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Provera Period

My gyno put me on provera last week to induce my peroid, as my last period was dec 23rd. Prior to that i skipped the month prior.  I would like to know about how long after the last provera pill should i expect to get my period. Also how long should i wait if i don't get my period?
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i have a question i didnt complete this pill thing all the way and so like i have missed dosage and all but either way i stop taking them and in between i had sex and then out the blue i started to bleed and now it has ben 9 days and i am stil bleeding but i only had like 3 pils out of 10 out a every 3 day weeek could i be pregnant. so for ex i would take one on monday then on thursday i would take one then on next week on a wednesday and i had sex on all those days almost and then i woke on a friday it ws blood and nowi ts been like 10 days and im stil bleeding and hungry and tired irrated and all
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Hi guys! I have something to ask about provera.
I was on provera.
The doctor said i need to take provera 10mg 2x a day for 5days it was july 21 to 25 i took it and i got my period after two weeks (august 4 to 10)it was a heavy period then after 9 days i got a period again i dont know if its period it was lasting 4days . Is that normal to have a two period in one month, that is my first time to had 2 period in 1month..  ??
My second question, is it okay to take provera again ? Im 3months delayed again :(( please help..
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i am 28 and have not had a period in 8 years i just past my 13th day after the 10 day wait,on my 2nd month of taking provera and still no bleed i see my dr on Monday! and i do have PCOS! not trying to be a mom rite now do to my health issues and trying to get them worked out but i am worried to why this is not working i forgot how bad the cramps and stuff are lol!
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iv got polycystic ovaries and my doctor put me on provera medroxyprogesterone tablets for 5 days coz i havnt had a period for 3 months i finished takin my last tablet on the 9th aug but i still havnt had a period im gettin a lil worried been told it could lead up to cancer in the near future so as u can tell i got scared just want a period will i get one also im defo not pregnant coz had a scan and a test please help anyone ?
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I took medroxyprogesterone 10mg for 10days,i start my period 2 weeks after mt last pill
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I took medroxyprogesterone 10mg for 10 days,i start my period 2 weeks after my last pill
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I am a 29 year old female and I have been on Provera 10mg for 10 days its day 11 now and I still don't have my period I saw my fertility professor on the 29th of April and my Uterus lining was 7.3mm. As far as I know it should be 10mm for you to menstruate, I have cramps and discharge not brown white but no period. Should I give it a few more days or just begin my active pill as my professor advised me today via telephone? I am so unsure I have also used 5 cycles of clomid and nothin and the strange thing is I had no problem falling pregnant with with my other two sons :-(
Please give me some advise!!!!
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i hve the provera 10mg for 5days twice a day, and it was 7 days ago and still dont have my period. i just need to know if im preg already, im afraid to have HPT bc im always disappointed evrytime i do it.
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3362487 tn?1347217628
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3200941 tn?1345346748
I started provera july 24th 2012 for 10 days taking 10 mg's and i got my period on the last day i took the pill. I have had a period since then idk what to do is this normal. keeping in mind that for five years i had only about 3 normal periods.
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I have the same problem and was wondering if you got any answers?

