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yeast infections, gah!

So i keep getting yeast infections and i know when i first got one my gyno said to just get monostat. but they seem to just continue, one after another every so often. should i go back and ask for antibiotics, or is that wrong?i'm not sure what else to do. should i just keep using monostat? also, they probably won't scedule me for another million weeks, so whats the point? i heard of women that use home remedies and such. should i look things up oneline?
24 Responses
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Candida Galbrata is the name of one of the yeasts that I seem to be plagued with. It is pitiful that a infectious disease physician was the one to even think about this. What do they teach gyn's? Maybe, it's just the area I live in. She is not from here and is very good.

I have taken probiotics before and use Stevia. But, am always cautious that the probiotics I take are the right strains. I do think our digestive system is tied to this.

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To those who are not responding to Monistat, Terazol cream or Diflucan Google information about yeasts other than Candida Albicans. It is so sad that SO many gyn's are so uneducated about anything other than this common yeast inf. (Candida Albicans). Because there are 10 to 15% of us who can take that treatment forever and it does NOT work.
I was finally sent to a infectious disease doctor. Thank goodness she was a woman and a very influential surgeon sent me to her before a surgery I was to have. She examined me and put me on a medication "Vorconizole" aka V-fin and it worked!!! Granted after the surgery and antibiotics I had to retake it but it worked again. The issue is finding a gyn comfortable writing scripts for it. I've never experienced so many uninformed physicians who don't want to know about it either. I had gone over 2 years trying all the wrong meds before this intervention. I am peri-menopausal and I do notice a flair up before my period, sometimes. I am not diabetic but I do think alcohol and sugar irritate this situation. We are all different and after time we are the only person that can know what adversely affects us or not.
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I've had a yeast infection for more than six months. It is candida galbrata, which is somewhat rare compared to candida albicans.  If you have a yeast infection that comes back, go to the doctor and insist on diagnostic tests.  Rule out all STDs, including trichomonias (sorry, I may have spelled things wrong).  If it doesn't respond to the treatment, you may have to educate yourself and your medical provider about available alternative treatments.  My strain of yeast is drug resistant.  Just today I was given an Rx for boric acid suppositories.  It may or may not work. In addition to seeing the GYN, you may want to find an infectious disease specialist (although the one I saw was minimally helpful and would not perform an exam or prescribe anything).  It seems ridiculous that a yeast infection could possibly last this long, but apparently it can.  You have to advocate for yourself because yeast infections are not viewed as a serious problem.  When it is drug resistant, the doctors don't know what to do and they won't offer a new treatment unless you specifically request it (in my experience). There is a specific test that can be done to determine if it is drug resistant, although the fact that you still have symptoms after multiple treatments would be a clue.  To everyone out there who has had this problem, I empathize with you very much and wish you the best. Also, I have read several scholarly articles on the issue, and found no scientific support for the "yeast free" diet.  I may stand corrected if there is literature out there that I haven't read about this special diet. I tried it for a short period of time, and will not try again unless I find some data showing that it is effective.  
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A boy fingered me not too long ago. He didnt do it long it was really actually a second or two, but a day or two later it started to burn and itch. I asked my friend who was more experienced and she said it was just vaginal tissue that had been slightly cut on the inside and out from the sexual act. I treated it and washed it and it went away for about 4 to 5 days. i have been reguarly taking showers and so forth. And the itching and burning came back. I do sometimes tend to myself and pleasure myself by going down there but i dont know if thats it or not. Idk what to do! PLEASE HELP ME!
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I have taken the fluzon 150 mg and now I am having a yellow discharge is this normal
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Here is a good article....http://www.mamashealth.com/stds/vyeast.asp
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The 3 day worked for me very well. Dont take antibiotic for it. One of the natural cures is to insert a clove of garlic. This helped the itching but did not get rid of the yeast infection. Apple cider vinegar also help but did not cure me nor did candida cleansing;. SO everyone is different this may work for someone else. I was told I didn't have a yeast infection by 2 different gyns yet monistat 3 cured me so some how they were wrong. So you never know.
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i have to agree on the 1 and 3 day treatments. totally stink. a huge waste of money. does anyone know if you can build up a resistance to the treatment. i can't get to the dr. and know i have a yeast infection. i tried the 3 day forgot to take the last one and a week later the infection was still there. i bought the one day and that didn't work either. help me. do you think ibuprofen will help with the itching?
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Hey -- Sorry to hear about your issues - NOT FUN for sure!
I just wanted to let  you know, I was convinced I had a yeast infection again yesterday, and even took a diflucan, I visited my DOC & she tested & it turned out NOT to be a yeast infection -- it actually was just very irritated sore skin!!

