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Heavy/painful periods, surgical procedure NOVASURE

I am 35 and have had three kids. I have had painful, heavy periods since starting at age 12. After having a breech baby, I ended up with a stage one bladder prolapse. Because of my heavy periods and the prolapse, my doc suggested surgery for the prolapse and a possible hysterectomy when I am closer to the age of 40. He felt I was still to young for a hysterectomy. Anyway, I recently read about a surgical outpatient procedure called NOVASURE that can kill the inside linning of the uterus causing a women to have very light periods or none at all. This procedure can only be done if your done having kids. I AM JUST WONDERING IF ANY OTHER WOMEN OUT THERE HAS HAD HEAVY/PAINFUL PERIODS AND IF THEY HAD THIS PROCEDURE DONE TO CORRECT THE PROBLEM. I have tried the nuvaring, and the pill to combat this problem, to no avail. Any thoughts or advice on this issue would greatly be appreciated! GOD BLESS!
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I had this done about 6 months ago because I have had such heavy periods and cramping. I used the nova ring and birth control pills for a while but thought I should stop taking them as I approach 50. I have had friends have good results with NovaSure so I decided to to do it. It Cost 20,000 and I bleed for the first 3 months. Now I have short but heavy periods and still very bad cramping. I am not worse than before but I certainly do not think I am any better.
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I had my novasure procedure done in 2007, a mother of three and bad periods since about 12. The first 3 months after the surgery I had heavy bleedind off and on then everything went normal. In the last year or so I have had a little bloating and light bleeding, maybe just a panty liner or two a day for 1-3 days then it's done. Some people say it's just stress but I'm getting worried that something else is going on. We don't have health insurance anymore due to my husbands job shutting down three years ago and we lost everything, house, cars, credit cards, everything. We r starting over as we speak with new jobs but below the pay we was getting back then and can't afford the insurance. I thought the novasure procedure was suppose to last forever but maybe not. I would like to know if anybody is going through the same thing and what did they do about it.
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I had the Novasure procedure done 5/9/12 after having 2 months of a very heavy non-stop period.  I am 47 years old. The doctor gave me 1 valium, 1 vicodin and a shot of tordal in the butt.  I was still pretty anxious and nervous.  She also gave me 4 shots of lydocane in the cervix, which were very painful.  Then the actual novasure procedure was 90 seconds.  Recovery was uncomfortable moreso on the day after - when I felt like I was having back labor and nothing I took relieved it.  I used a heating pad constantly for 2 days.  Had the procedure on a Thursday and was back at work on Monday, but not feeling 100%.  Have not had a period yet, just a small amount of liquidy discharge for a couple of weeks after (which I've been told is normal).   II did have a 7 pound weight gain since I had the procedure which I am working hard to get rid of.  The doctor insists it's not sue to the surgery, but I'm not sure what else it would be related to.  All in all, it was a positive experience and I am hoping it carries me into menopause without the heavy bleeding issues.
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Thank you, I feel as you I want NO period, period!  I have severe painful flooding periods lasting 15-20 days and went to doc he gave me the pamplet for Novasure, my husband and I agree a hysterectomy is the right choice for me and I AM gonna tell them I want the hysterectomy so I can be done with the period, period.  Thank you your post nailed it for me.  I am 46 yrs old and I want this period to stop altogether.  I figured I would have hit memopause by now, and since I am about the right age for it, lets just take the monster out and be done with them.
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ok so my memory is shot these days LOL it WAS 1992. (see my earlier post to understand my confusion!!!

U do have to sit carefully for a couple weeks but small fry compared to the mega disaster that very heavy long periods was.

go for the place with the best results for the op would be my advice.

remember we are perhaps more likely to post to warn others of problems with op rather then when we get good results so you have to weight up what you have to gain with the likelihood of any complications.

search/ask for current info on particular op and the percentage who are disatisfied after.

Hugs ladies xxx
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Had tcre (transcervical resection of the endometrium) done in 96 and was the best thing I ever did. I didnt want kids but they made me wait till I was 40 before doing it cos back then it PROBABLY made you infertile and u had to have a tube-clamping at same time to be sure.

Never had a period again nor pmt. Had an early meno. which was ok.

Friend had op in different hospital and she had just very light periods from then on.

