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How long does it take to cure a yeast infection?

So here's the deal.  Almost 2 months ago I started getting an itching sensation on my vulva.  I was freaked out that it was a STD, and finally got the guts to face the music and go see a NP who said it is very well a yeast infection on the outside of my vagina.  (I have no abnormal discharge).  She gave me a 3 day regim which seemed to cure the itchiness, but made the area more red and irritated.  So then I got more guts and finally went to a gyno who cultured the red irritated area and checked it out.  She told me that she saw nothing abnormal but saw some yeast.  So there it was confirmed.  A yeast infection of the skin surrounding my vagina.  She gave me diflucan, in on pill to take and also gave me monistat 7 to use as well.  So I took the pill 3 days ago today and have been using the cream since.  I feel better with the itching again, but at night, I think I touch the area, so when I wake up in the morning it's red again.  I feel like these treatments aren't working.  
How long do I have to wait for the treatments to work.  Am I just expecting it to cure the yeast infection too soon? Is this something that takes time to heal?  
It's just really irritating.  It's been almost 2 months and I would like it to go away.
Can anyone give me some insights?  
Also, I got to the gym alot and wait to shower and change out of my gym clothes until I get home.  I have been obstaining from the gym since the day I went to the dr in hopes that it will help make the healing process go a little faster.  
Also, I've been using Dial bar soap to clean the area, is this too strong?
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I've had a yeast infection for about 9 months now and I'm sick of it. I'm using a combo of coconut oil and tea tree oil. Been using it for about 2 weeks going into 3. I'm not sure that it seems to be working cuz I still itch and its still slightly irritated. Will my treatment work? How long does a yeast infection usually take to cure if I have it for this long???
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Okay ladies please listen, this may help a lot of the commenters on this post.
Antibiotics dont always help yeast infections, in most cases where you keep getting more and more yeast infections and dont know why, its because of the constant antibiotics you're taking from your doctor or otc.
Your body has GOOD bacteria AND BAD bacteria. The whole explanation of a yeast infection is the overgrowth of the bad bacteria in your vagina. Many things cause this, imbalanced pH (our vaginas are acidic, yeast likes alkaline areas to grow in), tight fitting pants, spandex, not enough water, wiping back to front instead of front to back, poor diet of sugary food (yeast loves sugar), not changing your pads or underwear, constantly moist around your vagina and wearing the wrong underwear (cotton is best and breatheable - yeast thrives in the warm moiste environment of the vagina- in AND outside the vagina), etc.
Now, when you are constantly taking antibiotics youre killing the good bacteria your vagina and gut need to be healthy, we all need this bacteria, it keeps our gut regular for bowel movements and our vaginas happy. When you take antibiotics you essentially are killing the bad bacteria and your infection is gone, BUT, it takes longer for your good bacteria to reproduce and the bad bacteria overgrows once more leaving you with reoccuring, chronic yeast infections.
The answer is to STOP taking antibiotics and learn how to take care of your body from the inside out with natural antifungal medicines that are available to you anywhere without a doctors prescription.
Tea tree oil, coconut oil and oregano oil are antifungal and antibacterial oils that when diluted with a carrier oil can be placed on a pad and worn to treat your yeast infection from the oitside.
Whole -not chopped, not minced- garlic can be used as a nightly suppository inside the vagina to kill the bad bacteria. It is the most natural cost effective treatment that does not hurt, does not sting and you can not feel it. Take it out in the morning and do this again at night. You can make frozen suppositories out of coconut oil, a few drops of tea tree oil and an opened capsule of vaginal probiotics to soothe and treat your vagina.
Vaginal Probiotics, they are the good bacteria that you yourself can supplement into your body after taking antibiotics, or taking before you suspect a yeast infection or if you have a yeast infection.You can find these anywhere (drugstores such as cvs, target, walmart, gnc, etc) from many different price ranges. I suggest investing in a refridgerated vaginal probiotic as these are the strongest and healthiest probiotics for you. Probiotics are supposed to be refridgerated because they are microscopical living organisms that need to be kept alive by the time you take them to replenish your body. Unrefridgerated probiotics either are close to dying/expiring before the date printed on the packaging or are already dead by the time you buy them off the shelf or online.
Remember the key to all of this is to drink plenty of water during or before the infection, avoid antibiotics, replenish your body with refridgerated vaginal probiotics, and treat your infection with a natural antifungal.
I hope i helped someone as this is the answer most doctors will not tell you because it does not make them money.
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If the over the counter creams aren't working- Be aware of scented soaps and detergents.  Years ago, I thought I had a yeast infection, used all the creams OTC, and was tested for everything at my Doctor 2-3 times but was negative.  The itching went on forever.  Went to two doctors each asked me if I changed detergents, I said no!  I've always used Tide my entire life.  They use to make a lavender scented one from the Tide "Simple Pleasures" line, (that I think is now discontinued), I stoped using it and the itch was gone.  So crazy, I'm not allergic to anything, and seemed to develop a sensitivity in my late twenties to scented soaps ect.  I seriously wasted so much time and energy worrying about infections and STDS, I just want to save someone/ anyone from that pain!!!  
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Yes. The perfumes in any soap can cause itching and redness. Use Dove or Ivory for washing or just clean water. I know from personal experience. Even shampoo running down your body to your vagina can cause the same thing. The soap you use to wash your clothes too may give you a reaction. I no longer use soaps when bathing. Just scrub well and never wash my hair in the shower.
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Alright, went to atlanta for vacation (hotlanta) & because of 100 degree weather & constant sweat, heat caused my yeast infection. Went to the clinic & was diagnosed for sure it was a YI, i was perscribed to take a fluconazole tablet on the 1st day & for seven nights insert the terconazole supposatory (vaginal cream) . On the last day of treatment I had to take the other fluconazole. I feel perfectly fine , now when i travel hot places i wear loose fitting underwear & stay away from highly strong scented body washes. While taking any of the vaginal creams whether it be monostat, or vagistat, always sleep with no underwear. Also, if you miss your period while on the medicine its normal & you can use it while on your period.
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I used to have chronic yeast infections When I was a teen but now I'm 45 getting them more,and more.not fun. Took monistat and it didn't do anything then went to doc and he prescribed me that pill, this is the second day so far it seems to be getting better. Is it ok to use monistat as well to make sure it goes away?
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Can you give the yeast infection to your partner?
I've used both at the same time without any harsh results.
And yes you can pass it to your partner. Another disease is called hmophillus and it has much the same symptoms as yeast infection. A swab test can diagnose that but if you find yoy are getting one infection after another ask for a swab to be taken.
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I used to use AZO, but i switched to the Lady Soma Cranberry Pills and I find them alot gentler and easier for my system. They also work 1 day faster than AZO for me. Whenever I have issues with antibiotics or other medications that leave me with a feeling of frequency and/or generalized discomfort, the Lady Soma Cranpberry supplements has always helped greatly, especially at night or anytime I have to sit for long
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973741 tn?1342342773
I've had really good luck with over the counter monostat.  I use the one day which has a higher concentration of medicine.  Thing is, it takes two days.  So, if you are patient, it DOES work for many.  Diflucan is a pill doctors can prescribe which also worked well for me.  good ulck
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i wish these doctors will just make some type of medicine for all lady's to cure down there i hope one day this will work mostly on woman and teenagers just keep ur hopes up high and keep strong lady's u can blame ur self on this one :)
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I agree with you. I have a yest infection also only this last January. I think the feminine wash that I used is the cause I had it ,and i was stressed also at work. So I had a yeast infection the Doctor prescribed me diflucan and cream dermofix the itch go away but it came back after my period. My doctor told me to change the feminine wash so I currently using lactacyd in the morning before I go to work and wash again after my work. Everyday I'm eating plain yogurt to help me control the infection. I tried also the 6 days clove garlic suppository before I go to bed I just inserted it to my V and when you wake up remove it. I also take accidophilus food supplement twice a day.

