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31 - 40 of 1165874 Posts By Ben Popken, NBC News contributor Chick-fil-A has agreed to stop funding groups with anti-same-sex marriage stances, according to a s...

My father-in-law recently was told that all of his arteries are about 98% blocked. He was told that he is not a candidate for a bypass procedure because of his age and, of course, the condition of his arteries. They have installed a pacemaker and gave hi...

Wake up dyyyyying for mcdonalds breakfast bagel with breakfast sauce. Learned they no longer carry the breakfast sauce! Well im thoroughly unsatisfied I reeeeallly want that sauce. Booo. Rant end

Is lemonade a normal craving and ok to drink and chicken nuggets all from chick-fil-a?

Ok so I just posted about hot foods & how my brother brought me 3 spicy chicken sandwiches from work cik-fil-a I ate one & now the acid reflux & heartburn is kicking in ill be sleeping sitting up tonight but that sandwich was sooo gooood I just had to have...

My 76 year old father-in-law had a hemmorahagic stroke 4 weeks ago. He's still not really awake but does at time make eye contact and appears to be aware of his surroundings. He has a great support system from those who love and care about him. He's in a...

My father in law has type 2 diabetes. He is concerned with the amount of drinking my son is doing. Can type 2 increase the risk for my son having type 1? Also can symtoms come and go? For example drink a ton one day, but not for a couple of days, then...

Hello all I just found out I was pregnant with my THIRD. A BIG SHOCK. My two girls just turned 2&4. My question is ... how long did any of you wait to tell the family. I'm married living on my own but I'm terrified to let my family [aka my father know] how...

I'm 33 +6 pregnant and yeah I'm big I get it.... but today I took my son to the bus for school and one of the kids on there kept mooing at me. I know they are only little kids but it really hurt. Anybody else over emotional to things like this?

Well my MIL strikes again! This time it showed me just how fricken LOONY TOONS the woman is! My sister (who's a psychologist) put it to me this way - she said "Amy, if a three year old child with down syndrome screamed at you 'you're ugly!' how would you...

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