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RARE late period, pregnancy test negative.

I am 27 years old and husband and I have been trying to conceive for 1 year.  Dr. just diagnosed infertility and ordered a semen analysis (the 1st step for us) but we haven't done it yet.  Now, my period is 5 days late (I calculate like a crazy woman).  I am NEVER late and was sure THIS WAS IT.  Lo and behold the test had a big minus.  I cried.  I didn't test in the a.m. but it says you don't have to.  I am scared to test again just to see another sad result.  I feel queasy but maybe I am wishing these symptoms on.  How accurate are these tests??  How long should I wait to do it again?

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973741 tn?1342342773
Have you taken a pregnancy test?
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From now, I have 5 days spotting. Brownish/sometimes light red. Should I worry whether if im pregnant or hormone imbalance? Im irregular. Im so paranoid. Thanks. :)
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Hi. I had unprotected sex in the month of April, the last time I got menstruation. Then Im so confused whether if Im pregnant. In the month of MAY, I had red menstruation for almost 5 days. After that, we used condom. By now, I was spotting for almost 5 days. In my first day spotting, the color of my mens is light red. Then in the next day, brown. On the third day, light red again. Fourth day was light brown and lastly color brown again in my last spotting. I dont know whether if im pregnant, I took pregnancy test and it turned out into negative result. Im irregular period since I gave birth, I dont know whether if im stress or im delayed. Help me im so paranoid, Im not ready to have a second baby. Thanks.
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Hi. I had unprotected sex in the month of April, the last time I got menstruation. Then Im so confused whether if Im pregnant. In the month of MAY, I had red menstruation for almost 5 days. After that, we used condom. By now, I was spotting for almost 5 days. In my first day spotting, the color of my mens is light red. Then in the next day, brown. On the third day, light red again. Fourth day was light brown and lastly color brown again in my last spotting. I dont know whether if im pregnant, I took pregnancy test and it turned out into negative result. Im irregular period since I gave birth, I dont know whether if im stress or im delayed. Help me im so paranoid, Im not ready to have a second baby. Thanks.
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Hi i need help i had my period right up to january me and my husband had unprotected sex within the last 2-3 weeks of january then i was due my period 1st week in febuary but instead of period blood it was brown discharge only wen i wiped going to toilet that lasted 3 days then a week later i found white discharge then a few weeks after that still no periods so i had started getting tired alot and nausea all through out the days boobs seem bigger and a little tender im not i terestes in eating much food and my lower back has been sore i took 4 home pregnancy tests all negative then i had a blood test it came back negative ive no idea what is going on but i feel different all im bloated can any1 help or suggest something to me  
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Who told you that it is not easy to get pregnant after you had a child, After having a baby or a lost of a child is when you are most fertile it is one of the easiest ways to became pregnant web search darling and God will not put more on you than you can bear.
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i know this is old but i'm having these problems now, could you help me with this situatiion
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hi, i was reading yoiur post and the same thing happened to me 8 days late lots of symtoms like tiredness, going to the toilet a lot, and moody etc. i did 2 tests, both negative, thursday night gone i had some brown pink discharge, then throughout the night got very bad pains in my back and stomach - a lot of heavy bleeding followed by dark clots, just never had anything like this before, and tghiunk i may have had a miscarriage, idk,  could be my emotions as i really wanted a baby. i have to wait till monday to see my doctor, was just wondering how did things work out for you? hope it was a positive, im sorry i just feel like im going mad and cant get the answers i need quick enough. thanks for reading
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I was expecting AF last sat. 8/2/14 but never showed....I figured that my calendar was off so I didn't panic! The days went on and still no AF so on tues I took a hpt Tuesday 8/5/14...it showed a faint line (possible positive) so I asked a dr friend and she said prob yes that I was.....she had the same result her 1st preg. Well I decided to wait a few days and take another test, so this morn Friday 8/8/14.....this time it said Negitive and I have some brownish discharge. I'm 33y.o. it bothers me b/c I have never been late except for in late May when I had strep (I thought then I might be prego but read that being sick can affect AF so no worries......but other wise I am ALWAYS REG. This time I really thought it might be and even after this morn result.....I'm still not convinced that I'm not prego.....I have a lot of the symptoms such as......extreme tiredness, queasy/nausea that is off and on through the day, sore/tender breasts, crazy emotional, frequent urination, head aches, lower back pain, slight abdominal cramping, & 8 days overdue for AF! Can anyone give me advice......I'm not completely convinced that I'm not prego yet......Please Help!
