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21 - 30 of 1187395 Posts
Last thursday I had my right leg crossed over my left with my knee leaning against the edge of my desk while sitting. A coworker thought it would be funny to hit my knee. They hit me really hard right on the Vastus Medalius Muscle. It was originally jus...

I have burning pain to pressure to my outer thighs below the greater trochanter area, and to my lower legs, inner aspect, about 4 inches below my knee joint. Sleeping on my side is almost impossible since the pressure of one lower leg on the other (even w...

My mother (age: 56+ yrs) undergoes treatment for Hypo Thyroid, Hypertension & Osteoporosis in left knee joint. Over last couple of days, she experienced some pain (not too severe) in her right (not left) knee joint, which got reduced after using knee cap f...

I'm 20 years old, I have had some joint pain and muscle soreness lately (joint pain in shoulder, elbow,knee). When I played basketball last week I seem to have gotten a weird red rash on the front of my leg but it went away after I was done playing. I had ...

Nearly two years ago my 21 year old boyfriend began to experience severe knee pain. There was no previous injury to the knee to cause the pain. He has since seen every specialist you can think off and they are all stumped. He has had many blood test ans sc...

We were lucky enough to have a pain managment doc land on our forum last week. He has agreed to feed us some info on data, written for the person with no medical knowledge. He emails me the info and I will place it on the forum. I am so jazzed! PAIN ...

Hello, when I was a child fell on my knee while skating. It turned black and remained that way for quite some time. When the bruising went away I was left with a knee that was quite numb. I assume there was some type of scar tissue that caused my symptom....

my 6-year-old was diagnosed at age 2 with type 1 diabetes. i am concerned because she consistently complains of pain in her knees, often crying and waking up at night from it. she is a very tough kid and rarely registers pain, so it must be bad. these e...

For a number of year I have suffered sharp & sudden pain on the the front of my petellas/knees when kneeling. It feels almost as though I have bone splinters or small sharp objects under the skin of my knees). The pain is such that I cant bear to kneel. I...

Below are the findings of my knee MRI please suggest in this case should i go ahead with the arthoscopy or shall take a treatment.. IMPRESSION:- " MR findings are suggestive of grade 2 tear in posterior horn of medial meniscus with marrow edema in medi...

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