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mood swings after hysterectomy

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To the ladies and gentlemen who have endured post partial/full hysterectomies. I am 58 years old and had a partial keeping both ovaries last September 2014. I still feel as though I have an emptiness but I'm sure that's mental. My partial was due to a fibroid which kept getting larger over a 2 year period. I can't believe the total depression and moodiness I have been feeling and it's getting worse! My dear husband has been so understanding but it really ticks me off having to feel this way and putting both of us through this. Christmas didn't go the way it should have this year (2015) and I have not been able to stop crying every time I think of it and none of it was my husband's fault. I'm angry it seems most of the time and have little to no patience. I could literally cry all day in bed if I allowed myself to do so. So many little things trigger me off. My husband has been great and I feel like such a jerk putting him through this. We are retired and love spending time together but then I think of this past Christmas and events going on prior to the holidays and still going on presently and I get angry/depressed and then cry at the drop of a hat. I feel for each and every one of you beautiful ladies and such caring/patient gentlemen. Ladies...they are your lifelong companions and priceless! They are not giving up on you, so don't give up on yourselves! You cry when you want to and then feel good about yourself--stay proud! You have earned and deserve who you are! Remember all your "sisters" are right there with you and know just how you feel. Who else could handle all of this? Just all us girls!!! Stay strong and see a greàt professional if needed with your head held high! You deserve the best!
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Ok I'm so glad to hear I'm not losing my mind nor is my kids or other half they say I'm losing it n jumping to conclusion n flipping out n I'm usually  a happy out going person. I love people n I'm finding I feel like not even going to gov store cuz I know ill run in to several  people I know . I can't sleep n feel antsy n like i want to crawl  out of my skin. I'm 3 weeks post op. But when will I get back to my self.????
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I am sorry for your awful experience. The uterus appears to play a role in a woman's mood. Also, there is a 35 to 40% risk of ovarian failure after hysterectomy which can cause many symptoms including mood changes. Estrogen therapy may help. I became suicidally depressed after my hysterectomy and estrogen has made a big difference. It has also helped the other symptoms.

Also, it is important to know that hormone deficiency caused by early menopause (whether from natural causes, ovary removal, or post-hysterectomy ovarian failure) is associated with some increased health risks such as heart disease and osteoporosis. Estrogen "replacement" mitigates these risks.
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Thanks for posting all these comments on this issue. I had a partial hysterectomy, still have both ovaries and my cervix.  This happened after labor and delivery complications which I ended up with an emergency c-section and excessive hemorrhaging. Its 2 years later and although it took months to heal and I do feel blessed to be "alive" and around to parent my 3 young children I do struggle with mood swings. I am a bit sensitive yet I feel that now so many things bother me and get easily irritated. I am not depressed which initially I was very depressed and angry, but fought hard so I would not miss precious moments with my children. Controlling my emotions is something I have to work hard at since I was never a "moody" individual. If there is anything organic that can help, please post and thanks again for sharing on this topic. It does help me to know that I am not alone experiencing these symptoms.
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I am so glad I am not alone. I had a hysterectomy 4 weeks ago and they left my ovaries. I have been ridiculously moody and if I weren't me I probably wouldn't want to be around myself. One minute I'm happy and the next minute I'm fighting mad and I feel like I just want to scream. I am considering asking my doctor for meds to help me but moreso the people around me cope cause this is outrageous. Thank you guys for sharing.
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I married the love of my life and we were so happy for a few months before I noticed severe mood swings and severe emotional reactions to what I considered relatively insignificant things. It's killing our relationship.

She had the hysterectomy years ago but still gets "hot flashes" but doesn't take ANY hormone therapy or anything.

What to do?

