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Vaginal Odour

I'm having a problem with vaginal odour and am looking for a way to get rid of it. For approximately the last 6 months I've noticed that had a b.o. (body odoour) smell coming from my vagina. Actually the smell is generally strongest from my underwear, but if I change them then the smell is back in a short time period. I don't smell right after showering, but when I start to smell usually depends on what I'm doing during the day. I've never had this problem before and don't smell anywhere else. I shower at least once a day (more if I smell down there) and change my underwear frequently. There's no discharge, however my underwear is damp enough to be considered wet. I've tried shaving all hair so that there's nothing for the smell to attach to, and I also wash very thoroughly with soap. This all sounds so disgusting I know, but I just want it to go away! Any help is greatly appreciated!
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I haven't had sex in years and my whole body stink from inside me I would like to no do anyone know about this. Has anyone else had this . what should I do.
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I have been reading and I have a similar situation. One of the women mentioned that the smell of garbage went away when she had sex. The same thing happened to me. Once me and my ex started having more sex the oder went away. And it started a few years ago after we went over a year with out sex. I wonder if all of us are dealing with a lack of sex that could possibly affect our natural douching process?
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I have been having vaginal  odour and creamy watery discharge for the last 6 years, I now feel like I have to urinate all the time, I have got vaginal swabs done which is showing as clear and no STDs showing, I don't know what to do now or how to get relief of this,  Can someone please help.......
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There is this product called water works designed for the vagina to take away odors. It is fda approved and was on the tv show called the doctors! It is a medical grade stainless steel wand that water gushes out of.  The medical stainless steel coupled with water comes in contact with your inner walls of the vagina and neutralizes odors. Culinary cooks use similar product on their hands to get rid of onion garlic smell while cooking.  This woman used same concept except device is used for vagina the price is around 37 bucks. I am waiting patiently as I am a sufferer of that amonia fish smell as well :( there are studies conducted proving its effectiveness web site is waterworksknow.com you can also go to the drs. Episode water works and see what they have to say. I no it seems to simple to be true but I have high hopes based on sound evidence. God bless you
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I have had an ammonia smell for ages and have tried a lot of things but nothing works.   Could you tell me the name of the herbal pills you took.  ThaNKS HEAPS
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the amonia smell will go away from simply drinking sufficient quanties of water. at least 8 to 10 bottles daily. try this for about a week and you'll notice the smell is gone. good luck
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I've used the customary cranberry juice cure and it does work. I always have some in the fridge! Douching isn't something I would do, period.     Also, in terms of being able to wear undies during this time, I'd go with a brand like Knock Out!. Practical and pretty too. Absorbs for light incontinence. A godsend.
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If you have to use that every three days, then it sounds like you have a bacterial imbalance down there. I've heard of home remedies for this such as inserting plain yogurt into the vagina, douching with hydrogen peroxide, taking probiotics orally and vaginally, etc etc. Personally, I've tried the probiotics thing which seemed to get rid of the fishy smell but not get rid of the sweat/sweaty smell. Rephresh sells probiotic pills, though I used probiotic pills by culturelle because I couldn't find rephresh at publix. Besides, culturelle has a higher live culture count (15 billion vs rephresh's 2.5 billion), I don't know if that plays a role in it's effectiveness but I figured it wouldn't hurt, though they do have different strains of lactobacillus. Also, many people suggested a probiotic with acidophillus culture, so you may want to do some additional research. I plan to go buy some acidophillus live culture probiotics because I only bought the culturelle out of desperation. You can use that or maybe you can try it in conjunction with the gel you're using. But I really suggest trying it both vaginally and orally. I inserted it ONCE and taken it orally EVERY day. Hope this helps and I hope it wasn't to confusing. Feel free to ask me any questions.  :) Good Luck.
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could some please help me i had bv got antibocs for it, it came back and i got the gel i have been getting like a pishy smell its been really strong and i can smell this outside my clothes i have been feeling really down cause i think others can smell i close my legs very tight buh my family say they cant smell it can people smell it??? i dont leave y house. how wil i clean my self will i use smiple soap and should i wear tamponsbut i have sensentive skin . i have been getting the clear water thing on my pants and it smells very strong but somethime i dont get that and still smell the pishy smell sorry for the langauge buh could someone please help me???
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Back to the issues at hand
A smelly vagina indeed has solutions, the best part about this, is that because most women are embarrased about Vaginal issues, these remedies can be achieved at home.
To gét to the solution, its important to know what the problem is. If you have. had an annual and all nothing seems to point out the cause of the smell, then your vaginal odour is caused by a P.H. imbalance, so your V is just reacting.

