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Taking clomid...no period but not pregnant?

I am 28 years old and have had an irregular cycle since I was 10. BC is the only thing that keeps me regular. I've been off BC 1 yr July 05. Have had a total of maybe 4 periods since. Gyn ruled oud polycystic ovaries before putting me on Clomid. I took my 1st cycle in May 05. June 14th was exactly 35 days since 1st day of last period. Hpt came back negative so doc wanted to have blood test done. That also came back negative. (This was all done on 14th). It's been 10 days and still no sign of a period. I took another Hpt and still coming out negative. Called doc back and she's recommending that I get a 2nd blood test done before giving me provera to bring on another period so I can take the 2nd cycle of Clomid. Is it normal to still NOT have a period after taking a drug to make you ovulate which in turn would bring on a period if no egg is fertilized? What are the chances of the 2nd blood test coming back positive?? Could there be something seriously wrong with me???
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That is not premature me and my husband tried for 2 years, I also have PCOS and I was put on the CLOMID treatment which worked after a couple of months resulting in the birth of my daughter who is now 6, we have been trying to get pregnant since then and have had no luck, so they have put me back on the CLOMID, I have had 2 months of treatment but still no luck and I am now 3-4 weeks late. I have done 3 hpt but it is still coming up negative so I am a bit confused at what to do now? But in any case instead of giving your opinion about being put on the treatment prematurely that is complete and utter rubbish and if you haven't got any answers that would help the poor girl out, for people like me who struggle to conceive that is not want we are wanting to hear from someone who admits they don't know much about fertility issues.
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sir, please I use Clomid and primolut n together on cycle day 5 to 9 to conceive, on CD13 to 14 I saw spotting dark blood  which have not been experience before, I did not see any discharge nor ovulation at all, but from CD 22 I started notice milky discharge till now with lower abdominal pain as if I want to see my menses, i feel heat too with sweating and I suppose to see my menses on CD 28 which fail I use hpt on CD 26 and 29 which comes back negative, am on CD 31 now, please advise me
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Hi I am writing in general to all the posts I have read.  I am 46 years old and want to have another child.  I have two wonderful kids already, but we have been thinking about this for years...maybe too many years...
What I don't understand is that after the Clomid my system has gone crazy.  Everything with me was totally normal and we were going for IUI, but the doctor saw that I did not ovulate for one month (a lot of stress that month) and then decided to put me on Clomid.  My periods were as regular as you get, I could set my watch to it.  I am now 15 days late and he is thinking I have been thrown into a peri-menopausal state.  Where as I have had too many follicles before for him to do the IUI and by his own admission has said that my estrogen, estradiol, and progestrone levels were that of a woman in her twenties.  I am scared and frustrated.  I know this is an old stream, but if anyone out there has any thoughts I would like to hear them.  I believe that women know their bodies and I feel that we have to get our doctors to listen and educate us.
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I am experiencing the exact same thing. On day 37, had little bleeding on day 22, no periods still and tests showing negative. Absolutely clueless about whats going on....
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I started having irregular periods a few years ago. I became P around 19 but had a termination due to circumstances. After this I started taking birth control pills for a 5 years then stopped, when I stopped I developed irregular periods ranging from 30-40day cycles.  Have been trying for 4 years now. Had tubes checked, might have 1 blocked but 1 is clear, no thyroid issues.

I have taken clomid to regulate periods and ovulation. I do ovulate without clomid anyway but varies which day. Regulation didn't happen. Stopped clomid this month to have a break after 5 months! Now I have a very late period 45days! ( in the last year I have had cycles 31/36 days?)
Taken 2 tests, not preg, didn't try during ovulation this month.  
I wanted to start IUI this month but no period.
Any ideas on what's happening?

