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I need help for my sister 40 year old, She is suffering with WISE findings

Hello all Honorable Doctors and Med Advisers,
This is Bharat Oza from Jamaica - Original from India. This is regarding the heart problem that my sister (age 40 yrs) is suffering from (ref: WISE findings).

FYI all the related reports for heart & Brain are normal

But she is still suffering heart stress & pain.

We consult Dr. Natrajan from Apollo Hospital, Delhi. Who is quite knowledgeable about WISE findings. Since she is complaining about the repeated heart pain & cannot take any stress we would like to be in touch with you all Respectful and knowledgeable people directly & get the perfect treatment.

I request you to suggest me how should I go ahead with serious problem.

Please help me as soon as possible.
God Bless you all
Bharat J. Oza
6 Responses
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Thanks Annie,
As soon as we will go ahead, I will post progress here just to inform you. Thanks a lot.

Bharat J. Oza
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134578 tn?1716963197
I don't believe they do permit sharing email information, and I am not the best person to be helpful to you anyway as I know only a small amount of information about heart issues (gleaned because my grandfather had terrible arterial plaque and heart problems).  I think you are doing a great deal to help your sister, and would be very surprised if your research online does not lead you to some help.  Besides the heart forum, you might look for a stroke forum, and ask for some answers there about the controversial test (as well as in the heart forum on MedHelp).  Best regards, and good luck to you and your sister.  Yes, another word for life is trouble, thankfully there is always hope.
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Yess Annie you are right, this problem is connected with brain, and yes Ultrafast CT should be next step i know that but also i know it has side effects and contravercial Yes Miss Annie, you are right. This problem is linked with brain, and yes Ultrafast CT should be next step I know that but also I know it is controversial and has side effects.

I tried to post this question in Heart forum but per day they have certain limit to upload questions. So last time when I tried to post, MedHelp site says today
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134578 tn?1716963197
Well, I think you are on the right track.  Obviously if a person has the plaque in their arteries, it would be important to know about it and to try to locate it.  It can break loose and travel (into the brain, or the leg ...) in general plaque in the arteries is not a good thing.  The problem is that plaque in the arteries is not usually just in one spot, it can be throughout the arterial system.  I hope you find out if the test you are naming is acceptable for your sister's case.  Again, might I point out the heart forum that MedHelp runs.  There will be many more people knowledgeable about heart issues reading that forum.  I wish you and your sister the very best in this quest.  The WISE information I noted from the online source is not the only article on it, so keep looking online too.  Good luck!  Annie
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Hi, Miss Annie,

Thanks you very much for your kind suggestions, I visit the page you sent me and it was helpful to understand.

Let me try to explain about my sister Veena problem, She is 40 year old, she is happily married and having one daughter (19) and one son (17). She is the spiritual person and she established a spiritual institute for world peace also people who need help to survive life and who is interested to understand what the light of God is.

Before 6 to 7 years she was complaining about stomach pain and she was getting treatment from local Dr. but he didn’t understood what is the exactly problem Veena having. After 3 months also she had continues problem and then one day night she had unbearable pain and then we went to the senior Dr. and after all test he found there is some small tumor in side her womb and bigger one was 18 mm and that one was ruptured
And she had infection inside her womb. Because of this critical situation Dr. decide to remove her womb to save her life. And after that operation all problems start to begin.

Before remove her womb Dr. said, in future always you will have problem about your health like if you are a 32 year old then you will be look like 62 year your hairs will turn as white and other effects.

After this operation again she completely involved her self in her institute and restless keep working hard.

Before 6 to 8 months Veena start to complain about breath problem and then immediate we start treatment and last month we read a Article on WISE in Indian news paper Times of India, in that Article we found Dr. Ntarajan from Apollo Hospital Delhi who is having knowledge of WISE and that’s why we went to the Delhi and Dr. Natrajan did Thallium test http://www.medicinenet.com/coronary_artery_disease_screening_tests_cad/page3.htm
While this test Veena collapsed and she was completely unconscious for 10 minutes. But Dr. Natrajan found some blockages in her Coronary Artery (Micro vascular). But he is not able to find exactly where and how many % blockages she has. Dr. Natrajan gave medicines and said if you trust on me you will be ok in 5 to 6 months but Veena can not wait that long because she can not walk for 10 minutes or can not talk loud.

That’s why I want to find what should be right test to find blockages and next how to remove that blockages.

As I read in the page you sent me and Also I read many other sessions and reviews of C. Noel Bairey Merz, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the WISE study chairperson. And Sir George Sopko, MD, NHLBI project officer for WISE, they are saying in standard methods of diagnosis and treatment Too often women are tested again and again, go untreated, and still have high risk for heart attacks, also they said “As clinicians we must systematically examine women for evidence of any blockages and initiate intensive treatment for their risk factors.”

But here I would like to know if it is not possible to find blockage under standard diagnosis then what could be next test?  I heard about Ultrafast CT A new (and controversial) noninvasive test for the detection of CAD is electron beam computerized tomography, also known as Ultrafast CT. Unlike the above mentioned stress tests that measure the heart's physiology, Ultrafast CT is designed to measure calcium deposits in the coronary arteries.
But also I heard some controversy about this test so also I would like to know is this test is safe? I found Ultrafast  CT is available in India but I am not sure and that’s why I am trying to contact right person..
Thanks Again
God Bless You
Bharat J. Oza
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134578 tn?1716963197
Hello, here are some suggestions:


contains some good information on this issue, as do other sources that come up if you search WISE findings online.

Second, this is a patient-to-patient forum, not a doctor-run forum, so you will only get a doctor's answers if a cardiologist just coincidentally was reading.

You might want to also post this question on MedHelp's heart forum.

I hope your sister gets further help and a positive prognosis.

Your friend,

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