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cuts and a tiny open sore on the skin from my vagina to rectum

Hi I have been experiencing for three months now a tiny spotting of blood on my toilet tissue.. I thought it was from my rectum and went to the Docs to tell him my roids had flared up. The Nurse while taking a smear test had a look and said there seemed to be a skin tag on the anus area but it didn't look like it had bled. This was about three months ago.. The smear test came back normal. The Doc gave me some Anusol which didn't seem to be working.. AT ALL

Thursday I went to Back to the Doctors because my husband found a spot like raised area on the perineum and when he dabbed it with a tissue, blood and a little yellowy green (Sorry Yuck) came out of it. (It really is a tiny little hole with two like paper cuts by the side of it.. So of we both my husband and I trundled back to the doctor and had him take another look.

The Doctor said no anul fissures and no external hemroids. However it was a bit red and gave me some Betodine Iodine , this was Thursday.. WOW does it sting.. Any way after a few days its now Monday I seem to have a baring down feeling around the rectum area and it is very painful to sit on.. Hubby has continued to put Iodine on it after I washed it with a watered down Tea Trea solution.

The little whole abscess like thing and the paper cuts do not seem to be healing. I have stopped putting so much Iodine on the cuts now and covering it with Vaseline

Has any one else been expereincing this.. I am at my wits end and even talking about if I wernt here.... Over reacting?

Poor hubby has his head and face forward there a few times a day..OH Dear
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I am 19 and have had the same small paper-cut like slices on the inner lips of the vagina, also near the anus and the top bit of the vagina.

I had a breakout of dermititis from stress just before these cuts appeard and think it may have been related to that. The cuts were there for about 3 weeks and would not heal and I couldn't wipe or touch down there because I would have sharp stinging pains from the cuts re-opening.

I went and had a checkup and smear tests for it and it wasn't anything but the GP said for me to wear cotton undies and use the dertimitis cream down there if it got too dry or itchy.
it was aqueous cream BP(AFT),just reading off the label.
I applied it to the cut areas 3 times a day (in the morning after my shower, midday and before bed) for about 2 weeks and now the cuts have dissappered.

So maybe its the undies you are wearing, I was wearing synthetic based ones with lace and stuff. try wearing simple cotton undies and keeping the area moisturised.

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Im only 17, and i have some of these same problems. i hate little tiny cuts and they itch and burn when i pee. It sorta scares me because i dont know what it is, and after reading all this, it freaks me out that i could have herpes! but i wouldnt know how. But i am too freaked out to go to see a OBGYN and ask them. I havent been yet, But i dont wanna find that out and my mom have to know!  

someone help?
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I have also been experiencing these small cuts from the bottom of my vagina, perenium and anus..i have had pap smears and they have come back clear, do u have to have a blood test to identify genital herpes? I have never had 'sore' breakouts just sypmtoms such as redness, itching and sensitivity..if i scrath or wipe myself too hard the skin tears. sometimes the itchiness sensation is a little inside my vagina also.

does any one know what this is....i have gone on a stronger pill incase it was lack of eastrogen, but will have to wait for results.
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I have had these tiny cuts for going on 10 years and still no answer. One was near the anus and the doctor called it a cyst. Eventually, it was removed. Now, I'm having tiny cuts that swell and hurt terribly on the fold in the same spot each time. This time, my gyne gave me three very painful injections in the sore! It numbed it,then he removed it for biopsy. The test showed no cancer.That was three weeks ago. In the same spot once again, it itches and is becoming painful!!! Here we go again! My husband is not going to be happy when I tell him no playtime.
I do use premarin cream and I'm 57. I had a hysterectomy when I was 31. I have severe bone pain(arthritis) and unexplained rashes. Sometimes, I'm very tired for no reason and I experience malaise. Fibromyalgia???
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same problem itching, little cuts around vigina...tearing between anus and vigina..u should all go see a doctor soon..im going on monday!
little FYI(cant wait to heal this my sex life was starting to get good after 13 months of trying to find ourself,lol (just had a baby))
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I have noticed that a lot of women on this forum seem to be suffering from the same symptoms that I have been suffering from for about 8 months.  I get thin paper like cuts on the folds of my vagina, on the inside, the skin is so thin if I wipe too hard it will tear.  It itches sometimes insatiablly, it gets red and I think that I have a yeast infection. I went to a specialist and had my thyroid checked..no problems there.  I had blood work ran to test my hormones, I was a little deficient in testosterone and Vitamin D.  I have been on a testosterone troche and med. grade vit. D for about 3 months.  They tested me for yeast infections, a rare yeast infection, STD's and it was negative, except for a slight yeast infection.  I am trying to find a common ground here,  I was wondering if anyone has a form of dermatitis anywhere on their body?  Around the time when these symptoms began I also developed dermatitis in my scalp and in my ear.  I looked up dermatitis of the vagina and the symptoms are exactly like the ones I am experiencing.  I also have what I think is dermatitis at the top (crack area) of my bottom, there is dry skin and it itches and if I scrath it or wash to hard it tears.  I am going to the doctor on the 7th to have them check my vagina for dermatitis.
Does anyone have dermatitis, any form?
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