Try this
Plain Yogurt
Add this to your daily diet and better still Soak a tampon in plain yogurt and put it in your V for about an hour. this helps balance your V's P.H.rid of the smell over a few days

Baking soda
Add a teaspoon to an average bottle of water, wait for it to absorb to ease the taste and drink it up, you can leave it overnight.
You can also add this to your bath water, about half a cup and let your lower body absorb this and your smell will only last a few more days

White vinegar
you can mix this up with your drinking water (please Google the ratio, I do what my taste buds can handle) also add some vinegar in your bath water

Using a clean needle and thread, gét a strong thread through a whole clove to make something like a tampon, ensure the thread hangs loose to pull it out after 30 mins - 1hr (use a strong thread + I might need to say, please peel off the dry skin off the garlic...lol)
The strong garlic smell will wear off pretty fast

Try any of this, dont gét too crazy trying all, you might overwhelm your V..and who knows how else it might respond.
I really hope this helps
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This comment is to impersonate a real person and smear her online using her known username. This particular post is obviously not by the person who has had this unique username for many years. Why would she post a personal issue she does not have, when everyone knows her by this username? She wouldn't. Anyone should realize this.

This post is to get a keyword of an activity the real person enjoys, associated with embarassing, humiliating keywords, then search optimized to defame her. The real person is harassed and smeared all over the web by a malicious individual who likely is posting about her own personal problem in the victim's known username.

I can also attest to the fact this is happening offline too. The victim has suffered tremendous damage as a result. Some of us are not fooled. We are tired of seeing the abuse go on unchecked while this covert but malicious criminal cyberstalks, impersonates, smears and escalates the damage she is causing, and plays victim to glean support in shunning real victim.

If people would take a moment to just THINK, this is quite obvious. The tactics are typical of stalkers. The real victim needs your support. Stop playing into the evil rumormill, see the truth, and help us stop this harasser.
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How long have you had the iud? You should probably talk with your doctor and see if the iud can be causing or contributing to the odor.
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Okay, im also a rn. Forgive my typing, my fingers hurt from overwashing my hands.
Here we go... for those that take more than one bath a day... stop. Soap and water work to remove some germs. But get this fact... 20 MINUTES AFTER WASHING, LEFTOVER GERMS BEGIN TO EMIT WASTE AGAIN ! Their waste smells (it's called exotocins). Therefore,  you have 20 mins to fight the problem.
If you have a discharge, the color of the dicharge will determine the disease.
If u smell like Chicken of the Sea tunafish, u probably have BV. BV, like yeast infections, are not necessarily sexually transmitted... YOU HAVE AN IMBALANCE OF OF GOOD VS BAD GERMS UP IN UR VAGINA...
Fix it with prescription antibiotics or natural options.  Just remember what you are fighting... an imbalance of good vs bad germs in.your vagina.

