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pregnancy and lorcet addiction

I have been searching the web all day trying to find something or someone to help me with this huge problem that i have. I am about 8 weeks pregnant and addicted to lorcet. I foun out that i was pregnant 2 weeks ago and have gone from taking 10 pills a day to 3 a day. I have found limited amount of information on this. I need to know if i should go to a clinic thats near me or when i see my obgyn do i need to let him know about my problem. I am afraid that if i do tell him that he will call child protective services. I am feeling really low and depressed about this issue. I am a very strong willed person and always have been. PLease give me any information that i can use or what should i do?
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1555773 tn?1294441370
I have been on pain medication, lorcet, off and on for a year. I just found out I am 5 weeks pregnant...and to be honest I am pretrified....I am 39, with two children from a previous marriage and just went to the doctor today for my medication. I was so scared to tell her I was pregnant because of the withdrawals.

However, I did ask her about the consequences of my actions if I were to find out I was pregnant...she told me that she would ween me off by giving a lower dose of medicine. Sadly speaking, I take about ten a day due to chronic back pain, carpal tunnel, and migraines. I don't have insurance so the long term solution for back pain and carpal will be surgery. I can't do that now.

My husband is aware of me taking the medication while pregnant. He doesn't seem terribly concerned but I am. I would never want to do anything to harm the baby.

Also I have no symptoms of pregnance other than swollen breast, mood swings, and the usual, no menstrual cycle.  But I wonder if I would have more symptoms if I were to get off the medication.  

I guess I just needed to vent.....I know I am not the only one out there with this problem.

The bottom line is this. I love my children and I love this one inside of me....the bond is already unbelievable. I just need help.

The right thing to do would have been to be honest but I was afraid....which now that I look back at it is completely ridiculous.

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I am pregnant with my third baby and just found out. I have been addicted to pain killers for some 9 years of my life and with second pregnancy  I went to detox professionally in a center. If you don't go to a long term facility then it could be a worse problem and I understand completelty why you take and abuse them. I used to be on Percocet and that is horrible to kick also. When I got out of Detox I was not ready. Please go to a Rehab Center. It is nothing about not being strong enough. It's great that you are strong enough to admit you have a problem and get help. Your natural strength and endorphins will come back yo you.
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I am 18 weeks pregnant and i am addicted to lortab or loracet, I have been taking them for 4 years abusively and have went to get help with the withdrawls for my baby and myself but I have fell of the wagon 8 days after I got out of the hospital for addiction withdrawl I am scared for myself for my baby and along with that I have been having severe headaches thats why I failed but now what do I do I don't know how to tell my doc that I am a failure I am severely depressed I have the energy of a slug and don't know what to do. I have never been addicted to anything in my life esp. while I was pregnant please help me with what I should do, this is the hardest thing I have delt with in my life. HELP!!
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dont be afraid to ask your OB for help. They will try to help you and not hurt you. It is great that you recognize your addiction and are tryign to stop for the baby... thats what makes a great mama ;o)

Good Luck to you
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147172 tn?1226758178
Hi.  I am 34.4 weeks pregnant and have been taking vicodin and percocet at times (sometimes 3-6 a day) since I was 4 months along for severe migraines and 3 herniated discs.
Those drugs, including lorecet, are considered Cat C, which means there are no adequate studies showing any harm to the fetus but they can't say for sure that it's 100% safe.
Withdrawing for both yourself and the baby could be harmful especially at the rate you've used but if under a doctor's care, you should be ok.  
Tapering is the best way to do it.
That being said, I would think that having the baby withdraw in the womb (with the dr.'s help) is the best way.
The only reason they don't like women using it in the last trimester is because they can be born with a slight addiction which leads to excessive crying, tremors, unability to sleep etc., and the breathing can be affected at birth as well.  If your doctors know beforehand they can treat it and I sincerely doubt anyone would call child protective services.
By the way, opiates leave your system in a matter of days although their after effects may last a little longer both psychologically and physically but as far as it being in your system, I believe it stays for about 2 days or so and that goes for the baby as well.
Addiction is horrible so good luck but don't freak out about it.
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I am so glad I found this post, I have been looking most of the day. I am in the same boat but it is a little different, I am 6 months pregnant and was given the pills to treat migraines due to pregnancy. I got to the point that I was going to stop taking them and see if that would help the headaches along with exercise , I had no idea that I was going to get really sick. I am so scared. I went to the doctor today and have an appt with a addiction specailist tomorrow. I am scared to death, I am wondering how this happened, I have only taken the pills as I was directed to, No more.I have only been on them for 2 months, how did this happen so fast. I quess I will have to wait until I talk to the doctor. I will post here when I get home. I can relate to what you are going through!!
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You can use lorcet in moderation during pregnancy.  I use it for severe headaches.  You do not have to worry about harming the baby at this point.  You do need to be honest though about the problems with the pills.  They do not like mothers to be on lorcet or any of the other opiates during the last trimester of pregnancy because of the baby could come out addicted.  If they know you have been taking the pills they will prepare to treat the baby for addiction.  It's unfortunately very common now days.  If you are getting your pills illegally, there may be some issue however if you are legally being prescribed the pills, cps will not be involved.  It is not against the law to take lorcet and it does not cause birth defects.  If you are doing opiates such as heroin, that's when CPS gets called to the hospital.

Do not stop abruptly.  The withdrawls could be harder on the baby then taking the pills.  

I do not want you to think that I am saying continue with your addiction.  You really do need to work on comeing off the pills and I'm sure want to give your baby the best entrance into this world as you can.  I just don't want you to have the added stress of thinking you've harmed your baby at this point.  I've taken lorcet and percocett during all of my pregnancies.  Always prescribed by my ob.  The kids that have been born are all very intelligent and happy.

Good luck
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You absolutely need to quit using.  Get in treatment NOW and tell your doctor. Depending on the severity of use, medical detoxes are used for opiate addiction but it sounds as if you are doing ok on your own and will probably not need that,BUT you need to get with a doctor as soon as you can.  Your breathing and heartbeat are slowed by the opiates.  As you come off them, naturally, your heartrate is going to speed up (that is why medical detox is often used-  heartattacks, skipped beats, etc). I would not worry about CPS now but if you continue to use and give birth to that baby and that baby tests positive for opiates (which it will) THEN you have a problem.
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134578 tn?1716963197
I don't think a doc will call child protective services if you are telling him because you genuinely want to get un-addicted.  He might have good information for you on how to do it, and will certainly need to know this problem because he is the medical provider for you and your baby.  Please don't be afraid; doctors are really there to help.  If you are not sure of the rules about this for doctors in your state, call the health authority anonymously and ask what the laws are about doctors disclosing when a patient admits to an addiction in conjunction with a request for help stopping it.  I think in most states, if the doctor has to disclose anything it is only if someone is about to put another person in imminent danger of grievous harm or death, as in, if a patient tells his shrink he is going to kill someone and the shrink believes it is true.  (And the law is not even that strict everwhere.)  Every state's laws are tipped towards not breaking up families, so a plea for help from exactly the person who should be most able to help you (i.e., a doctor) is not something the law will penalize.  Good luck, sweetheart.  Be brave, and you can get through this, for your little one.  (((HUGS)))  Annie
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