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extreme pain urinating, sitting and walking... i think something is torn.

I will get straight to the point.I am 21 years old.. I went and saw my boyfriend this past week , he lives in a different country. And I had a lot of sex, At one point while entering he kind of rammed the spot between my vagina and anus. it hurt, but i had sex with him again.. and the pain seemed to get worse, I was bleeding a little and a horrible burning.i couldnt have sex with him the last two days i was there.  It has gotten worse by the day. I can barely go to the bathroom without crying, it burns when i pee and also when urine touches that spot( perenial?)I can barely walk. what makes the situation a little worse is, im on my period( i believe) so blood is actually coming from two different areas, I looked last night and saw that something is actually ripped,( lower part of my vagina, close to my anus) when i touch it stings and is bleeding on its own. ( guess thats why it burns) .. I feel like I have a uti( because even when urine doesnt touch that area it burns when it comes out), AND something is torn. ( i actually had a yeast infection last time i came back) Ive been reading and i dont think the degree of my tear could be so great just by him slipping and hitting the wrong spot.. but i could be wrong.. is there something i can get over the counter? I am a little scared and worried.. also, the water isnt so great over there, in the pool, shower, etc. any help would be so appreciated as I am pretty much miserable at the moment..
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I'm scared and need advice .. me and my boyfriend were having sex and hes above average size and it somehow slipped and went up near the pee hole and instant pain . and when i look blood gushing down my leg everywhere .. its swollen already and still bleeding ..it hurts so bad what should i do and what would the doctors do if i went to get checked? please help
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To anyone who is having these symptoms at the moment, you need to seek medical attention.
I was having intercourse with my boyfriend when it became painful, so we stopped. About a week later it was painful to urinate, walk, cross my legs, and if i moved a certain way it felt like my vagina was tearing. I got a mirror and I looked and sure enough I have a tear from the very bottom edge of my vagina to almost my anus. I was scared, and embarrassed because I had had a tear like this before, which my doctor saw and gave me anti-bioitics for because she didn't want me to get an infection.
I had some extra anti-bioitics that my doctor had given me before that I had never finished. These were for Urinary Tract Infections because ever since I started having sex with my boyfriend I had been pron to them and also bladder infections. I started taking those and also some pain killers that coat your urinary tract and turn your pee orange. Regardless there was still pain while I was urinating because it was hitting the open wound of my torn vagina.
To make matters worse, I started my period. I became so sore that using a tampon was pretty much impossible. Then I noticed some red sores around my vaginal area, it then spread close to my anus and on my labia. I had just been tested for STD's in october, and my boyfriend in January. We had been sleeping together since September (this incident happened in March) and we both came back clean. So i was convinced I could not have an STD.
The tear was healing but not as quickly as I was hoping. The red sores were bothering me. I started to put some polysporien on my tear and sores and it did help but they were still there.
Eventually I went to a clinic at my College and was looked at by one of the nurses. She said my sores looked like herpes. I told her that I had just been tested and so had my boyfriend for STD's and we were clean. She told me that the standard STD panel does not test for Herpes you are only tested if you have the symptoms, which many people don't.
She had a second nurse come in and take a look and they actually took a sample of the sores (very painful) They also perscriped me some antibiotics as if it was herpes to make the sores disappear.
My test results came back.....and I was positive for Type I Herpes, which 90% of people have (this is the cold sore virus) I could have had a possible break out because of the stress of the wound. She said it doesn't matter if you have Type I or II you can break out anywhere with both types. It's just that Type I is less likely to have accuring outbreaks.
My suggestion is, if you are having any of these symptoms, you need to see a health care professional. You may have herpes, but the cold sore kind. Again, it can break out all over your body, arms, legs, mouth, lips, genital area etc...
I posted this because I wanted it to be helpful for anyone who comes across it. I hope this does help some girls and put them at ease. But remember, you should always use protection when having any kind of sex, intercourse, anal and oral.
Tons of STD's can be transmitted through ORAL SEX including chlamydia and herpes (two of the most common and UNDETECTED STD'S), so please use protection.
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Exact same experience at the moment. I haven't gone to the ER yet. I'm going to try to use some neosporien like ppl are recomending
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was just reading all of this because i have a similar probably. wierdly though...when i read ur initial msg thing....it was as if i had wrote it...including the guy being from another country.... even ur screen name .... could just be a considence....but ... what country is ur man from?...if ur don't mind me asking....

thanks so much
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You may have picked up herpes like Emily mentioned, even in the throat if you had oral sex, they're very painful and can give you flu like symptoms. With a syphilis chancre, they are painless sores and can appear ANYWHERE on the body where contact has happened, which is accompanied by fever and feeling unwell.

