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Oral Sex and Yeast Infection

This may sound crazy, but the only time I seem to get a yeast infection is after receiving oral sex. If my boyfriend goes down 3 or 4 nights in a row I start developing one. I was just wondering if anyone else has expierencied this, or knows if there could possibly be something in his mouth causing this. (Obviously I would notice and not let him go there if is something I could see) Any suggestions would be great.

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I had the exact same problem last year I had a yeast infection that kept coming back over and over and over again. It seemed like the pills the doctor gave me would work for a couple days then it would come right back ...... Long Story short after 5 months of this and several doctors appointments later they finally tested me for diabetes and the test came back that I was a type 1 diabetic. I had no history of diabetes in my family and there were no other warning signs other than the yeast infection. So I would recommend getting tested for diabetes good luck hope this helps.
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I kept getting yeast infections. Didn't understand why. Until one night I discovered my husband had been dying his pubic hair. I asked him about it and at first he denied it. So I showed him the dye residue left on the towel, he couldn't deny it any longer. I told him if he wanted to continue having sex with me, he'd better stop dying his hair. He stopped immediately. I laugh at it now, but it wasn't funny when I kept getting yeast infections and paying doctor visits.
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If I have a head cold and give my girl friend oral sex, can I give her a yeast infection?  The reason I ask is that I preformed oral sex on her while I was starting to have symptoms of catching a cold.  Is it possible?
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I have had yeats infection for about 2months now I used canestene and tiocosid fungal cream,but its not gone mistakenly scratched it nd it bled a lot,please help me what can I do
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I have had this yeast infection for about 2 months now and I tried canesten nd tiocosid fungal cream but still no improvement,
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it could be a herpe - but don't freak out! just about everyone has the herpes virus in them, the herpes simplex 1, which most people get as a kid (chicken pox). it is possible for them to show up on your genitals, although usually simplex 2 is associated with genitals. but you can go ahead and rule out simplex 2 (genital herpes), since you're a virgin. it's probably just a harmless little herpe! it could be anything though. humans get random skin irritations all the time.
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it could be a herpe - but don't freak out! just about everyone has the herpes virus in them, the herpes simplex 1, which most people get as a kid (chicken pox). it is possible for them to show up on your genitals, although usually simplex 2 is associated with genitals. but you can go ahead and rule out simplex 2 (genital herpes), since you're a virgin. it's probably just a harmless little herpe! it could be anything though. humans get random skin irritations all the time.
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Okay so I'm having the same problem to which everyone here is having this is my 2nd yeast infection and I got it the same way I got my 1st one I have sec and bam the little **** is back I use the summer eve ph balance so that maybe that can help from preventing one and I also douche but not a lot and still that didn't even help because I got another one, is there something wrong with me I'm at the point where I'm scared to have sex because I don't want to deal with all the irritation:( so what do you think is wrong with me.. help!
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Yeast is in beer.... does he drink? If not I would go see a doctor.
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  I have had b v from using vaginal deodrant and bubble baths.I went to the gum clinic and was given Metronidazole tablets which cleared it up in two days and told to use emollient cream insted of soap on the genital area.I bought some Acidophilus which ive yet to try.Also for utis drink cranberry juice.I hope this helps everyone.From Debbie
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aw dont feel bad they happen...
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Hi. I am not a medical professional at all, but I do get alot of yeast infections (unfortunately). I have found out that spermacides and latex always seems to trigger mine...I am also  Hypoglycemic which i need a certain amount of sugar intake. So as women we crave chocolates and what not and that could be triggering them as well. I have had to stop eating candy and cute down on sweets (believe me it's sooo not easy). Consuming more garlic than you normally would, could help so much along with I have found out that eating lemons here and there when you feel like you are getting one while using monostat will or could help.....and when you get it under control pro biotics help.
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Many years ago I had recurring yeast infections, typically after sexual contact. I then met my husband and they disappearred for the entire time we were together. unfortunately our marriage did not last.  Just recently I started seeing a new man and eventually we had sex for the first time, both oral and penetration. that same week I got a yeast infection.
im scared to go through the recurring infections again. is it because of the new guy and why didnt it happen w one guy but did with the others?
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Many times women get these infections from the bacteria of their partner, be it from oral activity, full intercourse, or what have we...there's bacteria from his body going to ours. The best way to deal with this is to naturally let the body heal withOUT antibiotics, or even douching...you're storage of bacteria (and probiotics from yogurt) will balance things out in your genital area to where you won't be getting yeast infections from the single partner for whose bacteria you've allowed yourself to adjust to. I know from experience: Taking Monistat creams, to oral antibiotics from doctors, to douching, and then just plain creating ways to curb the discomfort while allowing my body to do its own thing healing.  STEPS: You'll need to discontinue intercourse until healed because it'll agitate you greatly (give him oral, hand jobs, or anal till you're healthy), and to deal with the itching discomforts, wash your genital area a couple times over the day, every 8 hours or whatever your body needs or you can afford and gently PAT dry and fan it down there, and wear LOOSE cotton underwear like men's shorts (seriously) or none at all if your wearing pant anyway, because you don't want cloth rubbing down there and causing discomfort. Oh and make sure your bath towels have all of the laundry detergent thoroughly rinsed out. Don't scratch and rub too much down there as tempting as it may be, you want to avoid inflamming yourself. USE ONLY a delicate soap like Dove if you must on the outside genital area and rinse with plenty of water! I really hope this helps.
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I too have this problem! i have never had yeast infection in my life but recently, i became sexually active with my boyfriend and
within the past 5 months , i have had about 4 yeast infections! i went to the doctor twice already within this period of time. She tested me for EVERYTHING. the first visit, she told me it was BV and gave me medication, which cleared me up. The second visit, she told me i had nothing and tested me for everything again. everything came back negative again. She gave me medication anyway and it was cleared up. A few days later, my boyfriend and I had intercourse  (always with protection) and he also gave me oral sex. the symptoms came back a week later! i have been so fruastrated and embarassed about this!!!! i have a whitish/yellowish discharge and a
really really really horrible smell! im always so self concious!!! this is ruining my life!! i had him get tested for everything also and he doesnt have anything either. I tried everything over the counter and the only think that worked was monistat! Because of this, i stopped having sex with him but about two weeks ago, he gave me oral sex and guess what? It came back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i noticed that he usually drink alcohol right before performing oral sex on me and i am wondering if that is the cause of it?????

