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labia cyst?

After my shower a few days ago i noticed a "bump" on my right labia, it is slowly getting larger and it is not an external bump like a pimple, it is under the skin. Any ladies have any advice or should i try to get an appointment ASAP with my GYN? It is sore to the touch  and red. No drainage or anything.
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I had a labial cyst 2 years ago and it got so big and swollen that I could hardly walk. I went to my doctor who sent me to the hospital. The doctors there said I could have it lanced but I'd have to be admitted and wait even longer. I decided to go home and take the antibiotics. That night it burst which was such a relief. It healed up fine. This week I noticed a small bump in the same place which started swelling up and realised it was another cyst. I quickly started bathing it in salt water and also used a drop of tea tree and juniper oil diluted in water on a cotton wool pad. Luckily, the pus came out today so I'm hoping it won't turn into a huge one now. I think that the fastest you treat it then it heals faster. And don't wear tight trousers as the area needs to breath.
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my wife had the same for about one year now , can you give us the name because we have been to hospital insisting they want to do operation but we don't want.
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I know this is an old post but I bet some people still read it, I did. I was on the verge of going to the hospital for a cyst about the size of a quarter on my labia. I couldn't walk. My husband talked me into trying an eastern medicine option before having my lady bits cut. He steeped honeysuckle in boiling water, let it cool, strained it, soaked a cloth in it, and had me hold the cloth on my cyst for a half hour. Did this once for 2 nights and no joke cyst ruptured on its own. Took a shower and clean it. I inserted some gauze and wala its draining on its own and the pain is totally gone.
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I have had a small cyst on my labia for the last 5 years.  The OB/GYN and PA were worthless!  They said I could either live with it, or it might not be big enough th lance! I know good and well if I could reach, and see better, I could dig it out with a stealized needle, myself. Finally, I got the PA to say I needed to go to surgeon, which I haven't done yet.  
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Go now! Don't give two sh!ts less what anyone says I had one. That needed popped TWICE! Hurts like crazy!!!  Make sure to take a antibiotic so it doesn't come back! Almost anything I have an antibiotic for I'll refuse but trust me. I totally regret not talking them this sh!ts embarrassing! And if it's to a certain point, maybe as big as two peas. Make sure your nurse is covering you and themselves up properly because mine didn't and I almost threw up when it went literally everywhere. Excluding on my Dr.
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I have Bechet's Disease and when I have an attack I get these boils on my labia or ulcers in my mouth.  It makes me sooo tired.
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I don't know about Bechet's disease, but I have a cyst on my labia, and these blisters in my upper left-hand gums that drain all the time eith clear, sticky, stuff!
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well how do you know if its cancer or something like that?? i got  lump and it hurt now it went away then today it hurt like a ***** but i can barley kinda feel it and im freaking out...
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I noticed a small 'pimple" like bump on my outer labia in the shower 24 hours ago, at the time it was not painful. Tonight it appears to be getting bigger, not painful but tender to touch.  I have read all 140 plus comments, and it appears to be a cyst. I hope I do not have to "pop" it, I am trying warm tea bags to see if will resolve/reabsorb, since it is small. I have never had anything like this before, and I am 52 years old and going through peri- menopause.  I will keep you posted on my results.
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I have had a large labial cyst that came up very fast. Unlike other folks I became very sick with this. My doctor gave me oral antibiotics that did not work and eventually sent me to the ER. The PA wanted to admit me and schedule the OR but she was overruled by the head of the ER, who insisted it be opened and drained on site. It was incredibly painful. (This cyst was about the size of a man's fist...) I continued on antibiotics, though when the culture came back, the antibiotics were changed, because it was resistant staph. I returned to an urgent care for follow up, where it was re-opened and packed and checked two more times. It is still not resolved and I am having surgery to have it excised in an OR by a general surgeon, and I still feel extremely sick! I noticed no one else has mentioned getting very sick from all this infection in the body. The PA who drained mine said she had never seen so much pus before, and the draining and scraping etc. took a very long time and it was excruciating. (Worse than a gall bladder attack or a broken leg, much less natural childbirth!) This is a condition that can get serious and hot compresses etc. did nothing toward bringing mine toward a head, The PA who opened mine said I'd have gone septic if I'd waited another 24 hours....