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Hi, I have the same problem, I took provera for 5 days and my doctor told that I will have a period with in 15 days frommy last pill but today is my 18 day I called my doctor and they told to go for ultrasound , I am scared is it a normal thing, please let me know
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I googled to find out and this site helped alot. Im a 21 overweight female. I had the implanon for 3 years and since off of it i only had a very light period that lasted only a day every month. I am also trying to conceive and have not been susccessful. I took my last provera yesterday and havent had a period yet. My symptoms arepretty normal (sore breasts and mood swings) I also have had an akward craving for pumpkin all week lol its wierd for me. My doctor said you can ovulate while taking it but im worried that next month i wont have a pd then ill have to keep taking this stuff. I dont mind it but its annoying at times. Most of my friends who had kids at 16 and 15 got pregnant quickly it makes me wonder if i shoulda tried havin a kid when i was that age lol
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I haven't had a period pass three months now and my doctor gave me pervera four mnts dose each month dose is consist of 5pills say I mus take 1@ the first of each month its my first month now and am on day 3. What am trying to find out is when should I expect to have a period. At the end of each 5day are what. I ave always ave obnormal period cycle up to when I gave birth now it all start again took pregnancy test and they all come negative so am confused and miserable
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1754643 tn?1312375565
okay, I haven't said and read ALL of the comments to see if they would answer my question. but I am 17, and I've been on depo for about 2 years now. I missed my last shot, as well as switched doctors. so my new docter did an exam, and said before she gave me my next shot i had to have a full period, so she put me on provera. well, i've finished my prescription & my mom has got me scared that i could be pregnant where i didn't start my period the DAY AFTER my last pill, which would have been yesterday (Aug. 2nd).. i just need some advice, please and thank you!
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is provera and clomid working? please share ur experience of ur successes,
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consilt ur doctor,hopefully u'll know what to do,i just started my provera last sunday,gudluck.
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I went to doctor yesterday and I also want a baby me and my hasband are together for 10 years and so long to have a baby.he also put me on that tablts.if I do fall pregnant.will it cause harm for my baby.
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Hi I'm 23 my name is Janette nd I'm also on provera. But I'm on it bcuz I'm irregular nd I'm trying to get preggers w my finance. This month I took the pill nd my flow came regular for about two weeks. Then it stopped for three days nd I had intercourse w my finance nd all of all sudden I started bleeding like spotting. Then the next day it came like a normal period. I'm scared.  Ok nd so after I finished my period I was supposed to take some other pills to help me get pregnant. Nd now I think I cnt bcuz I'm still bleeding. Nd my lower back is hurting like hell. Can some one help me! Please I really need a respond from someone.... thanks ur frnd janette from ldo =)
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I am also on Provera and my husband and I are TTC. I went to the OBGYN and she gave my provera to get my cycle right so we can conceive. She didn't mention anything about not being able to have a child after taking Provera.... I went to her to get pregnant! Also, I am having the test ran for PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) to make double sure nothing is wrong with me.
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For the last three months I've been having 2-3 day spotty periods, so my gyno put me on provera for 7 days. I've been off of it for three days now. But the thing is I was supposed to start my "normal" period yesterday and it didn't come. Is this because of the provera?
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I just taking provera for 10 days, I started my period 7 days after my last pill....Would I be able to get pregnant after ending my period? I have been reading what you guys have been saying, and I am really wondering about this, cause WE are wanting to have a child. Anything will help...PLEASE thanks
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Hopefully this helps someone. I have never been normal. I never had a period until I was put on BC at 17. I was told by my OB/GYN that we would worry about why I had problems when I decided to have kids (eye roll). I kept pursuing an answer. 2 days after I bought my wedding dress I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, now almost 3 yr old. She was our blessing in disguise. When my daughter was about a year we decided we wanted another baby. My Dr. sent me to a IVF clinic last and they put me on Parlodel to dry up breast milk then told me I had PCOS. If you look at me you would scratch your head. I asked the Dr how it was possible since I don't have most of the symptoms. I am not a very big person, abnormal hair growth is minimal ( a strand here or there), no sign of high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. I am now being treated by a new Dr. who but me on Provera and Chlomid so hopefully this works. He will be doing an HSG (checking filopian tubes) and the Chlomid Challenge test. Little nervous but if it solves the problem I won't be complaining. I hope this helps someone. Make sure your Dr. checks you for PCOS even if they look at you and say it is not possible.
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I have just turned 26, I always had regular periods. but last month my period came late,it started as spotting and became too heavy it was scary. i consulted and my doctor did a pregnancy test and it was negative. ive never been on BC and currently not sexual active. the dr prescribed Provera and i took it for 10 days, saturday i took my last pill and the next day (sunday) i got my period. i dont know what to expect next, i was worried im pre menopausal.
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