it looks like any stage of that. I also have a friend who has it so I've been talking to her.

The internet says you get an outbreak after 2 to 12 days of exposure. If I haven't had sex....what else could it be? Anyone have this tying happening to them??
6 Responses
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I am experiencing ulcers on my vagina as well. They have a very defined red rim, with a white center. 2 days ago it was just 1 sore, but I also have a UTI, possibly staph, and a yeast infection. Today the place where I had a tear from scratching had formed bumps. Some look like pimples and 2 busted open and now look like canker sores. I’m very scared. I went to the doctor and since I’m not sexually active she said it could be caused by my yeast infection. I’m very scared because I am an 18 year old version and the only contact I have made with another person’s genitals was innocent a date with a guy when he attempted to have sex with me. He wore a condom and i stopped him before he could get passed the tip. I’m very scared and idk what to think.
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Also, the area around my labia is very sore and almost feels bruised.
Hi there. I am the OP for this post. Basically, my doctor said I likely had a mix of a small yeast infection as well as a case of shingles that showed up locally on my labia. She did say this was rare but she was confident shingles was the culprit. Mine showed up in a line only and she said this was a sign it was shingles too. It went away after rounds of antibiotics and took about 2 weeks to completely heal. I will say it was very painful to the point that I really couldn't walk for about one whole day. That was when I knew I had to get into a doctor and lucky me they got me in asap. I hope you feel better. Just go see a doctor. They won't judge you and you can get help with whatever is going on. Just because it involved genitals doesn't mean it's an STD! Best of luck!
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I found this website and I truly believe this is what I experienced. Its called an aphthous ulcer (or canker sore) but there is a version that can show up in the genital area. Do a google search for that term and you will see one pic in particular that looks like my issue of a crater type ulcer on a lip from what I can tell.

This is the website that I found helpful, in particular the section titled Non-sexually acquired genital ulceration (NSGU).

It may be shingles or it could be this. I say that because I still can't find a picture online that looks anything close enough to what I have other than the aphthous ulcer pictures. The shingles pictures...are just terrifying. But I mainly post this for anyone else searching for answers too because I have seen other people post similar type things here.

"Non-sexually acquired genital ulceration (NSGU) refers to complex aphthous ulcers in genital areas. NSGU occurs more commonly in young women. NSGU may be preceded by flu-like symptoms and is possibly linked with viral infections such as the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). There may be a single ulcer or multiple shallow ulcers. They are extremely painful and the associated oedema (swelling) of the genital area may be severe."

I just copied the segment about it because I ALWAYS see how people talk about being sick before hand. I had mono (EBV) in 2014 and I had a flu like illness the week before this showed up.

"Aphthous ulcers may occur either as single or multiple round, shallow and painful ulcers with an overlying creamy-white or grey film and red halo. They occur predominantly in the skin inside the mouth but can also occur in the genital areas." just a brief description from the same website I linked earlier too.
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Looking for answers.. Im having a similar issue. What did you find out?
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So I went to the doctor today and I was told that she believes I have a rare outbreak of shingles. The reason she believes this is because of the linear way the sores appeared and I had chicken pox of course. She said I also had no problems with pain when she pushed on my cervix which is apparently a sign of std, plus given my history that I listed above. She did say I have a small yeast infection and that could be making it worse but she doesn't think it's caused by the yeast infection, though that can happen, because the sores are only on one side and aren't mirrored on the other labia. So, I also did another round of bloodtest std check for everything. She said it did not look like herpes at all but we just want to be sure. I'll let you know if anything else comes up. In the meantime, I have 3 different antibiotics I'm going to be on.
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973741 tn?1342342773
Ugh, very sorry.  Yes, let me know what the outcome is!  good luck to you!
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973741 tn?1342342773
Hi there. Very sorry you are having this issue!  Please know that it very well may not be related to herpes. Most likely isn't in fact.  I don't  know what is going on but am glad you are seeing your doc on Monday.  Come back and tell us what they say, okay?  good luck hon
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ok thank you, I will let ya'll know what they say. I am so anxious and freaked out and to be honest, in pain! I feel like I fused together overnight now!!
I am not a doctor or anything but I know there are other things that can cause non-sexual genital ulcers.  Eczema, thrush, and there is Behcet's Disease, glands that can become blocked down there, etc.  The list goes on and on.  Trauma..  Be sure to post back as to what is going on, please.  Even being sick or ill can cause issues - I'm severely anemic and it causes me issues.  I wish you well.
I will! I have my alarm set to call as soon as my doctor's office opens to try to get in same day. I have no idea how they will even check me out though because I can no longer sit really or even touch down there. I hope they have something to numb everything because I don't know what they will be able to do! It's one of those things that...things...need to be spread to see. Oh my lanta...speculum. Nope I don't think that's gonna happen.
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also, I had no sore throat when I was sick and no enlarged lymph nodes anywhere if this helps. Also, the UTI I think I have is not confirmed and it may be a yeast infection instead or as well...I've got a lot going on down there right now so IDK! Would reallllly appreciate any advice someone has!
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