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vaginal ulcer

7G3WI've been suffering from an ulcer on the inside of my vagina wall for about 8 mos. now.  It's very painful during intercourse but otherwise it doesn
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Don't worry about it now until you heal and find out. The only thing you can do is wait...
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Hi, for a year and a half i've had two vaginal ulcers right under the opening of my vagina, i've been to the GUM clinic who then reffered me to a Dermotologist who then referred me to a Gynacologist, i've been on 5 different types of cream and medication in this time and today i saw my gynacologist who told me there was nothing she could do for me. She cant perform surgery as the skin around that area is too tight and will just cause further problems. She's suggested keeping the area clean with vasaline and using diallators to relax the area, but i know this techniques are not going to be very effective. I'm really at a loss, my confidence has plumated, i feel really e-feminant and ugly and because i'm at an age where sex is very important (18) it is just making matters worse, i'm beginning to feel really depressed as a result of it, i've tried having sex a few times but its just too painful. Is there anything you can suggest that might help? Thank you so much. Elli x
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I completely understand your feelings. Did any of your doctors say how it happened or what caused the ulcers? My dr.'s said they don't know how mine started. Question though - do your ulcers start to get better if you're not being sexually active? B/c intercourse would flare up mine, make then red and bleed sometimes. I would stop having sex for a day or too and would almost look like it would start to heal, but neevr fully would.  But to answer your question - Before I got my surgery to remove them a few weeks ago (still waiting until March for the follow-up and result), my dr. gave me 5% lidocaine to numb the area so I could have intercouse.  This helped ease the pain. Hope that helps! Let me know if you find any break-through discoveries for the horrible things. GL
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Hey thanks for replying :) its good to finally talk to someone who knows how frustrating it is! Yeah i've used the lindocrieme anesthetic cream stuff, but it just wears of so damned quickly! At the moment i've decdided to try goin completely natural, cotton knickers, natural tampons etc and just keeping vaseline on the area so as to stop any urine or discharge coming into contact with that area.
I think i'm also going for a second opinion with another doctor beacuse i refuse to continue with them anylonger! I really hope your surgery is a success, is it still really sore around the area?
Elli x
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in answer to your questions, yeah they got sorer after intercourse, so i've just stopped having sex, its just to painful! Mine have never bled though, and the doctors didnt say what had caused them, they just seem completey random, like yours.
elli x
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help me please i dont no what to do i have read what you have put and i have sort of the same problem i have had my period but i havent stoped bleeding sience. Everytime i have sex it hurts me big time n its that bad i cry my breast are very tender even when im in the shower and i wash my self the min i pick my breast up to clean under them they hurt me.I also got pains in my belly ? I was on the pill but i stop taking iti have re searched ulcers on the viginal wall and it sounds like i have got that but im not 100% sure if i have got an ulcer on the vaginal wall how can you get rid of it hope to hear a reply bk asap
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I have no idea whether or not i have an ulcer but i'm starting to think i do. I've struggled with getting ulcers in my mouth and throat my whole life, but having one in so sensitive an area is somewhat shocking. I know mine isn't caused by sex, since i haven't had any in quite a while (a year!), but i'm in my forth week of birth control. Has anyone ever heard of birth control pills causing ulcers?
For what it's worth, mine is in an area that i can kind of see with the right kind of light and a mirror, but the truth is it really hurts!! In fact i've been trying not to go to the bathroom just because it has become so painful! Mine has also bled some, but i've had it for less than a week. I'm thinking i should probably go to my gyn and ask about it.... Any one come up with new ideas on how to cure or even help this problem?
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I have several vaginal ulcers as a result of pelvic radiation. so, to add insult to injury, after cancer treatment and all that goes with it, I have been left with these ulcers. none of my doctors will say anything about them....more estrogen and time they keep saying. it has been 5 months. I have tried vaginal probiotics, estrogen tablets inserted vaginally, creams, aloe and total abstinence from sex. every day, they look exactly the same.I don't think there's a happy ending here.    

