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previous cervical problems, bleeding after intercourse

I have a history of CIN-III cervical dysplasia. I had LEEP 4 years ago. It eventually came back not quite as severe CIN-1/ CIN -II, I had cryo a year ago. I also have adhesions because of 2 classic cut cesarians, these adhesions are quite bad and contribute to the discomfort during sex.

Currently,I am seeing my family doctor- not a gynecolegyst, but they are aware of my history. I explained to my doctor I have pain with sex and I bleed always after sex. She did the pap smear and realized even by touching me with the brush, I bled- a lot. It was enough to basically look like regular flow on the pad. My paps have been normal ever since cryo, so she says the bleeding is because of the LEEP and cryo. The cervix is not so thick, therefore sensitive and subject to bleeding.Nothing we can do.

I am bleeding now after sex more than I ever did before. I had sex 2 days ago, and every time I go to the bathroom, I see bright red blood when I wipe. My period was over last week, so this is not related to my cycle. I also woke up after sex (about an hour and a half) and I was violently ill. I vomited, and had severe abdominal pains. (I thought pehaps that was due to something I ate, but just in case it's relevent I added it)

I am basically wanting to know if this is correct. My pap came back normal again, and she said I don't need another one for a year. I am really depressed about having to live with the pain and bleeding associated with sex. I also cannot shake my concern that maybe she is wrong, even though her answer is logical.
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I had the Leep procedure a year ago.... I am 40 years old, have had bi-monthly periods for years, & over the past few months have had the bleeding & pain after sex, actually the other night, the sudden vomiting to go with it. I have felt completely out of sync for days... I have a Drs appt, but I am actually scared to death of the outcome... Both my grandmother & mother had endometrosis & cervical cancer, my sister 5 years younger has already had a partial hysterectomy... Its just really unnerving... Hope all goes well for you.
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LEEP is a procedure which removes the affected cells from your cervix. I had it a few months ago after finding out I had CIN III (carcinoma in situ)
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Please let me know what you find out. I am having a simailar problem. Except i have not been told i have CIN-III cervical dysplasia or LEEP (what ever that is). Can you please elaborate on what LEEP is?

3 years ago i started getting 2 periods a month. Nobody could figure out why. Hormonoal imbalance was occuring. I wanted to find out what was causing this and solve the problem not cover up the symptoms by taking birth control pills to get regulated or fertility drugs to have kids. I know i was exposed to some chemicals in my environmental conculting career that could be causing an imbalance.

I started taking herbal supplements and changed my diet to eating all organic meats and vegetables and cut out eating beef altogether. My periods are back to normal since i have done this.

But i am bleeding during and the day after i have sex, and also when i make a bowel movement from the vagina. Just went to obgyn and said my cervics is "friable" in nature and bleeds to the touch.

She said it could be a number of things like bacteria infection, STD or PID or cervical cancer.

She said that the blood when i do NO2 might be coming from by anus and to make sure by putting toliet paper inside after making a bowel movement and get back to her when it happens. It is not coming from the anus.
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Thank you, that was what I have been thinking as well. Hubby told me those exact words, I just needed to hear it again to make sure I wasn't over-reacting.

Thanks again.
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I would go to a specialist. Something does not sound right. Could be a number of things. Go to gyn. Good luck.
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