I would have had this from 13 onwards given the choice LOL. Felt a bit like id been kicked but didnt even use the painkillers... it was amazingly effective and easy all round. Hyst. leaves you unable to lift and stuff for 6 weeks(?) and its a full medical procedure. No competition!!!!

Good luck.
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I am having heavy bleeding,and long & painful periods that last for 15days to a month this has been going on since 2005. I have had an D&C, IUD, Tubal Ligation,& Norethindrone medication & now the doctor wants to try & do an ablation. I am just sick of all of this and would like to just get an hysterectomy I'm only 28 & their get an hysterectomy I'm only 28 & their refusing I DO NOT WANT ANYMORE KIDS EVER what can I do. refusing I DO NOT WANT ANYMORE KIDS EVER I already have 3, what can I do?
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I am also thinking about getting this procedure done in my doctor's office while awake.  He told me he would give me 2 valium, 2 percocet, a lidocaine shot down there as well as rub lidocaine jelly on the inside.  Do you think this would be sufficient for the 90 second procedure?  Wondering what you took for your procedure?  Any feedback would be welcome if you could email me back at: ***@****
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Had the Novasure procedure done in the doctor's office yesterday. Took a valium and vicodin beforehand, given a shot in the arm before as well. This was probably the MOST PAINFUL experience of my life (I have 3 kids). After taking the above medication and then given 2 internal shots to numb the area, I had to ask them to stop and give me 2 more! This was before the procedure even really started! I have a fairly high pain tolerance,but OMG this was the most TERRIBLE 93 seconds of my life!!!!!!!!! Hopefully the results will be worth it. On the positive side, as soon as the instruments are removed and the procedure ends, it immediately just feels like menstrual cramps.
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I went in to have novasure this last friday. They took out my mirena and did the d and c they found polyps they removed those. They went to deploy the novasure and poked a hole in my uterus. My doc said my uterus is to small that is why it happened. I now have 8weeks of recovery for the hole in my uterus and didnt get the ablation done with the novasure which is what I went in for. Hopefully my uterus can heal and i dont have any internal bleed... Ifit doesnt heal and/or i have internal bleeding i will have to go infor a repair surgery.  if my heavy periods come back my dic said my only option is to have a hysterectomy... I hope all of you thar are looking into novasure or have it done have a better experience than i did...
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had the procedure done 2 weeks ago.  I am 56 and still having reg heavy periods. I had had enough.  I had it done in the dr's office and yes it hurt a little but only lasted 90 sec.  nothing compared to the kidney stones i have had. but I have had constant cramping since the procedure and bleeding just like a period. I have to change pads every 2 hours. I also am so tired. Not sure I thought this is what would happen.  I am going to wait few more weeks before giving full opinion. just very tired of the bleeding.
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I had the procedure done 2 years ago and it has really worked for me. I have a light period that lasts one to two days, where as before it lasted 4 to 5 days of heavy bleeding. It was to the point that when i stood up at work that it flooded my clothes. The procedure itself was painless and I really didn't even take the pain medication afterwards. I would recommend this procedure. I was scared at first but I had enough and decided to go through with it. I really have had no problems since then. My friend had it too and it has changed her life also. I say it really works. I read all the reveiws before I had mine and I'm glad that I chose to have it done.  
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I am highly considering the NovaSure. As many ladies mentioned why they choose the procedure, I am in the same boat.
     Very heavy cycles, clotting heavly, last 7_10 days, heavy cramping to whear I have to use heating pad and motri. And hot tea to help. Sometimes layi.g in fetal position helps.
     In addition to being Anemic with Leg pain. Thank all of u for sharing.
     *****for the several woman who had it done in 2007, please update your pros and cons. Thank you
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I had a tubal ligation and a DNC done yesterday  in out patient surgery. I was scheduled for NovaSure too. But after reading these and other things I have searched, I chose NOT to do the NovaSure at the last minute. I'm very glad that I did NOT have this procedure done. Thank you for all the warnings!
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There is a "dark side" to the Novasure treatment. There are serious side effects that I wish I knew of before I had it. All in all, I had the treatment which went fine. But then I had a side effect MONTHS after in that my period stopped coming OUT and started BACKING UP behind the uterine scar tissue left by the Novasure procedure. Then it started LEAKING out of my uterus into my abdomen. Pain...hideous "should I go the hospital?" type pain. Read this thread and become informed before you do this procedure. I wish I had. :-(

