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Bad pain after Methotrexate shot

I had a shot of methotrexate last Friday and have felt pretty good since then execpt the bleeding.
Then this evening I was laying on the couch watching TV and all of a sudden I got a bad pain in my left lower abdomen. It hurt so bad  I took one of my husbands pain killers and FINALLY the pain eased up a bit, but I still have some pain.
I couldnt even barely talk it hurt so bad. My OBGYN will be back in the office tomorrow so I am going to see if I can get in and have a HCG level taken to see if the shot worked or not.

Are these pains a side effect of the shot or does it sound like it may have not worked?

The pains arent all over my abdomen like they were before the shot, just on one side now.
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Also want to share my experience to all . my doctors also made me feel that the severe abdominal pain was in head. I found sept 1 that I was pregnant and they weren't able to confirm ectopic at that point (I was 4 weeks) since that day and still occurring I have had been to the ER four times they gave me mtx finally when I was around week 7 and my numbers were in the 10000,s after day 7 blood work my hcg levels were in the rise to 11000 so back to er for another shot.. Finally numbers fell to about 6500 and they are still falling. It's been almost three weeks now since last mtx shot I have only lightly spotted for 3 days and the other day had such pain again in my left abdomen that I almost past out and I can't walk or talk it was so painful so back to the er again. I've been in that pain and on pain killers now today will be day 3? The pain has decreased somewhat but I can not function at all I am hoping by tomorrow I can get back to work this entire process has been truly emotional and has put a strain on every area of my life... I can only hope this will be over soon my numbers are now at 864. Hang in there to everyone going through this and yes doctors like to make you feel that the pain is in your head but for those of us who have gone through this we know it's not.
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Hi I was wondering did I hurt myself I had the shot done on 9/16/2013 and my Hcg is at a 11and I had sex I was wondering did I mess myself up need answers please.
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I had a confirmed ectopic and I had the methotrexate shot on 04/01/11 my levels were 3800 roughly. On 11/01/11 I had very painful cramping and bleeding for about a week (I had been spotting though for like 6 weeks prior to the injection). I have been going for the blood work and I'm pretty sure this week it will be 0 as it was almost there last week. I started my period yesterday which is 5 weeks after the injection. It is more painful than usual. My ob/gyn told me I can start to try again as soon as my levels hit 0 but I have heard conflicting arguments on that which makes the whole process more confusing! I don't think I am ready yet anyways, Just wanted to post this for anyone going through the same thing.
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Hi There,

This will be my last posting as of yesterday I am back to normal. My levels went from 39 to 0.
02/09 - Hcg level is 0
I still have slight pains here and there but I think it is because the methotrexate is still running through my body.
My gyno said that I should expect my period in the nex 4 to 6 weeks and I can go back on birth control after that which I will untill I am mentally ready to try again. She told me that can try to concieve again right away but she is the only one that has said that. All the other gynos and doctors say wait 3 to 6 months because of the drug running in my body which could cause a fetus harm.
So all in all, this was a very long process. Starting December 3 2010 to February 8 2011. The length of the process was tough and I did cry a lot because I was frustrated when I felt pain and just wanted to be normal again. It is normal to feel that way.
I hope that my postings helps some of you as I felt that not many put the conclusions of what happened.
Best of luck to all you ladies and stay strong - You will get through it. xo
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Here is my update for this week.
28/01 to 02/01 - still have pains in my adominal area middle to right. Doctor said it may be extra fluid due to the methotrexate breaking the cells down. I has hurt to go pee but the main in not major enough to go to hospital. It is annoying and is painful. Still taking Adosol 30.
01/02 - HCG levels are at 39

I will continue to update until I get to zero and will update on my adominal pain.