So, you should probably visit your doc - or a new doc - to confirm. I thought I knew but was wrong! Also -- in agreeance with the other posters, 1 & 3 day treatments do not work! Use 7 day only, OR get your doc to prescribe diflucan, usually takes 2 pills for me to do the trick.

Good luck!!
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I don't mean to be annoying, but you yourself have stated that you keep getting yeast infections.  The rule of thumb is, if you get more than 4 a year, you have a chronic yeast infection. Most likely this means that the strain of yeast you are dealing with is not your ordinary every day candida. Or, it could mean your blood sugar is out of whack. Please don't try to self treat anymore. Do yourself and your female parts a favor, and go see a real gyn who is knowledgable in chronic yeast vulvo/vaginal problems.  It may save you a lifetime of pain.
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158812 tn?1189755826
To answer your question on 'home remedies', I would call the dr. and ask him to call out DIFLUCAN...one pill that you take, and the yeast infection goes away in about 2-3 days.  During that time, I would eat yogurt (with live and active cultures) twice a day.  You can also take ACIDOPHILLUS pills that attack yeast.  You can purchase them at Walgreens.  None of these methods will cause more irritation to that area.  If that doesn't cut it, I would switch dr.'s or strongly suggest quit treating for yeast, or do what the above reponder suggested. Good luck, we all know how bad these can be...I am a walking yeast infection when I am pregnant.
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Stop self treating, and especially stay away from the 1 and 3 day treatments. These are stronger and more irritating to tender already sore skin and they tend not to work as well as the 7 day treatment.

Another point, if you have treated yourself unsuccesfully with monistat, save yourself some pain and aggrevation. Go get a swab test done to find out what species of yeast you may have. There are so many new strains out there and many of them are drug resistant.

Also, it may not be yeast. Many infections and vulvar pain disorders mimic yeast symptoms. The only way to be sure is to culture a sample. If you find yourself constently 'treating' for something, it's time for a new doc. Chronic yeast infections can lead to  very painful vulvar conditions that do not go away easily.
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look at this website  http://chetday.com/yeastinfection.html. maybe it will help you.
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158812 tn?1189755826
In addition, antibiotics only contribute to a yeast infection.  They absolutely will not cure it, only complicate it.  Often, antibiotics are the initial cause of yeast infections.
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I've used vinegar and it helped a lot.
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eat a lot of yogurt and use the longest monistat they make. I'm not sure how many day's it is. Wipe front to back too. the doc told me the longest monistat is the best.
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I have had my share of yeast infections!  They are horrible!!!  I'm sorry you are going through that!  The Diflucan pill really works!  But, about a yr ago I got my Dr. to call me the Diflucan pill and 3 days later it reacted again.  So, when I called back in the nurse stated that I needed to come in.  I'm glad I did, because my yeast infections were caused by me having high sugar.  I now have been yeast infection free for a yr now!  Yeah! :0)  I would suggest that you talk to your Dr. about the Diflucan pill and if that doesn't work go see your Dr.  Good Luck!!!
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thanks everyone.
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my dr prescribed diflucan for me and i had a terrible yeast infection about 3 wks ago and it didn't go away, so i got the 7 day treatment and it worked! So if that happens again, i believe i'll use the 7-day.
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Diflucan is amazing...when i am prescribed antibiotics my doc will automaically prescribe diflucan as well. good luck
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also, has anyone tried a home remedy that worked?
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before the last time i used the 3-a-day then last time the 1-a-day.
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go to www.ask.com and put in yeast infections and it comes up with all kinds of websites you can look at.  has your partner been treated for the yeast infection?  if not then you two could be passing it back to one another.
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130384 tn?1221593027
Are you just using the Monistat 1-day or 3-day treatment?  If so, those have a history of not working well, so get the 7-day treatment instead.  If it still does not clear up after finishing the 7-day, then make another appointment with the doctor to get evaluated.

Hope this helps, good luck!
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