please please please help because this has never happed to me and i dont know what to do, i have tried everything!!! the doctor says its nothing but why do i keep getting symptoms?
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Hi, i av ad this infection for a while n i find hard to talk to any1 bout it n i onle recently found out that its yeast infection after lots of research n alot of pple suffer frm,i didnt feel so alone any more, cos of it sex scares me,how can i get rid in less than a week plz i need advise ASAP
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You should do a candida cleanse. This was happening to me a few years ago and I discovered, with the help of my naturopath, that my body was full of yeast. Twice a year, I cleanse using a kit from my health food store called Candigone and it takes two weeks per cleanse. You'll feel really really awful at first because the yeast is dying and releasing toxins. Follow the kit, eat the recommended diet, and you'll clear it up. After the cleanse, stay away from sugars as much as possible. It feeds yeast. Your boyfriend should do the cleanse too.
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He might have thrush, a condition of the mouth and tongue. Some people have it genetically, etc. not just randomly. In some cases thrush can be a symptom of something else so maybe ( very nicely) you could ask him to see a doctor to make sure he doesn't. Second, theres no harm in mentioning this to your doctor for insight - though he/ she may just tell you to refrain from oral sex. Thirdly, could just simply be the bacteria in said persons mouth bothering the PH balance in your vagina. Vaginas are a complex thing! I doubt even by the time were 80 well even half understand our vagina, menstraul cycle, etc. as much as we need to to get by!!
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He might have thrush, a condition of the mouth and tongue. Some people have it genetically, etc. not just randomly. In some cases thrush can be a symptom of something else so maybe ( very nicely) you could ask him to see a doctor to make sure he doesn't. Second, theres no harm in mentioning this to your doctor for insight - though he/ she may just tell you to refrain from oral sex. Thirdly, could just simply be the bacteria in said persons mouth bothering the PH balance in your vagina. Vaginas are a complex thing! I doubt even by the time were 80 well even half understand our vagina, menstraul cycle, etc. as much as we need to to get by!!
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Ok well I've noticed it's all girls on this site but I have a concern that I think you guys could help with more then the blogs with sex addicted men! My girlfriend and I are 18 and we just lost our virginity to each other, but a few months before this she got a yeast infection and I was under the belief that it was because i had fingered her to often. She went to the doctor and then the infection seemed to clear up but now we have had sex and and i don't know if it is from the sex but it seems to have come back! There is kinda an off smell and a milky white substance! I used to go down on her on a regular basis but I've sorta stopped and I feel terrible because it made her so happy!.. Now that u know the whole story my questions are: Can I still go down on her (I can get past the taste and smell for her) but am I at risk of getting some sort of infection??.. And can we still have sex or is that just prolonging the infection? What should I do! I want to keep her happy and I don't want her to be embarrassed because of her yeast infection!
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Garlic cloves help. Natuaral way to cure it!!2 -3 night treatment

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Im 15 and my boyfriend recently gave me "oral sex" and about 2 or 3 days after I started getting really itchy and irritated down there.. Should I ask him to not do it anymore because I don't want another yeast infection or is it just a quin cadence that I got it after everything happened?
Someone please help :/
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Yeah am experience the same symptoms. Virginia is wet and itchy. Slight itch. No pain or discomfort, just an itch. What can this be, any help please? Thanks
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Everyone IS so nice here! It's great to talk about these things so openly with women who are experiencing the same type of thing. I've had minor yeast infections my whole life but I just started having sex (I'm 18) and it started hurting a few days ago. My boyfriend goes down on me almost everyday... So all this definitely makes sense! It's worse this time then it has been ever, and one website said a yeast infection can be caused by "a change in vaginal environment". I guess that means sex for me! Or consistent sex every day type of thing. I'm about to start using monostat 3, but have been drinking cranberry juice for days! I heard yogurt helps too, and avoiding meats and sweets can help too, I think it's a pH thing! Don't know if this helped, but always good to have another opinion! :)
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Yeast infections cannot be caused by eating yogurt while on antibiotics. In fact, it's important to eat yogurt (or even better, take a probiotic supplement) during and ESPECIALLY after you have been on a course of antibiotics. Taking the probiotic at the same time as the probiotic or yogurt is unhelpful though as the antibiotic will simply kill the probiotic. It's important to take the probiotic as far between antibiotic doses as possible. Antibiotics can and do often result in candida yeast overgrowths in women that most commonly display themselves as vaginal yeast infections because its a warm, damp area that yeast can flourish and multiple. When you have a yeast infection you need to stay away from simple carbohydrates (starchy foods, white bread, etc), sugar and processed foods. These things feed the yeast. If you are having recurrrent yeast infections it is very likely you have a candida yeast overgrowth. I would recommend going to your local health food store, ask your doctor and you can also do your own research online about it. Yeast is very difficult to get rid of so it will take effort if you do have recurrent infections.  I
Hope this helps and good luck!
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