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21 Responses
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19286856 tn?1475225279
I'm experiencing it right now... what should i do?
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I have pretty much been on my period ever since february now, and not off of a period for more than 5 or 6 days before another starts. At end of march, I went to doctor. She put me on provera for a few days which stopped the period, and referred me to an obgyn who put me on birth control pills. I started my period about 5 days later (as expected when taking/stopping provera) and so began my birthcontrol pills shortly after. Now, in mid June, still having constant periods.

They are much lighter than my periods used to be. I've always had super heavy periods. but now I am barely noticing even just a faint pink streak here or there most of the times.

Sometimes I think then, oh good, it must be ending, yay. I thought that yesterday, then since I decided not to wear a panty liner, to my surprise about half way through the day found I was bleeding heavy again and had to go change.

It goes on and on like this. light 90% of the time, heavy for 2 or 3 days, but constant almost always.

I'm 34, I do have PCOS, but have had that for a long time, and never had this problem before, if anything, most of the time, I would not ovulate and go months without a period.

Doctors did numerous tests. including but not limited to internal and external ultrasounds, bloodwork, papsmear, pregnancy tests, and checking for std. All tests negative. OBGYN said utereus looks normal in thickness etc and doesn't think I have any problems.

I feel like I'm going crazy. I'm so tired every day, it's becoming harder and harder to just even get out of bed in the morning every day. I am emotional and have all the symptoms and pains of a normal menestral cycle except that my pain has been constant since february (sensitive breasts, nausea, diarhea and constipation at the same time, headache, ovary/side pain, thigh pain, tummy pain, back pain.)

I just want it to end already!!

To make matters worse, my doctor referred me to an OBGYN who then, after one appointment called to tell me she's closing her practice. I called another OBGYN last week, but am told that they won't even talk to me or schedule anything until they see my test results, so I had to go in and sign release forms, and now waiting, for who knows how long, meanwhile, every day, including today, I continue to bleed and hurt, and become weaker and more tired each day.
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girl im 16, and i have a 3year implant. i have been on my period for a whole entire year.
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girl im 16, and i have a 3year implant. i have been on my period for a whole entire year.the same age and same problem. should i call my doctor
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I'm having that exact issue but I'm not on the pill, I'm really scared at what it might be and I have no medical insurance which is double bad for me.
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please help me. i am 17 years old and since i hit puberty nothing has been normal with my body. i have been on the same period for 5 years and the doctors didn't do anything about it at fist when i went to them. after it had been happening for a year they put me on the pill at the age of 13 to stop the period and try to balance it out but it only got worse. my periods got heaver and heaver making me have to change to stronger pills. the pain is excruciating all the time i am on 6 pain killers a day just so i can go to school. it has been 5 years and i am on the strongest pill taking 2 a day putting far too many chemicals in to my body. the doctor now says that me having taken a double dosage of this pill has started to cause problems to my womb. they say that all this will probably cause problems with fertility and  the doctors still don't know what's wrong with me, if there is anyone still reading this please help, i am only 17 and i am scared and in a lot of pain. (i have many other symptoms too.)
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I've been seriously bleeding for a lil ovr a year. Non stop. It can be light or heavy. It varies. but it's always there. I'm 16 years old
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i had this when i was in the injection. i was 18 at the time. i had my period non stop. a few years later when i wasnt on the injection i got my period every second week, i was about 20 at the time. it turned out i had an hormanal imballance and the doctor put me on a strong pill to sort it out. go see your doctor, other wise you will be freaking yourself out. good luck x
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Can I just ask what the outcome was for all you ladies ? Im going through this now I've been bleeding for 6 weeks now I'm 22 a mum of 2 and not overweight ! Any advice would be appreciated x
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I have somewhat the same issue I started a new job april 4 and within those 2 weeks I was drinking coffee in the morning and some afternoons when I rthought I got my period it stopped but offical period never started,then I started bleeding light and heavy with some clotting from time to time.there is no pain back in 09 I had a Cyst rupture and had surgery I had any sexual activity in months.I plan to. Go. To the doc but is this just a imbalance?from april till now I'm out of wack n I want to see if n e body has had the same
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wow this is a really helpful forum.....NOT!!!
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i was 3 weeks late and i have been bleeding now for 11 days, it's just like a prolonged period, only i'm constantly heavy instead of just the 3 days i normally have, i've searched google for possible answers and found very little, i feel great in myself, though at the start of this bleed i did have severe back pain and could hardly walk.