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Well what happend?
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What did you do? Did you tell the Doc that you started your cycle and take another dose of Clomid? Did you get pregnant?
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Ive had some of the exact same issues...I was off BC for 6 months, and conceived with no help, but miscarried at 10 weeks. I do have PCOS, and endometriosis. I took 4 rounds of clomid with no success, so this month we decided to take a break and my period is 3 days late. I have to go in to the dr on monday to have blood drawn and if that comes back negative start provera and clomid all over again. OH and I have had 2 neg. HPT:(
TTC is so fustrating, and beginning to lose hope! Good luck to you!
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Hi i am currently finished my 3rd round of clomid 100mg my first 2 rounds were 50mg. I am 27 yrs old and i have pcos i have been trying for a baby for nearly 3 years now. I have not had a period since nov last year so my doc told me to just pick a day and start the clomid i really hope it works this time i dont know how much more disappointment i can bare. Wishing everyone the best of luck hope i get some too.
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I just finished my first cycle of clomid. I definitely ovulated and my bbt climbed accordingly. I was beginning to experience either pre-menstrual/early pregnancy symptoms (i.e. back ache, break out on chin, sore breasts), so I definitely thought one or the other would occur. Then my temperature suddenly dropped (A LOT), which would indicate my period was supposed to come. However, it has not, and my temperatures still remain low. Waiting for follow-up with my RE next week, but until then I feel so helpless!
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I'm on cycle 5 of clomid, I never had a period after clomid till the 4th try I'm hoping this time works, I'm only able to do six before I have to go to a fertility expert, I'll pray for everyone to become pregnant, Please pray for me too
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My wife and I are going thru the same thing and its so frustrating, I need to know if any of the above pple got any positive news maybe I might feel comforted. Its just so bad, u get all the right signs, even that implantation bleeding a negative test. Sigh! I am giving up.
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I am so frustrated trying to have a baby I got prgnant before had two miscarriages that was so easy getting pregnant those two time. Now since they say I have PCOS it is so hard I took my first cycle of clomid on 3-7 i missed October its now November took a HCg and it says negative. Doc say wait 1week then come see him why am I missing my period and the test say negative... Help someone anyone pleaseeeeeeeeeee.....
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thanks for your sharing. I have the silmiliar experience too here. I am 35 and had miscarriage last year, trying since but no luck. my husband and I both had full lab test and nothing is wrong. i took ovulation home test each month and I did ovulate each month. so doc put me on 50mg clomid and I also took ovulation home test and blood test on 21 day. the weird thing is that home test shows I am ovulating. but my blood test is only 5 - telling I am not ovulating. and my period did not come on day 30 still. so I am totally confused. even my doc said it is a puzzle! I  don't know if I am ovulating or not. and did clomid put me off ovulating? doc told me to do clomid challenge test this month. increase clomid to 100mg. take blood test before taking clomid, another blood test after clomid, then another blood test on day 21. but first of all I have to wait for my period to come! I am at the end of my patience and totally frustrated now.
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I was taking clomid the first month got pregnant and lost the baby around seven weeks. Been taking clomid for months and no results. I have taken a couple of breaks and start up clomid again with normal period. I had no period before and I took a pill called provera that started my period. Now my doctor move out state. I am still taking the medicine. Now I took clomid for a month and took a month break. When I took month off. I had no period. I don't know what else to do.
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I have been at this for a while.  Being the optimist I am.  I went off bc @ 10yrs ago and started trying.  My ob/gyn put me through 6 cycles of clomid and I ovulated everytime.  I am pretty much on cycle to the tee.  When there was no success with the clomid she referred me to a fertility specialist.  He went through all his test.  My husband is fine.  My tubes ended up being blocked.  I had surgery.  Found out I had endometriosis pretty severly.  At the time we didn't know how bad it was.  I had 1 tube removed w/part of one ovary.  The surgery took @ 4 1/2 hrs.  We still keep trying.  Our age is getting too far up there so we don't have many options that are cost effect that insurance will cover.  This occured in late Sept. '09.  In late June of this year I thought I was passing kidney stones and it turned out I had a endometrial cyst @ 11cm on my good ovary and another that was 3.4cm on what was left of my other.  I went in for surgery.  Again, it took almost 5hrs.  My doctor said my insides looked like they were super glued together.  I have severe stage 4 endometriosis.  I have nothing but a small part of an ovary and my uterus left.  She said the best time for my last chance to try was now while I was cleaned out since the endo. grows so rapidly.  My first cycle of 50mg of clomid I ovulated, but my period only lasted 3 very short light days which was not normal for me at all.  Even after the surgery I had a normal (for me) cycle.  Lasting 10+days.  My second cycle of 50mg clomid I didn't ovulate and still have not started on day 31.  My cycles are no more than 29 days.  If they are off it runs at 25 days.  I've been w/my husband for over 20yrs and I just feel like this is just some kind of cruel joke.  I guess I just wanted to see others in similar situations.  And to let others know, sometimes I guess we just have to count our other blessings. I thank god everyday for my husband and that other than this my overall health is good.
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Hi everyone, jus thought i let u guys know that i am not pregnant, blood test came back negative even though i had two positive HPT. My Dr. has told me to stop taking the progesterone suppositories and after three days i would have a period, then i have to go back to the office on day 3 of my period and do ultrasound and blood test.
Okay so since am new to this fertility thing and tryna conceive i have a whole lot of questions to ask my dr. when i see her again. I must a lot of things are not explained to you when you start taking Clomid to conceive, the side effects, the false preg.. test, why no period when ultrasound said that you ovulated  and there was no period. am confused and not well informed. Thanks to you guys and was able to understand that you can ovulate and not have a period. My doc even said that i you have a period after about 2 weeks but i didnt and i think that the supp.. have something to do with it.
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Hello all, i have taken clomid 50mg for 6days and i ovulated as per the ultrasound which was been monitored closely by my doctor. she was able to tell us the right time to have sex in order to get pregnant. It has been 13days since ovulated, i have no period, i did 3 home preg... test with 2 positive result and 1 negative. Am going to do blood test on thursday to confirm preganancy, i really hope that i am preggas, cuz the entire experience with tryna get preggas is very tedious and time consuming, i hope it's worth it at the end.
As i read from previous comment above that you might not or may have a period after takin Clomid even if you are not preggas, i find this very confusing, if you ovulated and you have sex the time the dr says and you are not preggas then where the d egg go? if you didnt have a period weird i must say. hmmm confused/dont fully understand this. good luck to us all who are tryna conceive, keep the faith ya'all.
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Hi ttc7,
If you have not yet had a period. Ask your doctor for provera or a similar drug which will simply bring on a bleed (it is called a with drawl bleed). Then you can commence another round of clomid. We had our 1st cycle successful with clomid for our 1st child. I went back on it for our 2nd child, still just 50mg. And it took 8 trials to conceive her. We are currently struggling to conceive our 3rd child. As I am not getting my periods at all after clomid. We have been trying for nearly 1 yr this time. And we have actually consulted a fertility Dr. As we are now looking at the possibility of IVF. As he has changed the dosage from 50mg, to 100mg, then finally 150mg!!! And still no period. Even though we had a vaginal ultra sound, at around day 11. And he said I have 1 mature egg. We are seeing him on Tuesday as I rang up to receive my blood test results (to confirm ovulation), and he left a note with the receptionist to make an appointment to see him. This can not be a good sign :(
All the best.
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1712389 tn?1308408977
i had my last period on the 17/04/2011 and started my fist clomiphene cycle the next day on 18/04/2011 for 5 days.  since then ive not had my period, my periods are not very regular anyway. i had a blood test on the 21st day and there was no sign of ovulation was a dissappointment but i thought its okay its only the first cycle.
since then ive not had a period and i cant even take anymore clomiphene untill i get a period and its been more than 70 days.

