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21 - 30 of 654498 Posts
So tomorrow is my boyfriends birthday he'll be 22 and tonight his mom made dinner like she does every year and she insisted he give her a kiss, on the lips... I think that by age 22 you shouldn't have to kiss your mom on the lips!! Even he thinks its kinda...

I have been dating my girlfriend for 5 months now and things are great between us and pretty good between myself and her 7 year old son except he is becoming increasingly jealous of me. I try really hard to do nice things for my girlfriend and started to n...

I'm 20 years old I have an 8 month old son and I'm 14 weeks pregnant. I'm wondering would my son get jealous of the newborn if he is 1 year and 2 months older?

I am 22 weeks ftm and my bf's mom seems to be jealous now that I'm pregnant, like i would expect ger to be happy since its her first grand child and another thing is that she only has my bf and his sister who doesnt plan to have children because shes a les...

My son just turned 1 and for quite some time now I've had issues with him being difficult from around 2 pm until he eats his dinner at 5ish. It's only when we are home. I cannot figure out why. The last 2 days he has woken up from his nap screaming and wil...

Ok so my mom had to run her mouth and just said "well if you wouldnt have gone and laid down with the first boy who said he loves you" WHAT. first off I was with the guy for over 3 years and we didn't have sex until 2 years into our relationship. Not only ...

I have a 21 month old and a four month old. Since my eldest turned 1 she has been throwing tantrums and it got worse with the new baby. She is really good with him but because she sees I carry him she wants to be carried all the time.. while I cook or clea...

I'm 22+3 and having a girl. My husband named our first after him, a Jr. This one he said it's completely my decision. We are having some instances with our 7 year old asking if we will love new baby more than him. So we are including him in everything. Too...

My 22 month old daughter has had a rash on her face for about a month and on her bottom for about a week or two. The urgent care doctor said it was impentigo; gave her 2 kinds of antibiotic and an antibactiral cream. None of it worked.I stoped giving her a...

i found out im having a baby boy. really nervous because i have a 11month old son right now. will he start to be a cry baby or bad when a new baby is coming? my family spoiled him alot so he is a handful now. i need advices please?

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