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Weird bumps in pubic area of vagina

Hello and good evening! I'm 19 years old and a virgin. Well I don't know what wrong with me. For the past 3 mos. I've started to develop small/sm-med size bumps in the pubic area of the pelvic area. I don't know why. It seems as if it's some type of acne, because they do hurt and a few times pus seeps when ripen.
It can't be herpes because i've never had any sexual contact before.

Please help me!!!  

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Hi. I'm victoria, I'm 15 , I know what our feeling, scared, feightened, feeling grossed out.. Trust me I am experiencing same thig but mine don't look like herpes. I googled these weird lumps that can be caused from a dirty razor blade and cause in infection.. If it looks like actual herpes in case it is looking similar to it check it out! You'll be more happy to not know than to keep worrying. I'm getting checked this Wednesday.. Also getting pregnancy checked bc the boy I thought was right for me is actual just a scrub, he used me for sex and here I am lonely and afraid. You need anyone at all to talk to please let me know!
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It's probably just ingrown hair that curls up under the skin and forms a bump if you are a Virginia the it's likely to not be a type of STD like herpes or genital warts but you may want to get a diagnosis just to be on the safe side
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Hi im 13 years old and im starting to get aggravated with the huge bumps on my vigina and it bothers me alot its like when i have my panties on it rubs against them amd it hurts really bad and also when i tae them off to i.need help...??
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I have those too. Mine are medium sized and hurt when rubbed up against my panties. They're usually oval shaped. I have about four of them. I'm afraid too that mine could be serious and I'm still a virgin.
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okay so i am sixteen years old and i had sex with my bf and after we had sex i released i had a lump but it just appeared straight after having it. every time i **** it really hurts and because off the lump it makes my **** sting like hot water is coming out. i can not sit straight or walk normal or anything.   i really need advice on what to do.
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I'm 14 and i might be a bit young to shave my pubic area, but i don't like the hair. I've been shaving for almost a year now and it was always fine. However, the last few times i have gotten an insane "rash" everywhere i shave. I think it's ingrown hairs because if i let the hair out with a needle the bump goes away. This happens everytime i shave though and im sick of it. I dont want to wear a bikini and it hurts too. I shave in warm showers and pat the aea dry after wards, i feel im doing everything right but apprently not.Please help! What is it? If it is razor bumps how can i prevent them?
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I also have a bump in the pubic area and I am a virgin. I went to the emergency room one time for it and they said it may be due to bacteria. So it could have been white blood cells that accumulated and caused a bump to form. They prescribed me an antibacterial cream and it worked! Within a few days it went away. There was blood and pus but that's because the bump popped then went away. HOWEVER, that story was a few years ago and I recently got it again. I think that it may result from you touching that area (to scratch it or clean it) and not washing your hands.
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I have the same problem and I'm also not sexually active, it started off with one and the doctor said it Might be ingrown hairs so I stopped shaving that area but now it's been about 5 months and the spots have spread so there are. What should I do to help it I've been taking hot baths and using sudocrem and some germoline.. help
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How do you get rid of that??
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hi i am 13 and i just stared shaveing and i am scared cuz i got red bumbs down there aND they inch
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Hi I just started getting these pimple like bumps on my pubic area. They are big and painful. They itch and when popped white stuff comes out followed by a lot of blood. And it seems to leave a very deep hole. I am 31 and never had acne problems or anything like this before, especially in that area. What can it be? I know I need to go to the doctor but just want to get an idea. I am terrified it is an STD but when I look up STD symptoms, they do not look like this. Please any advice? Thank you!
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i m too having bumps and blisters on upper part of vagina i just really don't know what to do it is painful,spreading.i don't know is it a std or not.sometimes i think and try to visit a doc but then still it goes on my mind what if he the doc says that its a std or herpes.its now been 3 years i m facing the problem but i still remember that these sores first appear because of shave. i m very very scared and wants to get rid of it as soon as possible please suggest me
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I have the same problem . I'm 17 and a virgin and I get weird pimple like bumps on my vaginal lips. When u go see the doctor let me know so I can know wat they are and how to avoid them.. Good luck .. Email me @***@****
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I have the same thing, and I'm only twelve. I just looked this up and found this site. I hope it's nothing too serious, and I'm afraid to check with my mom. Help me too!
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Hi Everyone!!!
OH.MY.GOSH. I thought I was the ONLY person with these bumps. I have had them for about a year now and I have no idea why I didnt look it up sooner because i have spent the past year worrying and crying and scared to tell my parents about this thinking it was some type of genital herpes or something. (I am 15 btw and I had sex one time when I was 14 [ really bad mistake:( ], and before I ever got my first period...awkward)... anyways, i do shave and i just realized i NEVER got these bumps until i started shaving. They are usually the size of a pea and kinda hard when you touch them and now i do believe they are from shaving and the underwear i wear. I wonder if wearing boyshort type underwear would help?? probably. and i dont want to stop shaving there but maybe if i stopped they would go away?? They are so annoying but you will not believe how relieved i am to know that i am not the only person with this and also that it is not an std or something. I know many of us are worried about this but thank our lucky stars that it is not an std and that we will survive thru this together<3 So as girljustwantingtohelp379 stated, we should just wash ourselves A LOT and keep up personal hygiene! Also, i read somewhere that these bumps can be caused by sweating, so if you play a sport that involves a lot of sweating, soccer for example(which i do play), your sweating down there, along with the friction from your underwear rubbing along your groin area, can cause these bumps. Remember, the bumps i am talking about are not on your vagina, they are along your groin.

