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Yeast infection that won't go away.....or something else????

Ok ladies, I need some serious help/advice.  About 2 months ago I had this terrible itchy feeling in and outside my vagina that I thought was a yeast infection.  I couldn't get into the doctor right away so I took Monistat 3.  For some reason I didn't use the 3rd night but felt fine after a few days and my symptoms were gone for a few weeks.  Then it came back, just much less severe but won't go away.  There is hardly any discomfort on the outside only a tiny bit of burning every once and while.  It's a very subtle itch up inside that comes and goes and seems to come on later on in the day.  I have been to the doctor several times and at first she said she didn't see anything.  But when I still had the feeling she took a sample, saw a little bit of yeast,gave me a Diflucan pill, which seemed to work but then the symptoms came back a week later and I decided to try another dosage of Monistat 3.  During this I got a UTI and went in to get antibiotics for it, which cleared it up.  However, I still had the itch and again, went back to the doctor.  She took another sample and didn't see any yeast but saw some white blood cells which indicates an infection and gave me the Terazole cream to treat different strains of the yeast.  I took it all and it hasn't seemed to change anything.  I have been tested for everything else (STD's and BV) and everything is negative along with a normal pap.  I'm not on the pill, other antibiotics and don't douche or use scented tampons, pads, etc...any ideas on different treatments or what else it could be?  I'm starting to go crazy!...
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I feel your pain oh too well . I get a yeast infection quite often and lots has to do with your body's ph balance . My aunt went through the same thing and she was told to take lacto bacillis pills ( I think that's how you spell it )that help control the yeast growth in your vagina . Sometimes it's just red and dry feeling around the vulva but it even gives me pain in my lower abdomen . I have taking canesten twice in one month sometimes and it finally goes away for a bit . I hope this helps . Ask your doctor about the pills and give them a try . It helped me out.       Good luck !
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That's supposed to be ph balance not 39
Sorry don't know why it says #39 in my comment . Please ignore the errors
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Same problem here! I’m 44 years old and I’ve had some type of vaginal infection for 2 years! White pasty sour discharge that feels like it’s burning my vulva. Redness, minor swelling, and irritation that’s better in the morning and gets worse as the day goes by. I never had any type of infection before so just assumed it was yeast. So I took a Diflucan, that didn’t help, then Flagl for BV, then various antibiotics for other hypothesis I had such as Vaginal Strep A, Staph, aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, etc. Boric acid, prescribed Cándida cream, probiotics, pao d’arco, Yin Care douche, and more. Nothing has made any difference. All tests and cultures negative. Although I didn’t have them done at the beginning which was a big mistake because now I will never know what it was initially. This has screwed my mind and consumes my entire life trying to analyze and research what this could be. This did follow recent intercourse with a new person and symptoms began a week after a very stressful, traumatizing event and chronic stress. The only way we will find out what is causing this is if we all describe  any details we can remember that led up to the infection. Just telling us the same symptoms is not going to help us with the solution. If we all have similar situations leading up to the symptoms, we will be able to conclude what’s causing it. Please tell us anything you might think caused it or even anything different that had chanced in your life before the onset of the symptoms. Thank you for all of your help!
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This would be an important conversation to have with your doctor. In situations like these you should seek an accurate diagnosis from cultures. According to published peer reviewed research nearly three times out of four, women who are self-diagnosing are treating a problem they don't have. You can actually make your condition much worse and create a cyclic problem by treating the wrong condition. If all of your tests and cultures are negative, your doctor may want you to keep a journal of your symptoms. You could also have vulvodynia.
Thank you. I wrote above that all cultures were negative. Extensive cultures. I even requested things that the doctors didn’t know about.  It’s trully unbelievable. 5 doctors and nobody knows what this is. Wet prep showed fewer lactobacillus than normal. I saw the slide with my own eyes. I’m also ready to get my own microscope at this point. It’s so upsetting and frustrating. I’ve read about vulvodynia. Which is really a word for vaginitis with unknown cause. But something is causing this, we just don’t understand what it is. Thank you for any further input.
