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Resistant Yeast Infection

I've had a yeast infection for 6 months (candida glabrata).  I've tried over the counter medications, yogurt, and prescriptions.  I've been on Terconazole (2 wks) twice and oral fluconazole.  I'm now starting oral ketoconazole for 2 wks.  

Does anyone have any experience with this or know what I can try next?  I've been tested for diabetes and HIV.  I'm negative.


43 Responses
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Did you have any luck? Same problem no clue what to do.
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I've had c glabrata for 9 miserable months. I've just completed 14 nights of amphortericin b suppositories specially compounded by an outside pharmacy. I'll keep you posted on the results but so far it has helped with swelling and redness
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Hi, I was told about this compounded Ampho B suppository, where did u get it? I am base in the UAE and there is very limited medicine here. I have been desperate to get treated, I was a breast cancer patient. Appreciate your response. Thanks
Boric acid but not just for 2 weeks you need to find a dr that is willing to be aggressive.  I found Drexel University Candida clinic in Philadelphia and have been flying up there from Florida every 6 weeks.  I will tell you they have been a life saver!!
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I am a gynecologist. You are wrong. Maybe you were a bit confused about what you were told because it was over twenty years ago and you were ten then, but it isn't the same yeast that is used to make bread rise. And why would white bread in particular mean anything? Wheat bread rises with the same kind of yeast as white bread. Have you ever baked bread? The amount of yeast used to make a loaf of bread rise is usually a few teaspoons. Even if there were a correlation, which there isn't, you would have to be eating loaves and loaves for the tiny amount of yeast to travel through (and survive, yeast is a living thing), all of your digestive tract and the associated acids and enzymes and then somehow penetrate your vaginal wall from your intestines. Doesn't sound very likely, does it? Also, if it DID matter, foods that are truly packed with yeast would be beer. Quit freaking out on the internet because someone questioned something you were told when you were ten.
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I have had it for over a year and half and when I found Drexel University Candida clinic it has been a life saver.   Boric acid for 6 weeks twice a day and then once at night for 4 months I can say my last culture 2 weeks ago was negative.  Also has me on estrace two a day on the outside of the vulva and amitriptyline at night for nerve endings.  Good luck
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hi Colleen,
i realise this post is old but if you can help i would greatly appreciate it.
I have the same type of yeast and im wondering how they ended up clearing it for you in the end?
did you have a thick, smooth white discharge with this??
any help would be appreciated.
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so i also get frequent yeast infections....i ama 21 year old girl who simply CANNOT figure out why i get them. I have been having yeast infections ( 3 monthly) since i was 17! it sooo sux, i have been tested for HIV and std's but all come out negative. My question is why do we get these...i hate the fact that this is so normal for me now....its been 5yrs and now if im not discharging i think some thing is werong( LOL) its silly but i would like an answer...my dr. always says "resistant yeast" WTF is resistant yeast... in laimens terms por favor????

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I know that this is a very old post, but I thought I would share my experiences with a very stubborn form of yeast I have been dealing with for the past year. I have been to 7 different gynos and doctors, 2 of which were infectious disease specialists. I'm not trying to give the advice that someone shouldn't see a doctor to determine for certain what type of infection they have. However, to say that green discharge is NOT a yeast infection is incorrect. That was actually my very first symptom of this resistant strain of yeast, hence the reason why I immediately went to a gyno to be tested for every single STD before jumping to conclusions. I'm still struggling with this, but I am working with my doctors to find a solution. I acquired this yeast infection after a new sexual partner, and I am negative for all STDs. If symptoms get better immediately with any type of anti-fungal treatment (over-the-counter or prescription), more than likely it IS a type of yeast infection. Almost every single doctor that examined me said that green discharge is more common than people like to admit with yeast infections. As long as you rule out ALL STDs (including having a normal pap smear in addition to microscopy AND STD testing), then you are on the right track. It's just SO frustrating that people assume immediately that it's NOT a yeast infection if there is green discharge. Not the case.  
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try zyvox it is expensive but it helped me. like you i suffer from lifelong yeast infections. zyvox was the only antibiotic that helped me
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I started taking Yasmin in November of last year, and was on it for three months, with no real problems. However I took a break in between for the month of May, as I was so broke I couldn't afford the pill that month! I began taking Yasmin again in June, when I got my first yeast infection. I tried the home remedies ( tons of garlic, yoghurt and cutting out sugars)...and it still didn't go away so I finally took Monistat 3-day...which didn't clear the infection. I went to see my doctor and he perscribed me three 150mg Diflucan, which I took and finally cleared the infection after two weeks ( I had my period in between). The next month, at the same time, I got another infection, so I went to see the Doctor, this time he perscribed ten 150 Diflucan, and we discussed the options of what the yeast infection could be from. I wear cotton panties, and never underwear to sleep I bathe 2-3 times / week in an oil of oregano bath, take about 5-10 probiotics per day + eat tons of yoghurt and do not eat any bread whatsoever. Also, I take oil of oregano internally, as well as coconut oil internally, every single day. Even though I was taking all the precautions, to prevent a yeast infection, I was infected a third time! Always, around the same time during my cycle...when the progesterone levels increase during the luteal phase. Of course, I have been having sex with my boyfriend of 8 months regularly and I thought maybe it was caused due to damage in my vagina from rough sex at first, but we were having sex in May....when I wasn't on Yasmin and didn't get a yeast infection as well!