any info would be a great help. thanks jo
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I am 20 years old. I have had my peroid for 2 1/2 months. It has been heavy and painful. I made a doctors apt. but it isn't until next week. Does anyone know whats wrong with me?  Has anyone else ever had the same thing happen? If so what did the doctor tell you?
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I recently tried the contraceptive injection because my dr had told me it would 'lighten' my period. As soon as i took it, my period stopped for 2 days and that was exactly 2 months a go. I went back to my dr n  he did an ultrasound on me n he said tht there was still a little blood left in my uterus but it should clear up in 1 week. That was 5 weeks a go. Now not only i'm still having my supposedly 'spotting' it jas become a normal period where i have to change my tampon  every 4 hrs. I am sick of these drs brushing this topic off! It' very frustrating! If anyone has an answer to this, please please please let us know
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im 16 and ive been bleeding for about 7 weeks now but only spotting and im also on birth control. i went to the doctors when the bleeding hadnt stopped after 3 weeks they asked me to do a pregancy test as i may have been pregant and miscarryed fortunaly i hadnt but they gave me some pills to stop the bleeding but they didnt work. i went back 2 weeks later and after that i  had a week break they told me to carry on taking my birth control but im still bleeding ive got to go back soon for blood tests as this is causing me to be very tired due to the blood loss. As you all said they do just keep brushing it off and its starting to gettin annoying also just recently im startin to get pains in my lower stomach which will only last about 5 minutes but is still very painfull
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I'm 29, no births yet, and I've had this permanent bleeding since last October. I've seen two doctors but they don't really help and take my problem rather easy. In the first month I slightly started bleeding for another two weeks two days after my regular period, which has always been very painful and was often combined with vomiting, . My next period came regular but never stopped, only changed into slight bleeding. The doctor examined me, sonography, blood test, all he found was a polyp. He recommended me to take the pill but the only result is that the bleeding cut down to exactly 9 days before my actual period. I saw the doctor 4 months later: the polyp was gone but the bleeding not. He said, looking at the sonography image it might be endometrioses but would that cause such a regular bleeding pattern? I doubt it. I also have a low thyroid condition but it's treated so my hormone level is right. I also started having circular pain and burning deeper in my vagina and dryness outside of it, especially before the period. Could it be candida? I feel silly going to the doctors again and again. Some hospitals offer advisory hours for specific problems, I might go there but I guess they are used to more difficult cases.  A friend told me it might result from stress. I had a lot of stress lthe past two years but now my life is rather quiet.  The literature says it could be anything: myoms, endometriosis or cancer which can only be ruled out by D&C  and myoms and uterin cancer are uncommon in women under 40 who are not overweight.I am not inclined to have D&C done if there is no additional indication.  It could be hormone irregularities which the doctor didn't find in me. I have an overproduction of testosterone since I am 13 but why should this cause bleeding just now? I also tried to adapt the pill pause to my bleeding but now it takes even longer. It would be nice to hear from someone who found a solution to her problem.
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My condition is amenorrhea. Since I started getting periods I would only get 4-6 a year. A few years back I went to the ER for a pain in my left side. After X-rays and stuff I found out I had cysts on my ovaries and was put on birthcontrol I was on them for 3 months then for a year. When I got off my entire cycle was messed up. I would was spotting at odd times and started missing more months than I did before.  That time I was rushed to the ER I had been bleeding heavily (1 pad every 1/2hr) for a month and a half my doctor gave me a pill told me to go home. When I got to the ER I had to get an emergency operation and had to get 4 blood transfusions.  

It is imperative that you do get it checked out. I am not trying to scare anyone, I thought I could deal with it and it will eventually go away. Instead I almost died.
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I have had this problem for about four years now.  It started off as light spotting between periods and has progressed to continuous bleeding or spotting all the time.  I've tried several different birth control pills and none stopped the bleeding.  I'm off birth control pills now.  I was taking prozac for the past four years and recently stopped taking it to see if that was causing it (maybe hormonal).  I had one glorious week of no spotting or bleeding, now its back to bleeding all the time.  My old Obgyn just kept brushing it off as well.  What is wrong with these doctors?!?!  This is obviously a somewhat common problem if that many women are complaining about this and for these docs to brush it off is completely irresponsible and Im sick of it.  I finally found a doc that genuinely seems concerned about it.  Im going back to see her next week and see what tests she wants to do.  Im just so ready to figure this out.  Its so exhausting and  depressing to not know what is wrong with your body, not to mention it getting in the way of other things.
If anyone else finds out any info about this problem please keep us posted.
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You guys need to go see ur doctors I had the same problem it only get's worse trust me make an appointment and make sure they don't just brush it off my doc did and i ended up in the emergency room.
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I have period twice in this month. But now, I am getting period continuously. It doesn't stop for the 15 days. When i had period on first day, it's light after 7 days, it changed into heavy bleeding. It doesn't happened me before. I don't know what happened to me. I m 26 yrs old.
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13167 tn?1327194124
Ask your doctor!!

This is not a "period".  Menstrual periods are when the uterus flushes out blood that is built up for two weeks after ovulation,  to support a baby if you conceive one that month.  Then,  the period gets rid of all the blood and starts again.

What you are doing is bleeding continuously  and not ovulating,  because you're on the birth control pill.  

Call your doctor.  You shouldn't have continuous vaginal bleeding,  and it's not a "period".  
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