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Skin peeling on vagina

There is a thin, pasty layer of skin peeling off my vagina. Is this from having too much intercourse?
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Douching is NOT recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG) as well as most physicians and their advice is  that women avoid the practice.

The vagina cleans itself, by producing mucous that washes itself.  
The vagina has a delicate balance of organisms that live in the vagina to keep it healthy and these help by keeping the vaginal environment acidic.
Douching can change this delicate balance.

Douching can also push any infections to go further up into the  uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries and there is a risk that it could cause an ectopic pregnancy.

It is important to wash regularly with warm water using a mild soap or one that has no perfume, baby washes may be fine.  

Never use any normal soaps, bath or shower gels or vaginal sprays.  
When the vaginal skin is cracking and peeling, the balance of the skin has been damaged and this could also be caused by a bacterial or fungal problem.  Moisturising emollients that can be purchased from the pharmacy without a prescription could help to put back the skin oils that have been lost.  A doctor's appointment would be required for a skin swab to be taken to be sent to the laboratory for analysis to ensure that no bacteria or fungus was causing the problem.

Wearing cotton or silk underpants and avoiding wearing nylons and tight clothing will help by allowing the skin to breathe.  Manmade fibres can cause sweating that encourages yeast growth.  

Bathing in a bath with a couple of handfuls of oats can help relieve any skin issues.  

As a home help remedy, natural set yogurt can help to reduce any inflammation, itching or soreness.  This is applied to the outside parts only once the area has been washed and dried gently.

Always wipe your bottom from front to back to avoid spreading any bacteria.

Latex condoms can cause irritation and allergies.  Latex free condoms are available if you experience skin irritations when using latex ones.

A healthy and well balanced diet is important too and include eating natural yogurt if you OK with this.    Too much sugar in the diet and people with diabetes who have uncontrolled sugar levels can also experience skin problems in the vaginal area.  

Any skin cracks in the vaginal area should always be examined by your doctor.
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I'm a 17 year-old who's had these types of problems since I was a little girl and thought my experience may help someone. I would get severe itching and burning on my labia usually caused by wiping to hard when I got a Urinary Tract Infection. This would lead to dryness, peeling, and these horid little cuts. Now, I get that same burning and itching after my period, or after I get over a yeast infection, which I get just as often as I used to get UTIs(which were and still are quite frequent).

A remedy for the itching and pain is to take a sitz bath with 6 tbs. of baking soda in enough warm water that the irritated area is completely submerged for 20 minutes 2 times a day. After the bath make sure to rinse off your skin and PAT dry, do not rub. After making sure you are dry, you can use a diaper rash cream, such as Desitin (use the Instant Relief cream) and apply it liberally.

Wear a pair of cotton underwear you don't particularly care about because no amount of washing is going to get the stain the diaper rash cream is going to leave and don't wear any tight pants or heavy clothing (like jeans) until the symptoms clear up. Make sure if you exercise or do anything that causes sweating that you wash off soon after because as the sweat dries the itching is likely to flair up. This is common for me and it usually only takes two or three days to clear up.

I hope this helps.
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Im only 14 and im having this skin on my vaginal area that hurts very bad and i dont kno what to do and it itchess and it hurts but i haven't been having sex but i dont want to tell my parents because they are going to start questioning me but i dont kno what happened all i know is I woke up the next morning and used the bathroom and i wiped too hard and i got this little sore !!!! Somebody pleaseeeeee helpppp meeeee
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Same problem here did you get an answer ???
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I noticed some itching and discomfort. Very very slight discharge but lots of itching from the opening of my vagina to up above my anus.

