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Yeast infection, stupid thing

I have asked questions in the past, so some of you may remember me, most probably wont, because there were not many. I'll just give a brief overview:

My wife and I got married in January, we havent had sex in, well without pain, in 1 1/2 years. A previous doctor couldnt pick up a yeast infection. Kept telling her the pain she's been having down there was because she was "raw." I wont get into that and the pain i'd like to deliver to that doctor's face.

But anyway, we have seen a specialist in Hershey PA twice over the last 2 months. He prescribed Spornox, Itraconozale...spelling on both? Told her she may have had a yeast infection for a year or slightly more. Said it would probably take awhile to fix. Last night we fooled around a little again, used my finger, still pain inside the vagina. She has all the symptoms, burning while urinating, discharge, burning/pain during intercourse, which is why i can count the number of times on one hand that we've had sex in the last 1 1/2 years....INCLUDING OUR WEDDING NIGHT....THANK YOU STUPID INDIAN OLD LADY DOCTOR....sorry.

But yeah, still no real improvement in almost two months of full dosage, 4 pills a day, of this sporonox stuff. I have been reading about certain diets that could cure this naturally, but all i can find is an ebook for $30...which i'd gladly pay if it worked, i'd pay any amount to get her better that i had. But i didnt know if other people knew of a common diet of food that she should be eating.

We are frustrated. We are confused on why it wont go away. We are taking it out on each other at times. I have a stressful job, and i dont want to hurt her during sex, so we dont even have it...i take out my stress in starting stupid fights, which she does as well. We want to have kids someday, we are both 24. We are scared this could be harming that, although the doctor assured us that if it was bacteria related, it could, but not with a yeast infection. I'm hoping he's right.

Any encouragement, advice is welcomed. I think we may order the ebook tonight. It has a money back guarantee anyway. She's my wife and I cant really please her in the way she deserves to be pleased and I feel helpless, worried, confused, angry, etc. Thank you for listening to my rant.
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I would have to say if you have had sex with her while she has a yeast infection you can be making it worse. A man can carry the infection and give it to the woman again and again. I would go see the doctor yourself. If you dont want her to get the infection again, I would suggest talking to your doctor about transfering infections. Otherwise she will continue to get it. I wont hurt the posbibilities of getting pregnat but you want to get this cleared befor pregnacy so as it is not to harm the baby.
Good Luck. In the mean time go out for dinner watch a movie spend time cuddling. It does not have to lead to sex. Just romatisize her. Treat her like she is the only one in the world. It should help you untill the infection is over. Ps massage also works.
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you might want to look into her having canadia which is a yeast overgrowth throughout her body.  Do this test.  Take some water and leave it sitting at room temp over night.  When your wife wakes up in the morning have her spit into that water first thing.  Let it sit for a few minutes.  If it stays on top or just mixes with the water, its not that.  If it strings down, she might have it.
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Sydney, this makes me angry. I've said time and time again that we have had sex less than 5 times in the last 1 1/2- 2 years. We are NOT having sex.

Laura, what is the difference between regular yeast and this candida? I just thought they were the same. I will perform that test tonight, thank you.

Please pray for my wife. Thank you all again
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Hopefully her docs tried culturing for yeast a various number of times.  Sometimes you can be sensitive to very low numbers that won't even culture out.

Many of the symptoms your wife is having, can also becaused by tight pelvic floor muscles and constantly irritated nerves. I haven't kept up with all the things you have tried in the past, but I really think a good physical therapist who is trained in myofacial release is going to be key in her recovery.  I am amazed with the results.  I have been struggling with symptoms similar to your wifes for almost 3 years.  I've been seeing my new pt for just over six weeks and I am greatly improved. I am also on weekly diflucan for the moment and have been using a tricyclic antidepressant to quite the nerves down.  These things are working for me.