If your man has passed an STD on to you it will be all the more worse because you ripped down there and enabled the virus or bacteria an open door to invade your body as well. Have the chancre checked before it goes away, you don't want syphilis silently doing damage to your body over a course of years, if it is that.

Also, to help with peeing. Hold a wet wad of tissue over the affected area while you pee so no urine comes into contact with the area. Sit forward on the toilet so you can get your arm around from behind to hold the tissue. ;)
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I am experiencing the same problem that you are in...my boyfriend and I had sex while camping this past weekend, we weren't able to finish b/c it started to hurt like crazy inside my vagina, and out...and im pretty sure he ripped me slightly cuz their was a small cut in btw my vagina n bum.  The day after it was VERY sore...and since then it has gotten worse n worse...It started to become difficult for me to walk, and then it started to burn when i peed.  And then i did develop a small sore. I went to emerge only cuz of how much it hurt to pee, the sore doesnt bother me...only the rip n the peeing.  I have had several times where I have nearly passed out due to pain or actually wanted to vomit.  When I went to emerge my doctor took one look at the sore n said i may have herpes, so now im freaked...he says he was just tested about 1 month ago n was clean, so its all a lil mind boggling!!  So for now I'm on antibiotics twice a day, and undergoing bloodwork for an STI.
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Could you tell me hows your turned out??
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I wanted to write something after reading your comments and infomation. I have had repeated urine and vaginal infections and problems all of my life. It has been so hard identifying which is which and on top of that antibiotics give you thrush. You most def have a UTI and I am suprised that ER did not find that out by doing a simple swab and urine test. It takes a short time to find this out and there is medication to help.

After having so many urine infections and looking at the clock to see when the antibiotics work I had so much sympathy for you. I don't know how you managed to cope for so many days. Have you found out if you got your infection through bad water and have you got a correct diagnosis yet?
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Wow..another day of hell....something is really wrong...

I have sores around my vagina that are very painful to the touch, I am also having trouble swallowing(which is normal for me sometimes) but I see a little chancre.....

My body aches like nothing else...I am constantly freezing and last night I sweat till my clothes and bed were literally wet.

Today I took my set of pills.....and vomitted everything up..even stomach acid...

I got some uti med. Yesterday that turns your pee orange, well.....it still is absolutely miserable to pee...that pretty much is what's making it hard to live. I wanna pee and not cry everytime...I need help....

I went to the er on fri...its monday..nothing has even gotten better...its been worse.
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yeah they said it would have been bad.. but to be honest... its been two days.. and the pain is still unbearable.. the lortab isnt as strong as i would like.. and i still cry everytime i have to use the bathroom..

ALSO, i noticed a little sore on my vagina..... i am going to the gyno tomorrow.. and i am going to ask for an std test, but what suprises me is that the ER didnt say anything about my little sore..

also, is it possible in any case to have like a chancre style sore without having an std?

I just want to know, this week has been difficult... How long do antibiotics take to show any kind of results because i am dying over here.
going to the bathroom is literally hell.

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134578 tn?1693250592
Oh, does that sound awful!  Good luck to you for everything working fast so you can pee again without agony!!!  Do you think that if, just so you can pee, you put something benign on the tear (now that you are on the antibiotics) like the Neosporin, really thick, you would at least be able to pee before it comes off?  I mean, just to protect the spot for long enough to pee?  Anyway, honey, I'm SO GLAD you got medical help.  Think of the consequences if you had tried to hold out!!!!!  Good luck and (((HUGS)))  Annie
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just to let everyone know.. I went to the ER last night, the pain was just too much.. they took a look and the doctor said.. you have a large infection, you are so swollen, and yes you are ripped. You should have come sooner, typically we jusdt sew it up, but we cantdo that now..

so they put an IV in me, with some pain killer, and pumped two sets of antibiotics in me.. i was there all night.

today, i recieved my lortab.. i am in so much pain and peeing is worse than before.. im hoping these antibiotic will help...the nurse said they tear your stomach apart so i have to eat alot.  

thanks for your help
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wow, I am still up at 1:29 worried sick about this little problem.. I just turned 21 .. So i found out tonight im not on my parents insurance anymore and my insurance with my job doesnt kick in for another two months.. Do places do testing , pap smears etc if your not covered.. std tests, free or for a fee.. dont really know what to expect.