Now I feel good, no itching , no burning sensation inside when I pee, discharge rare only but not that much same as before. proper sleep also drink plenty of water. Good  luck I hope I provided you some ideas.
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I have yeast infection and I buy this cream vasigil but it not working what should I do
I have yeast infaction for about 2 weeks I went to the doctor he gave me pill an cream but it don't work. What do I do??? I hate felinc this way
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this is mt first time of having yeast infection i not no what to do
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this is my first time of yeast infection i do not no what to do i am 16 year.
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I am in the same situation. I got yeast infection after two rounds of antibiotics for a sinus infection, took Diffucal 1-pill three days ago but still have symptoms. Should I go back to the doctor or take the monistat?
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Hi. I have never had a yeast infection. My grandma told me years ago before meds they used apple cidar vinegar to treat and prevent yeast infections. Once or twice per week put a cup of it in your bath water and wash as usual. It kills the bacteria and helps peel dead skin on your body. Also over counter meds do better at bedtime when you are flat and still. Keep area cool and dry as yeast grows n warm moist areas. If your discharge increases add another day in your week of vinegar bath. If you r too dry then skip a week. Trust me. It works.
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I'm going through my very first one and I've had these symptoms for 3 days before actually doing something. I got monistat 7 today which comes with a cream to stop irrigation and itching.. It seems to be working and expected to go away within the next couple days!
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I'm only sixteen years old, never been sexually active, nor have I had my first kiss. Mine started about five days ago, but I didn't think anything of it. I just felt a little itchy and sensitive. As the days progressed, the itch became unbearable and got worse around nighttime. It didn't burn when I peed, but wiping... Oh my god that was awful. It was so sore and sensitive and painful. After about three days, I finally just got the courage to send my mom a text and tell her what was happening. She said that it sounded like I had a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) and told me to go to the doctors. I did a couple of hours later, and they had me pee in a cup and they had it tested. The doctor said that I did NOT have an UTI, but that it sounded like a vaginal yeast infection. She prescribed my two pills of Fluconazole, one to take that day, and the next to take in seven days. It's been a day or two since I've taken the first pill and I haven't really had any relief. This is starting to become unbearable and I'm just hoping that this'll go away soon. And to anyone that's battling this monster as well, I'm so sorry you have to go through this too!
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I have a yeast infection and it hurts so bad. Im on a 3 day cream medication. Tonights my last night of the meds and im not better at all. It hurts extremely bad when I urinate. Please help. Do u have any advice. Im in pain
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This is exactly how I feel. It burns so bad. I never had one and I used monistat 1 yesterday and I woke up and it feels worse. I hope it goes away quick. I can't stop thinking about it because it hurts so bad.
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5620161 tn?1371063677
These ten tips changed my life..