I just realized that my infection is definitely being caused by Yasmin which has one of the highest doses of Progesterone of all of the birth control pills available on the Canadian Market! I am finishing this pack ( 4 more days! ) and then off to get Tri-cyclen 21...which I was on for years without any  major problems-not sure why I even switched!

I hope this helps!!
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Hi I have a very similar problem. I had a baby 4 month ago. Started with diflucan, than the gave me metrogel, than terazol. I have been using the terazol for 2 moths. Nothing is killing this yeast. It is awful!!! At one point that had me using a steriod cream. I just looked up ((c. glabrata))
It seems it is a type of bacteria when women are resistant to the antifugals... My dr actually mentioned something to me about boric acid if the terazol isn't working in another few days. Maybe ask your dr about Boric acid treatment. Another thing I have tried is just anti fungal powder. At night just Lotramin its the antifungal (same stuff for athletes foot) I'm sure they are all the same whatever one you can find. Just sprinkle some in your hand and pat in on yourself. It's cooling and calms the itch... Good luck, its stinks I know!!!!
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Hi all! I too have had these problems for a year and a half. In the summer of 07 I had a yeast infection for four months that would not go away, and never even cultured. Tried everything, diflucan, boric acid, monistat, terazol. What finally killed it was gynazole. Was clear for 11 months. Now have another, I am not sure what triggered it. Took a gynazole, felt better for 10 days, then it came back. And the funny thing is my yeast they cannot see under a microscope and it does not culture. Anyone ever heard of this?
Also I have found that garlic cloves help with the burning! I believe I have c. glabrata. How do I get rid of this
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Hope everything works out for you! Stay safe! Have fun! Live, Love, Laugh!

Take Care!
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Thankyou so much, that reply was lovely :) he's a great guy he told me he loves me no matter what..
Since the treatment i have been feeling good it has gone which is a massive relief!! - hopefully it doesnt come back..
anyways i'll keep in touch!
Thanks again, you have helped me so much!
take care xx
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Well, you should always follow directions that are listed on any medication. If the box says to use the cream for 4 days, then do that. However, since it'll be more then 10 days when his birthday comes around, it shouldn't be much of an issue. As long as you use everything correctly.
As for the B/C pills - you can always inquire about different pills and the Dr. will figure out a pill that works for you (given your history/situation, etc.)

Don't worry about your boyfriend leaving you. If he does, then you'll know that he's not worth it. If he stays, because after all this isn't your fault (the joys of being a woman) then you'll know you've got a good guy. If you spend your time worrying about whether he will be around tomorrow or not, then really, that's no way to live. Just take care of yourself and remember - if he really loves you and cares about you, then no matter what... he'll be there. You'll know soon enough either way.

Trust in yourself to be strong and do the right things. Don't worry about things you can not control. There's no point in stressing over things that aren't in your control... will only make you miserable and you're much too young for that.