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I have a question. I am a month late. With no sign of a period until today and yesterday i had a tiny spotting. Brownish color no actual blood. Had five hpt and three blood tests. I really want.to be pregnant is there a chance itjust hasnt showed up yet on the test? Or is there no way im pregnant? Advise please?
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i am 2 or so months late...i hve taken pregnancy test...all negative, but my hair is fAlling out, my breast tender food cravings...could i b pregnant..i dont want to get my heart broken all over again....please help..........
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all is well, wat of if a person av seen her period 4 last mouth, and she did a test show nigetiv, but her breast and body pain her. What may be the cause of this problem?
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Hi i want to know if im pregnant but 3 times negative pregnancy test my last period june 21th and july 19th my period is only spot light brown only little spot takes up 3 days then this august 19th my period come and only 3 days but i usually takes my period 6 days finished it.and i fell some psin on my abdomen side...pls.gave me a advise for that
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please help...i had my last period on 4 june n on 21 me n my partner gt intimate...he did nt enter nor ejaluated...dre ws nly little genital rubbing so i guess ds cud nly b a case of little pre***...nw i am 4 days late..and d day i ws due 4 my cyle i gt severe cold n fever...i have cramps n white discharge..i tested today n gt a negative...really worried
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I'm new here...also 3days late for my MP for the 1st time in my life....took HPT today n got a big Neg.I'm crossing fingers to be pregnant,I hv stomach cramps,steping pains sometimes as if I will see my MP soon...
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I just found this site and I am the same I am 26 and never missed a period my husband got reversed and we been trying like crazy to get pregnant well now my period is late by a week and I have done 4 test and all negative I don't want to do any more because its really upsetting and my husband gets upset too could any one tell me please is it too early to test or is there something wrong that's why I'm not having a period many thanks Laura x x
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Was just reading bout some of the concerns an worries of ttc. so i like to ask a ?. U are timing out ur cycle an made sure u had sex on the 13 day. but was that the only day? Iv often hurd more u stress makin it like calender work the harder it may become. im far from any doc. An thank god he has blessed me with two angles. I struggled ttc with the 1st. but when i stopped makin the hole thg a calender event an let the pontaneous love physcial mental passion back into the bedroom an stopped counting day. I know the sprem can hang around livly for up to 3 days max. so my partiner an i let it an an started focusing on try doin lil special or just sweet trying. to make sure we were in bed ev  2 to 3 nights. For no less then a month. i meam shut thats keep a livly fresh batch in there just bout at all times. another tip that i wud do was after he had u know released. stop the sex so pushes least as possible back out. i wud then but pillows under my behind to elevate my pelvic area an wud lay there longs as i cud  read a lil on a book or somethg. shoot few times fell on to sleep for the nite till i rolled off of it. lol tryin not to loose a single one. i no dont sound the funnest. but when u want a baby u want a baby. Well i did that tru the mouth of Jan. i tested early fed it was negative but i felt it. So i waited till valentines days tested again an it was an awsome valentines suprise with a possive. saw a doc within the next week to find out i was around 6 weeks preganent. So my 1st test that showed negative i was actually around four week preganent so u never no but keep ur heads up. but like i said im no doc an cant say it wud work for evone. An no doc offered me this advise. it was a wise old great grandmother who lived an concived in the days with no doctors saying. here take this pill give urself this shot on this sorting day wait two hours an give it go. i dont just wanted to share my exsprence.