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Try "sweedish bitters". Get a bottle of this from a health center and it should work. Take a teaspoon a day for 2 weeks then stop for a month and then again for 2 weeks until the ulcers go away. The "sweedish bitters" cleanses your system and should rid of the ulcers. Let me know if it works
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i got my first ulcer 4 days ago and it really hurts it burns when i use the restroom. i dont know how i got it. can you get ulcer by having sex when your area is dry and forced in? im thinking thats why because the next day after i had sex i was in pain but nothing was there till a day later. should i go to my gyno or i can try some in home remedies?
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I have recently recieved ulcers in my vaginal area. I went to my dr and she tested me for herpes...the test results haven't came back yet, however the pain exceeded too much for me to handle and I ended up going to the er. They told me I had a absess. The dr lanced it, after numbing the area, and tried to drain it. I've kept it clean with soapy warm water and have been on pain killers for two days now. I went to my gyno this morning and she said that she thought it looked like herpes as well, but the ER dr said it was nothing of the sort. I am 19 years old and have only had sex 1 time and that was two years ago. There is NO possible way I could have attained a STD. I have ran it over in my head a hundred times and there isn't a possible way. I should have the results back soon. When I do get them I will post to let you know. Keep your fingers crossed for me though. If you have any thoughts or suggestions on this, please post back. Thank you.
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Im having the same issue... one ulcer at the bottom of my vagina and I almost feel as though another one is coming. Did all the research myself before going to my gyno and narrowed it down to 2 things: either herpes or chancroid. Both STDs, both have similar symptoms but the chancroid ulcers look closer to what I have. I went to see my gyno and she said there is about a 60% chance it is herpes, but she said it really doesn't look like "textbook herpes" ie the ulcer is bigger and shaped differently. She gave me some antibiotics to get rid of chancroid and chlamydia  (in the event that it was either of those and not herpes) but I still Have to wait for my test results to come back. I just started dating someone new and he seems almost freaked out about it, like I can control the fact that I have this thing. In truth, he is probably more pissed that we aren't having sex until this all gets figured out. Please keep me in your thoughts and I will keep u all in mine, as it is such a pain to go through this!
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hi i never had a vaginal ulcer but one of my friend has one it was an std her ex had it too. she said that she did not feel any pain but some smelly discharge. when she went for her regular check up after a year the dr find out that she had a ulcer the size of an apple next to the cervix and it was becoming a cancer . she had some chimotherapy done, vaginal cream but its not enough she still have to get check-up every 3 month and no sex for one year or at least until the ulcer is gone.
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I get vaginal ulcers but mainly after my period.  When i first experienced them, i thought i had and std. I went to my gyn and he said it was an ulcer.  He said it can come from shaving..  He said it mostly occurs in African American Women because their hair is course.( like hair in a follicle that wont come out) he gave me a script for Sulfameth and he said to take it when i felt it coming.  It works!!! If i take the pill the ulcer will be gone in a couple of days.  Good luck!!!! They are very painful!!!
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I have the same thing right now. I shaved down there and a couple days later I got a couple of ulcers. Really scared me,I'm hoping its not herpies.But I kinda thought it could be ingrown hairs to. Do you only get the ulcers after your period and if you shave? I use to get really sore and would get ulcer or lessions kinda when I was on my period.I found out that I was allergic to certin kinds of cotton and the dri weave protection that they use on pads. I have to use tampons now. That helped big time.
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I thought i had herpies when i first saw it however my doctor assured me that it wasn't but i got tested any way and it was negative.  It is hard to saw about the period and the shaving because i always do it around the same time. I am going to have to pay attention when i shave and im not on my period.  You should go to ur gyn he can give you meds for it.  My daughter had a stye on her eye and they gave her the same type of meds.  It treats skin disease all kinds including staph.  Good luck!!!! You could be right about the allergic reaction as i get older i am allergic to everything including latex.
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i havent had sex in nearing 5 months as my long term boyfriend split up with me.
but in the last week, i have had a really dis comforting itching sensation around my vagina, obviously i kept checking it out, but when i looked earlier, i saw an ucler on it. im absolutley petrified, im only 16. what should  i do?
can someone help me cos its really stressing me out, and a i have read all the gruesome stuff on the internet about it and it is scaring me even more...
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677927 tn?1234097999
Hi all,

I just had a Vaginal Ulcer removed on Wednesday. It started completely out of the blue (I haven't yet been sexually active so it wasn't caused by anything like that) It was under the skin so I couldn't see it but it was definatly painful!! I

suffered from it for about 2 months before it was discovered and now feel no pain as its been removed (I had another minor proceedure done aswell which required me to have stitches so thats why I'm sore instead!) my Gyn said ulcers can be caused by a certain amount of extreme friction to the skin (it sounds like the right diagnosis in my case as I have mild cerebal palsy which means friction is caused down there by certain movements I make) and they can take months or years to come to the surface.

