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Is there treatment for women who can't carry boys?

Hi, I'm 29 and I've had 6 miscarriages, 3 before my 2 girls and 3 after. All my miscarriages were around 10 weeks (with heartbeats) and the one's that were tested didn't specify the gender. I have had all kinds of testing done (blood, genetic, sperm) and my dr can't find anything wrong with me or my husband. My ob dr is sending us to a endocrinologist, but I'm woundering if I'm just one of the lucky one's that can't carry males. That's what we've been trying for and if that's the case, is there anything a specailist can do for me? I don't think so, but I can't seem to find alot on the subject. Thanks for your info!
38 Responses
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I know this is and old post but I had the same issue I have 4 girls and 3 miscarriages which 2 I know where boys my Dr said its because I have to many and strong x chromosomes so I could get some VERY expensive procedure where they inject u with some sort of meds and it's still not a 100% guarantee! And I certainly don't have extra thousands laying around for a possibility! But that's what my Dr said just found out pregnant now so keeping fingers crossed,i don't think I could handle 5girls all a year and a half apart!god help me if that's the case!
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Did you have any blisters like the syndrome said??? the article i read did say you could be a carrier and not have symptoms but miscarried boys. Im sorry but I think you might have solve my mystery.
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I had two misCarrys one girl a miscarry two girls and two miscarrys i cant carry boys i was told by my doctor that boys dna r easy to
miscarry cause ur immune systems r to low
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I also believe I can not carry boys. I have my girl who is almost eleven now. I have had two miscariages...boys.(
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I also agree with every1 who believes that they cannot carry a certain gender,  and shame on any1 who has the balls to be so ignorant and offensive to these desperate mothers just trying to find some kind of answer.  I have 3 healthy beautiful boys, and I have also lost 3 girls.  We are now trying to decide whether to have another child or not, but the thought of losing another little girl would just be too much for me to bear. I love each of my boys,and would not change having any of them for anything..Its OTHER people that feel the need to point it out to me that 'im a poor thing coz i have 3 boys'..do they know what trouble iv had having my children..NO! If there is any1 out there with any info on how i could increase my chances of carrying a little girl i would appreciate it forever!
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I just found out that I'm pregnant with my 5th girl! Of course, I'm happy and I love having girls, but I, too believe that my body will not carry boys. Before my husband and I were married, he had a child with his previous girlfriend. It was a boy. The first child we had together was a girl, and then I had 2 miscarriages (early, around 8 wks - 10 wks). Then a had another girl, and 2 more miscarriages after her. Again I had another healthy girl, and 2 more miscarriages after her. My fourth daughter was born and again 2 more miscarriages after her. Now I am 17 weeks pregnant with a girl. I just keep wondering if any of those miscarriages were boys. Unfortunately, ALL 8 of my miscarriages happened before 11 weeks, so it was too early to determine gender. I've also heard/read that even though the man's sperm determines the sex, the woman's body may be too acidic to support a male fetus. I've also read that a male fetus is more sensitive to the woman's "hostile environment" of the womb. Anyway, I don't have any answers yet. But will continue searching. And I agree with previous posters: just because there aren't any proven medical explanations right now, that doesn't mean there's not any truth behind what many of us believe. More research needs to be done.
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I am one of them. 6 losses, four confrimed male fetus. I am so confused not knwoing what to do. I am in canada, my doctors think that there is nothing can be done. I discussed with them about IVIG treatment but they seemed to have no believe in this.  
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I actually cant carry a boy to full term either, I have 2 daughters and I carried them to term with no complications in the pregnancy, very healthy biths both times, but before my oldest daughter was born I was pregnant with a son and my pregnancy was completly healthy I had seen 2 different doctors and they confirmed my pregnancy was perfect...I was healthy and my son was healthy, but some unexplained reason I went into labor at 21 weeks and 5 days, my son was to small to do anything for him so he died, they classified it as a miscarriage, then I had my daughter (now 5) and I got pregnant again after her birth and that ended up a miscarriage at 9 weeks, after that I got pregnant again and had my second daughter (now 3). My doctor was pretty sure that was a boy I was carrying after my second daughter was born healthy but he cant figure out why I cant carry a boy. I want a son but it is possible that the sex of the baby has something to do with it, just dont know what.

