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Please Read. Sensitive Clitoris and Swollen Labia

My symptoms started with what looked and felt like a yeast infection under only the hood of the clitoris, once that cleared up I was still experiencing extreme sensitivity on the clitoris and/or the inner labia. My inner labia are swollen to some degree every day; sometimes sensitivity comes with this, sometimes not. When I say sensitivity I mean that every little hair, underwear or anything that touches my inner labia or clitoris is an irritant!! I can't wear underwear and I can only wear loose fitting clothing or the symptoms get worse. I've been dealing with this for 8 months now. I’ve been on a yeast-free and sugar-free diet for 4 months (this diet seems to help- even though I keep testing negative for yeast. Besides loosing 10 pounds- this diet has been AWFUL!!)

I used to feel a rawness under the clitoris hood and between the inner labia a lot, but I haven't felt this as much sense I’ve been going to the acupuncturist. It's very rare that I feel any  itchiness. My acupuncturist and the specialist seem to think these symptoms are a result from having bladder infections in the past (I have a sensitive bladder), DOES ANYONE THAT HAS A SENSITIVE BLADDER, or have had many bladder infections in the past, and HAVE SIMILAR symptoms as me?

I've seen 2 doctors and 1 specialist, none have really told me anything and ALL tests always come back negative (I was tested for herpes as well.)  I've taken Monistat, flagyl, cortizone (steroid) pills and cream and nothing has worked. The specialist has put me on a neurotransmitter medicine because she thinks the nerve endings in my vulva are misfiring, which sounds far fetched to me but at this point I'll try anything!

Is anyone else having similar issues??

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Hello. I read your posts. You gave us a lot of information, thank you. First of all, you had problems with bladder infections, correct? You've had to take antibotics many times for that problem? It is possible that you have a lingering bacteria infection? Maybe you need to take a different course of antibotic for a few months? Some of your symptoms could be related to polycystic ovary syndrome and the effects of a hormone imbalance. You should be checked for yeast and BV regularly, even if you don't appear to have any symptoms. You may be having these problems mildly due to the hormone imbalance or  a bladder infection or both. The hemorrhoids need to be looked at, but they should be fine. It means you are not getting enough fiber in your diet. There is one thing that really concerns me about your story and that is the shower head. I used a shower head to masterbate. What happened was I almost died from a very serious kidney and bladder infection a few days later. I am not kidding. The shower water is water and full of bad bacteria and it only takes a few drops of that water to shoot up your uretha (pee hole), and get you sick. It seemed like such a good idea to me at the time, I had no idea it would make me so sick. Could this be a reason for the on-going infections or for a resistant infection that you haven't been able to get clear up easily?
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Oops, the last point was supposed to be a little further up. Before the extreme itch of my clitorus.

Also, has anyone tried putting vaseline on there dry, tearable inner labia's? I think that may help restore some moisture.
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Hi Everyone,

I'm so thankful to have run across this thread. I'm F'ing sick of what's going on in my genital area.

This is my story in point form:

First off I'm 22 years old, live a fairly healthy lifestyle, and may be only slightly over weight. 5 foot 9 and 160 pounds.

-Went on birth control at 16, shortly after I had my first period.
-for several years I suffered from chronic bladder infections. One every few months, sometimes so bad that I had blood in my urine. I took antibiotics and often just relied on Cranberry products (or as I like to call it, Goddess Berry) to cure my urinary tract.
- My GP was terrible, he never gave me much information on bladder infections and once said to me "If you come in with a bladder infection one more time, I'm going to have to talk to you about something I don't want to". What the F? Idiot, I recently found a new, female GP.
- In August 2007 I suffered from a very harsh urinary tract, kidney infection. I basically went into shock: had a high fever, swinging temperatures, shakes, and much pain. I had that "cured" with antibiotics.
-at the end of August I went off birth control (i'd been on Depo Provera for several years, then most recently Tri-cyclen). I was looking forward to having some of my first "natural periods".
-after 6 months, I still hadn't had a period. I took a home pregnancy test: negative. I had recently been under the most amount of stress I'd ever been, so I thought maybe that was the cause, and that I'd have my period soon as my stress had significantly subsided. Nothing came and my fabulous partner strongly encouraged me to see my GP again.
-at this point, I was still with the idiot GP and he ran a few tests: checked my hormone levels, blood sugar levels (I have a history of diabetes in my family), gave me a pregnancy and pap test, and also checked for possible cysts. Everything came up normal. So, my stupid GP said I may have "sleepy ovaries" from being on the pill for 7 years.
- another two months went by, still no period. I wasn't really experiencing pain, but the smell of my discharge was changing. I was getting worried, thinking I really needed to shed my lining. I was also growing more hair on my face, nipples, and "treasure trail" than ever before. My mood was consistently happy.
- my partner did some research on the internet and came up with something I might have called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Many sites said that this is due excess testosterone and insulin in the body. I had so many of the same symptoms.
- I talked to my GP about it, asked for an ultrasound, but he said it was unnecessary. I said "get me into see a GYNO".

- after not having a period for 10 months, I finally got into a gyno. He was great, and thought right away, just by looking at my new hair growth, that I did in fact have increased testosterone and insulin levels. He didn't however, after checking me vaginally, think that I had polycystic ovary syndrome. This syndrome is a SIDE EFFECT of too much testosterone and insulin. It's caused from not being able to dispel eggs which in turn form into tiny cysts. So the Gyno sent me off with Novo-Provone?, progesterone pills and about 15 days later, I had a period.