WHY, WHY,WHY...did this happen to me? Could be several reasons : leftover tampons will trap germs so there's a natural imbalance of germs.
Douching is a quick way to cause a germ imbalance.
Using perfumes and scented products will irritate the vagina and make it angry, an angry vagina... is not a happy vagina. Usually, irritation produces heat. Change in temperature will encourage some germs to grow (multiply), or emit more exotocins=smelly coochie!
Or, the heat will actually kill some germs, again UPSETTING THE GOOD VS BAD GERM BALANCE!
Sex: condoms can irritate the vagina. I just explained what angry vagina can cause.
Or allowing him to ejaculate inside you... his germs plus your germs = angry vaginia.
Anal sex before vaginal sex equates putting poop into your vagina. Always go in the other order. U will definitely upset the balance of germs in ur cooch. Also, u can get hepatitis that way.
Same result will occur if you wipe from your booty to your coochie.
You know what pee smells like. That aint same as angry vagina. That's incontinence. You could have both... because pee on vagina = angry vagina if it sits there long enough. Look in incontinent section of store to get peri-wash will help the urine part.
UTI doesn't feel good at all. Frequency, burning, itching, and just irregular peeing action is also an imbalance of germs. It's just located higher than the vagina. It's in the urinary track.
My problem is that i began having seizures six months again. Therefore i am on about 15 medications. Now that's enough to imbalance anybody! So, now i have BV. Well, honestly, i also douched right before having unprotected, really good sex.
That was a bad idea. No one is perfect.
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Wow!  I am so glad I landed here.  Same problems.  I have or had pretty much most of the suggested causes at one point or another so I know it's not those. I am 42, 5 children, and married for 15 years, together for 18.  This smell just started the last 6 months.  I did have my pap in summer and mentioned the smell.  My doctor checked and she is excellent (have been seeing her for the last 10 years) and I came back perfect.  I read every comment here, wow multiple women different ages since 2005 and we are all still complaining about this foul ammonia like smell?  I am going to go back to my doctor just to rule out anything bacteria or ph being out of whack.  Every OB Gyn and my sister who is a midwife has told me not to douche but i will try the vinegar and water.  I will say my odor is more intense after intercourse.  It get's so bad I won't have sex the night before I have to work. My husband had a vasectomy so we no longer use condoms.  It is embarrassing, I am washing more (than once a day) and changing underwear often,as well.  I am going to try some of the things listed above.  I have nothing to lose.  It does remind me of the smell of my discharge during all 5 pregnancies and I am leaning towards the body odor/sweat theroy especially since I put on weight recently.  Before I read these post I definitely thought it was perimenopausal but odor is not a symptom.  I just want it to go away.  I will post an update as not too many people seem to comeback and do that.  Wish me luck and at least I feel better after reading these posts that I am not alone!!!
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A bleach bath???? are you nuts?? I just hope that noone has acctually done it... Do not use anything on your body that is not meant to be used on it!! I cant believe some people are so dumb... the chemicals in home products can cause cancer and all kinds of other problems!! Dont believe everything this other phychos are writing here!!
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A bleach bath???? are you nuts?? I just hope that noone has acctually done it... Do not use anything on your body that is not meant to be used on it!! I cant believe some people are so dumb... the chemicals in home products can cause cancer and all kinds of other problems!! Dont believe everything this other phychos are writing here!!
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I have the same issue! I went to the doctoer and they told me that everything was negitiave. I used the same product and it actually worked really well. But I have the same concern, I dont want to hav e to do this the rest of my life. If the doctor has any suggestions or anything please let me know!
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ive been having a smelly odor down there so bad it smells like dead cat nd idk wats wrong ive aalays smelled down there im embarassed ill wash and it wnt smell but if I dnt wash for like a day or two I star smelling bad. Nd after I get out the shower ill dry down there smell the towel and it would smell fishy idk wats wrong its embarassing I need help
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You say eat fruit only. Too bad fruit is loaded with sugar, and though its natural it often exacerbates the problem down there as too much sugar causes yeast and candida. Sorry to say, but youre leading these girls down the wrong path.
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Great  to get your ideas. This ammonia and bleaching of the cotton gusset has been a real mystery to me. I am going back to the doc. I am from Edinburgh, Scotland and a bit disturbed by the shocking judgemental comments from jana911 above. God needs help here! Anyway, every best wish to you all,
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Sorry, that reply was for you and anyone else who needs it.  Hope it works for you.
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I have had the same problem with very bad BO smell coming from my vagina.  Just after showering and cleaning that area so well, while getting ready for work, I would reek.  The smell was so bad, I tried everything. Talked to my Dr. got no answers.  The funny thing is I don't have BO under my arms, don't even need deodorant. It is something, I just don't know what.  I started putting Neosporin between my leg and my outterlip and it works.  Also the other thing I learned is, it is impotant to stay moist in your actual vagina area because that helps in your natural cleanse.
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Everyone here, If you had more than one partner in the past it is probably std, or some skin decease that would also end up infecting all parts of your body. To be safe get married and stop messing or playing the boyfriend or the fiance games DON'T YOU ALL know that it is against god's commandments to fornicate DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY. we are offending our selves and there's consequences through our own actions the good thing is that god gives common sense, START praying about it AND GO get vaccinated for TB,HEPATITIS ETC, this might help but prayer always helps, don't be denying that you don't need it because you can end up dead for a sin that needs to be put in the past. Vaccination is a little expensive but it could help you in a big way go to a community clinic.  I hope this help, thanks and god bless you all wonderful and beautiful made woman children of god. P.S HE LOVES YOU AND WAITING FOR YOU TO RETURN IN PRAYER TO HIM.
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Im going through the same thing , did you ever find a solution?
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There is actually certain bacteria's in the vagina that get rid of the bad bacteria. Make sure that when you are washing that the soap isn't actually going in, but only on the lips and outer areas. Don't douche either, because believe it or not, it isn't actually healthy despite what they may say. There is certain bacteria's that we need down there, but just make sure that when washing it isn't going in the inner lips. Still, go see a doc just in case!
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2134968 tn?1336921053
It was just your period starting....nothing more. Your fine
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