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rectal bleeding during period

Every  month I seem to start my cycle with rectal bleeding. Nothing vaginal, just rectal (only when I move my bowels)for about 3-4 days then I start vaginal bleeding. I have had a colonoscopy almost a year ago for this same exact problem but they didnt find anything. Its now at the point where I will end my period..and about 2 weeks later...my rectal bleeding will start again with my vaginal bleeding starting a week after. Im getting scared, Im not sure what it could be. They thought maybe Rectal endimetriosis but like I said...nothing showed in my colonoscopy. ANy ideas or suggestions on what kind of any other kind of testing?
Thank you
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Hi there, I´ve experienced rectal bleeding during each period (already more than 10y). It´s only the first days and only if I lie down, so mainly at night. I thought it happens to everybody and that that is the reason for overnight pads being so long! But now surfing the internet a bit, I am starting to feel a bit concerned :(
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I just started a day ago having some light red blood in my stool. Now this morning it started and then I started vaginal bleeding. It really scared me. From the sounds of what everyone else is saying it must just be hemrhoi ds as its not a lot of blood but it still scares me. My stools are almost always soft though so it gets painful to have a bowl movement sometimea.
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I forgot to update my response. So the OBGYN told me to monitor my symptoms since my cysts have gone away. Um monitor my symptoms when I've had painful periods for 14 years? Passing out, vomiting, diarrhea ... I mean what more do I need to monitor. And now blood in my stool. It's beyond my comprehension. But I do know my former physician in Philly had me on birth control for about 7 years. It was beautiful, no periods, no pain. I can't afford to take off work because of the pain and other symptoms. I'm just over it.
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Just had a colonoscopy done for this reason. The gastroenterologist found nothing. No hemorrhoids, no polyps, nothing. Had a second ultrasound done on Thursday (today is Tuesday). I received a call much quicker this second time from my OB than the first. The first ultrasound I had done I was ovulating. So they wanted to redo it. I didn't answer the phone since I was sleeping after my colonoscopy. Plus I work 3rd shift. I started experiencing bleeding 7 months ago. It started out small bouts of blood that looked more mucous like than anything else. It would go away and I wouldn't think anything of it until the next cycle came. It just got progressively worse. Last time I had my period I had a tampon in and it felt like I was going to have diarrhea so I ran to the bathroom, I didn't take the tampon out since I was in a panic thinking I had diarrhea, but instead it was a lot of blood that came out. No stool came out with it. It alarmed me and that's when I decided to go to the ER. They did nothing, didn't even give me closure. I went to OB and Gastro and this is where I am now. Its scary, specially when you're losing as much blood as I do during my period and then double that. I look like a walking corpse. Will have to update once I get more info.
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I have similar problem.. totally agree with Butternup's sister. Thanks fr sharing! Similar experience..
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i m 36....thanx so much .. yr explanation really help me a lot as i m having hamorroids problem....i was really scared about my this issue... hope this will solve once the hamorroids will solve.. i would appreciate if some1 will help to advise how can i heal my hamorroids at home.. i m taking homeopathic medicine to treat it... my email id is fizzah_sharif***@**** or facebook id is fizzah sharif.. please help me as i m so worry..
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i have this problem for 15 years every time i get my period i bleed from my back passage,quite heavy.the bleeding only last as long as my period.i had an endoscop and so far the surgeon only found inflammation in my bowel.he has also taken some tissue to examine.i am at my wits end.only last week i collapsed at home.i am getting so weak at the time of my period i have even started to loose strenght in my arms and hands.i thought i had endo but they just dont know
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I too have been having the same kind of problems. I have been having horriable rectal bleeding usually a couple days before my period along with really bad cramping. Then usually two days later I will get my period, my period will be normal for 2 days then usually on the third day it will get very heavy i am talking about changing a super tampon every 20 to 30 min and this will continue for about 3 more days. I also have been getting my period every two weeks for the last 6 months. I have been in the emergency room i have seen rectal doctors and with my gyno i have had a laperoscopy and a D&C. Now in on 2/1/08 I had a baby with a c-section and at that time I had a tubel ligation. When the did the laperoscopy and D&C on 7/17/09 they did find  alot of scar tissue and my tube was fused to my pelvics so she fixed all that. So we both thought that would fix out my problems, well it didn't. I am still having the symptoms and the pain has gotten worse. They are now taking about a hesterectomy. They one thing that I don't understand is they say the rectal bleeding does not have to do with my period problem. It seems unlikley that I would have all this together but it not being related. Oh ya, one more thing during my pregnancy I was diagnosed with SVT of the heart that they said was do to horomones and yes i still am dealing with that problem as well. Please help I am at the end of my rope.
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I have recently learned that my sister, in Australia, has this same problem.  She, too, has started down the long path of doctors, specialists, colonoscopy, etc.  So far all of this has excluded cancer and endometriosis but not found anything else.

However, just last week she was talking to a doctor at the hospital where Mum was operated on for bowel cancer and she asked him about her own problem.  His answer sounds very logical so we would like to share it with all you women who are in the same boat.

The doctor explained that my sister no doubt has some extremely tiny hemorrhoids which normally do not bleed or give her any trouble.  However, just before her menstrual period begins, the changes in hormone levels cause the veins in the colon to swell enormously.  Since my sister suffers from constipation the result is bleeding from these hemorrhoids.  Once her period is over, the hemorrhoids return to their normal size and the bleeding stops – until the following month.

For the past few months, to help her constipation and irritable bowel, she has been taking psyllium husks.  The result is that the stools are much softer.  An additional, unexpected result has been the absence of rectal bleeding during her period!

So the doctor’s explanation certainly seems to make sense.  My sister asked me to share her experience hoping it may be of help to some of you.

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Im glad to know im not alone. Its comorting to know this is not unusual. However does any one know what to do about it? Is there a way to stop it? i find myself sitting at home quite often because im afraid i might start bleeding in public. How embarassing would that be? and im too embarassed to explain to my friends why i suddenly want to cancel plans.
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I got my periods 2 weeks back but still i'm getting bleeding, i mean i'm getting for weeks, i dont think that its my periods becouse the blood color is so bright red.I'm scared of that, what i have to do?I'm having constipation also.Is it abnormal bleeding or rectal bleeding or vaginal bleeding? Give me suggestion please
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by far the most common cause of rectal bleeding which occurs only with a bowel movement (and without pain) is hemorrhoids. Having had colonoscopy, it's highly unlikely anything more serious is lurking. It's more likely to be coincidence that it relates to a period; I've seen a few cases of rectal endometriosis, and it's usually easy to see the lesions. You might consider seeing a colorectal surgeon, or general surgeon, although it's more a matter of ruling out serious causes; having had a scope, it's not very likely that something dangerous has been missed.
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A similar thing just happened to me.  The evening before my period began I had a normal size bowel movement and then experienced rectal bleeding the next morning I began my period.  I am really scared.  Any ideas about what this could be?
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