I my case I only had the one (and I'm hoping that's all I'll get!) and my Gyn is going to perscribe me some cream to apply to the area where the ulcer was to stop it re-surfacing.

Remember don't suffer needlessly, I was on two courses of anti-biotics and one course of anti-inflammitiories and it didn't go away or change for 2 months so the only solution is to demand it be removed and get the right cream to prevent more re-surfacing. It's worth it to be pain free!
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Reading your story has made me finally feel that I'm not alone. Ive had vaginal ulcers since the first time I had intercourse with my husband 10 yrs ago. Our first time I had smoked some pot and was very dry and too high to realize it was hurting. For the next week I couldn't walk. I have had every test known to man. all negative. They are in the opening area of the vaginal on the mucus membrane part. One side is worse than the other. They dont always hurt. But if my sugar intake is high I find that is when they are at there worst. They do not bother me at all until they are aggrevated by sex and dryness. And not that much friction in the sex, I might add. He knows better by now. Please let me know if your last surgery works.
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Thank goodness I found this discussion thread - I have been going out of my mind! About two years ago I thought I had Thrush and used a pessary. It was like fire! Since then I have had an ulcer appear on the right side of my vaginal opening every month, the week before my period. The GUM clinic said that they were certain it was Herpes - which is the tests proved it wasn't. I explained to them that there is a problem where the gland gets blocked and causes an ulcer and that I think mine is triggered by a hormone change - but they seemed set on the fact it was herpes and didn't venture to test for anything else. I am going back today armed with the fact that I am not alone with this and to demand more tests. Good luck everyone! x
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I'm very glad I found this site.  I just recently got a vaginal ulcer.  My first one came on about 2 months ago.  It hurt dreadfully for about 7 or 8 days and then seemed to go away.  Prior to the first ulcer surfacing, I had a bad bout of bronchitis.  A few days ago I was once again diagnosed with Bronchitis and once again I have the ulcer.  It is on the same side as my first one.  My doctor, just like many of you, thought it was Herpes and I was tested.  It came back negative.  He also took a tissue sample and nothing came to light from it either.  By the time I got back all the results, the pain was gone so I thought "well that's over, thank god."  But, now its back.  It's quite confusing.  I use Vagisil to numb it so that I can stand walking and such.  It doesn't last for very long but at least it helps.  I also tried taking a bath with baking soda and that did help relieve the pain for a little while.  If anyone has any new information about this annoying situation that obviously many of us are suffering from, please post it.  We can all benefit from each other's information.  And thank you for the first woman that was brave enough to post something about this.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I feel for all of you.  Keep in there.  Eventually one day they will figure this out.
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i dont have a vaginal ulcer but i made some research about them.. this is what ive read...

"Ten cases of vaginal ulcers collected from private gynecologic practices over a 1-year period are presented. The lesions were associated with the prolonged continuous use of vaginal tampons, and all were benign. Nine lesions healed spontaneously when tampon usage was halted. In addition, a similar foreign body consisting of birefractile fibers was found in the biopsies of 4 of these patients. Patient profiles and pathologic findings are described. It is suggested that prolonged continuous tampon usage is associated with the development of vaginal ulcers, and conservative management is recommended."

i think this is for the women who have light cases of vaginal ulcers...

anyways ill research for more info about it...

hope this helped...
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ive also read that some cases of vaginal ulcer is cause:

1. when the tissue of the vulva and the lining of vagina becomes thin, dry, and more alkaline, making them more prone to injury...

2. premenopause...

anyways if its mild vaginal ulcers try using lubricants.., and what ive posted earlier stop using tampons,,
also doctors says that prescription of estrogen is the most effective way coz it can restore the thickness and elasticity of vaginal tissue...
foods that rich in soy can help the discomfort...

hope you'll all get well soon....
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Thank you for the new information Frances.  :-)
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