102086 tn?1190509446

Cats and Pregnancy

Okay, I think I am offically paranoid. Is there anything you can catch from cats other than Toxoplasmosis that can harm the development of your baby. I have three cats all strictly indoors, never goes outside and only eats cat food. They will not eat anything else and my husband or kids change the litter box. (I am 15w 3d today) The reason I ask is because one of my cats is acting different. She is constantly hidding and is not like her. The other cat doesn't have fur on part of her stomach but I think that is due to her constantly licking it and the other is just fine. Can they since something is changing or is there something wrong with them. Also can I get anything from them that would hurt the baby other than toxoplasmosis. Sorry but I have been so paranoid with this pregnancy and I don't know why. Thank you for any answers in advance.
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As far as I know theres nothing u can catch from the actual cats, just the litter. My aunty had about 6 cats around her when she was pregnant! I think and kittens aswell lol!

Maybe ur cat is jealous? Just an idea, I think animals can get jealous?!? Or its fighting with the other cats? A last thing I can think of is maybe old age if its old? My nans cat started to hide when she was dying. (sorry dont mean ur cats dying just an idea)

15 weeks eh, congrats! Hows it going?
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This is the only thing Ive found on cats:
The most serious problem during pregnancy that involves cats is an infection with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy acquired by contact with the stool from an infected cat. The risk to the baby increases the later in the pregnancy the new infection is acquired. Since cats are normally infected when they hunt and catch small rodents, it is less likely that one would be infected if it is an inside cat. In addition, the most common site for humans to come into contact with the cat's stools outside is probably in the garden -- cats like to bury their bowel movements in the soft soil in the garden. So keeping the cats in reduces the chance of accidentally coming in contace with cat feces. So I vote for keeping the cats indoors and having your husband do the litterpan cleaning until after the baby is born. Wear gloves while gardening. Be very careful not to eat undercooked meat (a more common route for infection) and wear gloves or carefully wash your hands after handling raw meat.
Its the only thing Ive read of that you can get from cats while pregnant.  Maybe they just sense something is changing.
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107860 tn?1302926740
I have four cats, and they're also indoor cats, I have three males and a female... they're all fixed! thank goodness.
I have one cat that always wants me.. he wants to be held like a baby, he wont let me out of his sight, if I leave the room he starts yelling for me... it's kinda cute, funny and sometimes it drives me crazy.. but I always pick him up and love him..
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Thanks everyone who is talking about this subject of cats and pregnancy.  My wife is now six weeks pregnant and we have four indoor cats.  I clean the cat litter daily and am thinking about trash bags for liners.  The only problem is one of our cats keeps getting poop on his behind and then walks up to us and wants to sleep on her head.  Then there's the cat doing it's regular self-cleaning and then wanting to lick us.  Is that good when pregnant?  Suddenly I'm reading about Taxoplasmosis and am freaking out! Cat diseases with pregnant women?!?!  So...(1) indoor cats good and (2) clean litter..but what about poopy cats? Kids (please God just one or two) poop no problem..cats errrrrr....
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