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Hi there,
I have been dealing with my ectopic preganancy since Dec 3rd and it is now Jan 26th.
Here is what I have dealt with
3/12 - Took pregnancy test, second line was very faint
5/12 - Started to bleed
6/12 - went to doctors and their pregnancy test came back negative but made me do blood work
7/12 - blood work came back and HCG levels were 78
14/12 - Blood work went up to 128
17/12 - HCG went up to 500
20/12 - HCG went up to 900
22/12 - Went to ER because I had mild cramps, blood work came back at 951, had internal ultrasound done and they found a mass on my rigth tube and said it was ectopic
22/12 - was given two shots of methotrexate in each thigh
23,24,25/12 - Felt very tired but bleeding stopped. I had a headaches
26/12 - started to feel better
28/12 - HCG levels went up to 1700
31/12 - Back to for blood work and internal ultrasound, couldn't see mass and my HCG levels went down to 1400
3/01 - HCG levels went down to 700
7/01- HCG levels went down to 345
10/01 - had massive cramps and went to ER. HCG levels went up to 402. Was given 2nd shot of Methotrexate and was in hospital for 3 days to be watched.
14/01 - HCG levels went down to 300
17/01 - HCG levels went down to 272
23/01 - started to get cramps a bit
24/01 - HCH levels went down to 80
25/01 - Cramps got worst (taking Atasol 30 for pain)
26/01 - Cramps still were bad but not horrible painful like before
27/01 - Cramps are more mild but still taking atasol 30 for the pain. 2 pills every 4 hours
I have been bleeding lightly and spoting most of the time. the only time I didn't have bleeding was the week after the shots. The side effects I have had was being tired, cramps and pimples on my back. I am still getting blood work every week until I am back at zero. I have been very careful to not do much stressful things. I have been off from the gym, eating foods with no folic acid and am staying away from sex until this is over. My husband has been very understanding and supportive. This was the first time we tired for a baby and I have not been pregnant before.
I will update you with more of my results. I hope this helps.

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I would like to tell you ladies about my experience. I had the methotrexate shot (2) on Dec 29th - yesterday i was doubled over in pain 11 days after the shots, I have never experienced pain like this. I felt like i was getting stabbed on my left side, water bottle and 2 aleve helped a bit (and a shot of vodka!) I just called me doc to see if it could be ovulation pain as I dont have any other symptoms of tubal rupture. I go back in on thursday to have blood drawn. Juat wanted to give you a heads up that pain ccan occur many days after the shots as my MD believes I am aborting and that is causing the pain.... no bleeding only slight when I wipe.
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Just would like to share my experience since the pain is keeping me up at the moment.  Someone like me/us might find it useful when they are going through this and looking for info.

I had methotrexate a week ago exactly (16 Nov) when my bHCG was 800.  Had reasonbly bad pain 5 days after the injection (21 Nov).  I had been warned that I may experience pain, and potentially severe pain like the one that put me in emergency on 12 Nov when my bHCG reading was only 500, and to take paracetamol for the pain and avoid emergency if possible so as to prevent the need for emergency surgery,  The doctor said paracetamol should help the pain and only if it didn't and the pain is unbarable, to return to emergency.  Night of 23 Nov, exactly a week after my injection, I woke up from very bad abdominal pain on the right side where my ectopic pregancy is.  Have taken 2 paracetamols 20 minutes ago and the pain is subsiding but not enough to get back to sleep at this stage so I should be alright.  I've had two blood tests over the past week 3 days and 7 days after my injection.  I should get results tomorrow and think should be fine as my fatigue is totally gone for the first time since being pregnant and my breasts aren't as swollen and sore.  Mind you, will probably be sleep deprived after this episode.

Am wonder how my body will expel the zygote since the scan 1.5 weeks ago seemed to indicate it is approx 1cm in size and located outside the tube adjacent to the right ovary.  Anybody know?