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Hi, I had the novasure and a fibroid tumor removal  done April2009.  I was only light if you call it light for the first week after having it done. Then I got my period. Yup, it was not what I had hoped for at all.  Instead of getting better it was as if I had a "normal" cycle.  So at my follow up appointment I told my doctor that I was still getting my periods and he said ok lets shoot for no periods because that's what that procedure was supposed to do.  Well No they only got worse.  My fibriod tumor is back.  Last May it was as big as it was when I had it removed 11 months earlier.  Now its so bad I've had my period for 2 weeks and got it again after only 11 days.  This time its really worse and I am feeling really exhausted and painful.  Are there any other options besides going thru the novasure again???
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I did the Novasure procedure about three weeks ago so far sooo good I still spot once in a while but I'm happy too wear just a pantiliner instead of pads. Since I have had my second daughter Iv'e had horrible periods and my obgyn would put me on different birth control pills... Nothing would help me and endrometriosois runs in on my moms side of the family. My moms sisters had it my mom and my sister has had hysterrtomys... I went too see my family doctor and she remmonded me too a different doctor...I went too my first appointment told him my history and he said we can do laproscopy surgery too find out whats going on. I had a ultrasound done and it showed my lining was too thick so he told me about Novasure and suggested tying my tubes and removing the endometrosis and a dnc if I needed it. I had the procedure done on August 17 2010 so far soo good my back doesn't hurt like it did and I have my energy back the surgery was done in the hospital and I was asleep for it... I woke up with mild cramps and just spotting so far... My doctor said if this doesn't work the next step will be a hysterotmy I'm just thankful I found a good doctor........Melissa from Michigan
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I had the novasure procedure done in my dr's office on June 21st.  I am now 6 weeks out and still don't know if I am happy I had it done or not.  First of all if you can get it done while being put under, GO FOR IT!!!  I have 2 children and this was the worst 90 seconds of pain I can remember.  It was AWFUL!!!! The shots to numb the cervix hurt too but not nearly as bad as the procedure.  I didn't think it would be as bad as it was.  But once the procedure was over the pain subsided and I was just a little sore the rest of the day. My problem with the procedure has been after I had it done, I had a pinkish bleed for about a week followed by clear fluid for about a week and then brownish stuff for a week and then had a full period for 10 days.  I saw my doctor and she told me that I have to wait until my second period to see if there is any change.  And it can take 6 weeks for everything to stop.  So today is exactly 6 weeks and as of yesterday I wasn't bleeding or leaking anything.  So I am keeping my fingers crossed for the next few weeks until my next period is due.  I really can't say one way or the other on the procedure yet but I can say it HURT LIKE HECK and I had to wear a pad for the past 5 and a half weeks.  So I am kind of skeptical about it all right now.
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I notice that everyone who had the novasure done in the hospital put to sleep felt nothing (obviously) but some dr's do it in office with you awake but medicated. I just got the novasure 2 days ago in my dr's office. I have to agree I did feel pain but the worst part was the cervical block where they have to numb your cervix I think it was about 5 shots and OMG that hurt I squeezed the nurses hand so bad! The 90 seconds werent too bad the cervical block was the worst part of it. If you have it awake the dr gives you lots of meds to fill before your procedure...you take a valium and 2 vicodin when leaving your house then another med dissolves in your mouth and a shot in your arm...along with antibiotic and cytotec you start taking the night before. Oh and anti nasea meds...I slept most of the day when I got home and felt ok pain wise just cramping but vicodin handled that. The next day I was feeling good. Now today I'm kinda sore if I sit down too fast. Other then that it wasnt so bad. BUT if I could do it again I would be put to sleep. The cervical block is painful! even medicated it's painful!! I have just a small amount of discharge and little bit of cramps today other then that so far so good. cant wait to see how periods go now. Good luck to all of you!
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Think this is wot we call a TCRE in UK. Trans-Cervical Resection of the Endometrium..

Had one way back in 1992. Brilliant. All PMT symptoms gone in an instant and no more periods.

Ask to go to the hospital with the best records for that op. (we have the wonderful NHS here) I went to Queen Charlottes. In those days it was done under general. U had to be sterilised at same time. Nowadays it might be done under local and its still poss for those who need to get pregnant (dont understand that bit).

I lost lot of blood in surgery so woke up with a drip in hand and had to stay a week.

