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Had IUD removed yesterday how long will it take now?

I had my IUD removed yesterday. The Dr. told me that it may take me 2 weeks to ovulate, or it may take me 15 weeks. We are wanting to get pregnant. I didn't have a period while I had the IUD, however I only had it for 7 months. Should I wait to get normal periods before we try or should we just try. The Dr. did say to wait 36 to 48 hours before sex, but didnt say anything else. Just wondering if anyone has gone through this.
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I am having my iud surgically removed 23rd of this month so 6days, as me and my partner are wanting to try for our 2nd baby. My iud wasnt in the correct place when went for normal removal, had scans and unfourtunatly for me its embeded in my womb and my consultant thinks it may have gone through the lining. Hoping this doesnt effect my womb when trying. Anybody had this problem? And how long did it take to conceive?  
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I had my mirena 5 years now on my 2 mirena but after vagina & rectum pain wit the 2nd one I had it removed 2/7/13 which is around time I always had a cycle before mirena. I bleed 7 days starting 2/7/13 removal date. As of today no cycle 3/14/13. I'm having prego morning sickness hpt negative, headaches, tired, craving & moody. All I want is Mother Nature & 2 no when r how long does it take 2 get back normal!??? 3/14/13 I'm feeling a little better 2 day
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I had my iud removed on August 22. It was in for 5 years. Three days later I bled  for about 4 days. As of today I have not had a period. I have had terrible heartburn. I have never had this before. I'm sure it's unrelated but odd. I contacted my md today and was told give it 4 months. That's a long time! I'm 35. We were wanting to be pregnant by next summer. Hope it comes soon. It seems everyone is having to wait several months.
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Well I had my IUD in for 5 yrs & got it in 6/12 I had spotting for a about 4 days & haven't seen a cycle since.I feel bad @ times but went to ER & they said it was negative normally I am fertile but I guess not but do any body know about this....
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Hi my names Kansas, and Ive had the copper iud one in for like 5 years even tho it was the 10 year but I had it removed last July an no periods til February  I was put on hormone pills to start them back up regular again for 10 days an then there was a period but then missed an then in may of this year I had to start taking the same pills again for the second time an had a period on the 27th but you see me an my fiance also have had unprotected sex like 3 times the second time I was on the pills an had sex again once when I was on my period that only lasted for 6 days but then I missed my period for the month of June an not a period yet for this month of July an we're still having unprotected sex like 2-3 times a day so could I possibly be pregnant ...?
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I just had my iud removed January 4th from having it in 3 1/2 years with the intent of getting pregnant. I had one day of a period 3 days later, and haven't had one since. Is it possible that I may be pregnant, and if not how long does it generally take to get pregnant? My doc told me that you become fertile as soon as the iud is removed, but can I really become pregnant that soon?
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I have been on an IUD for 6.5 years; thinking about getting it removed because I want another baby ... scared a little bit ... Any suggestions?
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I had my merina removed Wednesday a couple of dayz after my AF I had unprotected sex before it was removed n the same nite it was removed I've bn really sleepy all of a sudden n also I didn't bleed a drip afterwards could I b pregnant
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Jessica8809 - That's awful I'm sorry. I am getting mine out next month. I've had mine in for 2.5 yeras.
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going to get my i.u.d. removed tomorrow!! i'm soo happy! the last month it has been causing me horrible shocking pains in the abdomen and feirce mood swings which my poor husband has had to endure. i never read the side effects of mirena because i was very young when i got it (17) and had just had my baby boy so i was in the thought of well if a dr. thinks its okay, ... i have never been so wrong. my side effects let me know it was mirena, started off with the mood changes, nausea, and weight gain. turned into hair loss, severe abdominal pains and heat palpations where i feel like my heart is going to either explode or quit beating, an that sends me into a panic attack! i've been counting the days until my mirena removal (surgery cause it's embedded) <-- hence the enormous pain. i can't wait until my body adjusts to a safer more simple life and hopefully i go back to the old me. i miss not having the energy to play with my son and all i want to do is lay on the couch :( but hopefully tomorrow will be a new beginning for me!