I am hoping one thing and that is that my fiance and I can have a son and that my complications were due to my ex husband giving a mutated gene and that is why my pregnancies ended in miscarriages, but I can only wait and see what happens.
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Hey all, just been lying in bed thinking exactly about what all of you are talking about! I fell pregnant in May last year 2011, me and my fiancee were over the moon, until we attened on second 20week scan to find that the baby had no heart beat (heartbreaking). the hospital then sent me away and i had to wait 7 long days to return to the hospital to see if their had been any change. NO CHANGE. I had to go in and have a DNC. I then fell pregnant again in the November for the same thing to happin to me again. Heartbroke all over again! Finallygetting my life back to normal then it just repeats itself all over again. Anyway my doctor did mention to me i may be not able to carry a certian sex. Call me mad but a few of my pals were going to see a fortune teller so i tagged along, in my reading she stated that i had, had two MC's, then after she said to me dont worry though you can have children you just can not carry boys!
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True, men are the indicator of what sex the baby will be but to actually carry said boy or girl 40 weeks is another thing.  

I am wondering about this myself and if it has to do with hormonal balance.  My mother had morning sickness with me and my two sisters but with my brother she had it the WHOLE pregnancy and ALL DAY LONG.  It was a troublesome pregnancy.
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I gave birth to a boy at 33 weeks, then had a stillborn boy at 38 weeks, and then a full term healthy girl, thats why ilooked this subject up, there has to be something with not being able to carry male babies/
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Actually there is a genetic disorder where you can't carry boys, I have it. I have had many misscarriages. All of which were boys, 1 still birth which was a boy, I can't remember what its called, but it is real, its your body rejecting testosterone... We have had genetic testing on me and my mother before she passed, she had the gene as do I, very rare and unheard of, but very real.
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I belive there is a truth behind why we miss carry  but i think it is gods way to say not ment to be I went to the gp and i complained of pains and she said it was normal 3 to 4 hours latter my little boy fell out in the bath
and the ambulance picked him up in a plastic bag the hospital left a dead baby in a room with me for 6 to 8 hours omg i was very sad. he was sent over to a hospital to see what was the prob why he died and it came back all clear
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I had a beautiful baby girl 10years ago, 6 years ago I gave birth to  a beautiful stillborn baby boy at 26 weeks gestation, 5 years ago I lost another little boy at 15 weeks gestation, I also had 2 other m/c with gender unknown and then went on to have a beautiful baby girl who will be 3 in July.  Genetic testing and an autopsy on my two sons both proved to perfectly healthy baby boys.  I am pregnant again and as much as I want a son I find myself almost wishing that this is another girl because I don't want to lose another baby.  I believe this is true don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  I also recently met a lady who cannot carry females because her body makes to much testosterone.  So she has to take hormone supplements to carry a male.  
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i have read al the comments and think its outrageous that some1 refurs to this as silly. when i was 19 i had a baby boy and sadly he was born sleepin at 37wks, many complications throughout the pregnancy, 2yrs later i went on to have a healthy baby girl and another 17months later, they are now 2 and 4. i fel pregnant again in dec again another boy and miscarried a month ago, another complicated pregnancy. i believe strongly that my body wil not carry a healthy male full term, my mum also had me and my 2 sisters but miscarried a boy. im off to my gp in a week so hopefully he'l be able to answer my questions. we are desperate to try again but fear it wil happen again if i fall with a boy. please think before u speak... we arent silly!
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Im positive there must be an explanation I have a healthy daughter and have had two miscarriages and Im certain I miscarried boys.. Im pregnant again now but to early to tell if I will hold on to this pregnancy but if I do Im certain it will be a girl. So I second what you say about all those skeptics I think this is very possible and legitamate!