I had a similar itching problem that started at my rectal area. Then several years later a bout of severe itching, irritation, open sores, redness and a severe diaper rash type excoriation in my whole genital area. , It was not yeast, not candida but my very smart OBGYN Dr. knew immediately that I had a very uncommon condition called Lichen Sclerosus. (Look it up and see if this fits for you) . It is often diagnosed by biopsy. I never heard of it. My General Practioner never heard of it. I am being treated for this condition by a dermatologist with steroid creams. It is much improved but I was told it is a lifelong illness  with flare-ups. There is no know cause.  Still struggling with this at times.
Yes, totally agree with ruthea45, this would be good to ask your doctor about.  That's too bad ruthea45 that you still have flare ups---  does it have triggers?
Guys, I have asked several doctors about all of this. I know more than they do at this point. Maybe it is something totally unthinkable. Like "pudendal neuralgia". I do have lower back pain and an inside hip pinching nerve feeling on the same side as the vaginal irritation. It seems far fetched, but those nerves all lead to the vulva and clitoris. Maybe the inflammation is causing the discharge. Because no pathogen has ever been discovered after many, many tests. And no medication for anything has worked. It's just a chronic irritation and inflammation with white pasty discharge that has lasted 2 years and has improved over time. However it is still there.

I'm trying to lose 20 lbs, get healthy and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to see if this goes away finally. One thing I should mention is that on the wet prep, there were less lactobacillus than normal. But that's probably because I've taken all types of antibiotics back to back over the last two years trying to kill a pathogen that never existed. Actually, I'm pretty lucky that antibiotics have never caused yeast infections for me. I have never had anything wrong with my vagina or UTIs ever, which makes this all the more mind-boggling. I also am pretty natural; cotton hanes underwear, never have used tampons ever, fragrance-free everything, etc.

By the way, many of these "female" probiotics don't even have the 4 crucial lactobacillus that are found in the vagina. It's all marketing and a waste of money. No wonder I never felt better. The female lactobacillus are:
L. crispatus
L gasseri
L. jensenii
L. rhamnosus
There is one that I will be trying soon which has all of these (Jarrow Formulas, Jarro-Dophilus, Vaginal Probiotic, Women) as a remedy for one of my last hypotheses. The stress that I was going through at the time of the onset of the symptoms, or possibly the antibiotics that I took thereafter, may have killed off one type of lactobacillus, so maybe others are trying to overcompensate and are creating the burning discharge. Some type of unbalance. So by taking all of these, maybe the vagina will finally be able to balance itself. Just a theory. I'm going through each one at a time and hoping to finally find the cause of this. I will update if I ever do. I hope this helps someone! Thank you.
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I have had a yeast infection for about 6 weeks - all through Christmas and New Years. Extremely intense itching and burning. It was unbearable!  I tried many rounds of miconazole 1, and miconazole 7. I also used coconut oil with lavender and tea tree essential oils in it - both externally and also internally (made my own suppositories).  I even douched with apple cider vinegar and water.  The ACV did seem to calm it down a bit, and the essential oils were soothing when the mixture was cold. But what really seems to have worked is Pau D'Arco pills I ordered from Amazon (2 pills twice a day) AND I got some boric acid suppositories (don't take by mouth because they can be deadly). I inserted one in my vagina every night for 7-10 days. I never thought I would feel normal down there again, but it is true. You've got to try it. I saw a huge difference in only 3 days but continued for about 10.
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Pau Darco. Dont know why the message looks like that. Please use Pau Darco and boric acid suppositories. It works.
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I suffered for 5 years with yeast.  The answer was so simple.  I tried everything!  Monistat, diflucan, etc.  A midwife told me to take a probiotic.  I took vaginal flora 50 billion by renew life( must be refridgerated so be careful when ordering online it is cheaper online than your local health food but it is not refrigerated in the mail).  I took it for 2 months daily before I saw relief.  I took it daily for 1 year before cured, but as long as I took it I didnt get any yeast infections.  I stayed yeast free without taking it until the birth of my next baby so I'm going to have to start taking it again.  It is $50 a bottle though.  I have heard that possibly any probiotic can work but you must give it time you might think it iss not working but youll need a few months to get it in your system.
