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Weird sensation towards end of urinating

So I thought that I had a UTI. When I would pee, it would feel fine but towards the ending of urinating I would get a very weird uncomfortable sensation. And my bladder would feel full even though I just peed. This problem gets worse at night and I can't sleep. I went to the doctor but he said that my urine was clean. He said to drink cranberry juice for a few day and if the problem persists, to go back and see him. When I was researching it online, I came across someone with the username of tinklebells who posted the same exact symptoms in October of 2006. So if she happensto be reading this, I would love to know what the doctor said because this is driving me crazy. And if anyone has any clue as to what it could be, then let me know please.

173 Responses
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I'll be 40 in 2 weeks and have experienced this for the first time a few days ago.  Thought it was a yeast infection, but there's no cottage cheese and it doesn't itch.  It's not an STD, no sex in 2 years.  UTI? Possible, I noticed it started after heavy use of toys over a private weekend.  A slight tingling feeling making the need to urinate more extreme, leaking on the way to sitting on the toilet, extreme stimulation during urination, and near climax towards the end.  The push out making this y feeling last.  Orgasms are kinda new to me because they are very subtle, and until I learned how to harness them, I would barrel through them and just feel numb. They are not enough to barely get much sound out of me maybe because they are self inflicted.  This peegasm thing makes me moan with pleasure, but the full climax doesn't feel like it happens.  

At any rate,  I started taking a mild antibiotic a day in, and it seems to be going away. if it's not an infection and a normal thing, I kinda want it back.
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Did you ever find the cause, and what kind of antibiotic did you use, i am curently experincing the same thing.
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SOLUTION SOLUTION SOLUTION!!! Ladies, I had the same exact symptoms, went to the doctor, and was better in a few days. One day after having unprotected sex with my boyfriend, I experienced this weird, uncomfortable "orgasmic" feeling at the end of my urination. It wasn't painful, just incredibly strange. This persisted every time I had to pee, which I realized was very often. The next day I decided to get cranberry juice and drink that along with water as much as I possibly could, however, it of course made me have to urinate even more and the feeling did not subside. I couldn't bare this any longer so I made an appointment with my doctor the next morning. He believed that the problem was caused from not cleaning myself properly after having sex (peeing directly after and cleansing the vagina). However, this can be caused from many other things so the solution will likely work for those of you who have this but not because of my reason. Anyhow, he prescribed me Bactrim, which is an antibiotic, (2 tablets a day for 3 days), and told me to get cranberry TABLETS, not cranberry juice because most cranberry juice is cocktail which is mostly sugar and WILL NOT help. You can find cranberry tablets at any health food store. In addition to taking both pills (2 of each a day for 3 days) he told me to drink lots of water and eat yogurt. I am down to my last Bactrim pill and feel 100% normal again. I really hope this helps anyone who comes across this problem. Don't make yourself deal with this problem, go to the doctor immediately so he/she can prescribe you the antibiotic that will help you!!!! Hang in there ladies, and don't forget TO CLEANSE YOUR VAGINA THOROUGHLY AFTER SEX!!!  
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I've always had frequent urination, manageable until I hit 21 - I'm now 48. However, a new symptom occurred earlier this year (2018) and it hasn't gone away. After urinating, I stand up and immediately I have what I can only describe as a warm, whoosing feeling in my lower abdomen which seems to have the effect of making me have to pee again. I'm then up and down, up and down, until I finally leave the bathroom, still not sated. No orgasms though! I've come to the conclusion that I have chronic cystitis and thrush permanently.
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Oh gosh.  Thanks for sharing.  We have a member here that has cystitis and can talk to you about her strategies.  Chronic doesn't mean it has to bother you forever.  I hope so anyway.  What does your doctor say about this?  And thrush should be treatable?  Do you take a probiotic?
Hi specialmom, I've treated time and again for both and while it initally works, it only takes days for the symptoms to recur. I can't take probiotics because I'm dairy-free.
They make supplement tablets for probiotics.  Like as in a pill with no dairy? Sorry it has been difficult to clear up!!  Doctors give no explanation?  
No, I "offered" an explanation of overactive bladder. My problem is over sensitivity. I can hold my bladder till the Second Coming if need be. Okay, I will ask about those tablets, thank-you.

Have you heard of oxybutynin hydrochrolide? It's to relax the muscles. I've just been prescribed it but after reading the leaflet, I'm reluctant to take it. One of the side-effects, though rare, is dementia. Like, no thank-you!
Oh brother.  Dementia?  I have enough problems.  lol  I'm the same way when it comes to medication.  I hate to take it and think about how it is going to alter things.  I have to REALLY need it, benefits outweighing risks.  

Okay, I just read the info on oxybutynin.  Hm.  I see what you are saying. Other things too like being careful when driving, less perspiration which sounds great until they mention leading to heat stroke if you work out . . . and the issues with slowing down your digestive track.  A leaky bladder is like a 911 problem at times (I have one from childbirth) and if it is short acting and you can take it at specific needed times, maybe.  but chronically having the issues of that drug's side effects I'd be leery of too.  

However, again, that would be a situation of weighting benefit to risk.  