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Wow, Troid, my husband read what you wrote and asked if I had. It's the same time frame for me since my surgery and I am experiencing the exact same symptoms. I have an appointment with my general doctor to see if I can get some answers. I hope we all can find the support and help we need. And to Flour, everyone experiences things differently. I have suddenly become more fearful when riding in a car too. It's a true feeling and has nothing to do with paranoia.
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Hello.... I just had my hysterectomy exactly 7days ago. The day before my surgery my ex husband broke into my apartment and stole me and my daughter dog. Her name is "Charpay".  I figured he would bring her back because of my daughter. But I was incorrect. I have a protective order in place that we will hear on this month. His actions are over the top.  Since then I've experienced my first panic attack along with an outburst of tears in reference to missing our dog. Some say go to the police... Others say wait it out... I'm a emotional wreck because I see this as my fault. I need to get out of this apartment for one. I go for my 1st check up 2morrow. Maybe I will mention my mood swings to my doctor. Thank you all for your post they have enlightened me dearly.
Signed prayup2
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Thank God for this website because I was going crazy!  I recently had a hysterectomy 2 months ago and the mood swings are already in full effect- I'm irritable one minute- ready to burst into tears the next- then ready to rip my husbands clothes off and have sex all night the next minute.  I was told that I would experience minor mood swings but there is absolutely nothing minor about what I'm going through- I've been to the ER for bad anxiety attacks- headed to see a therapist in 3 weeks- I felt like I was going crazy but after finding this site, I find comfort in knowing that this is "normal" after the procedure, so thank you ladies for sharing your stories- God bless
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I'm 21 and just had a hysterectomy and I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Everything you have said I have been dealing with and going thru. It has completely changed me. I'm on hormone suppressers.
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5636767 tn?1371414855
Hi. im 32 and had a sub total hysterectomy 6 weeks ago. i,e had my womb removed but my ovaries and cervix left .
I to am currently experiencing mood swings and irritability. one minute im happy then i feel terribly irritable all of a sudden. My gyney said this is completely normal due to a change of hormones and also my body needing time to get used to a part of me thats now missing. He said it will settle when my body gets used to the change. I have three kids, 9, 6 and 2 and had a hysterectomy due to severe endometriosis. I have to say its the best thing i did, no more pain. its brilliant. I think we all seem to forget that a hysterectomy is a massive thing to have, and our body goes into shock for a while, this can defo make woman tearful and moody. All we need is time to adjust. I have just started a fitness program of 30 mins every morning. this defo helps, makes me feel more happy and sets me up for the day. Also helps me feel less tired and more energetic, so mabi its a good idea to try, its defo helps. Good luck to u all and lots of love

Lisa x
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I am 5 weeks post op and on an emotional roller coaster.  I have anxiety, panic, I cry, laugh, feel agitated, I don't know what's going on I know I just want to feel better.  I am glad to see everyone's posts so I know I am not going crazy. When will this pass?
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It was great to read all your comments.  I only had one ovary and then had a partial hysterectomy 6 days ago.  In the hospital a rush of uncontrollable emotions hit me and I cried like a baby.  Maybe I was emotional because they put me in the maternity ward and everyone was asking if I had a boy or girl.  I am 43 so I guess the hysterectomy made me feel old.  I think I took my husband by surprise.   I must admit that I still feel sad and a little grumpy.  It helps to hear what others have gone through so I know it is normal if it hits harder.  By the way, I have started to move around more, but then get cramps.  Am I pushing it or are cramps normal at this stage? Thank you ladies!!!!  I hope all works well with you all too!
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Wow....this is crazy.  I had a complete Hysterectomy (cervix & uterus) a week ago today.  But three days ago (4 days post) my boyfriend sat me down at the kitchen table and using some harsh words explained to me that in no uncertain terms I was being a complete jerk to all my my friends and family.  At that point I had felt like I was being nasty to people but I also felt justified in all of my reactions; almost like I was seeing people for who they really are.  My boyfriend even thought that maybe my pain meds were to blame for my emotional outbursts.  It wasn't until I read all of these posts did I realize that it may be a side effect.  Although I do feel like I was being nasty and that I had a right to be to some people; I think maybe I wouldn't have done/said anything "out of sorts" if my hormones were in check.  
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3105857 tn?1341454093
I feel them same way. I am 39 and single and have 2 children, one 18 and one 15. Neither one of them help me do anything around the house. I had my uterus and one ovary removed a week ago and I am not supposed to be doing anything, but with no help I have to. On top of that I am an emotional wreck! I can't sleep. I have panic attacks. I take xanax and ambien and still don't sleep. I am at my wits end..... I am glad to be rid of the periods and pain from that but the hormone adjustment is killing me.
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Sorry I didn't finish ...to tell someone they don't need to be on anything because it's unordinary to feel this way with one ovary is out of their gourd!!! I have been an emotional wreck since around week 4of my hysterectomy.if u r out there and feel this way it's NOT unordinary!!!I am relieved to know I am not a whack job and others r feeling like I am.My doctor suggested black cohosh...so I'm gonna try...thanks guys for helping me through this by posting how u all r feeling too
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U r right I had everything removed except for one ovary and that was 3 months ago.My husband tells me I need to get a grip but he doesn't know what to do either.I feel happy,sad,mad,and depressed all within a few moments of each other every day.what gets me is how people can say oh u have one ovary u shouldn't be feeling this way...bull!!!! And to tell someone they don't need to be on something because they think it's unordinary
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Omg I am so relieved to see others are experiencing the same emotions I am. I had my complete hysterectomy on 8/2. After about 4 weeks anger came from nowhere. I was also still experiencing quite a bit of pain. My gyn started me on low dose hrt, which needed to be increased. Even with the hrt I still have a lot of anger & depression. Along with that severe abdominal pain. I do not want to appear to be whiny or crazy, which is how I feel most of the time. Have recently found out I have ibs or crohns. I have been released by my gyn. I recently went to my primary care doc who will not right a rx for xanex or pain meeds due to our new state laws! Prior to this I have not asked for pain meeds or xanex, so I feel I am being prosecuted due to the abuse by others who in the past have abused these drugs. Any ideas for me out there? Let me please add I quite smoking after 20 years the day of my surgery & recently lost a pet. Any one out there have any ideas for me? Thanks to everyone out there for letting me vent.