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Did you have sex during the year you were treating your infection?
Yes.  But it seemed it was triggered by sex until it was under control.  Periods also affected it. I only had sex like 3x a month.  There is also skin conditions, which can cause yeast like symptoms so you have to make sure it's yeast.  Some of the skin conditions are serious.  Lichen s. is one of them.
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This seems to be a common problem among females.. I thought it was only me. So far pau d'arco for reducing candida and maca for hormone balance is working for me.. Both are herbal capsules.
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yeast infection are the worst one!!! :(
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I've been dealing with the same annoying itchyness/ redness.  It comes and it goes. I feel like it comes more if my sugar is too high.  Or ate something I shouldn't have.  I feel like when my sugar is under control than I feel normal. I've gone to the Dr and she prescribed me a cream. It helped a little.  I also buy those anti itch wipes and creams from vagisil.
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I had the same problem a few years ago! Really easy to fix but it took so long to find the solution. I had a six month case of thrush and went to countless doctors to try find why it wouldn't go away. Finally I found a doctor who prescribed me diflucan 50mg which was taken once daily for 2 years (very long I know) by the end of it I had a lot of psychological paranoia thinking it was still there when it wasn't which also really sucked because I forgot what the normal feeling felt like as I got so used to the symptoms being there :( now every time I get a bout of it I ask myself how the hell I dealt with it for six months after 2 days!!!
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i have had thrush for over 4 weeks ive had tablets ive had cream tryed yogurt nothing is working i dont have sex as im paranoid cause of it dr aint getting to bottom of the problem the tablets should of cleared it up with in a day and it aint that is rubbish im getting that stage where dont want to be touched cause of it dr is only fobbing me off with cream and more tablets why cant they find out whats really causing me to have thrush for so ,long
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I have had what i would call a chronic yeast infection the last two and a half months without cease? I have been precribed diflucan and canesten pessaries and most recently i was put on sporonox for 3 days and relactagel and not once out of any of these products or several trips to the gp have i got any relief of my symptoms. Ive also been trying natural yogurt cranberry tea horsetail tea, acidophilus,udo 8, antioxidants everything i can get my hands on to try get back to myself. But yet im still having the same painful burning sensation passing urine and afterwards and even during sex. That its nearly getting so uncomfortable now that its getting harder for me to even sit. And im losing my marbles with these doctors cause i think nearly at this stage its all a big joke to them to just pawn me of with stuff that aint helping. I just need someone to help me get to the root of my problem and get rid of it once and for all
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I have been struggling with the same symptoms. Did you ever find a way to cure it?
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I believe my fiancé is the one with the yeast problem. Only since we've been together for five years have I had a chronic yeast infection/bacteria/parasite (who knows for sure?)  I'm 46, and before we hooked up, I only had ONE yeast infection with each of my 3 pregnancies in each of the first trimesters (obviously hormonal changes, right?)...so in my struggle to rid my body of the problem and maintain a balance these past 5 years, I have concluded that the ding **** on the other side of my bed has GOT TO BE constantly "reinfecting" my vagina!!!!!  He's told me how severe his ex wives' and girlfriends yeast infections were, especially his first wife. DUH.  Also, the man is completely addicted to sugar/alcohol.     Interesting that one man has shared his experience in this discussion since 2008.  Men definitely do not show the same symptoms that we do, if at all.  Bad penis. Bad.