Only lost some blood for 2 weeks say and only pain was "kicked by a horse". This was ok if u think about the poking your body has just had! Exoect to be very tired for a spell.

They did mention Id have an earlier menopause but what I didnt realise was that for me it would be pretty immediate and I wouldnt realise! Had problems for years due to lack of oestrogen and I cant use replacements (migraines).

So Id rec. it cos no periods and no stress is wonderful.

Had a pal have it in her local hospital and she does still have light periods.

Hope this helps.

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I had the NovaSure done in 2008, because of my heavy, heavy bleeding. I am a mother of 4, and very fertile and I decided to opt for the NovaSure instead of the hysterectomy. I am 39years, old and divorced I found myself back in the dating scene. Not being able to have a child had never been a concern of mine until now, I'm not sure if i want to remarry because if my new husband wants a child I can't give him that. I would say if you have to have it done then go with the novasure instead of a hysterectomy, I love not having a cycle, I havent had a cycle since I had the procedure performed...........NO PROBLEMS AT ALL FROM IT...but make sure you are done having children, things change...
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I am 38 years old. I have two children.I had periods that lasted 5 to 7 days , with 2 or 3 of those days being very heavy with head aches and extreme fatigue. So long story short , obgyn suggested novasure. I also was sceptical, reserched it a bit and desided to go ahead , I mean it sounded alot better than hysterectomy ,considering the down time with that type of procedure.

-First of all , I was awake for the novasure procedure, and there was some pain.
-secondly, I had alot of pain AFTER ,while I was in the recovery room.
-Third,I had terrible pain for the rest of the day .

Woke up the day after the procedure and felt fine.

Now for  my results:

-first period after procedure was pretty much the same
-second period was a bit less
-third less still
-5th or 6th Not sure what number I am at now ,but it is all most  completely gone, I can just use a litedays pad for the entire time , I am hoping it will completely go away , but if this is  what it will be like, then I can live with it .By the way it lasts for 2 or possibly 3 days .
To sum it up , I am glad I had the procedure done and I would recomend it to anyone.
Also a friend of mine had the procedure done, her results were also VERY good.

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hi, i wanted to post my experience.  i had novasure back in 2007, i was 47, had heavy periods, cysts (they removed 1 huge one on right ovary) and removed about 12 smaller fibroids on cervix.  i had 1 year of bad drainage...and it smelled awful, sorry everyone but true.. i had lots of pain, cramps with it too.  my periods were awful painful for that 1st year, worse than ever, but bleeding was light. after that year, the bleeding increased, more and more, i am now almost 50 and i have heavy periods, i have clots, very painful, and i have known for the last year that i have cysts again.  i am also having a lot of pain in my ovaries, maybe it's cervix, can't really tell... sharp,twisting stabbing pains, before, during and right after my period ends.. the doctor tells me i'm in the other 50% that the novasure didn't take. doctor keeps me encouraging to get a hysterectomy, take ovaries out, i'm terrified, i didn't heal quickly or easily from novasure, cysts and fibroid removal.. i am holding on and praying GOD lets me get thru this all the way to say done.. but it's hard, and sometimes i want to run and have them take it out.
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I am a 49 year old mother of a 6 year old.  I had the NOVASURE procedure done in 2007 and haven't had a period since (going on 3 years)!  I elected to have the procedure after consulting with my OB/GYN about extremely heavy periods and having an Iron deficiency as a result.  I thought she would recommend a Hysterectomy but was encouraged to learn about NovaSure as the recovery time is considerably less:  days vs.weeks!  I couldn't keep up with the demands of my toddler including trips to the park, pool, Target, etc. because the bleeding was so bad, not to mention flooding overnight.  It made an amazing difference in my life as a stay home mom.  I see that there have been issues and complications as noted in other posts, but you must trust and have faith in your own doctor.  If you don't feel good about them get a referral from a friend or from your PCP. I AM SO GLAD THAT I HAD THE NOVASURE PROCEDURE DONE.  I COULDN"T AFFORD THE RECOVERY TIME OF A HYSTERECTOMY - I WAS FINE AFTER A DAY OR TWO.  I WOULD SUGGEST THAT YOUR DOC PERFORM THE PROCEDURE IN A HOSPITAL AS I FELT SECURE THERE IN THE EVENT THAT THERE WERE ANY ISSUES DURING THE PROCEDURE OR UNDER ANESTHETIC.  
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