Also, I am in Australia and reading these posts make me think things are done differently over here seeing I've only had the 1 injection and the doctor never mentioned the potentially need for another.  He said to avoid getting pregnant over the next 3 months and once levels are back to normal, to take the strongest dosage of folate they have on market.
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Just to give some help to anyone who looks this up later.  I had the methotrexate shot for an ectopic pregnancy on 9/17/10.  Just so you know, I have a VERY high tolerance for pain. And have only had to take pain medication very rarely.  The day after the shot I was rushed to the ER with major pain and cramping.  The doctor was afraid my tube had burst.  It was so bad I could not stand up straight, I was screaming in pain, and the pain when trying to even pee was horrendous.  At the ER the only thing that would cut through the pain was Morphine.  I was sent home that night once it was under control with strong pain medication.  I was hardly able to walk the entire next week because of the soreness and had to continue taking the pain medication.  If I laughed it hurt so bad I cried. To this day I have not bled one drop from the shot although my levels are decreasing.   As of a week ago they were at 25 hcg and will find out tommorrow if this horror story is over yet. Though it was the best option to save my tube and would do it again for that reason, I wanted to make sure other women knew of the potential side effects.
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I had methotrexate on June 26th, 2010. it's now July 9th, and I thought my cramping had eased for a week or so, starting to feel normal again and then it just hit me again, since last night i've been having bad abdominal cramps. They seem to be located more centered now in the lower abdomen, and hurt when I move around more or even laugh and cough. I spoke to my gyno but she just said, if it gets unbearable then get checked out at emergency. this has been quite frustrating for me. is this normal???
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We have similar stories and the same pain in the right side.  I am 2 days past the methotrexate shot and have alot of pain.  They are telling me it is in my head too, but after reading your post, I know it is not.
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i had the methotrexate shot on may 27 and its now june 8 and i am still in so much pain i cant even stand for than five minutes at a time. my hcg levels are falling like they should well at least as of last week i go again on wednesday to have them checked. Ive been hospitalized several time in the last moth since i found out i was pregnant because of the pain in my right side now the doctors are trying to say that the pain is all in my head and they put me on zanax and perkacet for pain and anxity. has any one ever experienced any thing like this or know whats going on
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o.k. had the methotrexate shot a week ago now, but had no bleeding at all nor any cramping...the only cramping i have is on my right side feels like it is in my tube or ovary....at first it felt like i could have been ovulating but now the pain and pressure is increasing!!! ANYONE have any ideas??

tried calling the dr, but his office is closed due to the holidays....

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i have to go in to the dr to have a methotrexate shot and the worsrt part is i already supposedly miscarried so MY QUESTION is how bad does the shot hurt?? burn??

and how bad is the pain i am going to feel?

i seen one post that she was doubled over in oain, it just blows that i have to go through this all over again!

sorry you all have or are in the same boat as I, i know this never came to mind 5 weeks ago when i had that positive pregnancy test!! i am sure neither for any of you too!

by the time i get a reply i would probably have already gotten the shot, but would like to have some advice,

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He didnt want to see me again for follow up HCG until 1 week after the shot and then weekly until it got down to <5.

It is 2am mountain timeand we just got home from the DR. I will post an UPDATE when the forum allows more, I tried and it wouldnt let me yet.
I have lots to tell..

Good night all
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93654 tn?1247499334
I did have abdominal pain several days after the shot. In fact, just the slight pressure of urinating was REALLY painful. Anytime your body breaks something down, whether it's food, waste, or in this case- a pregnancy, gas is produced. It sounds kind of funny to blame it on gas, but there's nothing funny about being doubled over in pain. If the pain doesn't improve, you need to see your doctor. Has he scheduled you for follow up bloodwork yet to make sure your hcg is decreasing??
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I copied this for you (but you probably know it anyway):

"Common side effects of methotrexate treatment for ectopic pregnancy include:

Abdominal pain. Cramping abdominal pain is the most common side effect, and it usually occurs during the first 2 to 3 days of treatment. Because abdominal pain is also a sign of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, report any abdominal pain to your health professional.
Vaginal bleeding or spotting.
Nausea, vomiting, and indigestion.
Fatigue, lightheadedness, or dizziness."

You surely should call your doctor this morning.  Mslkpage has had methotrexate before, and maybe she will weigh in on this today.
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