1: Stay Dry and Loose
2: Practice Good Hygiene
3: Avoid Harsh Soaps and Feminine Hygiene Products
4: Use Yogurt
5: Bring on the Boric - boric acid is safe
6: Try Over-the-counter Natural Fungal Creams
7: Unsweetened cranberry juice
8:Go Natural
9: Treat Both Partners
10:10: Avoid Routine Douching
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I have had my share of yeast infections in my life... coupled with the fact that I have psoriasis "down there" - it takes a different form on different parts of the body... Psoriasis in moist areas present very red and raw looking.

So what I have had to do - due to the itching is combine my psoriasis cream for "down there" with the yeast infection creams (plus the inserts) and it takes the itch and burn right away.

Remember if you scratch or rub too hard you can cause a secondary infection.  If the itching and rubbing become unbearable, I would look for an over the counter corticosteroid cream to help handle that aspect.

Also start taking a B-Complex vitamin and an acidophiliz tablet.

In the UK it is common practice that when a woman gets an antibiotic prescription the pharmacy automatically gives her B12 or B complex vitamins to take for the duration of the antibiotics.

If you are having chronic yeast infections, I would definately have that infestigated further.  They can take a PH balance of your vagina and other tests... perhaps there is an underlying issue.  Forget panties, during this time or you will be washing non stop.  Use pads and change them everytime you go to the bathroom to help keep things clean and sterile.

Also, when you are retrieving the cream from the tube either wear gloves on that hand and alternate fingers or put the cream on a popcycle stick to avoid contaiminating the cream.  Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly INCLUDING scrubbing under your nails.
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To all you athletes going to less than hygenic gyms,

I picked up a total body rash in a gym that only went away when I started showering with Fungi Cure.  It's all natural and really worked. It lasts a long time too.  Follow the directions on the bottle. There's also Defense Soap that's excellent.  They both use Tea Tree Oil as one of the ingredients. I learned the hard way that you must shower immediatley after working out.  Those two products will protect you in the nastiest of showers.  But keep complaining--these clubs just don't keep their showers clean enough!
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Crap, really? I took Fluconzale back in January and it didn't help. I didn't go to the gyno until March 2013 and I got another Fluconzale. Still nothing. I've been having sex too... Could this be why it isn't cured? I've had it for a long time.
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I had one for over three years because the "cures" weren't working.  Finally I tried a cup full of honey after a doctor recommended it on a random video I watched. If nothing else is working you can apply a full cup of honey to the affected area and leave it on for approximately 20 minutes.  I suggest taking a timer of some sort into the bathroom and doing this process there.  Be sure to spread towels underneath you before you get started.  Honey is very drippy.  After 20 minutes rinse the honey off in warm water.  It rinses off easily although it is quite gooey.  I noticed the itching and burning disappearing about ten minutes into the process. It totally worked and I'm cured!  Always keep honey in your house just in case.  I have dealt with the open red dots too.  That's nothing serious.  It does come from breaking the skin while wiping or constipation and can be cured with a cortizone cream over the counter.
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Thank you so much for the statement about the soap!  I was starting to feel better, but then I washed with soap today, hoping that would help.  It made it worse and I was getting worried until I read this.
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