Good luck. Keep in touch.
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Well the canesten treatment mum got me was only one night pessary (or whatever it is ) and cream - so i have used the tablet thingy two nights ago (4.2.08)  and now have just been using the cream.. my bf went to the docs yesterday and he got some cream - the doc said he has no symptoms but just as a precaution..and tonight im going back to the docs to talk to them an hopefully change my pill maybe - im on juliet ( its for my skin and i get bad cramps and heavy periods), any other suggestions?? i've heard 'yasmin' has been causing aot of problems for people... My bf birthday is on the 15th of feb which is like 11 days away ince i took the canesten tablet would it be safe to have sex with him then? or do i have to wait unitl ive used the cream for the 4 days (which it says on the box)??
it just sucks, like my bf is really understanding but im scared he is going to leave me :(
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Let me just say first - You're Welcome. I'm happy that my answers/suggestions/advice has been of some relief or help to you.
Second, go to another Dr. Tell Him/Her that you are having a recurring yeast infection which continues to get worse. Tell that Dr. that you want your boyfriend treated as well  because you feel it's possible that he is just passing the infection back to you over and over again. Tell the Dr. that he is not showing any signs/symptoms, but you would feel much better if he too can get the treatment. (should be just 1 pill for him called "Diflucan." You can always ask for that for yourself also.
I know that the tablets can cause discomfort or become annoying from the mess they can create, but for the most part, they DO help. If nothing else, they can offer some relief while you're awaiting further treatment. You should go back to the Dr. though even now before you're done all the tablets. That way, the Dr. can be sure that again, it's only yeast that's growing and not another infection. Be safe now, so you're not sorry later.
Also, I think waiting 10 days after your symptoms are gone is the best route to go. Make sure you're completely done all treatment as well and your partner too. This is very important or you'll just be passing the yeast back and forth once again. The medication will work for a few days following your LAST dose (hence the reason you should wait). Very glad to hear that you're going to be using condoms now. It's a very smart, mature decision.
One more thing... once you've updated your next Dr. about your situation (and history)  you might want to ask if the birth control pills that you're on (give the name) might be a contributing factor. Some B/C pills are high in estrogen which also can help aid in the over growth of yeast - thus, causing a yeast infection.

Good luck. Keep in touch.
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mum got me canasten cream and these tablety things to insert into my vagina- its quite messy in the morning :(

should i wait till another 4 days( when treatment is up to see the doc)?? The lady that i go to isnt very good i asked her if my boyfriend needs to get treated and she said is he showing symptoms and i said no and she said well no then..

So i will go back and take him with me and see another doc and get him treated?
would the cause of me getting my yest infection back because i had sex with him a couple of days aafter??? - now i will wait 10 days
and use condoms

i just want to say thankyou so much, you talking to me is really helping,- theres just not that much out there when people need help and answers!
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mum got me canasten cream and these tablety things to insert into my vagina- its quite messy in the morning :(

should i wait till another 4 days( when treatment is up to see the doc)?? The lady that i go to isnt very good i asked her if my boyfriend needs to get treated and she said is he showing symptoms and i said no and she said well no then..

So i will go back and take him with me and see another doc and get him treated?
would the cause of me getting my yest infection back because i had sex with him a couple of days aafter??? - now i will wait 10 days
and use condoms

i just want to say thankyou so much, you talking to me is really helping,- theres just not that much out there when people need help and answers!
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Yes, you should go back. Your Dr. needs to be aware of any changes even if He/She thinks it's just a bad yeast infection. I personally think she should be doing more tests to find out why this infection is continuing... First, you should absolutely get your boyfriend in to see the Dr. also as he will most likely be carrying the yeast as well (and no, guys do not always show symptoms infact 85% of men do not). He most certainly can be (and probably is) passing it back to you through unprotected sexual intercourse. Which means, he needs to get treatment (even IF he's not showing signs at all. Just tell your Dr. you want to be safe then sorry and have your boyfriend treated to prevent the yeast from being passed back and forth). Also, I most definitely agree that you should be using condoms at anytime during a relationship unless you are without a doubt in a monogamous relationship and/or are married, trying for a baby, etc. You're still very young and there should be no reason for you to NOT use them.

Be Safe - Use Condoms!!

I'm also glad to hear that you had a pap smear done - results usually take anywhere between 4-8 weeks to come back, so you must be patient. Make sure to always use condoms from now on. Make sure to hold off on any sexual contact for at least 10 days - 2 weeks AFTER all symptoms are gone (ex., itching, sore, swollen, discharge, etc). This is very important in order to allow medication to work appropriately - also make sure to avoid sexual contact until both of you are fully done all treatments.

You can always use drugstore creams, etc, if desired, however, make sure to still pay another visit to your Dr. with your continuing symptoms. It might even be worth asking about your blood sugar levels. Sometimes, if a woman has a yeast infection that continues to grow over a long period of time, then tests can show whether your blood sugar levels are normal. You may have high blood sugar which in turn can be a contributing factor in a lingering yeast infection thus making it become worse over time. This is easily treated if this is the case.