Good luck.
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Canadia is an yeast overgrowth through the entire body.  Not just in the vagina.  You may have noticed how docs aren't perscribing antibiotics as much as they use to.  This is due to the high numbers of people that get this canadia.  When I was younger I had asthma and was on antiboitics a bunch of different times.  You can google canadia and find out more info.  I found out about it from Dr. Phil because his wife discovered she had it.  Some other symtoms is fatigue and some people have a white film on their tongue......thrush.  It might not be it, but one of the symtoms in females in issues with bad yeast infections.  Oh, and another symtom is depression.  
One way to prevent yeast from getting worse is to stay away from sugar.  Yeast loves sugar.  Yogurt can help also.  
Make sure your wife isn't using bubble bath or different kinds of stuff in bath water as this can cause problems with females vagina's.  It is actually better if she doesn't take baths till this is cleared up.
It may not be canadia, but I was having some of the same issues for years, and the docs didn't know what it was.  I found a doc that the first thing out of his mouth was this canadia.  We are actually waiting on some test results to find out for sure.  
Oh, stay away from bread with yeast in it also.
I hope this helps out a little bit.  Sorry that your wife and you are having this problem.  You seem to be a really good husband that you care enough to get on here to help.  I'll have to tell my husband.:)
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Iam a doctor in Canada and this is what you have said 5 times in the last 1 1/2- 2 years.  If  you still  were infected he could pass iot along look it up
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I didn't know that docs got on here and gave out advice to people for free?  I know US docs probably wouldn't be doing this because of different insurance and laws here?  I guess I am wrong.  This person that is writing is a male by the way.
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You know who cares if he has been on here.  He is trying to help his wife, and that is just the best thing.  Not too many guys would do something like that.  
I know what it is like to have something wrong, and docs don't know what it is or they are too busy to listen to what patient is trying to say.  He is being a good husband.  
You are right that men can also get yeast infection, but they aren't having sex.  
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Who cares if you are a doctor. And I never said 5 times. I said I can count the number of times that we had sex on my hand. That doesn't mean it has to be 5 times. If you are a doctor, I would think you would figure that out. I'll keep my guess to myself on that one.

And yes, I am the husband. Again, you must not have read my post correctly. We are not having sex and havent in many many months. Thank you laura and free spirit for your advice. I know how to treat my wife. If we've had sex only a couple of times in 2 years and we have been married since January, not that its a long time, but we are still young and excuse my word...horny...I would think by now we'd know ways to substitute ways to show affection and spend "quality time" together. We exercise together, hike, go places, play games, of course watch tons of movies.

I'm sorry if my anger has shown through on some of these posts. I dont mean to take anything out on anyone. I just get so upset sometimes and wonder, why my wife? She's the nicest person i've ever met. Just a great gal who was brought up right from a very small town. Why her?

One morning at a time, I guess. Thanks again everyone.
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It is sad that stuff happens to the people that we love.  I'm only 29 and trust me I know what you are probably feeling like.  My husband and I have been married for 6 years, and we have been through some medical issues.  I know how frustating it can be on a person.  Remember, if you don't find out the answer from one doc, go to another and another till you do get the answer.  Not all docs deserve that title.  
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As long as the e-book people have a secure site, I'd do it.  I'm thinking about getting it myself so if you do it, I'd love to hear the results.  I've had similar symptoms as your wife.  I am having a flare up now and I'm totally convinced it's yeast.. Well, candida.  I respond to antifungals at first and then it keeps coming back.  I feel like i'm not addressing the root cause, which I believe to be yeast maybe in the intestines or somewhere else that keeps making it's way down.  

I doubt I'll end up doing the diet (I'm vegetarian, so my options are limited enough already) but I am going to try to go the naturopathic root with supplements and probiotics on top of anti-fungals.  

I'm sorry that you're going through this, the two of you. Please continue to be patient and supportive, and encourage your wife to come post here.  It's comforting to be able to type at people who are experiencing similar things.  I know what she feels like - upset and feeling cheated that she can't experience sex, feeling guilty that she can't give you sex, worried that it will destroy your relationship, frustrated that she feels like **** all the time - it's really really emotionally and physically stressful.

Let us know if you get the e-book and how that goes...  I just ordered a whole yeast buster natural kit because I think where it falls apart for me is that I can't cleanse the colon/intestines etc and I think I need to address that to really kick this to the curb.