I am so worried, I bought neosporin tonight.. and rubbing it on it kindof eased the pain for a moment.. but only for a moment..

It is the weekend, so alot of places arent open.. i may have to wait till monday, if i can make it till then! peeing is the worst. It is unbearable.

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It took me a few days to feel okay to walk "normal".  It sounds like your case might need some more attention...you should see a doctor just to be safe.  

Feel better soon!
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You could be getting an infection if it is getting worse instead of better. You should definately go see your doctor about that. Wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry. It might be a little embarrassing but hell so can a pap smear so get over it and go.
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134578 tn?1693250592
Honey, go see a doc.  They can either give you a stronger cream than is available OTC, with all the necessary ingredients, or they can give you internal antibiotics.  They can tell you if it should be stitched, and if they say it should be stitched, do it.  That can be done with a local anaesthetic; getting stitches is not "surgery" per se.  Good luck, and go right away.  No point in simply sitting at home hurting; what if it is more serious than you think?
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i am really worried. its so painful to sit.. the cut goes from my vagina to not quite the anus. it bleeds a bright red blood.. so neosporin or a and d ointment.. gosh im so afraid its going to burn..

and does anyone know why it burns when i actually do go to the bathroom. like.. it literally burns to pee. could al of these things maybe cause a uti also.. like i said in my post.. even when urine doesnt touch the wound, it still burns horribly..

also.. the pool water was bad, the shower water also bad. maybe infection etc... ah.. why me
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You can use neosporin, externally only!!!
Keep the area coated all the time.  After you use the bathroom, blot the area and coat it again.  The neosporin is like a protective coating over the area and also helps fight germs.
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how much time? i got back two days ago .. and it happen like 4 days ago.. but it got really bad two days ago.. and worse and worse
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I experienced the same problem for the first time in my life a couple months ago.  I thought it had something to do with just having a baby.  After I had my son everything felt fine, but I noticed that the natural lubrication wasn't the same as before.  Anyways, my husband is well endowed and I noticed I was torn a little and really chaffed.  It hurt so bad I couldn't walk for a day.  Someone recommended A&D ointment (for babies) and I put a little on a Q-tip and gently coated the area.  It really helped, but it took time to heal.

Ohh..I know how you feel.  Good luck.
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i think it may be a torn fourchette.... I got a mirror and looked.. and its hard to tell honestly.. i just know it is so painful to sit here and even write this, to walk even.. he definately hit that spot and ripped something.. maybe neosporin i guess?

i just really dont think that it could be soooooo serious to need surgery( it feels like its serious) because everything i look at, it says surgery is needed after you have a baby and it rips, etc.. so.. i dont know.. peeing is horrible, i have to like lean forward so it doesnt hit that area and even then it still burns when it comes out.

this really isnt fun.i fear having to pee
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My last boyfriend well was very big and it always hurt me to have sex with him. But one time when we had sex he did rip me and it hurt like h*ll. Several days went on and the pain never seemed to get better and peeing just made it worse and just the normal fluids that your vagina produced would make me start burning almost like an itching feeling. I honestly do not know if there is something that is ok to put in that area but I just had to wait it out and constantly make trips to the bathroom and pat down there with kleenex aloe kind to make sure no fluids would cause it to start burning again and that helped some of course with Asprin lots of asprin. LOL.

Another thing is get a mirror and see how bad the cut looks. A girl that I know had sex with a man that was very large and was only her second time having sex, well it cut her so bad that she had to go to her doctor and get stiches. If you think it might be that bad then you might want to make that trip to be safe. Embarrasing I know but if that is what needs to be done it will be for the best....

Best of luck.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount.
Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious.
Chlamydia, an STI, often has no symptoms, but must be treated.
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