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Im In the same position !! absoloutely desperate for answers !!!!! I had a baby 10 weeks ago, suffered a third degree tear etc was on antibiotics... (4 kinds) then got a chronic yeast infection.. including rashes on inner thighs and a nappy rash. Have been to several doctors have tried all thrush creams and 2 weeks of diffuclan. pro biotics, yogurt, sterioid creams which help my rashes but they always come back... So over it !!! I am even on a gluten free diet and have cut back sugar. Nothing is working im absolutely miserable. My ob gave me antityripline tablets but I know that I don't have vulvodynia as the symptoms r clearly obvious... and the pain isn't just localised on my vulva. Iv never ever had a yeast infection or any infection down there before.. I Cant shake this and its ruining my life emotionally and physically. No doctors are taking this seriously. By the way they have done swabs and it comes back minor growth of candida..... Maybe different strain ? allergic ?
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Hi I’m in exactly same boat since 5 years off gluten too no docs taking seriously. Anshul now I’m drained too emotionally and physically. I’m still not getting correct diagnosis. Any new developments with you?
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Anybody found something that really works???
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omg sweety im in the same postion as you. mine comes and goes too i took diflucan and teconazole and monistat everything nothing worked, now i dont have an itch but i have a slight burning in my vulva and it also varies thruout the day,. i go to the doc to do treatments she cleans me with boric acid and then she takes nystatin cream and micanizale 7 and rubs it in there and outside. she told me for home remedies drink lots of chamomile tea and douche with chamomile tea as well. its still burning nothing seems to help and im wondering y i am being cursed like this, i have had this before but it goes away for 3 months then comes back, i think ts my diet too, i love sweets and eat a lot of them im trying to cut down a lot, i dont eat sweet stuff anymore at all only strawberry yogurt but i don't think that really counts. anyway im gonna go ask the doc to take a culture sample when i go on  Monday bec i wa Na make sure its yeast bec i have no discharge and no smell and no itch just burn.
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Screw u luckylocket2 I am a guy who has had my yeast infection for 2 months. My fiancee gave it to me and I have tried everything I could diligently (except for antibiotics)  including not having sex. So maybe the same can be said about women. Or just u -.-
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There is a lot of great information on the internet, albeit difficult to wade through the muck...I am in the same situation and came across a website that was very informative  http://www.candida-yeast-infection-relief.com/?gclid=CNauheqa8LECFQoZQgod1zYAiw

This site talks about how our whole system can have candida overgrowth, and how the spores can infect our whole bodies, lay dormant, and become active again....hence the repetitive yeast infection.  I know it is geared in the long run to purchase their product, however, the information is great and it makes sense.  

There are a number of types of acidopholus strains, the type that are in the vagina are lactobacilus acidopholus.  To say take acidopholus is great, but vague as there are so many strains...read the back of probiotic bottles at your health food store and you will see what I'm talking about.
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Garlic. Use a clove of garlic like a suppository.
I read this in a health store book.
Make sure the clove is slit somewhere, so the natural antibiotic is able to escape.
Keep it in overnight.
Should work really well. Garlic burns it out.
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I'm so glad I found all of you.  I had a 5 day stomach ache back in May so I went to the doctor.  They took blood.  I felt fine the next day of course but they called me saying I had H. Pylori and had to take a medicine called the PrevPac.  After taking these double dose of antibiotics for 2 weeks, I ended up with a yeast infection a week later.  I treated in with otc cream and it went away.  two week later it cam back.  I did the same treatment.  Two weeks later back again.  This continued 4 times.  Then I had IV antibiotics in August for a surgery I had.  Couple weeks later another yeast infection.  I went to my doctor and she prescribed me a one time pill.  The yeast came back again.  I went to the gyno doctor who looked at the discharge under a microscope and said she wasn't going to culture it b/c I was loaded with yeast and she gave me a pill that takes care of resistant stains.  Well that didn't work either.  I've had constant discharge from a straight month now and about 6 yeast infections in the last 6 months.  The gyno doc said next they wanted to do a supressive regimen.  I don't know how i feel about this since i know it can be harmful for the liver.  I never had this problem before taking those double antibiotics.  It's ruining my life and putting a huge stain on my marriage.  I was doing the yogurt/probiotics routine but will now try the Pau D'Arco since people have had luck with it.