I'm not sure of the meds your wife is on -has she ever been on Diflucan? or is what she's on stronger than that?

Best of luck and hang in there.

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There is a canadia test that can be done.  It involves getting blood work and doing a stool sample and sending off to the people that test for it.  I did this a couple of weeks ago and am waiting for the results.  I would highly check into this, because it can make a world of difference.  My test kits cost me about 251.00 total because they are not covered by medical insurance.  The diet that they put you on detoxes your body, and there are also some medicines to use.  Natural things to try are garlic pills.  You need to go to health food store and ask them for the different things that help this.
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Thanks Laura- I didn't know doctors would do this. I had the same thing about 5 years ago and it lasted 2.5 years then I went through a weird "remission" now it's back.  I tried *everything* the first time this happened and noone ever suggested this candida test.  Are you seeing a gyn, your family doctor, or a naturopathic dr?

I did the spit into water test this morning. Definitely stringy. Is this test actually reliable and indicative of yeast overgrowth?  That would help me convince a doctor to take me down this candida treatment root, if so.

I'm definitely doing the health food store thing.  I'm already on garlic pills.  In the Yeast Busters Kit I ordered, it has a ton of different supplements that you mix together to create a weird drink that you take every morning. Apparently it scrubs the colon and removes yeast waste that is attaching itself to the walls.  Should arrive today, we'll see.

I'd love to hear the results of your candida test.
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My wife is currently taking 400 mg of Itraconazole a day, 2 pills in morning, 2 at night, with meals. We did order the ebook, and if you give me your email address, i'll just email it to you. It's nothing that you really cant find on the internet...but it does go into detail. Today she is starting a very low sugar diet, loading up on salads and vegs, minus corn and potatoes. She was eating different flavors of yogurt, but this suggests unsweetened plain yogurt, so she has also switched that starting today. We go back to see the specialist on Sept 5.

He never suggested she change anything in her diet, just that eating yogurt may help. I forgot to tell her about the spit test, will need to try that. We will need to get the garlic pills next.

Where did you get this Yeast Busters Kit booourns? If you'd like, it seems you have pretty much the same symptoms as my wife, that we could talk regularly, through say emails? Get through this together kind of thing.

So garlic pills. Anything else good for flushing her system and getting rid of this damn ****? Thanks again all.
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The doc I see for this deals with herbs and acupunctuer. (ms)  If you go to a regular family doc they will laugh in your face because most docs don't believe this stuff.  Funny thing is my dad goes to the same doc for his Lukemia, and this doc has kept my dads blood levels down for 3 and half years just by using vitamins and a special diet.  I totally believe this doc and so do half the other people in this town because he can't even take new patients anymore because so many people want to go to him.
Yeast loves sugar and that is why that is the first thing that you have to take out of your diet.  You are able to go back to eatting it after your yeast levels go back to normal though.  
I will have to look into what else to get regarding vitamins.
My tests are suppose to be back in about 2 weeks.  So I should know something more then.  The only reason I did the test was that the doc just wanted to be sure before he started the stuff needed.  The diet is strick, but it helps.
It amazes me how many people truly have this problem.  I didn't know anything regarding this until like I said before Dr. Phils wife was on tv talking about her problem with it.  She also talked abou a compound medicine that helped her.  That is where a pharmicist makes it, and I know that there is one here in town and that is it, so they are hard to come by plus docs don't like doing that because they are supported by the FDA.  
Do you guys ever get sugar cravings like you have to have it then and there.  That is another issue where the yeast is hungry.  That is why you don't want to eat the sweetened yogurt and just the plain.  
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My wife really isnt much of a sugar freak. But she does eat pastas, potatoes, loves loves loves cheese, pizza, etc...she's stopping all of that. Hopefully, this helps. I'll be praying.
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Have the docs done cultures on your wife?  Blood work?  
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Laura1977 - I gotta find me a naturopathic doctor.  My family doctor is somewhat open to natural medicines, but if my experience the first time around with this was any indication, traditional doctors won't be of much help.  Mostly they just kept telling me nothing was wrong with me. So frustrating.  Yeah, people, I'm making this up.  I make a hobby of visiting doctors for fun. Sigh.  I get sugar cravings.  I've been trying not to give in.  I've been vegetarian for the past 16 years, and I get scared about elimination diets because my diet is already restricted and I'm quite thin - I can't afford to get thinner.  But I'm trying not to eat the really bad stuff for yeast, anyway.