Do be aware this can become serious and complicated....
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Hi everyone!  I've enjoyed reading these posts.  Unfortunately, out of the blue I felt a pain "down there" last night.  It felt like a pubic hair was being pulled tight the wrong way and hurting.  What a surprise - a HUGE painful bump that has transpired in less than 24 hours on my right inner labia majora!  Seriously?  I've had smaller ones before and have waited until they came to a head, but never one this big.  It is very painful and actually hurts to walk!  I tried to lance it twice with a sterile needle, but only blood came out.  I guess I should try the hot bath tonight and wait?  Obviously, as a full time working mom I cannot tend to "it" during the day.  What is embarrassing is that I'm a cardiac nurse of 18 years, but I am totally NOT OB-GYN.  Has anyone else experienced something like this appear so quickly?  Any ideas?
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I have had this unwelcomed visitor know for about 8 months, and the dr. told me it would go away and just in last few weeks it has gotten larger, I have read all the comments, my last resort is popping it...I unfortinitly do not have insurance and found out today that it was gunna cost about $700.00 to have it removed...I took a ladies advice and bought some vitamin and I am currently using it and sitting on a HOT towel...I pray this goes away cuz I am so sick of dealing with it!!
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I bought some today...how is your cyst?
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I bought some today...how is your cyst?
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Wow...I have been trying to figure out what this problem has been for years! Started when I was 20..now im 34...when ever i drink too much or eat gluten or too much dairy i get a cyst either above my eye brows, on my chin or "down there";) It only ever lasts a day or 2 then vanishes.  Im also a holistic nutritionist so in general i eat very very well...avoid flammatory foods and i became a nutritionist because of my cystic acne, digestive discomfort- IBS, and feeling tired and depressed.  Im much much better now but when ever i want to eat something "off the menu" I pay for it....I have always felt like i have some  kind of immune disorder...in elementary school i had my tonsils removed- always had strep and tonsilitis...high school they though ti had mono but tests came back negative...in my early twenties got tested for lupus...came back negative...so I am very curious if i have this Behcet's Syndrome's.  
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I have noticed I get something like this whenever I get a yeast infection and never really thought of it as herpes....So I was just wondering if y'all got them around yeast infections...I have not had any in a while, but I am still concerned. I see a doc on Monday!
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Ive been reading your posts because I too recently got a pea sized cyst type thing on my right labia. I will try the bath theory. I am not too worried about it. I think its just a passing thing. However, this behcets disease some of you are talking about intrigued me. I know a doctor who is a homeopath and westernized in marin county CA. She is amazing, she cured my endometriosis and vairous other ailments withint days of seeing her and getting a constitution. Her name is Ifeoma Ikenze, MD and I haven't seen her in years, and she isn't cheap but she is truely amazing. She does except insurances and I believe she does phone consultations. I hardly ever recommend service providers to people but I thought I would share her with you all.
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I am 62 and have had cysts off and on for years.  I am glad I found this website.  My doc also brushed it off as not serious, but then again, he wasn't sitting on them.  I've only had one partner so I knew it wasn't an STD.  I trust him.  Women my age don't always talk about these things, so many times I thought I was the only person that suffered with it.  
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I have had these a few times but they went away. My last one I had for months so started doing research. Had a round of antibiotics but it came back right after. What worked for me was Colostrum. You can get it from any vitamin shop or health store. You break open the capsule and use the powder on the area. It is not completely gone yet I have been only using it for a little more then a week but it is way better then when I was on antibiotics.
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5840205 tn?1375222486
There is also a chronic cyst like condition known as Hidradenitis Suppurativa. It is also known as Verneuil’s disease or acne inversa. Hidradenitis manifests most commonly as tender, nodular lesions in the axillae, although other parts of the body also may be affected. All tthis is taken from this web site.  See: http://www.aafp.org/afp/2005/1015/p1547.html  for more details.  I get this quite often. I don't know for sure , but really think I have this.  No cure, but sometimes Antibiotics are given and help to a degree.
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Have your partner treated too for any yeast and bacterial infections. The best treatment for him is a diluted apple cider vinegar wash after he showers. Are you using probiotics after you cleanse? You can take them orally ad as a vaginal suppository. Make sure your putting good stuff back to keep the bad stuff at bay. My first question to women who are expierencing pain with intercorse is: are you really aroused before he penetrates you? make sure your practically begging for him to enter you first. Does he happen to thrust to one side or manybethe position during intercorse is constricing best movement. Also you can try Kegals to encurage blood flow and strengthen your muscls. These and lying with your legs up or pelvis up may help reduce swelling, as well as ice, if that seems comfortable to you.
If your system is out of balance you are more likely to get infections. If this problem is continual, go get your hormone, mineral, and nutrient levels checked out. Don't be afraid to tell your doctor if whatever they give you doesn't work.
Best of luck.
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This one made me feel better...I almost have this for 1 week :(
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its been cold outside so one day i decided to wear my leggings under my skinny jeans laundry day of course i was wearing my church underwear (holes), and lik 2 days later i noticed a difference..i ladies do have herpes and knw the difference between a sore and a lump ive never had this before and dont knw wat to think of it im alittle shocked actually coming from me. its about the size of a pea it dont have a head and its only painful when pressure is applied or when i wipe idk wat this is im praying its something that goes away really scared i only have 1 partner and was tested back in december 3rd everything was negative of course i also take medicine for my outbreaks and havnt had one sence ive been on the meds so to see this lump scared me at first because i do have unprotected sex SOMETIMES my partner does knw and is okay with it but we recently had unprotected sex during this lump situation and im alittle scared is it a cyst or something i dont have good insurance so idk if the health department can determine wat exactly wat it is but i dont want to wait around if it GROWS BIGGER!!! plzzzz someone reasure me its something that goes away?
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Ask a vulvar specialist to check for vulvadynia (also goes by other names). It's easy to check for.  Treatment is usually atarax or some other antihistamine with skin effects, diet moderation, and possibly switching to skirts instead of pants.  It's not known whether this is triggered by yeast infections or by the treatment for those infections.  
Diet means low oxalates: tea, coffee, etc. Check on line for low-oxalate diet.
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i have a red hard lump on my labia  is sore n made my gland swell to , i thought it was a ingrowing hair so tried to pop it n squeeze it but since that been feelin out of sorts n feelin ill like ive got a infection am really worried x
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That is definitely Bacteria Vaginosis.  I hope it's subsided (considering your post was like 6 years ago lol)  I have/had it myself and suffered like a dog for years.  Almost every time I had sex my genitals, labia and everything would swell and be extremely itchy and painful.  There's not much of anything you can do because BV is usually caused by natural high Ph levels.  

Buy yourself some Acidophalis (it's a natural bacterial culture) it counteracts the Ph levels and battles the bad bacterias found in women and replaces with good, a lot like yogurt but more so!  It's a LIFE SAVER!!
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