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Was just reading bout some of the concerns an worries of ttc. so i like to ask a ?. U are timing out ur cycle an made sure u had sex on the 13 day. but was that the only day? Iv often hurd more u stress makin it like calender work the harder it may become. im far from any doc. An thank god he has blessed me with two angles. I struggled ttc with the 1st. but when i stopped makin the hole thg a calender event an let the pontaneous love physcial mental passion back into the bedroom an stopped counting day. I know the sprem can hang around livly for up to 3 days max. so my partiner an i let it an an started focusing on try doin lil special or just sweet trying. to make sure we were in bed ev  2 to 3 nights. For no less then a month. i meam shut thats keep a livly fresh batch in there just bout at all times. another tip that i wud do was after he had u know released. stop the sex so pushes least as possible back out. i wud then but pillows under my behind to elevate my pelvic area an wud lay there longs as i cud  read a lil on a book or somethg. shoot few times fell on to sleep for the nite till i rolled off of it. lol tryin not to loose a single one. i no dont sound the funnest. but when u want a baby u want a baby. Well i did that tru the mouth of Jan. i tested early fed it was negative but i felt it. So i waited till valentines days tested again an it was an awsome valentines suprise with a possive. saw a doc within the next week to find out i was around 6 weeks preganent. So my 1st test that showed negative i was actually around four week preganent so u never no but keep ur heads up. but like i said im no doc an cant say it wud work for evone. An no doc offered me this advise. it was a wise old great grandmother who lived an concived in the days with no doctors saying. here take this pill give urself this shot on this sorting day wait two hours an give
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Ok heres one, I have my tubes tied not burnt about 10 years ago but I have been praying for a baby many years. I have been getting a little sick but my stomach is growing and is hard at the bottom. It feels like somethings in there. I took a pregnacy test it was neg. But I also didnt take it right..dk if that matters..I have been staying very hungry..I hope nothings wrong down there..worried
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I have had 2, 3days spotting periods since December. January I didn't have a period and I haven't had one this month yet. I'm nauseated every morning. And Everytime I drink just a glass of wine I feel drunk. Compared to drinking a lot in the past. I'm,constantly sleepy. My doctors appt is in 2 wks. Should I ask for a ultrasound?
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hi all  me and my parter been trying for 25 months now for our second child, my last period was 3rd jan i have a 30 day cycle every month,was due on 4 days ago and still no period. have been having stomach cramps on and off and feels like im gonna come on.but doesnt seem to happen. took pregnacy test yesterday evening come back negative. thought it maybe incorrect as i did it so late so i took another one this morning still negative. trying not to gett my hopes up thinking there is still a chance, has anyone experienced this ?and could i still been pregnant?
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I'm 18 days late iv never missed a period! Iv been a day or two late but never this long! Iv notice I get hungry more than normal, I have somewhat sore boobs, I get headaches (never had them this bad before) and I still cramp, and have gas bad! I havent went to a dr yet but iv takin 8 test they have all said negative! I'm a little worried?
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Ok so i just had a baby 4 weeks ago and just yesturday my fiance came in me but i havnt got my period back yet so idk when i  should take a pregnancy test sence the fact that idk if im ovulating sence i heard u cn get pregnant esily after child birth
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1975648 tn?1326044737
i have. Me and my husband have a 2 year old daughter and were trying for a baby then we stopped thinking we weren't meant to have another baby after 2 months of trying, and had no problems conceiving our daughter. But i had a period 10/30/2011 and i am 3 months late. My doctor told me my body is stressed i am only 25. But i was never this late and i ALWAYS had my period every month. I am having pregnancy symtomps but i have had 3 urine pregnancy test and 2 blood test and they still show negative. I am at a loss why i could be missing periods if i am not pregnant. How could i not be pregnant if i havent had a period in 3 months. I am worried though because if i am then i need to be careful because my doctor wants me to take prevera (medication to start my period) but it could harm my baby if i am pregnant and i am taking these pills.
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