will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
11 - 20 of 141707 Posts
I go 4 a ultrasound tomorrow morning. I'm excited I will know 4 sure if its a boy and get 2 make sure he is growing like he is suppose 2. This has been my most stressful pregnancy

i guss i can't say s''cks!!!

Four days until my due date. I'm only dilated bto one. I have no signs of her coming out any time soon....I'm everything but happy! I'm just ready for my baby girl!!!

Having one tues to find out sex i will b 20 weeks wed ... Anyone else have them and wat r the chances everythibg being norm w this baby like first baby

So Im pg w my first baby a lil boy!! YEAH LOL!! We started to think of the planning for the shower prolly gonna be the end of April I was just wondering should i buy anything b4 hand should i wait and just make a list of what Im missing?? I bought a few on...

Hey may moms how r u doing now any body came to know the gender ...if s den let me know .....

Well it was my first R/E appt today. He is willing to try 3 clomid cycles. He wants to do 50 mg 2x a day for days 1-5 to help with the luteal phase defect. I can choose to do IUI w/trigger or timed intercourse. He won't do more than 3 cycles. I have t...

How does the registry work I'd like to do it for my second child. I didn't do it for my first my ex mother in law set everything up....

tomorrow is my first ultrasound i am sooo excited i can not wait.i feel like this has been the longest week ever.actually i went to the doc a little over a week ago and they ran blood tests and stuff but told me to come back since it was to early.this way ...

sorry ladies but i got a question i need an asnwer understand u r supposed to bleed for awhile after delivery even after a csection which is how i deleivered.but at this point i have stopped bleeding and am having like a gooey yellowish/gold dis...

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