7up7up - feel free to email me anytime at ***@**** - your wife too....I'll try to dig up the site where I found the yeast busters kit.  It didn't show up today so no news.  Or perhaps I have been scammed, who knows?  I'm reading a lot about Threelac - anyone tried that?  It's expensive but knowing what I went through last time and how long it took to clear up, I'm thinking I should pull out all the stops when I'm in the initial stage of this, before it gets any worse... I am debating it.  Supposedly if you take it you don't have to do the super strict diet restrictions although if you do do them, you'll achieve results faster.  There are a bunch of companion products (of COURSE there are companion products) that work well with it.  It's so hard to tell if it's a legitimate treatment plan - I mean, you read the testimonials, but who are these people and how do you know they are for real?
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email didn't work... it's impatientandria at gmail dot com
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I am interested in learning so things about vegan's because my 5 year old refuses to eat meat.  She has been like that since she started eatting.  Nothing we do helps.  She loves veggies and salads.  
Here is something funny about regular docs.  Our family doc wouldn't give my mother this medicine because it was a herb medicine.  Well, funny thing is my mother ran into our docs wife at the health store, and she was buying that same medicine for herself.  Shows what he knows.  :)
I think that my test results are back for the canadia tests, I think my appointment is next week.
The spit test that I told you about, my husband and I both did it.  My husbands spit just blended in with the water and mostly stayed up top, mine was the one that got stringy.  So, I am guessing that there is some truth to it.  Not saying that it is for sure though.
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He put a q-tip inside her vagina and took a few samples, sent them away. So i'm assuming thats what that was. As far as a blood sample, he didnt...i cant remember if the midwife before him did. She just got a blood test for her liver is all. I'll ask her tonight, but i dont think so. Why do you ask?
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Hello everyone

7up7up, I feel your pain.  My hubby and I have been in the same situation for two years+.  Life your wife, I have tried everything.  I've been on Diflucan, Sporanox numerous times and have had no lasting results.  Unfortunately those drugs have created problems with my liver as I've been diagnosed with non-alchoholic liver disease. And that creates a whole lot of other problems including lowered immunity which the candida loves!  

I had limited success with the elimination diet but didn't stay on it long enough.  I am now trying the Yeast Buster program and started this morning.  My suggestion is to not to try too many things at once including a lot of herbals because you may not know what is doing what.  I tried  garlic for my immune system but didn't have much luck with that.  My naturopath put me on Pau d' Orco pills and bumped up my iodine supplements along with Vit B12.  She suggested chlorophyll to get oxygen down into the colon as well.  

As to the doctor's (gynecologist) tests, I've had interesting experiences with that!  He swabbed for yeast and said I didn't have it and that there was nothing wrong with me.  He put me on antidepressants (Prozac..which I refused to take!) and told me to go home and massage my G-spot!!  Hubby and I are still laughing about that one!  Needless to say, I won't be returning to him anytime soon!  I know that I have candida and it is systemic and that is all that matters to me.  I just have to find someway to deal with it on my own as the medical community seems at a loss as to how to deal with it.  

I will keep you posted on the results of my cleanse with Yeast Buster.
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Hi there,
Your situation is awful.  What helps me is taking acidophilus pills.  They replenish the "good" bacteria you need in your body- especially if you've taken antibiotics.  Antibiotics wipe out all bacteria good or bad...so you need to put the good back in.  Maybe your wife is still lacking good bacteria???  It can't hurt to take it.  All of the mention of yogurt and stuff like that- you are looking to get acidophilus from it.  So just buy a bottle of it and give it a try.  I've also hear you can open the capsels and insert them for a speedy recovery.  But i've never had to try that.  
It also sounds like her doctors aren't very helpful - I would try to change again...it may take a few different dr's to get a solution.
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