OH, and when I shave there I usually shave every one to two weeks and sometimes i do get razor bumps...another website stated that waxing is a good alternative to shaving because shaving can cause ingrown hairs which can also cause these bumps. I hope some of this stuff has helped & i just wanted to say a BIG thank you to everyone else who has commented on this page because you ladies have helped me in my research to finding out that this is not as big of a deal as i thought it was.

You are all BEAUTIFUL and do not let these stupid bumps change who you are, which is amazing. I'll admit I have felt self-conscious about these and sometimes they are painful, but we have pulled thru this for a long time and we are still living.

I hope you all have a wonderful life and remember, you are all BEAUTIFUL<3~
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if you are shaving or getting spots, mainly its hormone acne or ingrown hairs,
1. if you are shaving, wash your area thoroughly and if the hair is long go with the hair until it is short like leg hairs then you may go against, yes if you are new to shaving it will hurt or it will be more sensitive for some people,
- my suggestion
shave at night so when after shaving you wear no underwear to bed but wear nice loose pants, also moisturise your area (yes it can sting but re frame from itching)

2. if you are not shaving but still getting spots, then they are just hormonal, when you are reaching your period or having your period your hormones are working a lot harder which makes it more likely to get hormonal acne.

But no matter what even if you do not have any at all i suggest you wash thoroughly every time you go for a shower, wear new underwear every day and make sure that you just keep your hygiene up to scratch, everyone gets them dont worry your not the only one :)
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i'm 19..still a virgin and i also have those pimple like bumps in my pubic area. i got one and i was so scared that it might be somewhat cancerous bumps or something in that line, so i shave down there.. just a thought that it will be gone after that. two weeks after i shave i got another one and this time it's quite big and does hurt! i'm really worried and thought that i'm gonna die!!!
well now i know that maybe it's just a hormone acne or ingrown hairs, thanks alot! =))

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4014972 tn?1349058689
Hey, Im 14 too, I have the same thing! I don't know what it is! Im still a virgin.. So it couldnt be an STD.. It might be from a razor? Never know.
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please don't shout.
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Try washing the entire area thoroughly (avoiding the insides of the vagina as much as possible) according to the directions on the bottle - with Hibiclens. It is an anti-bacterial liquid soap sold OTC. Dry thoroughly and use fresh towels as often as you can. And stop wearing panties - I wear loose fitting boy shorts if i must wear underwear). This almost 100% solved my problems. I have one bump every three months or so now, where I used to have about 4-5 at any given time. Mine were as commonly described here; small to medium sized "knots", most began as looking similarly mosquito bite -esque, and most were able to be drained after a couple of days. Pus of varying colors, including yellow and green and also blood. I do have scarring as a result and I didn't discover this treatment until I was in my 30's, by a new doctor. I had visited several doctors searching for answers since it began. This is just what worked for me, and I would imagine it's worth a shot for anyone experiencing this issue. Plainly, it ***** and I'm not sure why it takes so long for people to find proper treatment and diagnoses when it's obviously such a common problem.
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Hi i am 14 and i have those bumps to and i have had them for a while i just started shaving but i had the bumps before that so it's not razor bumps i have tried A&D cream but that has not worked. there is always one big one and little ones all around and i poped one and a black glop [[a tiny glop]] came out along with white stuff then blood. At first i thought it was a yeast infection but my symptoms don't match it hurts some times and like the big one is hard to pop at times and when i do pop it it hurts white stuff and blood comes out. I am a virgin so i know it's not sexually transmitted i get then all over the place and i don't know  what to do cam some one help me??
Pleas and Thankyou i am really scared.
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I'm 14, not sexually active, and don't shave in that area. A few months ago I found a little red bump about the size of a pea that came up from the skin between my vagina and my left leg. It didn't hurt or anything, but I could tell it went under the skin. I've sort of ignored it since it doesn't really cause any pain, but the other day I squeezed it to see if it would pop or something and some puss and a teensy bit of blood came out for awhile. I still don't know what it is and I'm going to tell my mom about it and get an appointment with my doctor, but I'm kinda worried. Now its not raised anymore and it doesnt really hurt but i can still feel it under the skin. I really don't know what it is and hope someone can help. ANYONE PLEASE!!!!

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2 Things:

-You can get "hormone acne" down there. Painful, filled with fluid and won't pop. Maddening. You just have to wait for them to go away.

-Shaving down there. You will almost certainly get "ingrown hairs" that are painful and have pus. The pubic hairs are very large, compared to other hairs, and when you shave them the skin will frequently close over the follicle resulting in the ingrown hair until they can push through. It will also itch like heck when they finally start growing again.

This is why most people don't shave that region.
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Help . I'm 13 and I started shaving...down thier. It was bigger than the razor bumps I already had and it had a white head. I noticed it in the shower today. There's only one though. What caused this? Will there be more?!?!?! I'm not a person with much acne I have little bumps on my nose but theyr not white heads and you can't see them...also I have no acne on my back so why would it show up there?!?!? I popped it too. Didn't hurt either....never had sexual intercoarse.. recently started masturbating...only on my clit though. Anyway , yeah why would this happen and will thee likely be more? Should I see a doc?
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