-during this whole ordeal of not having a period, having a lot of testosterone, I was incredibly horny. I had sex with my partner nearly everyday and sometimes masturbated up to 5 times in a row (with my shower head). Nothing seemed to quell my insistently aroused clitorus.

-after one of these masturbation marathons, the right side of my vulva became inflamed. It didn't really hurt, but it was very embarrassing, as you can imagine. My partner was coming home in a few days and I was hoping it would subside if I stayed off of it. This was extremely difficult.

- the right side of my inner labia stayed inflamed/ballooned for weeks. Sometimes it seemed to help if I had an orgasm, other times it just ballooned me up again.

-the swelling started to become hard, almost like a callous, but then after about 3 weeks, began to subside. I thought phew, that's over.

-then I had this EXTREMELY intense itch on my clitoris. I felt like I couldn't go anywhere because I had to constantly relieve my self by rubbing the burning itch away. I bought some Vagisil and temporarily took away my pain and discomfort.

-my partner thought I might have yeast infection but I said no, I'm not producing any extra white/yeasty discharge and my vaginal opening is not itchy, it's just my clitoris. My partner thought maybe I had gotten bacteria under my clitoral hood.

-The other day, after having a bowel movement, I was in so much pain that I thought I should take a look at what's going on with my anus (this sounds so funny, yet it's so depressing) and I saw a lump on the outside of my anus. I thought, OMG, I have hemorrhoids, could I honestly have one more f'ing thing wrong with my junk. I looked that up on the internet, and I may have an external hemorrhoid, I haven't had it checked out yet as it hasn't caused me too much discomfort. (i'm adding this part because I read in someone's post that these vulva lumps can be also found on the anus)

- Now, recently my vulva has been very itchy on the right side, not just under the clit hood. Also, my skin feels tight, dry, and as if it could rip very easily. There is more swelling, not just in the original spot, but now more "folds" seem to be forming. I am so uncomfortable, I feel as though I need to swim in a bath of vagasil or constantly rub myself.

-Now, today I see these little white lumps forming. They are all different shapes and are not much bigger than an apple seed. WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?! I feeel like crying.

So, today I typed in inner labia lumps and I found this site. HELP!?!?! NEEDS MORAL SUPPORT.

-about two months ago, there was a little bit of blood on the toilet paper after having a bowel movement. Not a lot, just a speck or two. After pooping ( ha ha) I experiences pain and intense itching.
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I just just came across this thread and it seems I'm not alone!  I've been experiencing a swollen clitoris for a few years now, it's not dead painful, just kind of throbs and swells and looks really red, I guess you could say irritated. I'm 36 and never used to suffer with this until a few years back, maybe it's age related?

It's usually like this for a week or so, gets a little better then starts again. I have been trying to figure out what causes it for ages..and I can't. I've tried changing my diet, my washing detergent, shower soap...the lot.

I haven't seen a doctor about it but I have a friend who's in the medical profession and he took a look at it for me, when it was at it's most swollen. He recommended that I keep it well lubed and get plenty of air to the area, he also recommended that I go see the doc. (which I haven't yet) and get it checked out. He also thought my inner lips looked rather swollen although it's mainly my clitoris. He told me to cover the area in live yoghurt for a few days in case it was yeast causing the probs, although I'm not itchy, just swollen and throbbing.

I find that rubbing or having lube/cream rubbed into my clitoris seems to soothe it for a while, my friend used a cream that felt very cold but I can't remember the name off hand, he rubbed it in gently and it did seem to help for a while, but of course this leads to orgasm and after this I'm back to square one.. I just want it to go back to normal after orgasm, like it should do. My friend advised me to take it easy in this area for a few days but that doesn't work either. He also mentioned something about clitoral adhesions but I would need to be examined by my doctor.

I don't wear undies but have to wear pantyhose to work so (don't laugh) I cut a whole in the front seems to allow my clitoris to kind of peek out and get some air :) it also makes things a little easier when I have to visit the wash room to rub in a little lube as I find I have to do this quite a few times a day at work to keep things relatively comfortable.

Anyway I'm sat here typing this, legs akimbo over the sides of the chair and looking down at my clitoris now, I'm swollen swollen swollen and when I touch it, it throbs. : (

Any help or ideas will be welcome.
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The bump on my left labia minor is almost entirely gone- it's only been a couple of days- I've made sure to get a lot of sleep and drink a lot of water- only a little extra sensitivity came along with it- thank goodness. I just left it alone and it seems to be going away. Hopefully it will be completely gone soon.

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Oh well- remember that nice little post above where I said I was feeling better- well I jinxed it, ha! My inner labia have been pretty swollen for the last 5days, but the sensitivity isn't that bad and my clitorus is okay. The swelling started after a stressful day at work and I've been drinking more alcohol then I normally allow myself (I seem to do better if I only allow myself to drink once a week or once every two weeks- this doesn't mean get drunk.)

Anyways, tonight after having sex with my boyfriend- my swelling went down- because it just does that after sex for some reason sometimes- however afterwards I noticed a little white spot on the inside of my right labia minor- looks exactly like a pimple with a white head!! Oh fun, because having a NEW thing is just what I wanted to happen, ha!

Anyways, this "pimple" looks similar to what I get under the clitoral hood sometimes but a bigger version. I'm not touching it or popping it because the ones under my clitoral hood don't really bother me and will go away if I leave them alone.

I'll keep you posted...

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