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I had my iud for 3 years then my health took a turn for the worse.. My sugar was so low and blood pressure couldn't be control by health eating anymore.. I couldn't sleep.. Headaches and really bad shakes and looking at the computer was hard . I became moody and sad very emotional which was wierd for me because I'm really a happy upbeat person.. I looked up a website that explains that the iud can't cause hypoglycemia which I had since I had my son 2 years prior to getting the iud. But when my health was changing drastically the doctors didn't think it was the iud but I got it taken out and the very next day I could see good again I'm so happy feeling very energetic and my sugar has been normal.. Its only been 3 day and I feel great. Trust ur body and heart which told me the iud was the issue.
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I had my IUD removed on 4/12/10 the removal went fine i had a lot of blood clots and heavy bleeding for about a week . my problem is i have not had a period since then  is this normal we have been using condoms but i have been reading and read that you should not have sex before removal which my doc. did not tell me .... preg. test say neg. .. so my question is how long do i have to wait for a period and is this normal ?
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It is encouraging to see that it is possible to conceive right after mirena removal! I got mine removed may 1st and am ttc. I was wondering if there is more of a chance to conceive twins right after removal? Are multiple eggs released?
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I had been thinking about ttc baby no 3 and on March 25th my mirena fell out after intercourse It had been implanted for 2 years and 8 days.. I had cervical and uterine cancer when I was 16 and half of my cervix was removed. Since the "removal" of my mirena I have spotted off and on, mainly after unprotected intercourse. How soon should I expect or guess to see af. I am 8 days after removal. No cramps, just fatigue. In  Dec 2005 I stopped my depo and discovered I was pregnant on 2.10.06 and then again on 3.11.07 (i did not use bc between the two.)
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I'm curious I had my iud removed march 22 2010, I bled the secod day after removal and that was it. I had the iud for four years and removed it to have another child how long does it take til I get a normal period back and how long will it take til I can get prego? I'm just scared that the iud could have caused infertility maybe bc it was in me so long. Can anyone help me find when?
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I had my IUD removed on the 8th of March. My doctor told me that you are ovulating the entire time your iud is in. this may answer some of your questions. now that i read the post about you getting pregnant fast i think i will go get a test it has only been two and a half weeks though so i may need to wait a few weeks.
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I have had my IUD for only 6 months but my husband and I decided we want to start a family, I am new to all of this and was wondering if there is any advice anyone can give me about ttc after I get the IUD out on Jan 4th.  Any risks? Reasons to wait? Side effects?
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I read this thread when I was getting my IUD removed so I wanted to post my experience.  I had Mirena inserted 8 weeks postpartum (I've had it in a little over a year.)  We decided to remove it bc we wanted to start TTC our 2nd child.  My period started Nov 1 and I had Mirena removed Nov 4.  I ovulated on schedule around Nov 14 and I got a positive pg test on Nov 27!  I'm very early, but just wanted to let you all know you can get pg very quickly.  I was expecting it to take longer bc I thought my lining was too thin, but apparently not!
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I got my iud removed in September but when I got it removed it was a day after my af and after I got it removed I had period like bleeding the day after getting it removed for 4 days usually the length of my period when October came around I started on the same day I started bleeding after getting it removed and when November came around I haven't had a period and am 7 days late. I took 2 hpt the day of my missed period and one yesterday and both came out negative. Is there a chance that I might be pregnant?
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1072233 tn?1333469524
i just had mine removed 10/13 and have been having the same symtoms. i have been spotting a little bit. i had my mirena for almost 2 years and only one visit from AF. it took me 3 years to get pregnant with my first so hopfully it wont take that long this time!
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I have had my IUD in for almost 4 years now....I had it taken out a week ago......I am wanting to get prego....anybody have any idea how long it will take??
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I had my IUD removed 2 1/2 weeks ago. I had no bleeing at the time,a nd have had none since, except maybe one spot.   I have had an upset stomach, cramping and dizzyness for the past few days.  Could this be my period trying to start?  I have not had a period for 4 years.
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I just started bleeding today after having it removed on Tuesday, does this mean that I was ovulating with it in? And it is ok to start ttc after this is over or is this just a spotting thing?
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93532 tn?1349370450
I spotted off and on for a few days after removal. One of the primary functions of the IUD is to thin the uterine lining in an effort to prevent implantation from occuring should you ovulate. I would try and wait until you get a period so your lining has a chance to thicken up a bit. But what you decide to do is entirely up to you : )

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