Again, I hope this information is of some help to you. Keep in touch.
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Hello, i went back to the doc before i got ur reply because i also have a throat infection so i got my results while i was their.. she said it came bacck that i had a really bad case of yest infection.. i had finished my meds for it and ask if i could have a papsmear.. so she did that ( this was all on friday the 1st feb) and she said she couldnt see any discharge.. but then yesterday the (3rd sunday) i started getting cheesey discharge again.. and  today its quite irritating and sore.. mum is going to get me some cream for it again and ill start the 6 day treatment tonight.. do u think i shouldgo back? maybe because she said it was a really bad case that it has just come back??
plus after i finished my first treatment for the thrush and felt fine i had sex with my boyfriend a couple of nights after, is that bad? how long should i wait to have intercourse with him? and should he be treated? (he isnt showing any signs for it, discharge, red swollen tip etc)
DO guys have to show symptopms? could he have it and just keep giving it back to me? im going to start using condoms all the time with him now to see if that helps?

Thanks again so much, please reply :)
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Hello, i went back to the doc before i got ur reply because i also have a throat infection so i got my results while i was their.. she said it came bacck that i had a really bad case of yest infection.. i had finished my meds for it and ask if i could have a papsmear.. so she did that ( this was all on friday the 1st feb) and she said she couldnt see any discharge.. but then yesterday the (3rd sunday) i started getting cheesey discharge again.. and  today its quite irritating and sore.. mum is going to get me some cream for it again and ill start the 6 day treatment tonight.. do u think i shouldgo back? maybe because she said it was a really bad case that it has just come back??
plus after i finished my first treatment for the thrush and felt fine i had sex with my boyfriend a couple of nights after, is that bad? how long should i wait to have intercourse with him? and should he be treated? (he isnt showing any signs for it, discharge, red swollen tip etc)
DO guys have to show symptopms? could he have it and just keep giving it back to me? im going to start using condoms all the time with him now to see if that helps?

Thanks again so much, please reply :)
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Did your Dr. take a swab only for a yeast infection? Reason I ask is because to check for Chlamyida it is a seperate swab. Also, just because the infection seemed to clear up with the meds you were given, doesn't always mean that another infection isn't still present. (ex., Chlamydia) Did you ask if it could be anything else other then a yeast infection? Did your Dr. offer any other reasons for your discharge other then a yeast infection - such as a possible STD?? Did you make sure to inform your Dr. that you aren't using condoms and that you've never had a pap smear? All these things are important to talk about. Sometimes Dr.'s don't always offer information. Some Dr.'s would rather wait until questions have surfaced or have been brought to their attention from the patient. Doesn't mean that they're incompetent mainly because it's difficult to treat a patient accordingly who hasn't told the Dr. everything there is to know (ex., no condoms, no pap smear, etc). My advice is to make sure that you mention to your Dr. the next time you go in (results day) about your sexual history, or any concerns you might have regarding STD's (unless you've already told all of the above). If so, and your Dr. still just suspects a yeast infection, then I would be more comfortable in saying that's all it is. Just be sure to give all the facts, no matter how silly, embarressing or unimportant you think it is. In some cases, the smallest, most minor detail turns out to be the most important. Remember that.

Please don't assume all Dr.'s are the same and that their expertise are on the same levels. That's not the case. All Dr.'s are different in their experience so if you're not satisfied with an answer you've been given, go to another Dr. for a second opinion. There's no harm in that, infact, it sometimes proves to be in the best interest of the patient.

I hope this information has helped you. Stay in touch.
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hey i only just got ur reply then..
since me writing this i went to the doc - she thinks its a yeast infection took a sample of my discharge she also gave me medication to fix it i have finished the med and everything is fine now.. but i still need to go to the docs to get my results.. do u still think its Chlamydia?????

thankyou so much for responding!!!!!
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hey i only just got ur reply then..
since me writing this i went to the doc - she thinks its a yeast infection took a sample of my discharge she also gave me medication to fix it i have finished the med and everything is fine now.. but i still need to go to the docs to get my results.. do u still think its Chlamydia?????

thankyou so much for responding!!!!!
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hey i only just got ur reply then..
since me writing this i went to the doc - she thinks its a yeast infection took a sample of my discharge she also gave me medication to fix it i have finished the med and everything is fine now.. but i still need to go to the docs to get my results.. do u still think its Chlamydia?????

thankyou so much for responding!!!!!
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