After a few days of dealing with it and hoping it would go away I had a look and noticed that the skin on my labia right up and in about a 5cm radius of my anus was red, looked raw (but is not painful or actually raw skin) and had soft flaky white skin all around the edges with a small almost pimply rash around the edges! Help me
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I'm having the same issue, did you ever find out what it was?
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Hi im 17, On my vagina lips  it's a white patch of skin and patches that are itchy,sore,stinging and begining to peel of? Iv ended up taken the skin of as it was hanging and is like a grase, when you fall over it leaves that bit of skin thats sore and cant touch?? i know it sounds disgusting but im really scared and its really uncomfortable for me now iv applied creams (clotrmazole) and fam fresh and it eases but is still really sore and doesnt seem to be going? But im a paranoid person..and stubborn as i dont fancy going to a doctor when its embarrassing? Wondering if anyone can help of had the same experiance as om beginning to panic and sick of the stinging everytime i move or touch??? Please help?
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Everyone who thinks the answer is pads or something listen it could be so but I have this issue going on and look it up there is a rare skin disease called lichen sclerosus it is mainly on the vulva and it's a white patch of skin or patches that are itchy skin is peeling etc. it could last for years or be lifelong there is no cure but can be helped with creme or mostrizer but be sure to go to the doctor for more advice
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Hi, sweetie,  i had the same thing a few months ago, and got rid of it by using sea salt in warm water,  worked like a charm. Buy A&D ointment or lotion,  and apply it daily until is gone. Take a lot of acidophilus non stop like Azo,  etc., that would help keep your immune system healthy,  and it keeps yeast infections,  and other itchiness away. Try to buy organic soaps without glycerin,  or fragrances  since you maybe too sensitive or allergic to those things. If by any chance,  hopefully never,  you start to have foul odor,  green discharge,  too much pain, or fever,  you need to be taken to the hospital since it can be a very dangerous infection. Hope this help.
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Hi, sweetie,  i had the same thing a few months ago, and got rid of it by using sea salt in warm water,  worked like a charm. Buy A&D ointment or lotion,  and apply it daily until is gone. Take a lot of a lot of acidophilus not stop like Azo,  etc., that would help keep your immune system healthy,  and it keeps yeast infections,  and other itchiness away. Try to buy organic soaps without glycerin. Hope this helps.
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Hi, thanks for your post. Could you please tell me what is A&D cream/ointment?
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HI it depends I'm not a doctor but speaking from own experience I just have itching sometimes when I'm off my period or during, now the actual blister outbreak it has been years and have medication just to take when I need it. Speak with a doctor and ask tons of question. Sorry that anyone has to go thru this as well! Have a speedy recovery it's been 5 years since I had an actual outbreak my doctor told me that some women do have often outbreaks and it flares up I guess my body is fighting the virus different. Now I do get random itchy sensation randomly but I also have hpv a strand that dos the cause cervical cancer
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Thank You So Much.. I'm Still Really Scared, But With The Cream How Long Would It Take To Heal, Because At The Moment It's Hard To Wash And Wipe
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4851940 tn?1515694593
It may be that you have got a fungal infection called Thrush.

You can see your doctor who will be able to say whether this is the case and prescribe an antifungal cream for your.  You can also purchase from the pharmacy antifungal creams without a prescription.  Do ask the pharmacist so that you get the correct cream.  

As a home remedy, apply natural set yogurt to your washed (no soap, shower or bath gel) and gently dried area.  This will feel cold and will also be very soothing.

It may be that you were not lubricated enough, so do ensure that you use plenty of lubricant specially made for use on the genitals.  Get your boyfriend to use latex free condoms, as you may have had a reaction to the latex in the condom.

If your boyfriend has had previous sexual partners, it would be a good idea for him to get checked out so that he has not passed anything to you.  Men can still get thrush, but sometimes won't have any symptoms.  Symptoms can sometimes be just itching.

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A few days ago it was me and my boyfriend first time having sex we used A Condom the second round we did not and a few days later I started to feel a sharp pain to where it hurts to wipe and wash I looked down there and it was kinda sorta looked like my skin was burned off of my lower vagina And a small spot in my inner but check what does this mean? Is it bad im so scared
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Ive had the same thing in the last few days with my boyfriend
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Douching helps, also using the douche bottle after with pure water or use a shower head to wash out inside helped me.

This happened to me from wearing underwear that were too tight at the crutch, g-strings and certain tight girdle underwear or briefs do this. Your vagina is very delicate and sensitive, and when it is aggravated or harassed and constantly rubbed it can become sore and itched among other things.
Buy a shower head that can squirt all the wau up and wash out each time you bathe, that helped me, and you stay fresh all day.
bacteria gathers in the cracks on top of the dead sklin and makes it itch worse.
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Douching helps, also using the douche bottle after with pure water or use a shower head to wash out inside helped me.