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hemophilia! I know its a blood clotting disorder. But the  doctor that I work for said that boys are the main holders of this disease, although the mother carrys it. The child dies right at birth are shortly after because during the birthing process, the child can get pushed up againt the pelvic of a mother and it causes internal bleeding. But they can die in the womb due to the placenta being ripped are torn. This is why the boys die shortly after birth. The mother carries it in her gene, passes it to the unborn son, and he dies shortly after birth
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OMG! I hadn't read through all the posts when I made mine. I'm going to research Incontinentia Pigmenti. Thank you for your post. Finally someone gave a name for the condition. Now maybe some people will begin to understand and realize this afflicts many women out there.
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I know this post is really late, but I decided to post something anyway in case someone comes across this thread like I did. There have been studies that show although the male sperm determines the sex it is the woman's Ph of her uterus that supports a male vs. female, or other way around, fetus. So although my husband's sperm was male, it was my uterus that supported an environment conducive to male embryo. I had a son. He's 2 now and we've tried twice for him to have a sibling and I've miscarried 2 girls. One at 7 weeks and the other at 9 weeks. I am currently having genetics testing completed to see if there is something to this "old wives tale" as some have called it. So far, my doctor has told me there has been some testing on hormones that females produce in order to carry one sex or the other. So, even though some believe it, some do not, there are cases out there that are in desperate need of investigation.
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i have had 3mc's and one stibborn cause of cord kinking and on healthy. paul is my stillborn luke is my healthy and i dont know the 3 little ones gender. i have had no problem carrying boys my mom has 5 girls one boy my sister 2 boys 1 girl. sister 3 girls, sister 2 girls one boy. sister 2 girls 1 boy, brother 3 boys, i think it depends with me my doc thinks i have a clotting disorder that caused the mc's. i dont believe this stuff about not being able to carry a baby cause of gender but who knows. have you tried to have alot of rest when your prego. i mean sitting with your feet up laying down alot. whatever is happening sorry for your loss and i hope next time everything goes right for you and your husband
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Have any of you ladies who think you can't carry boys or girls considered that maybe you are a carrier of a gender specific genetic disorder which is causing you to miscarry unhealthy boys or girls?  For example maybe your body is rejecting all your boys because there is a genetic disorder that all of your boys have, so you continue to carry girls to full term, but not your unhealthy boys.  This would explain why some of you have this problem with your whole family.  It's not that you can't carry a specific gender.  The problem is you can't produce a healthy one.
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In response to your question about not being able to carry boys I believe that can very well be true.  I have a healthy baby girl that was born in August of 2008 and since then I have had 2 miscarriages (one in January and one two days ago).  The doctor in the hospital told me that it is very possible that my body is rejecting the male gender (he had many patient have this problem and they all kept rejecting a certain gender).  I asked him why that would happen and he mentioned something to do with my antibodies rejecting the male gender.  I also read on another site that "some woman's bodies" see the male gender as a foreign object and inturn it expels the baby.
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I don't think i can have baby girls. I had 2 m/c and then i had my son. Then i got pregnant again and had another m/c and now im pregnant with another boy. I had the m/c's around the same time 9 weeks pregnant. I am wondering if it is possible that i cannot have girls. It's like some women can't get pregnant at all. I have heard it has something to do with the estrogen, im not sure what it is though. but to those people saying that we are all stupid. You have no idea what is scientifically possible and why until more studies are done.
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i also believe i cant carry girls,in 1993 i had my first baby i was 18 it was a perfect pregnancy, my second at 19 again perfect, then in jan 1999 i had a m/c  , in june 99 i had another m/c, 2002 i gave birth to a healthy little boy then a year later another boy, my pregnancies were amazingly simple with no complications. dec 2008 i had another m/c . on xmas eve 2009 i found out i was pregnant again, but on jan 6th 2010 i had a m/c, 4 weeks and 2 days later,which was friday the 5th feb 2010 i found out im pregnant again, this time im hoping its a boy as i really believe i cant have girls. people may say we are crazy...but i dont care.
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