Maybe we should start a thread to see if anyone else has taken it to get other's experience and feedback?
Just acknowledging your comment and keeping this going but can't comment right now.
What did you decide about the medication?
I tried it once, not even sure it had an effect. May try again but really not keen. I'll keep taking the sodium citrate solution for cystitis.
Well, let me know if that helps.  Hope it does!
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its usually happened when get freezing cold. kinds of cold weather affection. once you felt it, its never gonna leave.  so, just find out hot water.
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you know guys, i have been this symptoms for almost 4 years. if you get this one , it never gonna leave i guess. just when you have this put on your belly bottle of hot water, and take a shower /very hot/ or steam sauna. after sometime its gonna stop. during the time get some painkiller like panadol.
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ing with same its driveing me nuts i wish i new what. Makeing it happen
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I had been having this same issue for a little more than a week with no signs of an end. The pain, sensitivity, and pressure I was feeling was making it hard for me to go to work, attend my classes, and even socialize.
One night, in hopes of some type of relief, I decided to take a fresh aloe bath, which is something I do on a regular basis after spending days out in sunny weather. The effect was almost instant. The pain and sensitivity went away, and some of the pressure I was feeling on my bladder was released. Honestly, I didn't want to get out of the bath, because it was the most normal I had felt in more than a week.
When I did get out, I decided to take some of the fresh aloe from the left over stocks, and rub it on the effected area. (I was not sure if this was safe, or would have adverse effects, but I was willing to try anything at this point) Again, the effect was almost instant. No pain, no sensitivity, and the pressure in my bladder subsided greatly.
I went about my day as usual (feeling almost completely normal, except for some minor pressure), and applied more aloe right before I went to bed. Today I woke up feeling completely normal! It really feels like a miracle after the week I had been though.
I hope this might help someone else, and might be a fix to this problem over all. I would be curious to hear how this might work for other women.
*NOTE* I am not a medical professional, and I do not know if this was a total fluke, or it will work for others. Also, I used aloe from an aloe plant I grew myself. I do not know if this will work with aloe gels, or such products. If you do not have a plant, aloe can be bought at health food stores.
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I'm 51 and this sensation started right after I got an iron infusion. I don't know how it's associated but will find out. Will keep you posted
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Bladder infections are also known by the term honeymooners disease, its mostly caused by having sex with a full bladder and makes your bladder inflamed.
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How do u get rid of it
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I started feeling this after using a vibrator for the first time I think it's a sex thing
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I am 36, and have the exact same thing. I stay hydrated, faithfully carry a water bottle with me where I go because I used to run. I have not been sexually active in the last six months ( I know crazy but been working late and weekends.) I recently notice a breast lump in the mirror and go in Thursday for mammo, ultrasound and biopsy, my  doctor said it didn't look good. Could this be related??
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well i had the same feeling.it generally happens after sex.when im almost done with peeing..towards the end its thiz wierd sensation...and then this feeling stays for a while even aftr peeing..bt evenutally stops..i have started drinking alot of water...i hope it stops..anybody can suggest me something i can do
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I'm having the exact same thing, and when on my tp there was very little resident of blood, it was only the one time there was blood though, at first I was worried it was implantation bleeding but I'm also on the pill and use condoms. Does anyone know what exactly it is?
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I have had several urine infections which I believe were caused by sex. After having a few within a short space of time I went to the doctor, she sampled my wee and said I had a high level of white blood cells or something and she then prescribed me some medicine to take for a few days which worked a treat!! If you are still getting them and nothing seems to work, go back and ask if you can have some kind of prescription! I hope this helps. Molly. :)
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Hey girls, i dont know if you are in sexual relation with someone, because in my case it's caused with sex. I don't speak english well to know medical names of the things i want to say haha. So you should be drinking tea as often as you can.
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How long does it last? And how is sex the cause? Is it an allergic reaction?
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I had the exact same problem about a few months ago. Mine went away once I chugged a whole bunch of water throughout the day. I haven't had it since. You should try it.
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Read the section on bladder training.. That helps
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After drinking cranberry juice ?? it is normal now??...cause I'm facing the same problem..!! I'm worried plz reply  
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I just started having this problem exactly as described..theres is no pain afterwards just that slight discomfort and the full bladder feeling. Nobody knows what it is??????
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I really really need answers to this its is driving me insane I've had these symptoms for two months and im young and I'm scared cause I have no idea what it is please I really really need answers I thought it was going away cause the weird feeling at the end of peeing was subsiding but I still feel like I have  to pee after I pee and I have no idea what it is please help me thank u
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i have this too and its really incomfortable! and im also young too and i cant seem to figure out whats the issue/problem causing it. if you figured out what it is please respond back
I've been having this issue for 5 days now. I can't go to the doctor though because if they have to check down there I'm on my period. Also I'm really nervous about it. I'm afraid to bring it up. I have to go get my sports physical today, but again, I'm on my period so they can't check anything. What all do they do when you go to the doctor with this issue? What do they check?
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Well i'm 17 and been having this strange feeling for years now (not in a row, it happens monthly or weekly), but with no pain or blood... Only feeling like i have to pee even after i just did so, and a strange burning-like feeling. I can't get used to it, even though it happens a lot... After reading the comments, i'm might going to try to see a doctor.
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ive been having the same problem for the past 3 days now!
I never had red wine before, but the other night my finace wanted me to try some with strawberries, and to my surprise it was delicious so i kept drinking! the next morning i woke to pee and thats when the pain started. Could it be the red dye in the wine that i was sensitive/ allergic to? please help!! i cant take it much longer.
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Umm hi well im a 16 year old girl iv had my problem for about a month and a half and i mean its been bad we most of the times i actually cant get off the toilet even though its little droplets but yet the pain is eye watering someone please help me with a few pointers please
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If this comes back go to the doctor. Because id it's a UTI it can get worse and travel to you're kidneys and you'll have even worse pain. I have a failing kidney due to constant UTIs. So please go to the doctor if this ever comes back.
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oh my god i am literally the same, and then when my bladder feels full i go to the toilet and hardly anything comes out.i just get that sensation again and then when i do come of the toilet it feels really uncomfertable.have you any idea what it could be ?
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Has anyone been tested for herpes
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I'm having the same problem. What is it???
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