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Plz help me somebody! a few days ago I woke up to this itching on the outside of my vagina lips . I scratched it so bad my lips swelled & burned, I showered bought monistat 1 day & anti fungal cream...applied both , showered twice a day , changed my underwear & kept it dry. Day 3 my lips are still.extremely itchy, but now I have a white film on the outside, my lips feel dry & thick, & its very sore... What do I do?
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I've never had problems with yeast infections except after taking antibiotics until recently. I use the Arbonne seven day body cleanse two months ago and have had worsening problems ever since. I did the yogurt and the apple cider vinegar things, but the relief was only temporary. I have used a total of 4 monistat kits; they didn't work.I even got diflucan from the doctor. I ended up with a horrible allergic reaction to it and had to take steroids. Now I am on probiotics. I've also ordered the Pau d'Arco tea and got a nurse practitioner to call in some boric acid suppositories after my yogi told me that that was the only thing that helped her. Here's hoping that the combination of all of those things finally helps.
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Hello, i had reccurrent yeast/bacterial infections for two years. Right now i feel like 85% of my symptoms have disappeared in the last three weeks by doing this regimen. A. Cut down on sugar significantly, one pop or juice a day and the rest water. no dessert or candy except twice a week. Protein and veggies are the way to go. I like sliced turkey and fresh veggies :). B. Take Green Vibrance powder for body alkalynity. Got mines from health foods unlimited. Here's the link http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00014E01K/ref=asc_df_B00014E01K1764390?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=asn&creative=395093&creativeASIN=B00014E01K. C. Taking Herbs of Light Yeast Away pills LINK http://herbsoflight.net/yeast-away-capsules-90caps-450mg.html. Amazing antifungal herbs like golden seal, black walnut hull, olive leaf, pau d' arco, and echinacea. Did this for one week on moderate diet changes and felt all the yeast flushing out of my va jay jay. Was the worse yeast infection i EVER HAD. Then two days later 60% better. two weeks on moderate diet change 70% better. Third week no diet change actually worse. I had three days of constant cake, and candy like twix and snickers and pop. Only 85% better. Still improving but slower since the sugar intake. Started feeling a tiny irritation. Now week 4, I'm about to go off all sugar and breads. Intake more green vibrance, and hope to be 100% better. Hope this helps someone :) Chow
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I have actually changed my diet so that I am now vegan, gluten free, and sugar -free (meaning no cane sugar or processed sugar in my diet at all) and it has worked out really well. However, since I am still that lucky 5% of the population that has chronic candidiasis, I still get Yeast Infections occasionally and they make me go insane. I have one right now, I've tried everything from putting garlic up there, to eating lots of garlic, to taking Diflucan...and I realized one thing...the Doctors don't know anything. They just guess and prescribe. If anything, you can probably make a better educated guess about your own body then they can. The Doctor I went to was mainly just concerned about money saying that we should test me for yeast. Hello!!! I've had yeast infections for 6 years now, I think I can tell what a yeast infection feel like. So in short, I do suggest changing your diets because I have gone front 3 yeast infections a months to maybe 2 yeast infections a year. Also, please note that you might be allergic to latex! This is something that I didn't realize and my fiance at the time would use latex condoms when we had sex, and this ALWAYS gave me a very chronic yeast infections. So you should definitely make the switch to non-latex condoms and see if that helps any. And make the switch over to a sugar free diet. You can always use agave in place of sugar which is really yummy, you can bake with it, and it's actually super healthy for you (you body doesn't recognize it as sugar). Agave is what they make tequila out of, it's a natural nectar found in nature from the agave plant. Anyways, I thought I would just throw in my 2cents because I have had this problem for years, and still do (but to a much much lesser extent)...and I totally empathize with all of you.

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i've had burning and itching sensation from February..i've seen three doctors they prescribed candida medication which didn't work.the last doctor i saw prescbried Fluconazole the burning and itching  sensation is  not as bad as it was but it still exist ..please help i dont know what else to do
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