dont know what to do, can anyone hel;p or give some advice? ive been trying to contact my gyno but he doesnt get back to me which is even more stressing!
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hi there,
I have PCOS and always had a irregular period.
i had already a misscarriage in february 2010 after my first cycle of clomid in dezember 2009. after 1year i started again 2nd round.it was negativ. Now i am on my 3rd round of clomid and day 40. still no sign of period.yesterday i done a pregnant test. but negativ. Today i tried to call my gynocology but cant reach anybody. i am confused with my situation.please help!!!
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Hello everyone,m suffering same problem.I had ma period on 5 April..I had a test which says I did ovulate but not preg...doc told me I 'll get my period for sure...it's 6 th of may no periods...preg test negative...wa on clomid...so confused
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1508144 tn?1313210795

i waited for my afp to come...its a 50day cycle for me last month,which is very frustrating...if i wont get pregnant this month, i will just rest for a month and go to my doctor to see what will be the next step.trying to be patient.sigh :-(
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Hello. I just wanted to find out the outcome of having a missed period and have negative pregnancy tests while on clomid for those who experienced this. Is it adviceable to induce the period or not? Your reply will help someone in need.
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1508144 tn?1313210795
i really need your help!

im on my 4th cycle of clomiphene and metformin. i didnt get my period last month.currently im on cd44 and no period.because i was soo depressed and frustrated i stop taking the meds.i will just rest and wait for my period.i took 2 test all came back negative.my problem now is im having stomach pain o lower abdominal pain.somtimes on the right side next to left side of my stomach.is anyone experiencing this?i know im not pregnant but i dont know what is happening already.i will be on vacation this week so i cant make any appointment with my ob.so guys please help me understand what is going on.

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