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heart patient with odd symptoms - need answers

I am a 43 yr old female, over weight but working on it, have tried everything to loose but nothing seems to work.  I also foolishly smoke, I have also tried many times to quit, and I know if I dont Im signing my death warrant, not using this as an excuse but when I am stressed it helps.  

breif history - Father passed away age 43 from massive heart attack, he also had triple bypass at around age 30.  Most of his side of the family also have severe heart problems.  Mother passed away several yrs ago at age 57 from COPD, had lung removed to cancer maybe 8 yrs prior.  history of various cancers on that side of family

At age 26 I began having "a funny feeling in my throat"  (Had taken several fertility drugs the year before, specifically perganol and lupron)  Not often, mostly upon waking up or moving from one position to another quickly.  This feeling increased over the year and by age 27, was happening many times in the day.  One morning 2am, I woke up with an odd feeling, nothing specific but I just knew something was wrong, and it was bad.  Had my hubby take me to the ER, by the time we got there I was having slight chest discomfort.  Nothing more.  I had a heart attack.  Yes, I said age 27.  I was seen by a cardiologist, who said it was a warning, kind of brushed me off and discharged me.  Within 2 days I knew if something was not done I was going to die. Symptoms began again and I had just this unreal feeling of doom.  I insisted that further testing be done. Had a treadmill test and passed with flying colors, but I still was not feeling right and refused to leave till something else was done.  I irritated the Doc enough to get him to do a cardiac cath - "just to make me feel better" is what he said.  And low and behold I had a 98% block in the LAD and was in surgery before I could think about what was happening.  The mammory artery was used for the bypass. I felt wonderful - better then I had in years. Within a year I was having sever panic attacks, I just figured it was, symptoms mimiced my heart attack.  This went on for several years, but heart kept checking out ok.  I woked through the panic attacks, and was doing ok for several more years.  Fast forward to about the yr 1999 and I start having panic attacks agian, lost of left sided neck pain, left shoulder pain, left arm pain, and chest pain, not real bad but there.  Because of my history of panic attacks, every doctor I went to see, said oh it's just panic, and send me on my way.  as the symptoms continued over the past few years I have been called a hypocondriac, a nutcase, you name it...even told I had fibromyalgia. I have continued with my cardio care,2 yrs ago he did another cath, which showed the bypass graft completely closed but the original artery with only a 50% blockage.  He felt it was safe to leave it be, tried me on several different beta blockers, but my Bp would just totally bottom out so I havent been able to take them at all. I have a very very stressful life and he suggested I reduce that stress...eaiser said then done. I am also currently on Crestcor, it is the only med that has ever made a dent in my cholesterol,good cholesterol 78, bad cholesterol is now at 105 but were hoping it will come down some more. (at the time of first heart attack it was well over 900 total) and an asprin a day, nitro when needed?(not sure when I need it) and xanax when needed for anxiety.  The pain in my left shoulder and neck is almost constant now, I occasionally have chest tighteness, feels like someone is squeezing my heart, and of course the panic attacks are back.  I also have GERD which I take nexium for and it has been a miricle drug for me. Recently I have been having palpatations, (I do drink alot of coffee) and this thump in my throat (different feeling from the first time) that kinds of just sneeks up on me, no relation to what I am doing. My cardio tells me that if I were having a heart attack, I would be having more severe chest pain, cold sweats, the typical heart attack symptoms (this is a different doc then I originally had as we moved)  My problem is this....
How can I know that what I am feeling is not heart related when my first heart attack symptoms were so vauge?  I dont feel that "doom" but also dont feel like its just panic either.   I know a cardiac cath is the only real way to know if that 50% block is any worse but could it be worse within a 2 yr. period of time?  Doesn"t it take a long time for a blockage to form?  How often can a cardiac cath saftley be done?  My greatest fear is just dropping dead - which cause severe anxiety, it consumes my thoughts throughout the day, every time I feel anything in my chest I start to panic. I can most of the time stop the attacks by the deep breathing and relaxation.  But those times that I cant stop them, I just want to call 911 becasue I cant tell the difference betwwen the panic attack when they are real bad and the heart symptoms I had originally. Also if I feel chest discomfort and take a squirt of nitro and it is not my heart, will it cause problems in and of itself?  Any suggestions?
Oh - my Dad, he had his surgery at the Clevland Clinic!  it was a pretty new thing way back then and if I remeber correctly this was the only hospital or one of the only ones doing it.  Thanks for the extra years you all gave my Dad!
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Hi Bless your heart sounds like you are going through a hard time of it.A lot of it might be stress related since your father passed away at this age that you are at now.You might be scared right now that it could happen any time and your not ready.Talk to your cardiologist make him or her listen,tell them you want to have your arteries checked for blockages again.It doesn't mean that the same artery clogged up again,it could be a differeent one.And since you smoke it wouldn't take that long for the arteries to clog up.I all so smoke and I have all so had a heart attack.I was 31 mine happened right after my hysterectomy that night the nurses didn't know though.They sound real smart don't they?I would have chest pains when I was a little girl,I didn't realize what they where though.I would lay in my moma and daddy's car to warm my chest to get it to stop hurting.I never did tell my parents,they are old fashioned and didn't ever think that a child would have a heart problem.Call and talk to your cardiologist to day and make an appointment.Make sure you tell him or her exactly what is going on and that you want a heart cath done.Take Care TNT406.
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this is me from the previous post, almost forgot to add that I did have a hysterectomy at a young age as well, would have been a year before the first heart attakc.
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