This happened to me from wearing underwear that were too tight at the crutch, g-strings and certain tight girdle underwear or briefs do this. Your vagina is very delicate and sensitive, and when it is aggravated or harassed and constantly rubbed it can become sore and itched among other things.
Buy a shower head that can squirt all the wau up and wash out each time you bathe, that helped me, and you stay fresh all day.
bacteria gathers in the cracks on top of the dead sklin and makes it itch worse.
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1. If it happens right after the use of a new product, or consistently *only* after a bath or shower, look at the products you use, and consider a sensitive skin option.
2. If it just starts happening, it is likely a yeast infection. It doesn't mean you're dirty, or have an STD. You can get over the counter creams that will help.
3. If symptons continue after the applying the cream as directed, see an OBG to get a stronger cream or rule out other possibilities.

I had this when I was 16, not sexually active, and it freaked me out. I weathered through it, not telling anyone. I looked it up now out of curiosity.  I wore tight jeans, and the confined spaces and moisture/heat can cause the infection. Incidientally, lots of sex w/o cleaning up after can trigger it, and synthetic fiber pantyhose/tights can also, as it creates a damp atmosphere.
Don't sit & suffer- it's so easily treated, and so common!
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the exact same thing is happening to me. the burn i get when water touches is something that i can handle and after a while in the shower it doesn't burn anymore. i told my mom about this and she well lets just say didnt help much. she said that its normal and it happens to her too. she didnt tell me about going to the doctor or anything which i am happy bout cause i dont want a random person looking at my vagina. but yea, the previous comments seems to be true to me about it being dry so thats why it is peeling. so i recommend to take a shower everyday ( which you are supposed to do) and try using another body wash. people have different skin and the body wash needs to be soft to your skin.
i hoped i helped :)
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I'm 15 and I'm really getting scared ! Not to long ago I had sex and 2 or 3 days ago I noticed that I was peeling down there ! It hurts really bad when I take a shower or when I go to the restroom ! I don't want to tell my mom because I'm scared can someone please help me !!!!  
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I'm a kid 12 exactly and my vigina is peeling so bad that it has cracked! Like when you have chapped lips and they crack that has happend to my vigina and it's only the second day. It doesn't itch or burn it only hurts when I wipe after I use the bathroom or my underwear rubs it but I'm really scared and I haven't told my mom because I'm afraid she is going to say I need to see a doctor and I'm not that cool with a random person checking down there I'm not even sure I want my own mom to check please help me I'm REALLY SCARED
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I had the same symptoms, I read about other young ladies say that they have never had intercourse.  So Herpes my not be the reason for the itching, peeling and burning.  I went to se my GYN and was diagnosed as having a very bad yeast infection on my outer vagina.  I was prescribed Nystatin cream, the symptoms stopped. I still get this every now and then, and use the Nystatin and it goes away.  I found that when I use Antibiotics or other certain medications this happens.  I was shocked to hear that you can get a yeast infection on the outside of the vagina.
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I spent this weekend at my bf camp we had sex a little under a dozen time. We didn't get to shower cause there was no running water. After the first day we tried having sex but I was not that wet and It felt like my labia got pulled into my vagina. After that my labia has been swollen, kinda itchy, sensitive to the touch and peeling and there looks to be a pasty discharge ( I think may be skin). Pls will someone let me know what they think is happening.
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Might be chafing watch what kind of soap you use some soaps make you dry if they aren't feminine soaps ..ask a school nurses or another adult to help
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Just go to the general clinic FREE && Private and stop guessing since it spread it means it NEEDS additional attention from a DOCTOR!
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I'm 13 and my skin started to peel off around my vagina  last week ,it quickly started to spread to the side of my leg through little blisters lik wen you burn your hand it was realy sore. It didnt peel away dry lik sunburned skin .its startin to scab over but I'm still realy worryed about what it might be. Please help me
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5603532 tn?1370750085
what if your not having sex and the skin around your vagina is peeling all around what does that mean i'm so confused this is the first for me i'm only 16
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