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1736524 tn?1310745311
I had an ectopic pregnancy years ago and had a tube removed as a result...jst a month ago i had a salpingo oophorectomy and the other tube removed and my left ovary...  now  am moody,sad, aand i need help!!! My GYN does not listen to me.
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I had my hysterectomy in January 2011 and have one ovary left.  I am so glad to know that I'm not the only one who is experiencing the crying, moods swings, irritability!   My kids and husband have suffered from this as I'm  more irritable than I have ever been.  I'm going to see someone today and I sure hope they have answers.  
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I had my hysterectomy on 22nd of Feb 2011 and a out a week after I have been totally feeling like I have lost my mind. Not to be happy that other people feel this way but I'm really glad to know I'm not crazy I really thought I was losing it thanks
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Tinktink10 sounds to me like you need to seek some professional health.  Being depressed to the point you seem to be is a serious risk.  I hope you're getting help from someone qualified to help you.  We all seem to be having mood swings but yours do sound pretty extreme!

To everyone else:  I'm glad to know i'm not going crazy as far as my mood swings go.  BUT, my question is.... in 2 days I will be 1 year post hysterectomy.  Are heavy mood swings still part of the norm this far out?  Also, I noticed today that I'm craving chocolate like CRAZY!  I didn't use to really crave chocolate.  Anyone else experience this?  I'm not much of a chocolate eater... at least I wasn't.  Today?  Eek!
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I had a hysterectomy 7 weeks ago, still have both ovaries.  I have been majorly moody and severly depressed to the point I have considered taking my life.  I have never felt this worthless.  I have 3 boys, so it is not the fact of never being able to have kids again, I am fine with that.  Is this normal?  My ob checked my hormone levels and says I am not going through menopause.  I don't know what to do anymore.  I don't know where to turn.  
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after reading allthese posts/replies etc.... I had just my left ovary removed and Im 47.  upon reflection at 6 weeks post op--- i am gald to report that i did not have to commit myself, but did manage to loose a few freinds durung the past weeks.  ie: just blurting out mean things..... being aware that my fluctuation in hormones contributed to my dimeanor was helpful but did not solve it.    it sounds like removal of the  uterous obviously plays part into JUST AS MUCH of  a fluctuation in hormones as any of the ovaries.  The most disturbing part in reading this is- the lack of information given and possible issues one may experience concerning this surgery.  Not being told about being knocked out of your senses (even as a possibility) is inexcusable!  remeber ladies, it feels horrible now, but is onlky temporary.  and there is some great advise on here already posted that sounds greatly helpful (diet, natural options, counsel, etc)
dont avoid the storm- learn to dance in the rain....=)
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